Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

August 2009 Blog Posts (116)

25 years old... and over the hill!

Well, first of all... thank you everyone for the wonderful Birthday wishes... it was so nice to get them all this morning. Age does not matter to me in the least... but for some reason I'm feeling quite old. Not really sure why. It seems like every birthday since age 22 has been a hard one for me. I know its pathetic! LOL!

This year was a pretty good one. On Saturday Dan took me to the gambling boats down in Southern Indiana. I had been wanting to go there for a while, but we had… Continue

Added by Kendra K. Rhoton on August 31, 2009 at 7:52am — 5 Comments

Best Big Sister

I am so proud of Abby! She is such a great big sister to Kaela! The minute Abby met Kaela she was happy, friendly and playful. She is so warm and gentle to Kaela. She loves to play wrestle, roll, chase, tug, and run with Kaela and is always entertaining the pup. Yet she is so soft and gentle to her, as well. She is happy to let Kaela have the first drink. If Kaela wants something Abby has, Abby is kind to her and lets her have it. When Kaela is doing something funny (such as growling at the… Continue

Added by LuvMyAbby&Kaela on August 30, 2009 at 10:33pm — 5 Comments

Rosco just scared the carp out of me!

We had just finished up a walk and were entering our yard when Rosco attempted to run after something (in the yard). I let the leash go so as not to get pulled on, figuring it was a squirrel. It was pretty dark in the yard, but the squirrel morphed into a cat. Frightened me a little, but assumed the cat would be quick enough to get away ... this 'cat' was was not that quick...just barely staying ahead of him...I started yelling after Rosco "NO" but he was deaf. Didn't attempt any other command… Continue

Added by Adina P on August 30, 2009 at 8:52pm — 22 Comments

I have a bunny slayer on my hands................

Over the last several days, Lucy has been obsessed with trying to get under my living room deck. We have lattace around the bottom of it and tonight she broke a piece of it down, got under there and found a nest of baby bunnies. She ATE one of them !!!!!!! I am soooooooo upset with her. We have had these 3 rabbits running around in our yard and evidently one of them had babies under the deck. Now, all she wants to do is go outside, and I know what she is going to do, try and get under there… Continue

Added by Karen & Lucy on August 30, 2009 at 7:03pm — 14 Comments

popular dood

So here we are in Quebec City, Quebec for my son's baseball. Canada's East Coast Championships. We are mixing ball with tourism as well.

We decided to fly from Ontario instead of the 11 hour drive. So we looked into it and it was cheaper to flly Neely with us than board him and we wouldn't have to worry about the older boys looking after him or him chewing anything. They can handle the old girl just fine, she's done her chewing days. He had a good time at the airport before being crated.… Continue

Added by Lorraine Bromley on August 30, 2009 at 3:29pm — 4 Comments

Swapping out Baby Gates...

We use to have the less expensive baby gates, the kind you have to take down or step over if you wanted to go from one room to another. Then DH tripped over one, fell and broke his shoulder. After most of a Saturday in the emergency room, 2 visits to the orthopedic surgeon and a CT scan those gates have turned out to be more expensive than the original purchase price! We are now in the process of replacing them with the walk through type.…


Added by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on August 30, 2009 at 1:00pm — 10 Comments

Let's NOT Let Mom Take A Nap!

Added by Adrianne Matzkin on August 29, 2009 at 4:48pm — 28 Comments


This is going to be a long and rambling (not to mention misspelled and grammatically incorrect) blog, so please bear with me! This morning I had one of the most frightening experiences of my life!

Around 7:30 a.m. my DH John went out the back door to put the garbage out and my doodle Blaze followed him into the backyard as usual. I looked out the door to check on Blaze and noticed he was wandering around the yard, eating grass (not unusual for him.) I went back into the kitchen to do… Continue

Added by Rose on August 28, 2009 at 2:27pm — 29 Comments

Help is on the Way!

I finally broke down yesterday and called a private trainer to come and help us with Phoebe's newfound tween behavior. My poor oldest son is taking the brunt of her biting and jumping with the awesome growling thrown in for good measure. When I consulted the trainer, she told me that dogs growl a lot in play sometimes and that it is not to be confused with the teeth baring, snarling growl of aggression--which Phoebe is NOT doing, thank heavens. While that made me feel a lot better, we still… Continue

Added by Phoebe's Mom on August 28, 2009 at 5:49am — 12 Comments

19 weeks old, and 11 weeks in!

