Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

May 2011 Blog Posts (97)

Tip to wash dog collars!!!!

This was a post I had on Facebook this morning from the Golden Retriever Rescue and thought it was an awesome idea!!!!

Added by Denise & Hunter!!! on May 25, 2011 at 7:55am — 12 Comments

any other doodle do the half sit half stand trick?

Duncan loves the stairs. Usually to take a nap. But the other day i saw him like this:

Added by Sally on May 24, 2011 at 1:02pm — 29 Comments

Sunday (delayed) Musings

I have been away for the past few days in England, the wonderful region of  Gloucester to be exact.  As picture perfect as you can possibly imagine.…


Added by Nicky, Riley & Boris on May 24, 2011 at 12:00pm — 9 Comments

Riding out the Storm

Last night was one loooong night.   I checked the weather and saw there were thunderstorms heading our way...again.  Ugh, I hate storms!!!  I admit it, I'm a big baby when it comes to storms, always have been.  I thought this year I would be safer from the big, bad storms.  We have no basement where we live and I have been pushing DH to move so we could have a little bigger house, a nice sized yard for the doods AND you guessed it, a basement!!   We had some land in the…


Added by Ann Kendig on May 24, 2011 at 10:19am — 42 Comments

Recovery Day 5!

Things are much better today than any of the days before!  YAY!  I finally think we have made it past the worst part! Remington pooped for the second time this morning!  Sooooo HAPPY!  Hopefully he can get back on his normal schedule soon.  He is still having trouble with his walking... probably from the burns on his bum that are still healing, but for the most part he is doing great.

We did have a little oops moment this morning.  Dan was taking Remington out to potty and of course… Continue

Added by Kendra K. Rhoton on May 24, 2011 at 9:17am — 35 Comments

Two Doodles and a Wedding!


Last year, at this time I was in the middle of planning my DD's wedding. My best friend's daughter is getting married this year on the exact date and her shower was yesterday. It brought the whole process back to me. My DD delegated the entire wedding planning process to me.  She was not kidding when she said she just wanted to show up.  I was in the throes of major wedding stuff when we brought Vern home at the end of March.  When I told my sister that I was getting…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on May 23, 2011 at 7:58pm — 40 Comments

Recovery Day 4

8:00 am

Things took a bit of a turn for the worse last night.  Not only is this going on day 4 with no poop... Remington is no longer peeing.  I'm freaking out.  I have cried so much in the past four days you wouldn't think I would have any tears left.  I'm fairly strong during the time when I'm with Remington by myself (only because I have to be) but when Dan gets home from work that is when the crocodile tears start coming and they don't stop... We made an appointment with our… Continue

Added by Kendra K. Rhoton on May 23, 2011 at 3:01pm — 30 Comments

Peri pooped in her sleep...

Okay, Peri is approaching 26 months old now and has not had an accident since she deliberately pooped at her friend Max's house after he pooped at our house (6 months old I would say). 


Until today.


DH just called and said (picture a concerned, shocked voice) "Peri was sleeping on the couch and I smelled something and she stood up, looked at her butt, and pooped!  What in the world???"


Friends:  did she just poop in her sleep?  Does anyone have…


Added by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on May 23, 2011 at 2:24pm — 17 Comments

WonderDog's Chemo: Week Two

It might be hard to imagine a dog being EXCITED to go to chemo treatments, but Penny is.  Well, not so excited about the chemo, but thrilled to see her technician, Tony, and then Dr. Hillers.  Talk about a stress-free environment!


Tony came out to the waiting room to get us, and Penny started thumping her tail right away.  She has gained back 1 pound of the 5 she had lost.  Today's blood work came back in good shape, and Dr. Hillers said that her lymph nodes are smaller this…


Added by Michele, Biscuit & Mo on May 23, 2011 at 1:02pm — 24 Comments

A Singing Schnoodle

I added the funniest video to my "Oodles of Fun" blog. What a cutie!


I hope you enjoy the video and follow the blog, too!




Added by Donna Shepherd on May 23, 2011 at 5:00am — 3 Comments

The Leave It Command Worked! Whew!

Our team had to cancel our flyball weekend, so I've been trying to do extra things with Halas this weekend to try to make up for it.  We went to the Peoria Doodle Romp yesterday, and I took him hiking/swimming this morning.  We have a nice area of trails that run along a creek, and that's where we went this morning.  Halas had a blast running through the water, but there weren't any spots deep enough to swim.  So he just ran through the water, ran on the banks, ran in the water, ran on the… Continue

Added by Leslie and Halas on May 22, 2011 at 5:34pm — 21 Comments

Who needs bully sticks, when there are rubber balls?

