Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

March 2009 Blog Posts (151)

Tuesday Doodle Daddy Report- Back in OR Tomorrow

We are on day sixteen -- how did I get here?

Jess looked great today, albeit, sedated and attached to lots of medical equipment. Temp is going down and he lost and additional three liters of fluid -- medically induced, but his kidney function continues to be strong. Coloring is getting better and you can see he is less swollen. He knows when I am there. I came with a friend he had not seen in a long time and when I mentioned her name his eyebrows went up!!! So cute! I just called and had… Continue

Added by The Kleins, Tempe, AZ on March 10, 2009 at 8:36pm — 9 Comments

Interesting article on training and learning!

I saw a link to this article on a training forum and found it to be very interesting and wanted to share with everybody here:

For me, this gives a little insight into why training methods that use both reward and punishment seem to be very effective (in my opinion). Dogs learn when they get things wrong, but if nothing much (that… Continue

Added by Adina P on March 10, 2009 at 2:00pm — 2 Comments

Obedience School- competitions- AKC ??????

Today Fergie and I had our second basic obedience class. I've done good with her at home on my own but we want to take the Canine Good Citizen test in mid-May so I wanted to make sure I knew what I was doing and that she could behave in a room full of strange dogs. She's doing wonderfully. The instructor said she'll breeze right through that test. I like this obedience thing - I may go on with a lot more of it. What I need to know and I'll ask next week but when they have the obedience… Continue

Added by fergie11 on March 10, 2009 at 10:37am — 4 Comments

Monday Doodle Daddy Update

Wow -- I actually gave myself permission to NOT go to Mayo today. After last nights ordeal Jess was going to be left under heavier sedation today to allow the fluids to leave his body and the heart heal. Tomorrow will be much of the same.

I began the day walking Phoebe and her older brother Hobbes. We walked to visit Phoebe's little Schnauzer-poo pal who is 1/3rd her size. I wish we had close Doodle pals for her. Gosh is she so social!

I was able to get lots of accounts squared… Continue

Added by The Kleins, Tempe, AZ on March 9, 2009 at 9:38pm — 9 Comments

An Update On Jackdoodle (& A Hug For My Vet)

So many of you have kindly asked about Jackdoodle and how his treatment is going, I thought I would give you all an update. The support of our friends here on Doodle Kisses has made all of this so much easier for us!

It has been 7 weeks now since Jack started his immunotherapy shots. We will not know how much they are helping him for months, maybe even more than a year. I am hopeful that by the time his really intolerable season starts (August through October), the antigens will have… Continue

Added by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle on March 9, 2009 at 7:00pm — 9 Comments

Willson didnt pass the down stay at puppy class

I Have been working very hard with Willson so any advice would be much appreciated, He does well with almost everything expect the down stay He is very treated Orientated for the down (which is my fault) He was that way for the sit but now isn't So can you guys help me out How can I make him go down without treats He is 9 months old

Added by Sue & Willy Babe on March 9, 2009 at 6:59pm — 2 Comments

Urgent Human Health Info - Please pass this along to every Woman AND Man you know!!!

I consider myself a well informed woman on health issues. This is something I NEVER heard of.

I received an email from a friend and actually watched it since it said "URGENT" - I usually just deleted this kind of emails. I was so shocked at what I read that I did some research and made my employees use tis info as a mandatory inservice today. I have enclosed this info below. Please pass this on to every person you know - if they tell 10 people and they tell 10 people,… Continue

Added by Adrianne Matzkin on March 9, 2009 at 5:10pm — 3 Comments

Marley is very sick

please pray for my marley he is very sick got sick friday night feaver 102 has not eaten but does drink water took him in to the Vet he is now on IVs and doing test and xrays doc said blood came back a very LOW pos for parvo she started meds but said she has never seen a low positive in a dog it is you eather got it or you dont but she is starting treatment anyway all he does is lay there looking at me that he does not feel good

no other anamils in the house are sick thats a good… Continue

Added by George & MeLinda on March 9, 2009 at 12:37pm — 21 Comments

So Smart! Herbie taught himself to play fetch alone

The past two weeks have been crazy for me with midterms and papers piling up. So, unfortunately not as much time as usual to play with Herbie. I feel bad, but it doesn't seem to bother him a bit, as he has now learned how to play fetch all by himself. The last couple days he has been standing on the couch, and then drops his tennis ball from the top of the couch, and then runs to get it! It's absolutely adorable and hilarious to watch. I knew doodles were smart, but wow! Resourceful too...

