Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Jane, Guinness and Murphy
  • Female
  • Farmington, CT
  • United States
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Jane, Guinness and Murphy's Friends

  • Sam&Bella
  • Jaime Garfield
  • Haley, Yeti, and Phin
  • nadia
  • Dee & Chappie
  • Joann Valerio
  • Vinny and Ranger
  • Tina
  • Shoney & Ruby
  • Cheryl Thompson
  • Bailey's mum
  • Sam, Risa and Archie
  • Jordan & Daisy
  • Malenie Piscetelli
  • Karen, Riley & Cooper

Jane, Guinness and Murphy's Discussions

How Cold Is Too Cold

Started this discussion. Last reply by Camilla and Darwin Jan 19, 2016. 18 Replies

Happy Birthday Murphy!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jane, Guinness and Murphy Dec 19, 2015. 68 Replies


Welcome to Guinness's & Murph's Page!


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About Me:
I'm Guinness, and I'm writing this because my brother (Murphy) is too little, plus I'm much smarter than he is. My Mom and Dad got me first from Grandview Labradoodles in VT. All my brothers and sisters got to go to their homes first, and I was just waiting for the right Mom to come find me. When my Mom first met me she cried and kissed and hugged me. I knew we belonged together, and I've been taking care of her ever since. I just turned one year old and so Mom thought it was time for another dog. She decided she wanted to "adopt" this time. She found me a baby sister named Izzy, but then it fell through at the last minute. She was so sad, and I hate it when she's sad. Then the DRC "fairy godmothers" called to say there was a little Doodle puppy who needed a new home. So, we went to NJ and adopted my baby brother. Mom cried again...she kept crying all the way home. She says it's because she was so happy. I don't get that. My Mom and Dad don't work anymore...they are retired. They spend all their time with "the boys" (that's what they call us). I have a human brother named Tim who is 24, and he lives home with us. Mom calls him "one her boys" too. Mom says he has Down Syndrome, but he seems just like any other guy to me, so I'm not sure what she means by that. He's fun, and Murph and I love to sneak into his room and steal his socks and underwear...he keeps them right on the floor so we can get them. Mom says they don't belong on the floor and makes him pick them up...bummer. Plus there are six grand kids who come and visit all the time. They love to play with us, and we know we have to be very gentle because they're really little (and easy to "knock over"). We love to go for car trips and on walks. I'm teaching my little brother how to walk on a leash like a big boy. I've had lots of training, and I'm going to be a Therapy Dog soon. I have lots of new friends in the Alzheimer Home, and I like to go there and make them smile. They always tell me I'm cute. I have bad stomach problems so my Mom has to cook "real people" food for's awesome. My brother has to eat dog food...ha ha! We're Irish Dogs...that's why we're named Guinness and Murphy. Mom calls us the Irish Brothers. I was named after Guinness Beer....Mom loves that stuff (Yuck). My brother was already named Murphy by his first Mom....I guess it was meant to be that he should come and live with us. St. Patrick's Day is HUGE at our house. We love it because there's a real fun party and people come and sneak us treats.....and WE LOVE TREATS!

BIG NEWS!!! My Therapy Dog International ID card and bandanna just came in the mail. I'm pretty excited about this. As many of you know, I hate bandannas...but this one is cool. My brother, Murph, also got a gold medal from AKC....they say he's a "Puppy Star". I'm not too sure about that.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
I'm Guinness and I'm a mini ALD, and my brother Murphy is a REALLY BIG ALD. We're the only pets that live in our house, but we have lots of dog cousins that we get to visit.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Breeder, Rehome
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
Is there any other breed....I don't think so.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
My Mom's favorite thing to do with us is cuddle...she LOVES kissing. Her second favorite thing to do is training (we could take that or leave it to be quite honest). Mom likes to take us places and show us off. She loves how people always say how cute we are. She also likes to dress us up and take our picture....we hate that.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Bows & Bandanas...Farmington, CT
Favorite Doodle Products?
Relationship Status:
Do you have a website of your own? If so, share it here:

