Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

June 2013 Blog Posts (57)


Writing this post is painful – both physically and emotionally (keep reading). I feel like a mother who has to tell her athletic “super star” husband, that the son they had together didn’t make the “little league” team, OUCH

Saturday was Agility training (week 2) for Leo and I.

*Feel free to catch “Agility Training -Just the Two of Us” for a better understanding as to…


Added by Cathy C. Bennett on June 30, 2013 at 8:39pm — 7 Comments

Jennifer needs our help (Jennifer and Jack)

As many of you know, Jennifer (of Jennifer and Jack) has serious health issues. She was sent to National Jewish Hospital last year to try to find help for her Cystic Fibrosis and other unrelated chronic conditions. They discovered a hole in her heart and attempted to repair that with some serious consequences.

Jennifer has the opportunity to be at National Jewish again, and I am hoping some of her friends at DK can help her out. She was supposed to be in Colorado for a short time but…


Added by Bonnie and Kona on June 28, 2013 at 5:00pm — 24 Comments

Where Do Dog Lovers Come From?

Have you ever asked yourself if dog lovers are born that way or are taught to love dogs by the people surrounding them?  I really don’t know the answer, but I suspect you are born a dog lover.  My mom was actually afraid of dogs and I never remember my dad mentioning a dog one way or another, but my earliest memories are of me wanting a…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on June 27, 2013 at 7:04pm — 49 Comments

Top Secret Hiding Spot!

Now you see him.

Now you don't.  Almost...…


Added by Heidi & Milton on June 27, 2013 at 5:12am — 2 Comments


If Leo could read, he would probably “bite” my hand for sharing this story! But since he can’t, I will…

It is no secret that Leo adores his beloved “Wilson!”


His attachment to that soccer ball is worse than Linus with his blanket…


That being said,…


Added by Cathy C. Bennett on June 26, 2013 at 7:47pm — 11 Comments

Tough Love

You know I love this furry boy of mine, but Milton and I had a bad episode of tough love at the dog park on Monday night.  That evening I was attempting to quell Milt's energy before bed, so we arrived to the park late at about 8:00P.M.  As usual, the dood had a magnificent time swimming after balls, chasing his doggie pals, and most importantly, soaking up water to cool down.  …


Added by Heidi & Milton on June 26, 2013 at 12:43pm — 5 Comments


Milton and I like to take little field trips together on long hot summer days.  One of our favorite stops is Michael's, which, of course, is followed by a quick trip to PetSmart, located directly next door.  The two of us usually amuse ourselves in the doggie section of the store, sniffing the bones and looking for pups to greet, but on this occasion, I deviated from our usual path, and we decided to peruse the bird selection.…


Added by Heidi & Milton on June 24, 2013 at 6:52am — 5 Comments


Someone asked me who was Leo more attached to – me or Harley? Hummmmm?

Harley and Leo have been close since day three (it took exactly two days for them to bond)…


If they asked this same question and referenced any other two legged family member I could unconsciously blurt out -  “me!” But because they asked me to choose between Harley and I – there was hesitation in…


Added by Cathy C. Bennett on June 23, 2013 at 7:05pm — 8 Comments

Last Day to Vote!!

The winner is chosen tomorrow!!  Abel dropped to second place by a fair number but there is still a chance!! Please vote if you haven't.  You can only vote once so if the heart by his name is bright red that means you already voted.


Thanks, all!!!

Added by Colleen & Abel on June 23, 2013 at 1:39pm — 3 Comments

A Fudge Story!

This is going to be a story about Fudge.  My hope is that I can keep it short, simple, and sweet.  Fudge is my most loyal dog.  I had it all worked out that I was going to say if you add e-s-t or i-e-s-t to any word, there can be no bigger word or higher praise, but the whole e-s-t thing doesn’t…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on June 23, 2013 at 10:30am — 38 Comments

You Don't Know Beau!

 Just a little history – I was adopted by a wonderful family in October 2012.  I have a Mom and a Dad who love to play with me and a big brother named Charlie Brown – I guess because he is brown!  Charlie Brown apparently was one special Dood because my mom and dad compared me to him for weeks on end.  I would hear little things like, “I don’t think Beau is as smart as Charlie B was at that age”; “Beau is not as coordinated that is for sure –when he tries to catch a ball he jumps in the air…


Added by Linda, Charlie Brown and Beau on June 22, 2013 at 5:09pm — 25 Comments

The boys went MIA today.