Added by Katie on March 9, 2009 at 11:33am — 1 Comment

Licking Hind End

HELP! Sam has been licking his hind end(butt). My husband put some Pederson ointment on and he stopped. There does not seem to be anything visually wrong, no odor. Poor puppy--he is so frustrated. I am going to call the vet today. Any advise is appreciated.

Added by Jeri on March 9, 2009 at 6:07am — 5 Comments

Puppy Kindergarten

Charlie went to Puppy Kindergarten class on Saturday!

It was a lot of socializing, and a little bit of instruction which was fine. I think that instructions were more for us human than for the puppies, for us to gain understanding of how they are, and how we need to be understanding of them and work with them more effectively.

During the play time, 2 Rotties, Shaperd, and Choc. Lab puppies played together, but Charlie were intimidated by their size, and ran away from… Continue

Added by Kyoko on March 8, 2009 at 9:30pm — 4 Comments


Mayo just called and Jess has to be taken back into the OR -- one of the pumps is not giving Jess the proper blood flow. Why is this is hard? Why is this perfect man being challenged so? I pray this is a routine thing that they can fix.

Added by The Kleins, Tempe, AZ on March 8, 2009 at 7:19pm — 5 Comments

Doodle Daddy Shed a Tear

Today was rather unexpected. Jess was not quite as sedated. He knew I was there, he tried very hard to lift his hands and blink. He had a stream of tears when I told him to remember how much I loved him and how my heart is strong enough for the both of us right now. He tried to move his mouth and was obviously very uncomfortable with tape and tubes. I asked him to blink if he realized it was his wife holding his hand – and he did.

Doctors feel he is still way too swollen to try to close… Continue

Added by The Kleins, Tempe, AZ on March 8, 2009 at 5:04pm — 7 Comments

Sam's trip to the groomer

Sam went to his groomer yesterday. She did a GREAT job. I am waiting for the pics she took and will post them when I get them. He looked so fluffy and a handsome doodle dog. He is so good for her. I think he enjoys it. Now after awhile his leg hair went back to the curly/wavey look. As well as other places. He has really soft wavy section on top of his head and a coarser wavey section down the middle of his back.We will get a little respite from the shedding for a few days. (Yes he is one of… Continue

Added by Jeri on March 8, 2009 at 3:42pm — No Comments

Hartley and the New Puppy

I started a discussion tpoic about introducing our new puppy to our older (14 months old) dog, and thought this would be a more appropriate place to post updates on our progress!! There are small victories every day. We followed advice and removed all toys, now they only get them when we go out and they are separated, or when we are supervising. The most succesful so far has been a Wubba that our older dog never really took to when he was a puppy.… Continue

Added by Stella on March 8, 2009 at 2:37pm — 6 Comments

Sunny Sunday in South Carolina

This afternoon I spent time in the backyard warming my skin with those great spring rays! It was 80 degrees today and very breezy. We have had an unusually cold winter in South Carolina this year, and I have spring fever as do my doods!

I gave the boys two raw-meaty bones this afternoon and sat in the deck chairs as they chewed the bones and enjoyed the breeze. Joe, who loves to swim, got into the pool with his raw-meaty bone in his mouth. He couldn't leave it on the deck or in the… Continue

Added by 2SCdoodles on March 8, 2009 at 1:30pm — 1 Comment

Doodle romps in Cleveland, Ohio?

Maggie (Doodle), Denny and I would love to connect with other Doodles around Cleveland for doodle romps. Anyone?

Added by Margie on March 8, 2009 at 9:12am — 4 Comments

House training advice needed.

I am expecting my doodle puppy on April 13. I live in a condominium with a very large terrace. In order to help with house training in those "emergency" situations where, going down 9 floors is impractical I am looking for a supplier who sells the puppy "litter box" system that I can set up on the terrace. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Added by Mike B on March 7, 2009 at 1:00pm — 2 Comments

Riley's First Puppy Play Date

I took Riley to his first puppy play date today. I have been looking around the neighborhood for other puppies or dogs for him to play with but my neighbors all seem to have anti-social dogs that "don't like other dogs". Huh, I wonder how that happened?

Anyway.... I found that Petco has puppy play dates on Saturday mornings for an hour, so I took him today. He had a BLAST! He played with about 13 other puppies, all kinds and sizes but for some reason he was drawn to two… Continue

Added by Yvonne, Riley, Murphy and Luca on March 7, 2009 at 12:14pm — 2 Comments

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