Latest Activity

Jane, Guinness and Murphy commented on Adina P's blog post Room to Run
Jul 27, 2019
Jane, Guinness and Murphy replied to Nancy's discussion Adult dog and puppy in the group Training - Experiences, Challenges, and Mindsets
"My two Doodles also play this way all the time....shark bites.  There is absolutely no aggressive intent.  As others have said, I wouldn't worry unless it escalated to something more and if that happened you'd see a change in…"
Jul 22, 2019
Jane, Guinness and Murphy replied to Ellen's discussion 9 months old and the honeymoon is over! need help keeping doodle occupied! in the group Puppy Madness
"I really think that a day a week of Daycare would be great for her, and I think it's good that they learn to be apart at times...your older dog may actually enjoy the break.  Also, I truly believe that training is key at this age....and it…"
Jul 21, 2019
Jane, Guinness and Murphy commented on Doodle Kisses's group Training - Experiences, Challenges, and Mindsets
"Congratulations Stacy and Maggie!"
Jul 19, 2019
Jane, Guinness and Murphy replied to Laurie, Fudge, and Vern's discussion Ricki and Tara
"I've been thinking about this since yesterday, and I'm just so sad.  I was one of the ones who got confused and called her Tara and her Doodle Ricki....there were a few of us.  I loved our discussions where we all got really…"
Jul 17, 2019
Jane, Guinness and Murphy replied to Rusty Shackleford's discussion Why is my dog growling/barking all the sudden? in the group Training - Experiences, Challenges, and Mindsets
"Being careful about when you reward is a great point, so you're not confusing them.  When I verbally correct, my guys go to their "place" and that's when I reward them.  I don't have to give treats anymore, just a…"
Jul 8, 2019
Jane, Guinness and Murphy replied to Rusty Shackleford's discussion Why is my dog growling/barking all the sudden? in the group Training - Experiences, Challenges, and Mindsets
"It really does sound like she's starting to think she needs to protect you and/or her territory.  If it's only verbal and she is showing no signs of being aggressive I wouldn't worry that much.  My guys bark when they see…"
Jul 7, 2019
Jane, Guinness and Murphy commented on Doodle Kisses's group Training - Experiences, Challenges, and Mindsets
"Congratulations Karen and Jasper!!!!"
Jul 3, 2019
Jane, Guinness and Murphy replied to DonMarie and Picco's discussion UTI infections in the group Health and Medical Issues (for our pets)
"As a human with frequent UTIs I should add that cranberry supplements may help to ward off new infections (although it didn't work that way for me), but I'd caution that if there is a confirmed actual infection it will take more than a…"
Jun 24, 2019
Jane, Guinness and Murphy replied to Stacy's discussion Walking two dogs at a time in the group Training - Experiences, Challenges, and Mindsets
"I found that I really needed to train my two guys individually to walk well on a leash before I could effectively walk them together.  I tried it a few times before Murph was trained and I felt when I was correcting Murph it just confused…"
Jun 14, 2019
Jane, Guinness and Murphy replied to Stacy's discussion AKC Community Canine (CGCA) in the group Training - Experiences, Challenges, and Mindsets
"Thanks for sharing this, Stacy.   I may look into it for Guinness."
Jun 6, 2019
