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Jane, Guinness and Murphy's Blog – March 2010 Archive (12)


When we first got Guinness we decided we would not allow him up on the furniture...except the bed at night for our "cuddle time". A couple of times he tried to jump on the couch, and I told him "no". I really don't think he could have actually gotten up there anyway. It became a "non issue" after that...he just didn't try anymore.

I had bought a couple of Easter stuffed animals for the grand kids, and they were sitting on the daybed in our den. Last night, Murphy was prancing around… Continue

Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on March 29, 2010 at 6:08am — 13 Comments

Three Weeks of Doddle Puppy Heaven!

Tomorrow it will be three weeks since we made of NJ road trip to bring our Murphy home. In some ways it feels like he's been part of our family for so much longer. He is one of my boys now, and I love him with all my heart. He and Guinness were fast friends, and that bond just continues to grow. They are crazy about each other. Sometimes when I watch them "Doodling around" I just can't help but laugh. They are clowns together. Guinness though has really developed some "older brother" behaviors.… Continue

Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on March 27, 2010 at 9:19am — 12 Comments

HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY...We mean it this time!

Happy St. Patrick's Day Doodle Buddies! We think our Mom finally figured out that it's today....remember she was very confused yesterday. I hear some of you were asking for new pictures of us. Thanks a lot. She lined us up for this "photo op" yesterday...right when we were having a good time playing with (fighting over) the antler. There's another one somewhere, but we boys both like the same one, and it's really so much fun to wrestle for it. Anyway, back to the picture. Remember when Mom made… Continue

Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on March 17, 2010 at 5:56am — 14 Comments


It's finally here!!!! We've been watching that St. Patrick's Day countdown clock forever waiting for this day. We're so glad that we found each other so we can celebrate TOGETHER! My Mom is throwing a BIG party on Saturday, and all our dog cousins will be here...lots of little kids to play with too. I think she'll make us special surprises to eat...the humans eat corned beef and cabbage, but that's not good for Doods. We hope you have a really fun day. It's finally sunny here, and that means… Continue

Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on March 16, 2010 at 5:44am — 11 Comments

Puppy School Is Very Boring Mommy!

Well we're back from Puppy Obedience. It was actually pretty funny. Murphy slept at my feet through most of it. In his class there are two boxers (litter mates), a Golden, a Shitzu, a German Shepherd, and some sort of Lab mix. These puppies were wild and crazy (barking, jumping, nipping and peeing - just the way puppies should act). Murphy was having nothing to do with all of this. At one point the instructor called him into the group, he went and played for a couple of minutes, and then back… Continue

Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on March 14, 2010 at 12:02pm — 8 Comments

No More "Company Manners"...I'm part of the family now!

Well tomorrow it will be one week since we brought our Murphy home. I'm not sure how to even describe this week. The first several days our Murph was "Mr. Perfect". I know Guinness thought he was a real "goody goody". Guinness loved to lead him astray, and then when the puppy did do something wrong, Guinness would bark to tell me. He showed him where all the wastebaskets were, and when Murph took something out Guinness would bark like crazy (and he doesn't bark). Tonight while I was on DK, they… Continue

Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on March 13, 2010 at 5:13pm — 14 Comments


Today is Guinness's actual birthday, but we had the little party last night so our local grand kids could come. My little Emma is 6 and already a Doodle lover. She adores Guinness, and he's always been so sweet with her. I was really wondering how it would go with Murphy. He's a young puppy who is totally full of life, so I had visions of him jumping and nipping. Never happened. The video is actually a little longer than it should be because I was so blown away with how Murphy behaved with the… Continue

Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on March 10, 2010 at 5:45am — 29 Comments


Well it's day two. Today it was Guinness who got up at 6:00...he wanted us to let his brother out of the crate so they could play. DH took them out to go potty and then they "joined me" in bed. Have you ever been licked to death by two Doodles at the same time while you're trying to sleep? Doodle tongues all over my face....very wet Doodle tongues. I figured that was my "cue" to get up.

I used to wonder and worry a little about whether I could love a new dog as much as I loved… Continue

Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on March 9, 2010 at 5:42am — 28 Comments

The "Irish Brothers" Are Bonding

Murphy and Guinness are sound asleep at my feet. They are exhausted. They played like crazy starting a little after 6:00 this morning, and then we took them for a nice long walk in the park. They were "begging for mercy" by the time we got home. Murph ate his lunch and then it was "nap time". I am amazed by Murphy. He did fantastic on his leash this pulling at all. I think it really helps when there is another dog to watch and "copy". It… Continue

Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on March 8, 2010 at 10:28am — 27 Comments

The Murphy Train Is Home....Guinness is Sleeping With One Eye Open!

Oh, what an amazing, incredible day. We're home. The trip was perfect. Guinness didn't throw up or drool. We didn't get lost....thank heaven for GPS. In years past, DH and I wouldn't be speaking by the time we got know that "asking for directions thing". Lynne's home is Doodle Disneyland! Guinness loved it...I think he wanted to stay. All these awesome Doods...all sizes! It is just such a fun and amazing feeling there. On the trip home my two boys snuggled together and slept..the… Continue

Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on March 7, 2010 at 4:38pm — 19 Comments

Guinness...It's not a sister - it's a brother!!!

I'm totally in shock right now.....but sooo happy. Guinness will be getting a new "baby brother" tomorrow. We're heading to Lynne's tomorrow morning to adopt our new "Irish bundle". He's 10 weeks old and absolutely adorable. Karen calls this "Irish magic", and she's so right. As you know, this has been an absolutely crazy week for us. First losing Izzy (and knowing she's probably back with the family that neglected her so badly), then the news about Guinness's lab results (although I firmly… Continue

Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on March 6, 2010 at 5:47am — 57 Comments

Izzy's Gone

Let me try this again....I did something last time when I added the link and I lost my blog. I went out to Petfinder this morning like I do every day to see Izzy....her posting was gone. I sent one last follow-up to the shelter asking them what the status was, just so I could have some closure. They have never responded to any of my inquiries, so they probably won't respond this time either. Anyway, I'm so sad. I fell in love with that little girl, but I'm thinking it just wasn't meant to be. I… Continue

Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on March 3, 2010 at 8:27am — 21 Comments


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