Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

December 2011 Blog Posts (88)

Holly is four years old...

Her birthday was Christmas Day and she shared some ground steak on her kibble with the rest of the dogs in our home.

We just love her dearly and our love for her grows all the time.

Holly is our perfect dog!


Added by Richard Crowe on December 31, 2011 at 7:45pm — 20 Comments

Me thinks I have a ghost o_o or is it a mouse? Egads, please Lord, don't let it be a cockroach!!!!

So much for "Luxury Apartments". I'm not feeling the luxury right now.

Last night, all was calm, finally. I was in the middle of reading Laurie's most recent blog post, Sophie was puttering around the kitchen, Winston quietly chewing on a toy, Puddles, the dog I'm sitting, just hanging out, tuckered out from wrestling with Sophie.

All of a sudden, out of the blue, Winston jumps up, lets out a loud howel and starts running around in circles in an absolute frantic…


Added by Sherri, Sophie, Winston, & Kitty on December 31, 2011 at 1:26pm — 13 Comments

We knew there was room!

All this time Mom and Dad kept telling us the bed wasn't big enough so we have to sleep on the floor (well, it is mostly Dad that says that) so today we set out to prove them wrong!  As you can see, there is plenty of room for all of us....we even left a little room for Dad over there in the corner - as long as long legs Jake doesn't stretch out too much.

Ciffy even let…


Added by Clifford, Cloud, Jake..and Kim on December 31, 2011 at 11:08am — 16 Comments

New Year's Resolutions/Goals

Every year at this time I like to make a little list of things I want to accomplish in the year ahead. I think of them more as goals than resolutions. Some I achieve, some I don't, which is ok. At least I feel like I have some direction. My list consists of everything from the frivolous and mundane to the extraordinary or life alternating. Sometimes I carry things over from the year before, other times I reflect on how my priorities have changed and head in an entirely new direction. The…


Added by Sherri, Sophie, Winston, & Kitty on December 30, 2011 at 8:34pm — 20 Comments


We just picked up a puppy from a trailer park in the Los Angeles area who had been rescued from Gang Bangers who were torturing it.  The pup needs a partial tail amputation and its face has been burned.


I am not a forgiving man!  I could easily maim or kill anyone that I caught torturing a puppy like this one. And that is not just an empty burst of anger. I would enjoy doing so!


Anyway, the puppy is at our vet and the vet will amputate the tail partially.  It…


Added by Richard Crowe on December 30, 2011 at 4:39pm — 41 Comments

Enso (a.k.a.Kelly) still has green eyes!

One of the puppies from Lyric's last litter had such beautiful blue eyes that then started to get a bit greenish--well, now he is three months old and loving his life with new owner Corinne Varon-Green (a DKer) and his eyes are still mesmerizing--thought you might like to see this pics of him on his first trip to the beach this past week--it is cold up here in the north, so I give Corinne credit for taking him to the beach!

II am hoping to get some more pictures from the new owners…


Added by Ginny Nightingale on December 30, 2011 at 9:15am — 14 Comments

Fudge Has A Crush!!

My daughter and son-in-law are home for the Holidays from Oregon.  Fudge has not seen my son-in-law since last Christmas and she has not stopped mooning over him since he arrived.  I don’t think I have ever seen her so gaga over anyone.  The first night he was here, she slept outside their closed door all night. I thought she was a genius and remembered their dog, Bonzai, who could not come this year, but now I think she was trying to get into that room to get to her new boyfriend. Fudge…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on December 30, 2011 at 7:30am — 38 Comments

Magical Little Girl

We met a magical little girl yesterday.  Katie is nine-years old and she and her mom came to our house to meet and possibly foster a Maltese, Maggie, who had been abused by children and who was terrified of them. We have no kids around our house so we thought that this would be good for Maggie if she could take having a kid around.  Maggie's mom told us that if her daughter couldn't make friends with Maggie, no kid could.


I noticed something different about Katie right from…


Added by Richard Crowe on December 29, 2011 at 9:04am — 21 Comments

A run in the park...

Yesterday morning Lacey and I did 4.5 miles of 1 minute run/walk/run intervals at one of our city parks. During the walking parts we worked on starts/stops, inside/outside "U" turns and left/right turns and how to stay out from under my feet during these turns. Lacey did very well. When we are working like this she has to concentrate too much to be scared of anything.

There are always lots of other walkers/runners with and without dogs, stroller and/or both that are either…


Added by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on December 29, 2011 at 7:08am — 14 Comments



Added by Cathy C. Bennett on December 29, 2011 at 6:12am — 10 Comments

Hi Everyone! Mommy and Daddy have been all week and they have wore me and my sister, Kahlua out!  With the holidays, visitors and mom insisting that we don't miss anything while she is at home, we ha…

Hi Everyone!