Jane, Guinness and Murphy replied to Christy&Riley's discussion Calmer with visitors when we're not home in the group Training - Experiences, Challenges, and Mindsets
"I think it really doesn't matter if she obeys "begrudgingly"....if she obeys that's a great thing and she doesn't have to like it.  So I think your strategy of using the mud room is perfect IMO....once she starts…"
Jun 4, 2019
Jane, Guinness and Murphy replied to Christy&Riley's discussion Calmer with visitors when we're not home in the group Training - Experiences, Challenges, and Mindsets
"I think there are some dogs who just have a really time with visitors.  They get super excited and really want attention.  I think it's great that you have her in another room and wait until she's calm to let her out when you…"
Jun 4, 2019
Jane, Guinness and Murphy replied to VScott & Lloyd's discussion Tips on how to stop marking in the group Training - Experiences, Challenges, and Mindsets
"He is really adorable!  Lots of great advice here.  I would also suggest that if you're able to catch him in the act, it's still a good idea to tell him firmly "NO" and quickly get him outside to finish peeing.  I…"
May 30, 2019
Jane, Guinness and Murphy replied to Christine's discussion Anyone’s doodle dealing with seasonal allergies?
"Murphy has Spring seasonal allergies.  Because it only lasts a few months we did not go the allergy testing route.  We knew it was some sort of pollen/ allergen that's only around in Spring/early Summer.  This year we tried…"
May 19, 2019
Jane, Guinness and Murphy replied to Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom's discussion Is It Just My Imagination or Are The Majority of Doodles in Rescues Male?
"I've never gotten a dog where I actually chose the sex.  Our first dog (an Irish Setter) was a wedding gift, and he was male.  Then I saw a picture of a Lab who was being rehomed and I fell in love, and he was male.  Then there…"
May 16, 2019
Jane, Guinness and Murphy replied to J and Riley (and Luna)'s discussion Staying off furniture in the group Training - Experiences, Challenges, and Mindsets
"Neither of our dogs are allowed on the furniture, and because we never started it they don't even think it's a possibility.  If you calmly, but sternly remove her whenever she jumps on the furniture she'll eventually figure out…"
May 16, 2019
Jane, Guinness and Murphy replied to Jolene, Sassparilla & Josie's discussion Spay & Gastropexy Surgery - After Care Advice? in the group Health and Medical Issues (for our pets)
"My vet always prescribes a pain killer for the first couple of days post surgery and it really helps to keep them quiet."
May 5, 2019
Jane, Guinness and Murphy replied to Haley, Yeti, and Phin's discussion Kennel Garuding in the group Training - Experiences, Challenges, and Mindsets
"Exactly, Karen.  I never discipline Murphy for this behavior, although I have always let him know that I disagree with it by giving a verbal cue and removing the need for the guarding.  Because I have eliminated or controlled the…"
May 4, 2019
Jane, Guinness and Murphy replied to Haley, Yeti, and Phin's discussion Kennel Garuding in the group Training - Experiences, Challenges, and Mindsets
"I watched your video of Yeti growling a few times, and it looked so familiar to me.  Our Murphy was a resource guarder (among other serious training issues).  He was most often guarding me, and when it got to the point where he was…"
May 3, 2019

