Jess has never failed anything. This terminology is difficult for him to digest. A healthy fit man seven weeks ago, CHF is added to his description of self.
We learned today that his ejection fraction is 20% -- this is severe dysfunction. Our friends George and Diana were with us when the nurse came in to give us some patient education after the doctor's visit. The cardiologist says that they look at how an individual feels. Restricted diet, exercise, and medication may help this…
Added by The Kleins, Tempe, AZ on April 11, 2009 at 10:38pm —
What a first 48 hours it has been with our new baby boy doodle, Finn. He came into our home THE KING. . .ruling over our other 4 dogs. The food is his, the toys are his, the beds are his . .. Patrick is his. . .too funny. From what I understand, he was totally the Omega dog in his litter, so it is nice to see that he is trying to "start over"!!!!!
I had forgotten how tiring puppies were!!!! Poop, pee. . ..poop, sleeping, chewing, pee.…
Added by Shawn South-Aswad on April 11, 2009 at 4:18pm —
4/11/09 3:30
No puppies yet. I am asking her to hurry up. Hope she listens. Teri
Added by Teri Fann, Goldens-n-Doodles on April 11, 2009 at 1:26pm —
Ginger thoroughly enjoyed the Doodle Romps in Ocean Grove....we look forward to more romps with her wonderful doodle friends and their parents! Norma and I had a great time too. Wishing everyone a very happy holiday!
Added by Laurie and Ginger on April 11, 2009 at 10:30am —
We got brave and found a lovely dog park about 30 minutes from our house. They have a web site, and we viewed pictures ahead of time. Off we went. Toby loves a good ride in the car, so that part was great. We got to the dog park, which was as nice in person as it was in pictures. Double gated, really big, etc. We went in and took off Toby's leash. He looked at us, and we told him to "Go Play!" He hesitantly stepped away, and then a little Scottie dog came over to make friends. From then on it…
Added by Sandy on April 11, 2009 at 10:30am —
Added by Tamara & Giada on April 11, 2009 at 7:11am —
Last week Jess was still in the ICU. Last week Jess took his first steps. Last week Jess could not eat or drink. Last week Jess could barely hold my hand, could not hold a pen, needed to be placed in his bed.
This week Jess began to eat. His voice for the most part has returned. He can squeeze my hand, pull himself up in bed, and get up with minimal assistance, and walk a couple of laps with a walker. Jess sits at the sink and shaves; he can hold a pen and sign his name. Amazing? It…
Added by The Kleins, Tempe, AZ on April 10, 2009 at 9:16pm —
Max has been himself today.
He even chewed the pain medication without a problem.
He did start to lick his incision so, I put a 12 month Onsie on him. He looked so cute and pathetic. I'll have to post a picture. I cut out a hole for his little stubby docked tail. Poor thing, as though this hasn't been embarrassing enough.
I do however, have one problem. He isn't eating his kibble. It isn't that he isn't hungry. It's because he was spoiled for the last two days…
Added by Mommy2Max on April 10, 2009 at 7:30pm —
1 Comment
4/10/09 7pm
The tornados in Tennessee have finally passed leaving death and destruction in their paths. My husband's hometown, Murfreesboro, was hard hit. Our prayers are with them. Monique has been acting somewhat peculiar but I don't know if it's impending labor or fear of the storms as they went over. Her bed is made and supplies are at hand, so whenever she's ready, we're ready!
Added by Teri Fann, Goldens-n-Doodles on April 10, 2009 at 4:59pm —
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Hum, I have never written a blog post. I think anyone who reads this may now be the recipient of my random thoughts that many say I need to put down on paper. You see my almost 43 year old best friend and husband is terminally ill and though we have been dealing with this for more than 3 years, he had a bad day and I am in a "blue funk" as he would call it. Dirk has terminal brain cancer and for the past year+ his short term memory has been faulty at best. He doesn't and can't eat well. He has…
Added by Betsy D. on April 9, 2009 at 10:42pm —
If I had to sum today up in one word, I'd say - normal.
