Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

November 2012 Blog Posts (74)

Puppy Photo of the Week

The Milt has some pretty big news to announce.  He is excited, nervous, and a little bit bashful all rolled into one.  How can this be?  Well, Milton is a Calendar Dog!  He was selected to be Mr. May (along with two other dogs) in the Doodle Kisses's Lotsa Doodles Calendar.  This was the money shot taken by Alicia (…


Added by Heidi & Milton on November 5, 2012 at 3:45am — 4 Comments

Duncan's First Halloween

I hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween! This was Duncan's first, and he handled the costume, trick-or-treaters, and continuous knocking at the door very well.


Oh, and he was an airplane!




Added by Theresa & Duncan on November 4, 2012 at 7:15pm — 10 Comments


When the polls open on Election Day, every citizen over the age of 18 will be able to cast a vote.

It is a right we take for granted, one that defines our nation as a democracy. But universal suffrage — letting everyone vote — did not appear overnight with the ratification of our Constitution.

Two hundred years ago, only…


Added by Cathy C. Bennett on November 4, 2012 at 2:52pm — 14 Comments

Lily Grace's First Week Home

Wow, she has been home one week.  In some ways it seems like she has been here forever and in some ways the week just flew.  She has gotten big.  It seems like she is growing in leaps and bounds day by day.  We went from an unsure pup touching carpet for the first time to a crazy doodle running from room to room and leaving teeth marks all over my hands.  What happened.  

I thought I was prepared, after all I read every discussion on DK that was posted about new puppies.  I…


Added by Sue & Lily Grace on November 4, 2012 at 1:01pm — 10 Comments

Post play date update

Skylar's play date...

When we walked in she was very aggressive to the other dogs, barking growling, nipping but no contact. Thank God for no contact. She was the largest dod in the room. I heard some other owners say "I don't want that dog near mine"

The atendent told me to let her off the leach. I did but was very aprehensive. After a bit of time with Skylar staying by my side she started to venture out and come back. Each venture lasted a bit longer. Soon  she was playing…


Added by Mark Hess on November 3, 2012 at 8:50pm — 7 Comments

Baby Bag Totin' Dog Parents

Here is another backlog post:

Recently we met a couple of good friends of ours out at dinner.  They brought their two terriers, Sam & Eddie, and, of course, the Milt joined us as well.  Upon our arrival, our friends got quite a chuckle out of the big backpack that Jeff wore to dinner, referring to it as our "baby bag."…


Added by Heidi & Milton on November 3, 2012 at 5:05pm — 1 Comment

Halloween Partying sans Milt (kind of!)

Jeff was remiss to post on DK while I was in California.  If you do not read my blog,, here is what you missed!  (By the way, the trip was fun, but I am SO happy to be back home with my dood.)

Every year our friends, Alan and Alicia (the photography couple!), throw a huge Halloween bash at their house!…


Added by Heidi & Milton on November 3, 2012 at 5:04pm — No Comments

Do You Have O.C.F?

Recently, I have diagnosed myself with a disorder called Obsessive Compulsive Forgetfulness.  This is a condition that occurs in many women around menopause age and people with this disorder have unwanted and recurring thoughts that compel them to search out things daily that they have misplaced.  Every day, I spend at least one hour searching for…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on November 2, 2012 at 7:00am — 65 Comments

A doggy play date for Skylar

Hi, every time Skylar sees another dog she wags her tail and barks / growls. the vet says she didn't get socialization as a young pup. You may recall she is a rescue dog. Well Saturday we are going to a Doggy Play date. This should be interesting.  I am a bit apprehensive but am hoping it all goes well and we are not kicked out. Update to follow.

Added by Mark Hess on November 2, 2012 at 3:36am — 3 Comments

A clean Murphy Doodle once again

A few days ago Murphy came running into the house and he was mud halfway up his legs so I decided to give him a quick bath in the tub  because it was already dark outside and the Sandy hurricane came all the way here to Michigan and was causing rainy nasty weather problems I put him in the tub turned on the water and the sand just poured out of his paws and he looked at me like "what the hell is going to happen now" so I had a bucket but he is just too big to wet down with a bucket…


Added by David and Murphy on November 1, 2012 at 4:30pm — 8 Comments

We survived the storm....

I wanted to post a blog to check in....but more so to also encourage other DK members who live in the tri-state area to also check in after Hurricane Sandy.  We live in Sayreville, NJ  (I'm not sure why my profile says otherwise...have to change that)  which is very close to Raritan Bay/ River.  While we are so fortunate, others in my area are not.  We sustained no damage and obviously have power and heat back on.  As we are all getting power back and watching the news for the first time in…


Added by L.M. on November 1, 2012 at 3:28pm — 15 Comments

Something I forgot....

Boris arrived home last Sunday and he is the sweetest little fellow.  I knew these potty training/crate training first few weeks were going to be a bit mad and I haven't been disappointed.  Potty training is going really well mainly due to mad dashes to the garden every hour and in the middle of the night in the freezing cold and rain where I put on my most enthusiastic voice and repeat 'get busy' until there is a result. Crate training is proving slightly harder as the first four nights…


Added by Nicky, Riley & Boris on November 1, 2012 at 12:43pm — 12 Comments

Groggy puppy - part deux

It's been 24hours since Toffee's spaying operation & she can't / won't walk.

It's as though something is pulling and she takes two steps then puts her bum on the floor and licks her wound.

We thought it was some matted hair that was pulling around the stitches, but we've given her a good trim and still she won't get up off the floor.  I've put her food out of her reach meaning she has to get up but things don't seem to be improving.

We have to return to the vets tmrw…


Added by Vivienne on November 1, 2012 at 8:35am — 7 Comments

Daisy in Print!

Daisy has been quite the celebrity this week, well at least at our house. First the awesome page in the 2013 Lotsa Doodles calendar and now in print in the Doodle Days Comics by Patty Barry (PJ and Zach). We are so proud!

Super Star Daisy

Added by Lisa, Daisy & Dexter on November 1, 2012 at 12:30am — 15 Comments

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