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At 10:37am on June 15, 2016, Jaime Garfield said…

Hi Jane I see your from Farmington CT. I went to school at university of hartford, graduated in 1991!! i am the lady down in south florida with Bailey-any comments or suggestions is greatly appreciated. Bailey barks at kids that come into my home. Not usual neighborhood kids, he's fine with them. Maybe new comers or kids that sleep over. Tried leashing him so I am in control. My trainer suggested doing that and rewarding him with a snack on for this time. I wasn't crazy about this idea (why should he be positively reinforced for negative behaviors. Unfortunately, He has already learned when he takes something not his and command him to drop it, he will only drop it for a treat. Again my trainer trained him to do this...Not knowing any better at the time I went along with it. This is my first time with a very large dog (84lbs). my kids are always saying, "mom, why can't Bailey be like the other dogs on our street, friendly and happy to  see other kids" Jaime

At 4:59pm on April 17, 2015, Ann Kendig said…
Hi Jane,
I took Duke to the specialist a couple days ago. He does think that Duke has IBD but he has not been scoped yet. He did have an ultrasound and nothing alarming showed up-no masses. He is now on a wormer for the next days to see if a parasite is causing his regurgitating. His stools are fine and normal. The vet wanted to put him on the hydrolyzed food. I told him I wanted him to speak to Duke's dermatologist first so they can be on the same page with what is going on with Duke. This was the second bout of throwing up for Duke. Right now I'm feeding him 4 small meals a day and he's holding it down, not sure what will happen after he's done with the meds he's on. Specialist said if he starts to throw up again I need him to come in for scope/biopsy and of course to switch his food to they hydrolyzed diet. Do you know if this diet will work long term? I believe the only protein he hasn't had so far is Kangaroo. I spoke to Karen while Duke was having his tests run, she is so knowledgeable and a big help. I'm sorry Murphy is going through all of this. You certainly have been an awesome mom to him!
At 10:59am on January 16, 2015, Cindy and Olive (Ollie) said…
How's Murphy doing? Sorry if I missed your update. I was just thinking about you guys. Hope he's doing ok!
At 12:24pm on March 19, 2014, Nicky, Riley & Boris said…

Just catching up with everything here and sorry to hear Murphy isn't too well. Poor  boy, it's horribly worrying when our furkids are out of sorts.  Hopefully all will be back to normal (whatever that is!) very soon. 

At 12:43pm on March 18, 2014, Carol and Banjo said…

Jane,  I just read your reply in Laurie's latest blog.   I'm so sorry to hear that Murphy is going through a rough patch.   I hope things settle out soon.   I teared up at the vision of you holding and caring for him on the bathroom floor in the wee house of the morning.   Somehow, I know that that dog KNOWS you are his "keeper".   What a magnificent bond you have!   Sending positive vibes your way!!!!

At 5:01am on March 8, 2014, Laurie, Fudge, and Vern said…

Jane, I don't want you to miss my latest blog. Things roll off the front page so quickly! Other than the fact that it illustrates I am a terrible dog trainer, it is highly inappropriate and I know you like that part :) LOL

At 4:02pm on March 7, 2014, Cynthia Whitfield said…

Hey, I think I'm getting the hang of this. I wasn't sure how to contact you again after you invited me to be friends. I'm very interested to know you have a son with special needs also. My son was diagnosed at the age of four with "mental retardation" -- now known primarily as intellectual disability, and autism. He's a loving person and quite outgoing for someone with an autism diagnosis  -- but who knows?  He's 20 and functions at about the 2 to 7 year old level depending on the task/activity/situation.

I thought the dog would be someone he could help train as a companion animal, even maybe as a service animal, but Simba, my ALD, is not very interested in people and snuggling --which is just what my son wants, along with someone to play fetch with. SImba doesn't play fetch either, and doesn't seem to have much of the need to please I was looking for.

What's your situation? How is it working out for your son and your dog?

At 7:21am on January 8, 2014, Donna K & Quincy said…

I love that your page says Happy Spring, gives those of us currently living in a deep freeze something to look forward to. :>)

At 7:19am on January 8, 2014, Donna K & Quincy said…

Happy Birthday Jane, the world and DK are a better place for having you in it.

At 6:32am on January 8, 2014, Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle said…

She better be nice to me, Aunt Jane! I haven't had a walk in three days and I am going stir crazy! 

Hope you have a great day, Love JD

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Jane, Guinness and Murphy's Blog

Happy Birthday Guinness!

Posted on March 11, 2015 at 6:00am 28 Comments

Guinness is six!!!!  He's the little guy who brought me here to DK where I've made so many amazing friends.  He has brought us so much love and joy, and I'm so grateful to his breeder who was committed to producing Doodles with great temperaments.  We met his Mom who was the "family dog" and were able to talk to the owners of the Dad who worked as a therapy dog with the owner who was a Psychiatrist in Boston.  The puppies lived right in the house and were well socialized with children.  When…


Special DK Visitor

Posted on March 1, 2014 at 10:37am 28 Comments

Some of you may have seen to post from Sheri (Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom) about her DK bucket list and a visit this weekend.  Well today was the day.....and I was the lucky Doodle Kisses friend that she visited.  I've known Sheri ever since I joined DK and have always admired her.  She was such an inspiration as she went through so much with Sophie's illness and still always managed to help others.  She has fostered for the DRC five times, and who will ever forget what she did for Honey and…



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