It would seem as though Max has no clue the "BIG GUNS" are gone. He is behaving as usual.
I fed him his favorite, chicken breast, for breakfast and lunch. At dinner - he ate most of his kibble. So, I will now continue feeding him his normal meals (kibble).
This morning, it really hit me that he is a furry kid. I gave him his pain medication, which is chewable, but - he really wasn't interested. So, I…
Added by Mommy2Max on April 9, 2009 at 10:34pm —
Tomorrow is Good Friday, and I hope it is just that.
Jess will have a scan to see what his heart is doing. He is being weaned off Milrinone, which is a medication to support left ventricular function .
Today was going great. Jess was motivated to do his walker walk and also spent ten minutes on a reclined elliptical machine. He work with two male P.T.s, who were talking to Jess like personal trainers. Jess felt motivated and really saw progress from his week in…
Added by The Kleins, Tempe, AZ on April 9, 2009 at 10:20pm —
Tonight was our 2nd Sedar. My Dad, StepMom, Sister, BIL with their 2 sons, 8 & 6 and DH neice, her husband and their 20 month old son were here + the 5 of us.
My Dad uses a walker. Instinctually Samantha was so careful around him when he was up and walking - making sure she didn't get in his way. When he sat she just brought her ball over to him, dropped it in his lap and just patiently waited for him to throw it to her. The difference with him was she just sat quietly waiting. When it…
Added by Adrianne Matzkin on April 9, 2009 at 9:00pm —
I love the way the British use the word "on holiday." It sounds so much nicer than "on vacation" or "spring break” or even the new phrase "staycation." In reality my family with the exception of my husband is on "spring break" this week. The week has been anything
BUT a holiday, vacation or even a break. Between the two teenagers, two doodles, and myself we have crammed these activities…
Added by 2SCdoodles on April 9, 2009 at 7:30pm —
1 Comment
It's nice out in Wisconsin so the three of us ventured out for a long walk. Fergie and Little Lucy are happy to have a friend, Lazy Lizzy, stay with us for a couple weeks. But we are very tired.
Added by fergie11 on April 9, 2009 at 9:33am —
Wrigley went home yesterday to Madison, MS, and Buddy is now in Houston - happy puppies, happy families. Finn, the last of the litter, goes home today. Sweet, HUGE, puppies.
Delta's 6 puppies are healthy and doing great. Super Puppy starts today.
Added by Teri Fann, Goldens-n-Doodles on April 9, 2009 at 8:09am —
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Hello Friends!
As promised, I'm keeping you all updated on Max's surgery (neuter).
Things went wonderfully yesterday.
First, I just want to say that the vet was wonderful. If you recall, Max's original vet was old school and didn't want to perform the surgery until he was 6 months old. He was very nice so, this isn't anything against him. However, Max humps everything in sight and he began marking so, I caved to pressure and decided to have him neutered.…
Added by Mommy2Max on April 9, 2009 at 8:00am —
copy and paste
Added by Adrianne Matzkin on April 9, 2009 at 7:00am —
1 Comment
Tonight Jesse had his Passover in Mayo. Jess read from the Haggadah for me and his son Matt. Regina hooked me up with some items for the seder plate. I brought in a little cooler and other items in my teacher cart. Passover on wheels. I may be starting something.
As Jesse read I couldn’t help but stare at his face the entire time, thinking of what a miracle it is for him to be alive, and how much it meant to him to have some sort of Passover, even if it was more symbolic than…
Added by The Kleins, Tempe, AZ on April 8, 2009 at 9:18pm —
We had our next to last class tonight and Phoebe was on her game. She has mastered sit, down, sit/stay (with me traveling quite a distance), down and we are working on down/stay. She loves to go over the jumps--very low--that are set up and she can 'wait' and 'leave it' for quite a long period. Next week, we will be tested plus we need to perform a trick. We were showed how to work on shake and rollover but Phoebe has the crawl down already so we are running with that. I cannot believe we have…
Added by Phoebe's Mom on April 8, 2009 at 7:01pm —