Mommy and Daddy have been all week and they have wore me and my sister, Kahlua out!  With the holidays, visitors and mom insisting that we don't miss anything while she is at home, we haven't been able to take our nap.  We can't wait for everytyhing to get back to normal and we can resume daily naps.  Happy New Year Everyone!



Added by KAHLUA on December 28, 2011 at 10:12am — 12 Comments

Doods.... Today is my 2nd Doodleversary!!!!

Hi Doods,

Shelby here!  I know it has been far too long since I blogged, but I just had to log on today and blog because today is a very special day.... it's my doodleversary - meaning it's been 2 years since the day my mom brought me home to OUR home!   It's been an amazing 2 years and I look forward to so many more.  When mom woke up - she remembered our special day right away and I got lots of loving!  We started today with a nice long walk at with two of my doggie friends.... and…


Added by Christine & Shelby on December 27, 2011 at 1:25pm — 21 Comments

Puppy addiction

The puppies are four weeks old now and it is hard not to sit an watch them constantly.  It is amazing to hold a little baby in my hand and  look at his full sister, who is 14 months old, and realize that he will grow into this funny, sweet, smart, long haired boisterous dog, in less than a year. Their physical development just fascinates me.  Being a developmental therapist for 32 years, I've done tons of research on developmental stages of puppies during the fist 8 weeks and beyond.…


Added by Lynne of Fountain Falls on December 27, 2011 at 6:41am — 10 Comments

It's been awhile...where to begin...

Puppy, work and life in general have kept me away for awhile.  It's hard to believe that we are in the midst of the holidays and that Zoey is almost 7 months old!  She is still just a little over 20#s, so I am beginning to question how big she is ultimately going to get.  She's not a big eater, so maybe that is part of why she is still so small, but I am kind of enjoying it and thinking that if she doesn't get too much bigger, that won't be such a bad thing...she is just a little too big to…


Added by Kerri B. & Zoey on December 26, 2011 at 1:51pm — 9 Comments


Ssh, this is me, Harley –


Our mom is resting after all the holiday preparations – so I thought I would send out the Christmas blog and let her relax.

This is my third Christmas here and like before – it was so much fun. I don’t quite understand the concept, and it was difficult to explain to Leo why; trees from outside – come inside, but we can’t pee on them; boxes and bags are placed…


Added by Cathy C. Bennett on December 26, 2011 at 12:01am — 10 Comments

Jeriki and Marabelle's first Christmas

Well our first Christmas together and it went very well. We woke up let the doodes out, let them have there stockings, fed them. Then we decided to crate them while the kids went crazy for there own presents. Good thing as the kids had paper, and ribbon etc everywhere. We took them down to the park for a walk, they had a blast, overall it was a very Merry Christmas.

Added by Rhonda, Marabelle & Jeriki on December 25, 2011 at 8:06pm — 8 Comments

Daisy's Gotcha Day

Two years ago on December 26th we picked up our little Daisy, we have come a very long way. Can't imagine life without her.

This is the day we brought her home 12-26 2009 and this is today 2 years later

Love you Daisy…


Added by Lisa, Daisy & Dexter on December 25, 2011 at 7:30pm — 29 Comments

I'm a Big Girl Now and We Are Celebrating!

Hi Everyone! Sophie Bear here.

This morning mom sang me a new song that I had never heard her sing before; just when I thought I'd heard it all. It was something like "Hoppy Birthday to you..." I don't know what that means but mom says I'm a big girl now - one year old! I sure have come a long way since I was just a baby puppy, burrying my face in mom's winter boot. Here's a collage of my puppy photos. Wasn't I adorable?…


Added by Sherri, Sophie, Winston, & Kitty on December 25, 2011 at 12:55pm — 28 Comments

Fudge Is Three on Christmas Day!!

Fudge turns three on Christmas Day and I can’t believe how quickly the time flew by since we got our first Doodle!!  We can’t imagine our life without our sweet Fudge in it and we are so lucky she found our way to our home.  All it took was one picture on the Internet and I knew that chocolate girl was headed our way. 

My youngest daughter and I drove 600 miles…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on December 24, 2011 at 7:19pm — 42 Comments

Banjo Celebrates His 2nd Birthday Today!

WOW!  How is it possible that Banjo is just 2 years seems  like he's been a part of our family forever!  I don't think a day passes where either DH or I don't comment about what a wonderful dog he is and how lucky we are to have him in our life.   Banjo - You are the BEST!   


Added by Carol and Banjo on December 24, 2011 at 4:44am — 35 Comments

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