This morning I was working from home.  I often do this on a Friday, I use the time to catch up on emails and calls and it's relaxing to know that I don't have to drive anywhere. The weather here has been mild so I had the back door to the garden open for the boys to wonder in and out. So far so good.... Feral cats are the bane of my life and the elderly neighbour to my right has a shed up against our wall where she leaves food for them so they perch on top of the shed and look down at the…


Added by Nicky, Riley & Boris on June 21, 2013 at 12:42pm — 23 Comments

I got the Best compliment today on Rigby!

Rigby and I went to Tractor supply today he behaved pretty well, much better than in the past. Not that he was ever bad, just not leash trained and loves people way too much. Then we went to Lowes and he was a perfect angel! He must have gotten the excitement out at TSC. He sat nicely. Layed down when I was looking at items and told him to wait. He waited for many minutes, walked along well with me. So anyway the compliment one man gave me while we were in there was, "he behaves better than my… Continue

Added by Stephanie Brown on June 21, 2013 at 12:17pm — 10 Comments

Sassy Pants

Lately Milton has been, well, a... sassy pants.  There is no other way to describe it.…


Added by Heidi & Milton on June 21, 2013 at 7:41am — 3 Comments

Remind Me Again.....Why??

Remember how I was just lamenting how much I missed my dogs while I was home with my mom.  Can someone tell me why?   The homecoming was heartwarming.  When I pulled up in the car, I could see the dogs standing in the foyer window and hear them excitedly barking once they spotted me.…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on June 20, 2013 at 7:00am — 34 Comments

Mud Bath

On Tuesday my buddy, Danielle, and I took good 'ole Milt Dog to the local dog park.  As of late, we have been forgoing the "dry" land area to splash around in the lake and paddle after tennis balls.  This time, following our swim, we thought we would take a foray back onto firm soil in an attempt to dry off by scampering after more tennis balls.

Silly me threw a ball in the direction of this massive puddle, and wouldn't…


Added by Heidi & Milton on June 20, 2013 at 6:06am — 5 Comments

Ruston gets spayed.

Tuesday morning my youngest and I took Ruston to get spayed. Once again she was afraid of going out the front door. She did walk around a bit once we got her outside. I had to lift her into the car. The ride was great, my daughter sat in the back seat with her. At the vet's office she jumped right out of the car but had difficulty going into the office. Meaning I carried her in and set her on the scale to be weighed. She is 56 pounds now! She was so scared, shaking and panting that the vet… Continue

Added by Karen and Ruston on June 20, 2013 at 2:49am — 6 Comments


Harley and Leo are like the “gifts that keep on giving.” Since their arrival I’ve felt as if I’m living a fairytale. It’s as if I’m a character in Peter Pan and the boys are a doodle version of Tinker Bell complete with “pixie dust!”


In the famous folktale, Tinker Bell would often tell Wendy Darlng, “All you need…


Added by Cathy C. Bennett on June 19, 2013 at 8:56pm — 1 Comment

Ya Gotta Love Kids

 Oh my mom is coming over for dinner tonight so I spent about an hour and a half last night prepping and cubing meat, onions, potatoes, and carrots for the pot roast I plan on serving. I wanted to be able to just throw it all into the crockpot this morning with no hassle so everything was neatly stored in disposable Ziploc bags for a no fuss/no muss and easy-peasy morning. In the meantime I realized…


Added by Marnie, Stanlee's Mom on June 19, 2013 at 11:43am — 19 Comments

Stormy Weather and Abel is a Finalist!!

Last night we got rained out of our doggy boot camp class.  We got in the car and could barley see on our drive home!  Rain turned to hail and we had to take refuge in a parking garage.   The streets were flooded with a foot of water in some places but we finally made it home :)  I think Abel was a little nervous with all the hair pounding on the vehicle.

On a positive note, Abel is a finalist in the…


Added by Colleen & Abel on June 18, 2013 at 3:27pm — 6 Comments

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