Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

October 2013 Blog Posts (54)

Congratulations Calendar Winners!!!

Congratulations!!!!  to all those whose Doodles made the calendars and for those of you like myself whose photo did not make it, there is always next year and I learned from this experience what not to do so all was not lost.....whether you made it or not, every Doodle is a Winner!!!  Adina, really appreciate all your hard work and cannot wait to get the calendars and such a good cause...Doodles Rock!!!!

Added by Cindy Bowles on October 31, 2013 at 5:58pm — 10 Comments

Why is mom in a bathing suit in October??

I decided that I would bathe Toby in between official groomings to cut down on the actual visit ( this is the worst dog), the cost ( grooming price equivalent of hi lights), and let's face it, just the smell. Toby loves roaming outside ( free spirited bohemian puppy we like to call him) and after several days of jaunting around, he smells like earth. Figured I would conquer the furry beast in the downstairs shower ( in full swim wear ) which means I have to go in with him . It's a bit easier… Continue

Added by Toby on October 30, 2013 at 5:49pm — 11 Comments

Truffle in the House - One Week Older & Maybe a Little Wiser

Hi, everyone.  Happy to be a part of this forum for doodle owners and fans.  We brought home our first family dog about three weeks ago.  His name is Truffle and he's brought much laughter (and some tears) to our brood since our arrival.  

I have a blog - -  that's mostly about my 8- and 12-year old daughters, but now that Truffle has joined the family, he sometimes takes it over to add his two…


Added by Jennifer & Truffle on October 30, 2013 at 5:30pm — 10 Comments

Happy Birthday Shelby! 4 Years Old Today!

I can hardly believe it, but my dear Shelby is 4 years old today!   My... how my life has changed since she has become a part of it.  She has taught me so many things and brought a smile to my face every day.  She is such a sweet girl and such a loving furry companion.   Here's to the birthday girl Shelby and all the other doodles out there who add such joy and happiness to our lives!   (This photo was taken during an early morning game of indoor fetch - it was raining... so no walk this…


Added by Christine & Shelby on October 30, 2013 at 2:58pm — 18 Comments

Another DK Member Checked Off My Poop Bag List! I Met Becka and Sadie!

I am working on my cruise blog, but meanwhile I have to talk about a member I met right before our ship sailed on the high seas.  A couple of months ago, Becka (and Sadie) wrote me that she was going to stalk me in Florida if I did not take time to meet her while we were there.  Well, I…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on October 29, 2013 at 7:00pm — 36 Comments


Although Halloween never seems to negatively impact these two…


My “official” door greeters

It has been known to stress and scare the “doodle” out of some pets. So The Boys and I wanted to list just a few Halloween safety tips for your pets:

Beware of chocolate candies, they can be very…


Added by Cathy C. Bennett on October 29, 2013 at 1:22pm — 2 Comments

Great experience at the holistic vet.

Some of you may already know that Charlie has been a very reactive girl ever since she was a little puppy. We had gone through years of obedience training with her but she continue to be very fearful and reactive towards anyone, anything and any dogs she does not know what or who it is.

She had an injury in the beginning of the summer, and I began taking her to this holistic vet about an hour away for this injury. The doctor was wonderful, and we began discussing about her…


Added by Kyoko on October 28, 2013 at 9:47pm — 19 Comments

Talk to the Paw!

Last night was a long one.  The dogs kept barking at something outside.  I love Fall except for one thing.  It seems those animals that hibernate or remember that long winters can be hard are out in full force and scurrying all about to make sure their stockpiles are adequate for the winter.…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on October 28, 2013 at 11:57am — 32 Comments


Characters from the movie Toy Story, Captain America, A Race Doodle – (complete with saddle and jockey), just to name a few, joined Thing One & Thing Two for a good ole fashion Howl-o-ween Dog Party at Olde Towne Pet Resort.

It was a pawgeous Autumn Sunday afternoon – pawfect to spend with “anipals and furrends.”Harley and Leo were the first to arrive, and they waited patiently for their…


Added by Cathy C. Bennett on October 27, 2013 at 10:01pm — 1 Comment

My favorite toys!

I have lots of toys that I like to play with, and my human mom thought I should share some of my favorite toys with my doodle buddies.  At first, I imagined a thousand doodles in my yard, but mom said that my sharing could be done virtually. Whew!  I have lots of toys but not nearly enough to share with a thousand doodles!


