Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Camilla and Darwin's Blog (95)

Darwin Meets A Bunny

We went over to my friend's house a week ago or so, and she introduced Darwin to Poe, her adorable little bunny. To be honest, I wasn't sure how Darwin would react so I sat right next to him as he approached the cage. His reaction was so cute! He sat and stared right at that bunny, wagging his tail. No barking, nervousness, or pawing the cage. Just watching it. He sat there for about 30 minutes. He would occasionally run over to us then run back to the cage (this is his way of trying to get us… Continue

Added by Camilla and Darwin on August 27, 2010 at 8:51am — 12 Comments

Darwin And Duck Don't Mix!

We decided to change things up and by the Duck and Oatmeal formula of the brand we buy. Just to keep things interesting for Darwin. He's done well on every other formula we've tried, so we weren't worried. Well, for the past week or so he's had horrible gas, bad diarrhea, and nasty breath. We haven't switched treats at all so I can only guess it's his food. Poor Darwin is kind of miserable and I'm sick of the gas (actually EVERYONE is sick of the gas), so we decided not to use the rest of the… Continue

Added by Camilla and Darwin on August 25, 2010 at 1:30pm — 13 Comments

I am FED UP with crappy dog owners!!!!!!!!!

Darwin was attacked today. Full on attacked. And the horrible dog drew blood.

DH and I got invited to go hang out with some friends at a really nice grassy park. We wanted to play Frisbee. Well, this park is also an off-leash dog area so we thought we would bring Darwin. The nice thing about the park is that although it's an off-leash area, there are rarely dogs there, and when there are dogs there, it's just one or two well behaved dogs playing fetch. Much nicer than your…

Added by Camilla and Darwin on August 17, 2010 at 8:43pm — 30 Comments

One Year Ago Today...

(I know, I've done 3 blog posts in the last week. But it's been an eventful week.)

One year ago today, we brought Darwin home. I was so torn between excitement that I FINALLY had my own dog, and being terrified that I had made the wrong decision. What if I wasn't ready? What if something happened to him? The first couple of weeks were tons of fun, and very stressful. I remember wondering what he would be like in a year.

Well, it's been a year,…

Added by Camilla and Darwin on August 3, 2010 at 8:41pm — 22 Comments

Darwin Is Pet Of The Month!

Darwin won the "Holistic Select Pet Of The Month" contest that I entered. I am pretty excited, because it's the first time I entered. :-) Forgive the kissing up speech I gave next to his photo... I wanted the gift basket. LOL. We really do like this food though, it's great. If I understand it right... he should be on the cover of their food catalog or something...…


Added by Camilla and Darwin on August 2, 2010 at 12:55pm — 27 Comments

Darwin Almost Pooped On Another Dog's Head... (eeew)

We took Darwin to the dog park yesterday, and the most hilarious thing happened. There was a Pit named "Princess" there, and her owners were a nice couple with a cute little girl. They were having a fun time watching the dogs play, and the girl (who was 4 or 5) was especially excited about their antics. I mention them because the poor little girl was probably traumatized after this...

Princess and Darwin were having a great time, chasing, wrestling, jumping through the…

Added by Camilla and Darwin on August 1, 2010 at 10:06pm — 11 Comments

I'm Officially "One Of Those People"

I took the plunge and made Darwin a facebook profile today.

I know some people think it is crazy, or embarrassing, but I just couldn't resist! I now can upload as many photos as I want without looking totally crazy on my own profile. :-) Plus, I get friend requests at least 3 or 4 times a month from some random person saying "I like your dog" Now they can just add him as a friend! DH tried to council me against it... but I ignored him. It's just too much fun.…

Added by Camilla and Darwin on July 27, 2010 at 11:20pm — 22 Comments

Our Very Expensive Mistake.

I learned a lesson about procrastination today. See, we bathe Darwin quite a bit. And I know you are supposed to buy ear wash, put cotton balls in their ears, pluck hair, etc. to avoid ear infections. But we don't have any ear wash, and he has never had an infection before so I just put off buying it. For some reason I just didn't worry.

Well, we went to a lake this past week, and guess who got an ear infection? Yep, poor Darwin has yeasty, red ears. We took him to the vet…

Added by Camilla and Darwin on July 17, 2010 at 5:03pm — 17 Comments

Poor Darwin, And Poor Us!

We recently realized a huge coincidence that I thought I would share. I can't decide if it's more horrible, or hilarious. I'll let you decide.... :-)

At our old apartment complex, we had a very, very annoying dog living nearby. The culprit?

That's right, a Jack Russel Terrier. Some people love the feisty, fearless attitudes of…


Added by Camilla and Darwin on July 17, 2010 at 4:58pm — 18 Comments

Working on Agility

Well, I found my memory card, and promptly took Darwin down to the dog park for a photo shoot. If any of you didn't read my first post, I moved and our new apartment has a dog park. I've been working on agility with him, because the park has the equipment for it. I was hoping for some great action shots... but my point and shoot can only do so much. Darwin is getting so great at all of the obstacles, I'm so proud!

