Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

July 2011 Blog Posts (114)


We have had Wally 2 weeks today. (only?) It seems like so much more. He is such a great dog I can't believe it. I have not had a dog before and was bitten by one as a child. When I got over my fear of dogs (thanks to my sisters labs) I knew I had to have one of my own eventually. This dog has been a long time coming and has been so worth it! We love him!

Added by Jeanine Bandini on July 31, 2011 at 6:04pm — 13 Comments

Rusty's 18th Month Ampuversary and 3rd Birthday!

This week was a double header for Rusty: his 18th month ampuversary was on the 25th and his 3rd birthday was the 30th!  We took him to In N Out burger for his celebration and when I told them that is was his 3rd birthday, they gave him a double patty, which he enjoyed immensely!  We will have a birthday party for him next Friday the 5th, as Dr. Macy, his Oncologist, wanted to be invited and was not in town until then.  Rusty's entire medical team will be present along with 15 parents of his…


Added by Chuck Holliman on July 31, 2011 at 2:06pm — 27 Comments

Skin cancer in dogs Murphy

Being a sun worshiper with reddish hair and blue eyes, I am very familiar with skin cancer. I have had umpteen removed, some even by MOH's surgery. I am pretty good at identifying it in humans.


I noticed a bump on Murphy's nose last week. It was black and flat, not deep. I thought it might just be a dirty face. Being like Joanne, I picked at it. It bled profusely but stopped. Yesterday, I checked it again. It felt a bit larger, and deeper. My vet is open on Saturday and, for…


Added by Linda and Murphy on July 31, 2011 at 12:06pm — 32 Comments

Eye Weeping



Riley has had some heavy eye weeping from time to time.  Looks like a dog that should be in a KISS concert.  This has been going on for almost two weeks.  He was due for a bordella shot, so saw the vet Thursday.  He has some eye drops and regimen for three weeks.  Weighed 29.6 at vet, well I know now my scale is accurate.  Vet said no infection, possible allergy?  As his weeping is clear, not green indicating infection or other problem.  The visit with a stool sample ($42),…


Added by Charles Rocheville on July 31, 2011 at 11:34am — 3 Comments

Lilly day/ night 2

The day went great for Lilly. The night- not so much. We took her to Lincoln ( 70 miles one way) juat as we got to Oficce Depot I spilled my Sonic Rt 44- ice and all on my lap and Lilly. I just figured that people would think she peed on me. (nice to have someone to blame things on, now that the kids are raised.) She went potty on the grass and slept all the way home.

 She ate dinner and I ran her up and down the house.. if a earthquake shows in Brownville, NE,on the scale…


Added by Mimi Linna, Lilly and Lolly on July 31, 2011 at 8:59am — 11 Comments

Is DoodleKisses Coming Between My Family and Me??


Today, my daughter, who lives in Oregon, came home. We have not seen her since Christmas and it has been our longest separation ever. She flew into Washington D.C. for a conference and is able to stay with us for one night. Tomorrow, she leaves at the crack of dawn to go back to D.C. for more meetings. We will not see her again until Christmas. When she got here, it was as if she had never left. Vern and Fudge barreled out of the house when she first arrived so excited that…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on July 31, 2011 at 8:00am — 42 Comments

Ziva is doing well.

Ziva (formerly known as Van Gogh/Vanessa), our newly rescued Labradoodle, is acclimating well to life in the Fitch household. Max, the Goldendoodle, is having a blast - lots of tug of war - and he is actually sharing his toys. Dudley, the Norfolk terrier, is just trying to stay out of the way of flying Doodle bodies. Ziva is bonding very well with Roger, her main human. Potty training is going well, even though 4am sure rolls around too soon.

Added by RoseAnn and Roger Fitch on July 31, 2011 at 7:43am — 8 Comments

They Keep Me Goin'

Ye gods, I can't believe I survived the stress of this last week. Still decompressing here, and soooooo grateful for my boys!

I've been working the same job for the last 12 years; a large gov't funded project on a contract that floats from company to company. This is a project that has been running for 30-plus years, so I'm actually one of the "babies" here and my team is very much my family. It's kinda hard to explain, but I don't actually have a "real" family, so they really ARE my… Continue

Added by Jen, Lachlan, and Declan on July 30, 2011 at 6:49pm — 16 Comments

10 Week Vet Visit (Our First)

We took Chester to the Vet for his first visit - with us as his Parents. We were like the nervous parents.. Asking lots of questions:

- His ears have dark spots and kind of stink ..Mites or wax or infection?/

- He seems to graze on grass is this ok??

- He is pooping 4-6 time a day is this normal??

-when do we start to groom..??


He was so good. We were so impressed. We weren't sure how he would act with other animals and a lot of different people…


Added by Hazel & Chester Wayte on July 30, 2011 at 4:42pm — 6 Comments


Well I never thought I would be a "dog person" or even get so attached to one that I would feel such amazing love and emotion over the little guy.