One of my all time favorite toys is…


Added by DJ & Chance on October 27, 2013 at 6:19pm — 28 Comments

Learning to Howl

This is what I woke up to the other morning.  The name pretty much says it all.

Added by Jay, Lola and Colonel Esau on October 26, 2013 at 3:30pm — 27 Comments

Four week old puppies---update! new pics!

On Thursday, I am bringing the pups I am raising to the breeder's house for their last three weeks, so this will be my last opportunity to share some pictures with you---but don't despair, as Lyric is due in just a few weeks! More pictures! I got some great fall shots and also had an opportunity to photograph my niece's kids with the puppies--what can be cuter than kids and puppies?? The kids loved to see the puppies and it was a great socializing experience for the little pups.



Added by Ginny Nightingale on October 25, 2013 at 3:00pm — 19 Comments

What a week!!!!

Tomorrow will make one week since we picked Maggie up, and oh my goodness what a week it has been!!! Nights one and two were terrible, just absolutely terrible, she did not whine or cry, she SHRIEKED like the loudest banshee you could imagine. My husband is still convinced that that plump little puppy belly isn't a stomach but in all honestly it's just one full grown lung. LOL:) after night two things started looking up considerably. She didn't cry, but whined just a couple of times. I set…


Added by Emily, Jace, & Maggie Devers on October 25, 2013 at 1:50pm — 5 Comments


We’re nearing the end of the week, so let’s have some fun today, okay?

Have you ever noticed sometimes dogs look like their owners?


BOL (bark out loud) From the side profile we do have similar features

Well apparently it’s becoming a theory that some have named the “Doggie Doppelganger…


Added by Cathy C. Bennett on October 24, 2013 at 3:46pm — No Comments

The Trials and Tribulations of an Overpacker!

As many of you know, I just got home from the Doodle Cruise.  The month leading up to any big trip is usually a nightmare for me, because I am the world’s worst packer.  I admire those people who can throw it all in a suitcase the night before a trip and even more if they can get it all in one carry on bag.…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on October 24, 2013 at 5:00am — 42 Comments

First Puppy Kindergarten Class

Toby and I went to our first puppy class on Monday night. Of course, he is the biggest puppy there. There is a beautiful black shepherd who looks to be as big but Toby has the advantage of big hair so he looks even bigger. Lots of basic stuff covered but that's ok. We have seven more weeks (ouch). Should be worth it. At one point he did slip out if my hand and ran in his bouncy prance style to a nearby havenese puppy, the size of a child's hand. Toby just wanted to say hi but could totally… Continue

Added by Toby on October 24, 2013 at 4:26am — 3 Comments

That's one busy Fang Fairy

Six baby teeth/fangs lost. It's raining puppy teeth here. It's incredible how they lose teeth just like human babies. Even partially toothless, he is still my handsome boy. :)

Added by Toby on October 23, 2013 at 2:57pm — 2 Comments


I have dogs. They have toys…


The only reason it looks like this is because I put the toys in there

I really want to commit this winter to training my dogs to pick up their toys! Over the years I’ve heard many pet parents agonize about training their dogs to pick up their toys. It is ridiculously…


Added by Cathy C. Bennett on October 22, 2013 at 6:54pm — 8 Comments

Time is Flying By and I feel more clueless sometimes

Bug is getting so big so fast :o(  He is still a little cutie, but it's crazy how fast they grow. 

Bug is 15 week old.  I feel bad because I haven't been on here nearly as much as I should be to be learning and seeking support.  Getting Bug and Starting the School Year all happened at once, and the rest has been a blur.  Bug seems to be in a puppy stage where he loves to do things for attention.  He will snatch things off counters/tables/couches/etc not any one type of thing…


Added by Bug <3 on October 21, 2013 at 9:38pm — 7 Comments

Falltime with Darwin

I was hoping that I would be able to follow my last blog post with something humorous or interesting, but alas I am no Laurie and another boring blog post is what you all get.

I just thought I would add some recent photos of Darwin and update everyone on our happenings as of late. We've been super busy because school is in full swing, midterms were last week and I'm glad to be past that! Darwin is too - because it means we have more time to play! 

Darwin is…


Added by Camilla and Darwin on October 21, 2013 at 3:06pm — 31 Comments

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