Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Jane, Guinness and Murphy's Blog (120)

Murphy, You're Smarter Than We Thought....

I think that everyone knows that we've never considered Murphy to be the sharpest knife in the drawer.  He's always been a "slow learner".  That's okay, because he's a goofy, affectionate, and very sweet boy who loves his Mama like crazy.  At least 10 times a day I just shake my head and say "Murph, Murph, Murph, why did you do that?".  He just gives me his "naughty boy" look and I end up laughing.  Well over the past couple of days we've started to think that our Murphy may be way smarter…


Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on September 23, 2011 at 5:51am — 23 Comments

What Brother?....I've Never Seen That Dood Before.

Today the boys went to Daycare for the first time in weeks.  I haven't been sending them because they've been getting plenty of exercise this Summer, but today DH and I had plans  so we decided it would be a good day for them to go.  We stayed for a while after dropping them off and watched on camera.  It was really pretty interesting.  They got there mid morning, so most of the other dogs were already there.  They all seem to know when there's a new dog coming in....I suppose they hear the…


Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on September 12, 2011 at 2:22pm — 22 Comments


For Mother's Day 2010, Doodle Kisses ran a contest.  Many of us decorated our pages, and the prize for the winner was a sculpture of your Doodle (or Doodles).  I was the lucky winner of that contest, and needless to say I was very excited!  This prize was generously donated by Kathy of Auggydoodles who does custom designed Doodle sculptures.  Sadly, Kathy ran into some personal issues and was unable to make her sculptures for many months, but she never forgot about me.  She's now back "in…


Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on August 22, 2011 at 12:26pm — 33 Comments

No More "Mister Nice Guy"!

It has finally happened.  My sweet little Guinness has turned into a "thug".  He's been pushed around by his big "little brother" for long enough....and he's so DONE.  It started gradually a few weeks ago when he decided that Murph would NOT take his toys away ever again.  In the past, he'd just lay there while Murph took away a squeaky toy or antler that he was savoring.  Yup, Murph would stand right over him looking intimidating, and then just take it right away.  Guinness did nothing....he… Continue

Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on July 18, 2011 at 7:24am — 25 Comments

Silly, Silly Doodles

I think everyone is very familiar with the fact that Murph is my "challenge"....always has been.  Guinness, well he's always been the easy to figure out guy....what you see is what you get....well all except that thing about how he drinks his own pee right while he's going.   Never mind, that's old news.   Once we got Guinness through his IBS and put him on home cooking and I stopped even looking at him when he peed, it's been totally clear sailing with this guy.  A couple of weeks ago, little… Continue

Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on July 3, 2011 at 4:50pm — 30 Comments

Murph Heard There's Big Money In Dog Walking

I haven't posted any of Murphy's antics in a while.  It's been busy here, and Murph has not been feeling well.  He started with giardia a couple of weeks ago, and then he caught an upper respiratory infection, his allergies are horrible, his tummy is a mess (even home cooking isn't working), his anal glands are just dysfunctional.....need I say more.  My poor guy is a "junkie".....he gets up in the morning and runs downstairs to the kitchen counter where the pill pockets are kept, sits and…


Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on June 7, 2011 at 5:15pm — 25 Comments

I'm Leaving My Doods In the Capable Hands of DH And My DK Girlfriends

Tomorrow morning I'm heading to Atlanta for my nephew's graduation from Army Boot Camp.  I have always been particularly close to this nephew, and he really wants me to come.  The thing is.....I have to leave my guys until late Friday night.  I will be really, really worried about them.  I know that my DH will take great care of them....and I've home cooked enough food until Saturday.....but still.  So, I told my husband that if there are any problems he can either call the Vet or get right on… Continue

Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on May 31, 2011 at 4:21pm — 46 Comments

3 Days of Uncontrolled Chaos...The Doods Are Exhausted!

We're just back from spending three days at the beach with the kids and six grandkids.  We broke all records for chaos.  What amazes me is how well my Doods handled the whole thing....way better than their Mom.  The house is right on the water and the other beach houses are very close together.  Everyone has kids and multiple dogs and cats....and they roam free.  There are no "leash rules" at the beach...actually there are no rules whatsoever at the beach.  There's a little beach store right…


Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on May 30, 2011 at 2:18pm — 18 Comments

When It Rains....It Pours!

It has been a really "lousy" few days in our house.  On Sunday we took my son and a friend to McDonald's for lunch.  I was carrying the tray full of food and drinks when I sneezed.  In trying not to drop the tray, I did something to my back...I heard a "pop" and then couldn't even move.  Trying to get me out to the car would have made a perfect sitcom episode. Being an optimist I figured that if I just went to bed and stayed there overnight, I'd be fine by Monday.  Not a chance.  I got in a…


Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on May 18, 2011 at 5:56am — 33 Comments


Hi, this is Murphy (Guinness's brother).  I'm writing this blog, because he's just to little to reach the computer....even when he's on the chair.  We have a BIG problem.  It's our Mom...she has something called OCD.  We didn't know what was wrong with her until today when I did some "net surfing".  Our Mom is really strange about a lot of things...but the thing with our toys is just out of control.  She has this "basket" where she puts our toys.  Now think about it, what good are toys when…


Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on May 12, 2011 at 4:34pm — 29 Comments

Murph Gets Jealous

Guinness has a whole ritual that he goes through in the morning.  When the sun is coming in through the bedroom windows, he gets up on our bed for his morning nap.  He has a "set way" he likes to have the pillows arranged, and he'll move them around until he gets them perfectly placed, so he's cozy and the sun is hitting him.  It's really cute to watch this little procedure, and when he finished the other day and finally laid down for his "nap", I grabbed the camera.  Murphy was happily…


Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on May 7, 2011 at 7:37am — 30 Comments

Life Is So Much Easier Now!

My DH and I were talking last night about how different things are this Spring versus last year with the Doods.  They are so much easier now that they're a little older.  I decided to post this blog for people who are "in the trenches" with puppies.  Unless they are having "tummy issues" the boys only have to go out to potty four times a day now...and they always tell us when it's time.  They have pretty much stopped destroying toys....the new squeaker toys I bought last week are still… Continue

Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on April 29, 2011 at 6:13am — 17 Comments

The Irish Brothers Went To "Camp"

We're back from our vacation, and I now realize that I worried for nothing.  We went to FL with our daughter's family and we were doing the Theme Parks, so there was absolutely no way we could bring the Doods.  I agonized over leaving them, and I imagined that they would be "lost" without their Mom.  I was fine during the day because we were so busy, but at night I missed them so much, and I assumed they were also lonesome.  Well, I was wrong.  They went to the Daycare (where they go for a day… Continue

Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on April 23, 2011 at 7:52am — 19 Comments

When Does The Embarrassment End?

So the kids are pretty much grown up and I thought all the embarrassing moments were over, right?  Enter Murphy Doodle....back to being mortified on a regular basis.   We're walking on our Bike Path each day now with both guys.  Each day brings a new "Murphy experience".  Yesterday we walked a couple of miles and he was doing great...lots of people, bikes, problems.  Then I noticed a guy walking towards us....and I didn't like him.  He just looked really arrogant...perfect…


Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on April 9, 2011 at 4:34pm — 26 Comments


Hey Doods and Doodettes....Guinness and Murphy hope that you have a FANTASTIC day!  Remember PARTY, PARTY, PARTY!!!!!!

Happy St Pat's Day

Free Photo…


Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on March 17, 2011 at 7:55am — 17 Comments

Am I REALLY That Predictabe?

My guys follow me everywhere I go...they always have.  They're usually about two steps behind me, pushing each other to see who can get closest.  Well they have now stepped up their "stalking".  Apparently they can anticipate my next move, and so they go to the next spot where they believe I will be heading and "settle in".  It's really uncanny, because they're ALWAYS RIGHT.  Here's a classic example.  They used to lay right outside the kitchen door and wait for me to finish eating.  When I'm… Continue

Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on March 15, 2011 at 4:36pm — 12 Comments

Guinness Is Two!

Guinness is no longer a puppy!  The little Dood turned two on Thursday.  He and I celebrated...alone...yesterday.  We spent the afternoon together and I think he really needed that one-on-one attention.  We had a great time.  We went to Pet Smart (one of his favorite places) and I let him smell everything...absolutely no heeling required for his birthday celebration. We picked out a few new toys which will be "history" by the end of the weekend.  Then we had to go to the specialty dog store…


Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on March 13, 2011 at 2:15pm — 42 Comments


Today is Murphy's year ago his DRC fairy godmothers helped him to find us.  I will never forget seeing him for the first time....he had me with that first "kiss".  I really fell in love with him on the ride home from New Jersey.  I sat in the backseat with the two boys, and they just cuddled up and slept the whole way.  Murph was a very confident, "full of himself" puppy, but he also had a vulnerable side.  He's still like that.  He's been much more of a challenge to…


Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on March 7, 2011 at 5:57am — 26 Comments

Murph Gave Me A BLACK EYE!

I've never had a black eye before....I do now.  Last night Murph started feeling better and got the zoomies.  Guinness just wasn't in the mood for that, so he hid under our bed.  Murph was jumping on and off the bed while racing around the upstairs like a lunatic.  I bent down because I wanted to coax Guinness out, and just as I did this Murph hurled himself off the bed and his head hit mine.  I went literally flying across the room, glasses off and bent, and landed in a heap.  That's when my… Continue

Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on March 2, 2011 at 5:32am — 42 Comments

"Tails" from Guinness and Murph

These Doods have a way of keeping me laughing.  After Murph's Vet visit on Wednesday, I've been kind of "bummed".  I just have been feeling really bad for him, but the antics of these guys just always cheers me up.  Murphy is a true minute he's "ferocious" and the next minute he's a big baby.  This week we got our Bocker stuffed Doodle in the mail, and the dogs were really interested in it (thinking it must be a new toy for THEM).  Just to be sure it didn't end up…


Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on January 21, 2011 at 9:44am — 17 Comments


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