I took my daughter to PetCo to buy the doodles some new rubber balls.  They really love the Chuk-it orange fuzz-less 'tennis' balls that last forever -- truly!  The only reason we were out of them is because they miraculously disappear after a while. 


Well needless to say the doods have been in heaven since late last week.  I knew they'd be excited, but that's ALL they do when they get outside: Rosco lays down and chews his ball like a giant wad of gum and Boca (if she's not…


Added by Adina P on May 22, 2011 at 4:20pm — 26 Comments

Recovery Day 3 - HORRIBLE!

This has been the most horrible day since the surgery!  I have been pretty much hysterically crying non stop since 10 o'clock last night.  It is even harder because I'm dealing with Remington mostly by myself because of Dan's schedule at the moment.  That is the worst part.  I'll be so ready for Tuesday when he'll be off for a few days.

So... Remington is a completely different dog today compared to yesterday.  I think the reason is because they were giving him injectable pain meds… Continue

Added by Kendra K. Rhoton on May 22, 2011 at 12:48pm — 36 Comments

How can I help a sad doggie?

I live in an apartment building where there are many other dogs and we interact with them regularly. There are a lot of interesting characters, (furry and human), like the little shi tzu who's fur is so long it drags on the floor and you can't tell his face from his bum (no wonder he barks all the time and pees on the  steps, he can't see a thing!!). Anyway, I love greeting all the dogs as we come and go and so does Sophie.


Well, there is this one dog that has a big problem.…


Added by Sherri, Sophie, Winston, & Kitty on May 21, 2011 at 7:46pm — 9 Comments

Update from the Bruton's!

Ok, so it seems like it's been FOREVER since I've been on DK and talked to so many of my sweet friends on this site. So much has happened in the past year. Last April 27 our new doodle Riley was born. He is the sweetest boy and loves loves loves attention and food. He will eat anything and he will sit and stare at you for hours until you pet him. Needless to say we are totally in love with him. Timbow is so happy to have a little brother! 



Added by Dan, Judi, & Timbow on May 21, 2011 at 6:00pm — 17 Comments

Remington's Homecoming!

Recovery Period - Day 2

Just a warning, some of the pictures included in this post are not pretty so don't look if you get grossed out easily.

Just as promised I'm going to keep documenting Remington's recovery so others that have to have this surgery done can have a better idea what to expect, since it was extremely difficult to find anything on the subject during the time that I was researching this.

We picked up Remington this morning at 9:00.  I think… Continue

Added by Kendra K. Rhoton on May 21, 2011 at 4:01pm — 23 Comments

Butt out, okay?!

I have to vent a little about a woman I ran into at a local specialty pet store. I love the store, they carry really great stuff and have a lovely dog treat "salad bar" where you can mix and match and pay by the lb. - and all the ingredients and nutritional information is available. Such a great deal!

Anyhow, a woman came in with her dog and wanted them to say hi, totally fine. We made them both sit and behave before allowing a sniff. There was sniffing, there was a little playing, it…


Added by Amy & Bernie on May 21, 2011 at 3:56pm — 14 Comments

Recovery Day 1

Friday, May 20, 2011 - Morning Update

Received a call from Brandy this morning at around 9:30.  She informed me that Remington is still in a lot of pain, but that he is raising his tail a little bit today, which means he is feeling a little more comfortable.  She told me that yesterday evening after surgery he did have a bowel movement in his kennel and he got it all over himself, but she cleaned him up the best she could and he is scheduled for a bath later this… Continue

Added by Kendra K. Rhoton on May 20, 2011 at 4:14pm — 25 Comments

video of dog (PWD) and sheep playing


The funniest part is around 1:31 imho.

Added by Melissa & Porter on May 20, 2011 at 3:00pm — 10 Comments

Sometimes you have to laugh...

to keep from crying!!

DH was fishing today, so I thought it would be a nice treat for myself and the dogs if I went home to let them out while on my lunch break.

I get a one hour lunch break and it takes about 15 minutes to get home (30min round trip) so it was only going to be a short 30 minute visit with the dogs, but I'd take it!

I got home and as soon as I opened the door, my little guy tripped me trying to run out of the house. Two seconds later, it hit me, the smell.… Continue

Added by Lindsey on May 20, 2011 at 12:20pm — 20 Comments

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