Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

March 2012 Blog Posts (68)

March is My Gotcha Month for Fudge and Vern!!

I had gone almost eight months without having a dog.  I would have been the first one to laugh in your face if you had asked me if I wanted to start over with a puppy at age fifty-one.  Of course, I didn’t want to be tied down to a puppy/dog when my husband and I could travel and finally get away without worrying about kids.  Only a real nut would trade a life of leisure for a dog.  So, what happened?  Well, I started looking on the Internet at puppies, just to see what was out there, and we…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on March 12, 2012 at 8:00am — 61 Comments



Added by Cathy C. Bennett on March 11, 2012 at 2:30pm — 5 Comments

A beautiful walk on a beautiful day today!

What a glorious day!  We are experiencing record high temperatures and sunshine.  It was perfect weather for a long walk along our city’s waterfront.  Mylie uses a gentle leader, but I don’t feel comfortable using it on her because she hates it and I am don’t like the feel of having her on it while Gavin is on a collar.  So I bought a martingale collar for her and started training her on it yesterday.  She did pretty well and was mostly good on it today.  There were many challenges for both…


Added by BG and Gavin on March 11, 2012 at 12:15pm — 18 Comments

Jackson Pollock shining though!

Apparently, Jack is trying to make art and we are stifling his creativity. Who knew! Must be his namesake...…


Added by Janie, Jackson and Jilly on March 11, 2012 at 8:16am — 7 Comments

After a couple of months on Raw Meaty Bones....

I'm sorry it's taken me so long to post this follow-on to my blog about switching Paddy to RMB.

It's been a mixed bag, but mostly good.  He still has some itching -- although, prior to all the trees bursting into bloom here (and my starting to sneeze continuously), his itching was markedly reduced.  In fact, it had all but disappeared.  With the tree pollen -- which he did not react to on the allergy test we had done last year -- he is itching a lot, especially on his face, and he has…


Added by Trudy Harlow on March 8, 2012 at 3:59pm — 23 Comments


Monday morning I called the vet and spoke to Jamie (one of our favorite technicians). She said we could come in at 11:15. My daughter insisted on coming … But since this was Leo’s “adventure”, let’s have HIM tell you about it… (please read along in Leo’s voice) So we get there, and it’s all I can do to stand up after hopping in and out of the back of the car. Could they not have gotten a ramp or something? We get in the examining room, and Harley tells me to lay down and look “lame”…


Added by Cathy C. Bennett on March 7, 2012 at 6:28pm — 7 Comments

It Has Been Two Years!

Two years ago today, Murph came home.  He rocked our world!  He is the love of my life (well one of them), and I've been totally in love with this boy from the moment I laid eyes on him.  He is naughty and fresh, but he loves his Mom like nobody's business!  He was meant to be my dog, and he teaches me and helps me to grow every single day.  I have learned patience (I've never been known for that), confidence (I CAN train this big oaf), unconditional love (I never asked for a perfect…


Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on March 7, 2012 at 3:33pm — 34 Comments

The Heartbreak of Dog Bullies (humor)

Newspapers are bursting with stories about children being bullied; but rarely is the phenomenon of Dog Bullying broached in polite company. It's possible this is because when I hang outside polite parties with my ear pressed against polite windows I'm mishearing polite things, but I think polite people (my friends) just don't discuss it.

My dog is a frequent victim of…


Added by Amy Vansant Brunell on March 7, 2012 at 2:09pm — 8 Comments

The Mighty Paw!!

I have a couple of hand holding, or should I say paw holding, Doodles.

When we brought Fudge home, she would often sit by our side and extend her paw. I had never had another dog that did this, so I started reaching out and holding her paw. She seemed to like it and take comfort in that simple gesture and I have to admit, I like it too.  Even now, she likes when you stroke her paws when she is lying beside you and sometimes, I watch TV just holding her paw. Lots of times, if you are…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on March 7, 2012 at 1:00pm — 34 Comments

Puppies start to leave for their new homes

Today, the first puppy is leaving for her new home and 3 more will leave by Sunday. I will post pictures of all the new owners and their pups. All the puppies are doing really well and are ready to go but 5 of the 9 will be here for a while longer. March vacations are making it difficult for some families to pick up their pups at 8 weeks old, so I agreed to board them until everyone is back. That means one extra week for one pup and two extra weeks for two pups. Then there are two others…


Added by Ginny Nightingale on March 7, 2012 at 10:53am — 13 Comments

Doodle Dreaming (Donna and Quincy)

I was ill at the weekend and I think I still have a fever. Ive been having strange dreams!