Are weeks getting shorter?

Hi everyone. So here we are again, Penny had her second obedience class last night. Jeri came with me this time (I think she just wanted to see if I was exaggerating about how well behaved Penny was last week...shhhh!. That's between you and me). Penny was awesome, breezed through what we had learned last week like a pro, and the other two dogs were just as spazzy as they were previously. Had an interesting lesson this week about walking your dog on the… Continue

Added by Kevin Poole, Penny & Ozzy on August 26, 2009 at 2:30pm — 11 Comments

Oliver Graduates!

Oliver had a perfect score in his AKC K9 Good Citizen test and is now certified! He is such a big goof ball I am so proud of him. All the other owners kept telling me he is much smarter than he looks!
Poor baby!

Added by Judy Ingram - Oliver & Cooper on August 26, 2009 at 8:36am — 11 Comments

First puppy class for higher education

Have to start off with, Riley was a hit at our first session. The trainer said he gets the prize for the cutest dog in attendance. Most of the participants came up to me and asked all sorts of questions: what kind of dog is he?, how old is he, and he is the cutest thing. I took it all in stride, because I all ready knew this.

I can't believe after my sister in law came over today with her golden to play, and playing hours with the grand kids this afternoon until I came home from work… Continue

Added by Charles Rocheville on August 25, 2009 at 9:47pm — 2 Comments

I love my "Shoodles" ?

In the beginning of the summer, I anticipated doing a lot of active stuff.

1) Working at Summer Camp for autistic children. Meaning that I will be in a playground, splash days with water, chasing ones who darts, dealing with huge melt down, etc....

2) Spending a lot of time with Charlie, hiking, playing in a stream, etc....

So, I figured that I will need a comfortable, durable footwear for the summer. I found "Keen" brand waterfront which perfectly fit my needs,… Continue

Added by Kyoko on August 25, 2009 at 7:00pm — 6 Comments

Rescued Doodles?

We are looking to add a doodle to our family but we think we should help someone who needs a home. We have a lovely doodle girl and she needs a friend. If anyone knows of a rescue near NY let us know. Thanks My email is

Added by CASSANDRA N LOVIN on August 25, 2009 at 5:50pm — 6 Comments

I am baffled!

I am baffled by Yankee's behaviour. Several months ago we met a black doodle puppy named Jackson at the dog park. Yankee played with him on several occasions and we watched him grow. He was almost as big as Yankee at 6 months. Well since I got Finn, we went less to the dog park and I haven't seen Jackson in a while.

About 2 weeks ago and again today we saw Jackson coming into the park as we were leaving. Yankee attacked him!!!! Jackson is very energetic and comes running towards us… Continue

Added by Linda,Yankee & Finn on August 25, 2009 at 1:24pm — 5 Comments

New camera!

My digital camera died a few days ago and I couldn't stand not having one. Off I went to find a new one with my son's help. He likes to check out all the reviews before I buy anything.

I'm still learning how to use it but I got one really great action shot of my doodles. Here it is!

Added by Linda,Yankee & Finn on August 24, 2009 at 7:10pm — 13 Comments

Grape Update!

Sorry everyone. Every time I think about updating Fozzy's grape incident, I am not at the computer. We got all good news. His kindey function came back all normal. Yeah! But, now we are all terrified to eat grapes since we know he likes them so much!

Added by Chris & Boys on August 24, 2009 at 1:53pm — 10 Comments

Thank You!

Just wanted to leave a note, thanking everyone for their warm welcomes. This site seems very warm and friendly-- I look forward to interacting with so many other Doodle lovers! :)

Katie (and Murphy, too!)

Added by Katie and Murphy on August 24, 2009 at 11:17am — 2 Comments

We're back --- and what a story we have to tell...................

As I posted last week we left for the Gettysburg, Pa. Bluegrass Festival last Wed. When we got there they had one of the venders parked in a smaller motorhome than ours, right behind us. He was not even 10 ' behind us and just parked there, not even in a designated site. Well, I didn't like that to begin with, but there… Continue

Added by Karen & Lucy on August 23, 2009 at 8:59pm — 20 Comments

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