Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

October 2012 Blog Posts (60)

The Dog Opens a Vomitorium

A Doodle Story from


According to Wikipedia, a vomitorium is "a passage situated below or behind a tier of seats in an amphitheater or a…


Added by Amy Vansant Brunell on October 24, 2012 at 6:43am — 15 Comments

Puppy Photo Album!

Milton is still on a steady schedule of three days daycare, two days off and loving it!  In the early morning, the Milt drags Jeff inside daycare and leaves him without a backward glance.  Likewise, when I pick him up, he runs out, hardly looks at me, and hops in the car promptly shutting his eyes and falling asleep for the short ride home.  Why is the Milt dog so tired?  What goes on at daycare?  Well, here's a little explanation gained through a conversation I had with a daycare employee…


Added by Heidi & Milton on October 23, 2012 at 3:39am — 5 Comments

Ollie the Wild thing

So Ollie had another opportunity to visit church this week. He was so excited. Since I knew it would be with preschoolers and babies, I wanted to make sure that we got some of that energy and initial enthusiasm out of our system before all the people showed up (It was a MOPS - Mothers of Preschoolers family fall activity night...costumes encouraged...). 

Ollie ran around what we call "BiG House" for a couple minutes and then seemed to be pooped (or maybe just hot...he did have…


Added by Rachel and Ollie on October 22, 2012 at 7:11pm — 22 Comments

What took me so long?

I have discoverd the best invention to battling the two dog walk and it was right under my nose the past 2 years! Geez.

A little history. Murphy was a habitual puller when he learned to leash walk and since I needed a running buddy, not a sleigh dog, it was important to me that he be right at my side during runs. That took a LOT of training, a Gentle Leader for about 6 months and then the Gentle Walker Harness to accomplish. So he does a nice side walk now without any pulling. Mission…


Added by Sue, Murphy and Bella ()*o*() on October 22, 2012 at 12:30pm — 28 Comments

The Chicken and the Rooster!

This spring when we were checking out our local garden shop for plants and flowers to plant, I spied a 5 foot metal Rooster that I fell in love with and wanted to bring home.  It was right around Mother’s Day and my Birthday and when I asked the man the price and he told me how expensive it was, I told him to hold on because I was sure when I went inside and located John and described the gift I had picked out for myself, he would run right out and snatch it up for me.  “Yes, John, it is a 5…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on October 22, 2012 at 9:00am — 97 Comments

Puppy Photo of the Week

This past weekend, Jeff's brother Jeremy came into town, so we needed to show him a good time, and, of course, the Milt had to be included too!  Our goldendoodle has really introduced us to the world of outdoor dining.  That night all of us dined at a local restaurant that has a terrific patio area peppered with picnic tables and space heaters because it is finally that time of year in Dallas when sweaters and boots are making an appearance.  Milton and his little buddy, Leo, cozied up under…


Added by Heidi & Milton on October 22, 2012 at 3:41am — 2 Comments


I am finally rotating doodle toys from the toy box to the trash! It’s finally time for those worn out, can’t repair, stinks and won’t survive another wash, toys that I’ve held onto far longer than I should have.

Don’t know about you, but shopping in a pet store for dog toys is not my idea of “fun” when I have the boys with me. The three of us, do not do “up and down the aisles” well together! When I learned about …


Added by Cathy C. Bennett on October 21, 2012 at 7:00pm — 3 Comments

Darwin the Bad-Ass Bottelberghe

Darwin's Halloween costume this year... …


Added by Camilla and Darwin on October 20, 2012 at 11:23am — 39 Comments

Daily doodle romp!

This may make you a bit dizzy, but this is what it is like in my yard every day--Lyric and Rio love to run and Rio hides under the bush in the back yard, then comes out and attacks his mom--Mattie (the red one) stays out of the fracas most of the time--preferring to do a sneak attack then run back to the porch to protect herself from Lyric, who loves to HERD poor Mattie by grabbing at her neck and forcing her into a corner. Mattie is smart, though and knows how to avoid it. Rio is too fast…


Added by Ginny Nightingale on October 20, 2012 at 10:33am — 8 Comments


Ever since my September 10th blog post: DOODLE DAD IN THE DOG HOUSE, I’ve alerted my neighbors to be on the look out for this man – if he’s seen out and about with the boys – “alone!”