I didn't think it was possible to get so attached to a dog. As a child my family never had indoor dogs.. or cats. I don't remember ever going to a vet with any of the childhood pets.

I now can no longer walk past the Pet Valu store, or Dog Barkery, or the pet section of a grocery store without a care. I race home from work to be…


Added by Hazel & Chester Wayte on July 30, 2011 at 4:35pm — 12 Comments

Lilly's first night

Lilly did not read the books on crate training.  I thought I was the expert on drate training a dog since I read so many articles/ books/ talked to others and well I crapped out. We put her in her crate in the spare room with me. I put her blanket, the heart beating thing and a toy..just like the book said and put her in and shut the door. Sweet mary, Jesus and would have thoguht she was 13 and I told… Continue

Added by Mimi Linna, Lilly and Lolly on July 30, 2011 at 5:26am — 21 Comments

I FINALLY DID IT!!! ...not intercourse (PA) related

I DID IT!!  .... no not that.


Unfortunately this blog post has nothing to do with intercourse, the Pennsylvania kind or otherwise.


I've been hemming and hawing for a while now, but I was thrown into decision time when my point and shoot broke and the camera shop said I needed to chuck it. So I did, and walked out with a brand spankin new DSLR Camera, and am now signed up for a beginners photography course!! I'm really excited since this is something…


Added by Sherri, Sophie, Winston, & Kitty on July 29, 2011 at 7:00pm — 19 Comments

I. am. in. love...

She's here..she's here. Lilly is here with me in my house and in my heart. Papa Scott and I are over the moon thrilled. So here's the day. I woke up without the alarm clock at 6AM. We drank some coffee, I took a shower and was otu of the house by 7. We are unable to use HWY 29 since the floods closed the road. ( I am very bitter with Corp of Engineers not letting water out of the dam sooner.. but I am in to good of a mood to b*tch about it here) After driving…


Added by Mimi Linna, Lilly and Lolly on July 29, 2011 at 5:34pm — 16 Comments

The Saga of the Big Turtle Hand and How it Found It's Way to Karen and Jack's House!!!!


Recently, I started a Photo Caption contest (now called Snap, Caption, and Post) and one of the prizes offered initially was a large hand holding a turtle.  After the contest started, I took that prize off the table because I thought I would offer it to Adina to lend her a helping hand since she has a lot on her plate right now.  Well, much to my surprise Adina very politely and very diplomatically said maybe it could go to the next Hopeless Doodle Addict. I wasn’t…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on July 29, 2011 at 2:23pm — 77 Comments

Doodle-less for a week!

So we're off to cruise the western caribbean tomorrow morning (cross your fingers for these hurricanes/tropical storms to go away! Good luck to those of you in Texas!), and we're leaving Lola with my parents (as we always do when we go away!). I miss her already, and she's sitting right next to me!! I know she'll have a blast with Saba (my parents' hound mix), and my entire family adores her and showers her with love and kisses, but it's still sad to say bye for a week!!!

Have a great…


Added by Sue, Lola, Pongo & Hubby on July 29, 2011 at 2:16pm — 9 Comments

What Warms my Heart....

I don't know what is changing lately. Peri and Taquito have gotten along and loved each other almost as soon as Peri came home in June 2009. 


However, since we moved into the new house, they are bonding differently than usual.  They cuddle on the couches together!  They NEVER did this when we lived in the condo.  We come home from work - up the stairs from the garage (so they hear us coming with the garage door opening) and into the playroom/office where they stay during the…


Added by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on July 29, 2011 at 9:32am — 24 Comments

oh boy...

Tis the night before Lilly comes home and all through the house every cord was put up and not a tooth pick or paper clip was about. Papa Scott is asleep a snoring in bed and I think I am ready for motherhood again, I said. Her food it is ready, her bed is all set, bowls, toys, brushes.. I think the list has been met. I am nervous, excited and a little silly- for tomorrow at this time we will have with us,Miss Lilly.

Added by Mimi Linna, Lilly and Lolly on July 28, 2011 at 6:55pm — 16 Comments

Maggie is home! So much to share

Finally catching my breath to post an update on bringing home our sweetheart Maggie. There is so much to tell!


We flew home on a Southwest flight from San Diego to Oakland airport. Let me tell you that is the way to go. If anyone wants details on how I did it, just google Dog Jaunt and look up taking your pet on a plane. Awesome advice and it was perfect. She was quiet the whole trip. The only noise or fuss she made was during the first 5-10 minutes of the drive away from the…


Added by Julie and Maggie on July 28, 2011 at 1:34pm — 21 Comments

Life with Rooney & Stuart

Hangin with my brother! As Stuart's adoption fades into history, life at our house is finally getting to feel normal, well normal for us.  I can hardly remember those quiet, boring days before Stuart came - now the house is full of rambunctious dog play!  Our open floor plan, with all of these tile floors provides lots of entertainment for all of us as the dogs…


Added by Jane, Rooney & Stuart on July 28, 2011 at 7:25am — 33 Comments

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