Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

March 2011 Blog Posts (111)


So this morning I let Tara out to do her "business" and it was raining. She ran out and did a quick number one and then a quick number 2 and dashed back into the house. However, instead of settling in as she normally does for her morning nap, she starting running around the house looking behind her like she had the Hounds of Hell on her tail!!  Then she would freeze and stare at me with wild, pleading eyes only to take off running again. 


All I could think of was oh, oh, a…


Added by Ricki and Tara (doodle) on March 21, 2011 at 12:00pm — 18 Comments

The Grass is always greener

It's officially spring here in Seattle . The plants are sprouting, the birds are chirping, and it's not as chilly as it once was. It's getting a bit warmer, and now you can easily smell things.   It makes it easier to get up and actually go on the walking trail nearby and walk the pups.  Yes, my front lawn ( a small patch of grass)  has suffered dearly the past few months of potty training & sensitive belly issues.  I am on a mission. To stay clear of our front lawn . Entirely.    I would… Continue

Added by Aimee Santa Monica on March 21, 2011 at 11:30am — 10 Comments

In the Spirit of DoodleKisses! The End of the Limerick's War!!


In this day and age, when it seems that everyone is fighting, two women came together right here on Doodlekisses. Recently, Donna (Donna K & Quincy) posted a discussion called Limericks Anyone?  I have to say, this was one of my favorite discussions and I went to bed giggling almost every night. What caused me to giggle? Well, I found out there is another member on DK that has the same sense of humor and competitive spirit (maybe even, some would say,…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on March 20, 2011 at 7:30pm — 29 Comments


Harvey seems to take all my time It  is Really like having a baby all over so many things to do with him and I have to watch him all the time he is such a happy naughty loving verbal full on boy

Added by frances jeffery on March 20, 2011 at 1:30pm — 8 Comments

Clifford's 1st Gotcha Anniversary

It's hard to believe it has only been a year since we brought our big red doodle dog home.  Our lives are so much fuller, not only with Clifford but with all of the people we've met through DK and DRC and then the November addition of Clifford's brother, Little Dood.


Today is all about Clifford, which means the day will be filled with playtime and maybe a few extra treats.  And I promised I wouldn't make him wear any goofy hats or clothes since he insists he is a naked doodle…


Added by Clifford, Cloud, Jake..and Kim on March 20, 2011 at 10:56am — 13 Comments

Emotional Girl

The look on her face is quizzical.  What in the world are we doing?  No furniture, no pictures,  everything smells funny.  Where is everyone??

Everything is out of whack!  For Shelby, she has only had one home and is used to the family routine.  We are remodeling our home to put on the market so we can move back to Oklahoma after school is out.

She looks so sad and it just breaks my heart.  This isnt how she really is...

She isnt ready for change but definitely wants to…


Added by Shelby and Kev on March 20, 2011 at 10:55am — 7 Comments

Why, Why, Why are you Whining?????????????

I LOVE Penny-doodle but I just can't take the whining. Ginger NEVER whines, yelps, cries or any other sounds of disapproval. She barks or makes a plethora of wookie noises while playing….but Penny???? OH....EM.....DEE..... She whines to go outside, she whines to come inside, she whines when I'm not getting dinner to her fast enough..... She whines when we leave the room, SHE WHINES IN HER SLEEP! Annoyed much? I know, I’m such a whiner ;-)

Don't get me wrong, I adore her but today has… Continue

Added by Donna Vee on March 19, 2011 at 5:18pm — 10 Comments

Musings Part 2

Preparing for a new puppy has churned up lots of memories of past puppies and other animals that I have shared my life with so far.  My Maltese Terrier Snowy came to me in 2007, in a most unusual way.  In the Summer of 2007 my ex husband  and I sent our yourngest daughter to her cousins in Vancouver for the holidays.  Chloe who was 14 at the time spent three weeks in Summer Camp in the USA and returned to Vancouver to spend a few days with my Mum.  Precious Grandma/Grandaughter time.…


Added by Nicky, Riley & Boris on March 19, 2011 at 3:37pm — 12 Comments

Rosey & Bandit's Day at the Park

We took some time out yestereday to enjoy the almost spring like weather and hit the park.  We walked and played for about 2 1/2 hours.  We had a you will see!…

Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook

Added by Suzann, Rosey & Bandit on March 19, 2011 at 3:29pm — 8 Comments

Meet 4 of the Little Explorers - Cross post from DRC, Inc

These sweet little guys came to us from Durham, NC. A lady there had an “oops” breeding between her 5 year old Goldendoodle girl and her male Golden Retriever and ‘lo and behold 63+/- days later 9 beautiful Goldendoodle puppies were born. The lady didn’t really want the hassle of trying to find homes for all the cuties. To make a long story short, DRC now has eight 8 week old Goldendoodle babies in our program. These cuties are being fostered in pairs by DRC volunteers. These 4 are being…


Added by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on March 19, 2011 at 3:13pm — 11 Comments

Bitser's Forever Family - Cross post from DRC, inc

On Thursday morning Bitser met his forever family. Jim and Terri drove over 7 hours from Louisville, KY to bring this sweet boy into their family. Bitser seemed immediately attached to Jim. After a bit of play in our local dog park, Mr. Bits hopped into Jim and Terri's car like he had always been with them.


I have to admit I had some trouble sleeping…


Added by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on March 18, 2011 at 6:25pm — 14 Comments

Freaky Friday....heeeheee Just for fun.

I stumbled across some Photoshop fun DS and I had last summer.

He was telling me one day that if he could, he would take down a giant bionical or any other creature that might try to harm me (Is he not the sweetest? My little hero). Anyway, I got the idea to give him his wish and at the same time, give us a BIG laugh.  I hope you enjoy it too.…


Added by Donna Vee on March 18, 2011 at 4:39pm — 1 Comment

Doggie has Fromm's

Not only does have free shipping over $100 but now they carry Fromm's. What's a doodle feeder to do, so many choices and only one backup bag of food on hand. Well, it's true the doods can still eat for weeks on end since I just opened a bag of Acana today.

Added by F, Calla & Luca on March 18, 2011 at 3:47pm — 1 Comment


Yesterday, a goldendoodle (named Chief) came into our shop and got groomed. After he got groomed (he was waiting for his mommy) he was sitting next to me. My sister was sitting across from me. This silly doodle decided to put his front paws on my sister's lap then he decided to put his butt end on my lap. So we each had one end of a doodle. He stayed there until his mommy came to pick him up. By the way, this doodle was about the size of Huff, not very small! I wish I got a picture!:)

Added by Taylor & Huff on March 18, 2011 at 9:01am — 12 Comments

Taquito's Song for Peri

I think Tacky has been a little jealous of the 1:1 time I have been spending with Lady Peri. We are taking an advanced obedience class and training for the Canine Good Citizen test.  I have had to eliminate all treats from Taquito's diet (kidneys flaring up again), so when I am training Peri, he just follows us around acting so sad.  Poor guy. But you know I am giving him lots of individual attention! 


Sooo, I was singing this morning, making up songs as usual and this one…


Added by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on March 18, 2011 at 8:17am — 10 Comments

Roo and Tigger wish you a Happy St Pats Day

May your house always be too small to hold

all of your friends and your doodles

Added by Maryann,Roo and Tigger on March 18, 2011 at 1:04am — 4 Comments

Beemer's Buns of Steel - One Year Later

For all of you that followed Beemer's story, I though you deserved an update.  It is with great pride that I am able to tell you he is "perfect".  He run's like the wind, jumps like a rabbit and even dances on his hind legs.  It is hard to believe it has just been one year since the second hip was corrected.  The whole process was quite a challenge, but worth every ounce of energy it took.  Everyday he brings us such joy and our hearts swell every time he snuggles with us and ever so gently…


Added by Penny, Comiskey & Beemer on March 17, 2011 at 7:57am — 15 Comments


Hey Doods and Doodettes....Guinness and Murphy hope that you have a FANTASTIC day!  Remember PARTY, PARTY, PARTY!!!!!!

Happy St Pat's Day

Free Photo…


Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on March 17, 2011 at 7:55am — 17 Comments

Sheila's Brush? Happy St. Patrick's Day!

In weather legend, Newfoundland recognizes a winter storm that falls near St. Patrick's Day as Sheila's Brush. Now mystery has it, it's his wife or sister or mother or mistress or housekeeper.

Sheila's Brush is the annual fierce winter storm with heavy snowfall that occurs around the 18th of March.The resulting snow is attributed to Sheila's sweeping away of the last of winter. But, once the brush blows through it signals that Spring is just around the corner for… Continue

Added by Donna K & Quincy on March 16, 2011 at 5:38pm — 11 Comments

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