After his “infamous” visit to a local charity bike wash, his…


Added by Cathy C. Bennett on October 18, 2012 at 2:30pm — 5 Comments

My Favorite Street

Recently I was driving down a busy street in Dallas, and while stopped at a traffic light, I happened to gaze up to see this sign - Milton St.!  I could not believe my eyes; I had found a street named after my boy.  Me even observing a street name is rather odd because I am quite unobservant, so of course, I had to snap a quick photo of it!…


Added by Heidi & Milton on October 18, 2012 at 3:58am — 9 Comments

Ollie comes to work

So yesterday I received notice that they would be testing the fire alarms "sometime after 11am" (what does that even mean?) in my apartment complex. Well, being that Ollie stays home (crated) while I work, and that he has never heard fire alarms before and he is a scaredy dood, I decided that Ollie needed to go on an adventure to my office. Most people in my office were going to be gone today and so it seemed like a perfect time to test it out. :) He did great. He barked a couple times when…


Added by Rachel and Ollie on October 17, 2012 at 6:28pm — 18 Comments

Lyric's second litter now 1 year old!

I got some pictures of 6 of the 7 pups that Lyric had last September--they are now 1. You can check out my older blogs to see what they all looked like then! I do not have a picture of Rosie--by the way, Daisy and Rosie kept the puppy names I gave them when they were born!  

Here is Daisy--she was the tiniest but now weighs in at 55 pounds--5 more than her mom!…


Added by Ginny Nightingale on October 16, 2012 at 6:23pm — 5 Comments

Fudge? Vern? Fudge? Vern? Who is the winner?

Let's let Natalie choose

Added by Adina P on October 16, 2012 at 11:33am — 66 Comments


For years, when the two legged children were sick with colds, viruses and flu like symptoms, I would tell them they had the “coll – e -mock – is”, and for whatever reason they battled through each illness with pride and from those tender elementary school ages, when they couldn’t pronounce it, (like I cannot spell it), it seemed to make the days in our home infirmary fun!

I have carried this made-up diagnosis over to the four legged children and this is what I tell the vet…


Added by Cathy C. Bennett on October 16, 2012 at 6:01am — 5 Comments

Doodle in a Dog Park

Another routine Jeff and I are attempting to cultivate is the weekend dog park/Starbucks jaunt.  The dog park has been on our radar since long before we actually brought the Milt home, but first we needed to wait on vaccinations, and then we were worried about our unregistered dog roaming about.  The conundrum with registration is the City of Dallas charges $30 for registration if your dog is unneutered versus $7 if he or she has…

Added by Heidi & Milton on October 16, 2012 at 4:13am — 4 Comments

The Wedding Jar and Saving For Your Next Big Vacation! (Slightly R rated)

It occurred to me recently that I have been sitting on a gold mine idea for a very long time for saving for any big vacation.  I guess the 2013 Cruise "jarred" my memory. For years, when someone in our family or circle of friends got married, I have given them a wedding saving’s jar along with a letter I have written.  Since I would hate to have the newly married couple say, “Are you kidding me with this gift? All we are getting is a letter and a jar?” we also include a check to get the…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on October 15, 2012 at 1:30pm — 30 Comments

Puppy Photo of the Week

Every night our family has a little routine.  About 15 minutes before we are all about to hop into bed, either Jeff or I take Milton out for his final walk of the day.  We go down the stairs, cut through the parking lot, wander about the gardens, take one, hopefully, two bathroom breaks, and wrap around to the pool.  To Milton, this pool stop is the equivalent of a bedtime bath.

Milt never breaks routine and consistently climbs down to always the first step of the shallow end…


Added by Heidi & Milton on October 15, 2012 at 4:18am — 4 Comments

Lacey attended her first Doodle Romp

I spent yesterday making sure both the girls were brushed out and looking their prettiest for today's romp.  Then today I packed the car with water bowl, brush, car seat cover and towels... lots of towels since both girls have a tendency to get car sick.  Amazingly enough neither one of them got sick on the ride to the romp (this was the first of the firsts today).  After we arrived at the romp Harlow was ready to go play with all the other doods so off came the leash and off she went to…


Added by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on October 14, 2012 at 4:38pm — 8 Comments

George's progress

This is George's baby picture when our son first got him.  Cute little guy, huh?


His training seems to be going well, and Dustin flew down to Florida to spend a couple of days with him.  He'll be home in about a month.  I'm sad that Dustin and his family missed the adorable puppy stages, but they will have a better experience with George being through most of…


Added by Kathy Janes on October 13, 2012 at 11:05am — 4 Comments

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