Darwin likes laying in the tubes more than…

Added by Camilla and Darwin on July 12, 2010 at 9:37pm — 11 Comments

Moving To A New Place

First off, I have to apologize if this post isn't very interesting. I hate doing a post without photos... but we lost our memory card when we moved, unfortunately.... so I haven't been able to take any photos.

We moved a couple of weeks ago. Our old apartment wanted to raise our rent, and since it wasn't too great in the first place, we decided to look elsewhere. It is VERY hard to find an apartment that allows a 70+ lb dog, but we found our new place, and it's great. It is…

Added by Camilla and Darwin on July 9, 2010 at 1:40pm — 5 Comments

Why On Earth Do People Do This?

I have had a hard time recently with people I know getting dogs, who are completely unprepared. These are people I grew up with, who were always aware of my dog-obsessed attitude. Because of this, a few of them have contacted me when they got a dog, wanting to catch up, and share photos. I have been shocked at how little these people know about the breeds they just purchased. They have literally said "I am so scared, I don't know anything about dogs!" and "I am a cat person, but I went to a dog… Continue

Added by Camilla and Darwin on July 2, 2010 at 9:18pm — 14 Comments

The Doodle Cake

Well, I have been practicing layered cakes for the past few months, and I'm down to the last week. Next week is my friend's wedding, and I am doing her cake (panic stricken look). I decided that my last practice would be to just make a 14" round (which is the size of her bottom tier) to make sure I can work with something that big without any problems. That went by without a hitch... and I was left with a huge white fondant covered cake that could serve 75 people. What to do with it? Well, I… Continue

Added by Camilla and Darwin on June 17, 2010 at 2:00pm — 36 Comments

The Poor Man's Painting: How To

I have recently wanted paintings done of Darwin to hang up in my house. I was thinking 4 12"12" canvas prints that I could hang in a square in my bathroom. Unfortunately, I was looking at over 200 dollars for a custom painting. I suppose that makes sense, when I consider how much time would be put into them. That is really not reasonable for me to spend on artwork though!

Inspired by someone here on DK, I decided to try and make my own. I can't remember who it was, but…

Added by Camilla and Darwin on June 2, 2010 at 10:44pm — 21 Comments

The Disaster

I take pride in staying on top of Darwin's grooming. Every single night, without fail, I do a complete line brushing. This has allowed him to be mostly matt free as he is going through his coat change. Whether or not we had hit the "bad stage" I don't know. I just know that I made a goal to not have to shave him because of grooming negligence.

Well, I kept that promise to myself. He WAS matt free...But I shaved him anyways. Two reasons.

1: He was…

Added by Camilla and Darwin on May 27, 2010 at 7:09pm — 44 Comments

Darwin Evolves part 2

It's time for part two, the party at the dog park! It was a lot of fun, and the pups had fun playing and eating yummy birthday treats! This post is pretty picture heavy, just a warning. :-) Thanks to everyone for coming and making Darwin's birthday special. And thank you Azure, and Courtney, for the great photos!

My favorite photo of the day, of Muppet and Darwin.…


Added by Camilla and Darwin on May 15, 2010 at 10:23am — 11 Comments

Darwin Evolves.

Darwin turned one this weekend, and it was a blast! I'm waiting on some photos from his doggy party, but I thought I'd share the family party... so this is installment 1.…


Added by Camilla and Darwin on May 11, 2010 at 9:19am — 25 Comments

I think I am becoming an overly defensive mom...

I had a kind of bad experience at the vet today. We took Darwin in for a routine check up, and the Vet Tech said something that made me so mad!…


Added by Camilla and Darwin on April 24, 2010 at 8:30pm — 18 Comments

Shopping Around

Doggy Daycare is something that Jacob and I have tried very hard to research. We have tried four or five different places looking for good, safe places to leave Darwin. I know many people are opposed to leaving their dogs at daycare, but it really works for us and I feel that it is beneficial to Darwin. He gets socialization in a supervised environment, gets exercise, and loves it a lot. We both work and I know Darwin would rather play with pups all day, than sit in his crate for a full eight… Continue

Added by Camilla and Darwin on April 20, 2010 at 9:10pm — 6 Comments

Safety First!

After reading the blog post by Jodi today, I realized that I needed to get more serious about Darwin's car safety. He is usually just loose in the backseat, and enjoys it because he has the freedom to look out either window, lie down, or look out the front windshield. Unfortunately, he has taken some tumbles as we've stopped quickly or turned sharply. I read in her post that they had gotten in an accident and that the harness had stopped her dog from being flung into the front seat. Well, if a… Continue

Added by Camilla and Darwin on April 18, 2010 at 3:00pm — 14 Comments


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