Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

April 2012 Blog Posts (75)


I cannot believe in just a few weeks, the boys and I will celebrate our first year as an “online publication.”  When people use the term “time flies when your having fun”, they must have had me, the boys, and this blog in mind!…


Added by Cathy C. Bennett on April 16, 2012 at 7:29am — 11 Comments

Neat Coincidence

The family who is adopting our darling foster, Bailey, has another doodle.  That one comes from the same kennel in Texas (Cheyenne Valley) from which we got our Holly.  The other doodle, Hailey, is two years younger than Holly so they can't be litter mates.  It will be interesting to find out if any of their parents are the same...

Added by Richard Crowe on April 15, 2012 at 10:02pm — 5 Comments

Bad, Badder, and.....Baddest? Please Go to the Doctor Before I Hurt Your Other Leg!!

This week has been a tough week.  I know I shouldn’t complain when there are people so much worse off, but that has never stopped me before.  My husband has had something wrong with his foot for almost three weeks and will not go to the doctor.  He says it is sprained and I think it is broken.  

While he pops Advil, I pop M & M’s and neither one are helping…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on April 15, 2012 at 8:30pm — 47 Comments

I just have to share this...

The American Maltese Association is holding their annual specialty this year in San Diego.  One of our Rescue's primary fund raising events is a luncheon raffle of donated articles.  A couple who run a cruise booking service just adopted one of our rescue puppies.  They said that they wanted to help out our rescue efforts and donated a seven day cruise for two along Alaska's Inside Passage for August 2013 worth $4,000!  Judy and I are going to bid on that one!

Added by Richard Crowe on April 14, 2012 at 6:35pm — 8 Comments

Carrying Toys

Holly is not a great toy lover.  She will play with a toy for a while and then forget about it.  However, Bailey, our foster Goldendoodle, as well as two of our Maltese adore their toys.  Just now as I was letting the dogs out for a potty break, Bailey and the two Maltese were lined up.  Each had a stuffed toy in its mount...

Added by Richard Crowe on April 14, 2012 at 1:57pm — 6 Comments

Goldendoodle and Bloat

Hey All,

I just wanted to remind or tell you about bloat.

Sprocket suffered from bloat a couple of weeks ago...twice in 2 days. Luckily he had surgery the first time and his stomach was tacked so the second time although the bloating was much worse, his stomach hadn't flipped. There was no obvious triggers that caused his bloat (i.e. he hadn't eaten, drank or exercised for hours). He had; however, always had digestive issues (or so we think). Also, Sprocket is only 2 years…


Added by Mandy & Sprocket on April 13, 2012 at 2:51pm — 25 Comments

Vacation Memories

While in Florida this past February we had many wonderful days on the beach.  The best part of our vacation was tthat the beach was wonderfully dog friendly. and it seemed almost everyone there had a dog!   Everyday was a wonderful adventure with new people and dogs to meet!   Banjo was in heaven!   Happy Dog = Happy Dog Parents!   

One afternoon towards the end of our stay Banjo and I were walking the beach and encountered a woman with her young son and - get this - a nine day old…


Added by Carol and Banjo on April 13, 2012 at 9:50am — 22 Comments

The New Dog Hair Dryer and Fudge and Vern's Day at the Spa!!

It started with a whiff.  I smelled something strong and unpleasant in the air and after double-checking that I hadn’t forgotten to apply my deodorant, I started focusing on the most likely suspect, Vern.  I was sure it was Vern, but he didn’t smell any worse than usual, so next up was Fudge.  At last, I located the smell and sure enough, it was Fudge. The only explanation that I can think of why my clean Fudge ended up smelling badly was that maybe Vern rolled over on her one night while…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on April 13, 2012 at 9:30am — 35 Comments

Someone needs a bath...'s Hurley...he is getting one's time! I have been given the ok so he's getting in the bath tomorrow! It's a job! It takes a lot of water to get his coat wet..then bubbled up..I will take a picture tomorrow! He is so insulted when he is in the bathtub. That is the only time I think he is frowning. He looks like a different doodle when he is wet. All I notice is his big brown eyes staring sadly up at me...then after his bath I dry him off with the towel and he turns into the… Continue

Added by Regina and Hurley on April 12, 2012 at 5:00pm — 3 Comments


“Finding myself to exist in the world, I believe I shall, in some shape or other, always exist.”  Benjamin Franklin

This quote could easily be considered the perfect narrative of “Harley” and a little old “imaginary” man I call “Oliver.” For years we’ve said “Harley was a little old man who got in the wrong line up in heaven!” His antics can make you scratch your head in…


Added by Cathy C. Bennett on April 12, 2012 at 11:03am — 1 Comment

Rusty's Cancer and Fanconi Syndrome Update

I have waited until we had more information on Rusty's Fanconi Syndrome before posting.   Rusty’s last check up, on March 9th , was all good news; no sign of the cancer returning and his lab results showed that all of his kidney readings are finally at “normal” levels.  April 25th will be the 27th month anniversary of his amputation.