Now, this isnt the first time Ive dreamed about DK - and Im sure hope some of you have too

last nights honour was to Donna…


Added by Kaytlin and Cooper on March 7, 2012 at 7:24am — 21 Comments

Norman finds a home! (also on Doodle Rescue Collective)

Wow! It has been a little over 2 weeks since we brought Norman to his forever family. I've been meaning to sit down and post for a while now, but we've been trying to get back to our pre-Norman schedule & it has been a little bit of an adjustment.

We had him two months, so he had plenty of time for his skin to heal. We're definitely missing him at our house, but we could not have asked for a better family for him!

He has a new big brother, a Great Pyrenees, and a new…


Added by Libby D. on March 6, 2012 at 4:42pm — 20 Comments

Happy 2nd Birthday, Monty!

You are 2 today and I'm so proud of you. You brought so much joy and happiness into our house in those two years. I'm looking forward to returning all the love and attention you gave us each and every day for many years to come. You are so precious, my big boy, I LOVE YOU!

The day we brought you home:

On the morning of your 2nd birthday:…


Added by Jarka, Monty & Auggie on March 6, 2012 at 10:17am — 30 Comments

Happy 3rd Birthday My Sweet Boy!!!

This was one of the first pictures I saw of Jack, not the first..but close.... Who could not fall madly in love... When I looked at that picture, I had mad love for him and mad fear.. Fear that I had no idea what I was going to do with a live creature that pee's and poops...

I never grew up with dogs... being an OCD person I couldn't imagine how he would mix into my…


Added by Jennifer and Jack on March 5, 2012 at 6:14pm — 33 Comments

Rounding Up The "Mates" For A Guinness

How cool is this......

Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on March 4, 2012 at 4:37pm — 19 Comments


It’s Sunday morning and we’re headed to church – I stop by my daughters room and ask her to “feed the boys” for me. It is way too early for them to eat and if I fix it and leave, they won’t touch it!

A mere 90 minutes later, all my plans for the rest of the day go right out the window…. Instead I am playing stay at home vet nurse to Leo.

Please – read on…

When we arrive home from church, we find the boys and Tiffany sitting in the foyer on the floor looking like…


Added by Cathy C. Bennett on March 4, 2012 at 3:53pm — 12 Comments

Sunday Morning

Sunday morning my Dad goes to town and brings home Sunday news papers. While he is gone Mom gets their coffee ready and sits on the floor with me for some quality time while waiting for Dad to get back. Then they have coffee and read the paper and I have a GOOD chew on my skineeze!

After that, it's play fetch!!!…


Added by Anne & Mr. Haley on March 4, 2012 at 2:41pm — 11 Comments

Honey as "Sandy" in the musical "Annie"

Honey has now joined the Annie cast and will be rehearsing regularly until the show.  Shows are March 23, 24, 30 & 31 at 7pm and March 24,31 at 2pm.  Tickets are available at TicketsHere

Added by Joe and Eileen Haimerl - Honey on March 4, 2012 at 1:58pm — 11 Comments

Funny at DH's expense

Added by Leigh & Allie on March 4, 2012 at 11:25am — No Comments


Beasley is almost 8 years old. As the first dog I've ever owned, I probably could have chosen an easier time with a smaller, less hyperactive, dog (but who knew)?! I am not much more than 5ft 2". When I sit next to Beas on the floor, he towers over me! On ice, he can pull me along quite easily. For this reason, being able to confidently handle such a large beast was essential and so over the years, numerous attempts have been made to improve Beasley's manners.

Formal obedience…


Added by jen w. on March 4, 2012 at 10:30am — 11 Comments

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