I  posted previously that…


Added by Chuck Holliman on April 11, 2012 at 8:33pm — 18 Comments

Hurleys busy day

What a wonderful day we had! I came onto to Doodle Kisses and saw you guys left me messages that you donated to Hurleys surgery! Thank you so much! We had one doodle, Quincy that even posted a picture of his piggy bank! That he emptied out for Hurley! My kids loved that picture! Of course, when we got home, they had to make a poster that said Thank You and I posted on our photo page!!

Thank you all so much for your kindness! We live in a world where I tell my kids not to trust… Continue

Added by Regina and Hurley on April 11, 2012 at 6:01pm — 3 Comments

It's Bitter Sweet(ie)

It's been a week and I can't stop thinking about the dog who got away.  I think, I will always feel this way about my three-week fostering of a Goldendoodle puppy I named Sweetie. 

Although I am filled with mixed emotions,  I feel more lucky to have had this experience.   At the time I really did not want to foster. I wanted nothing to do with rescues. I did not want another dog who drained my energy and emotions.  Sometimes, we think we are healing these poor rescues but…


Added by Joanne ~ Spud* on April 11, 2012 at 8:30am — 30 Comments

Hurleys day...

I think what I am going to start doing is keeping a blog!

Let everyone know how Hurley is doing and his vet appointments. The thing is, I want everyone to know how he is doing and what is going on. If it wasn't for this website..Hurley would not be on The Doodle Messenger. if it wasn't for the outpouring of love for Hurley, he wouldn't be getting donations for his surgery.

It's amazing to know that there are still such compassionate and caring people out there. I am always the person… Continue

Added by Regina and Hurley on April 10, 2012 at 1:17pm — 9 Comments

Wanted: Perfect Doodle

When we got Fudge, I don’t remember what research I did on the computer regarding Doodles, but I remember the no shedding was the icing on the cake.  I had spent years vacuuming up after two Labs and for a short haired dog, those dogs shed like nobody’s business.  A Labradoodle seemed like the best of both worlds for our family.  The wonderful personality of a Lab combined with no shedding just seemed perfect to me.  Luckily for us, without knowing what we were doing, we decided on…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on April 10, 2012 at 7:00am — 69 Comments


When I find something that works, I must share...

Harley and Leo are a challenge with “collars.” It’s not because they’re abusive with them, it’s because of their long hair. So many collars out there…


Added by Cathy C. Bennett on April 8, 2012 at 7:37pm — 4 Comments

FOUND: Giant "Chocolate"-Filled Eggs

HAPPY EASTER WISHES TO ALL!!! (Hope your eggs are as full of "Chocolates" as Mine are...)

Fergie's ("Country High Fashion") four-week old puppies foray out into the garden and meet some new friends...

(Please click on the photos for large format views.)…


Added by Kristin H on April 8, 2012 at 8:30am — 25 Comments

Sugar donut is back for a visit!

Nigel (a.k.a. Sugar Donut) from Lyric's first litter came over for a haircut today--now that he and Rio are 15 months old, they can hang out together without wrecking the whole house--so they got reacquainted and spent some quality sniffing time--Nigel looked so funny when he first arrived. The owner had taken him to a student groomer and he came out poodle-y. Now he is back to his old self. Notice how they have the exact same curled tail--Rio was much smaller as a pup but they are almost…


Added by Ginny Nightingale on April 7, 2012 at 4:49pm — 13 Comments

Guess Who Is NOT Moving to MA Right Now?

Five weeks ago, after an over 2 year bout of unemployment, my husband found a job in MA with a travel company who specializes in deluxe river cruises for the over 50 set in Boston.  We were thrilled as I have been dying to return to the east coast and this job held great promise. Disaster struck yesterday in the form of a phone call from my DH telling me that he had been let go.  We are devastated and I cannot stop crying when I think about returning to that awful life of unemployment--the…


Added by Phoebe's Mom on April 7, 2012 at 1:42pm — 32 Comments

Hilarous Meeting

We are helping Michelle Long by doggie sitting her foster goldendoodle, Bailey, while Michelle is visiting family over the Spring break.  Bailey is an absolutely darling 11-month old female doodle but, we have a four pound 14-week old Maltese puppy that we were a bit concerned about.  We weren't worried that Bailey would do anything to hurt the pup on purpose but, a 30-pound dog could easily hurt a small pup by accident.


Not to worry, we introduced the pup to Bailey in our…


Added by Richard Crowe on April 7, 2012 at 6:45am — 15 Comments

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