Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

May 2012 Blog Posts (43)

Just another reason to love my Doodle.

Before I left for work today, my puppy jumped up, put his paw on the side of my face (gentle as can be) and gave me puppy kisses.

That is all :).

Added by Theresa & Duncan on May 31, 2012 at 7:41pm — 19 Comments

I Have it on Good Authority that Fudge and Vern are Spoiled!!

Apparently, my dogs are spoiled.  My sister-in-law was here from Tennessee last weekend and said it quite frequently.  It started when we went out to dinner the first night she was here.  Our ritual when we leave the house is to put out peanut butter for Fudge and Vern, turn on a fan, and leave the TV on for them.  My daughter usually gets the peanut butter for the dogs and has a tendency to give them more than the recommended serving size.  Of course, on this day she served up her usual…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on May 31, 2012 at 7:00am — 64 Comments


There are many things here on earth I consider “special treats” in my life, these are just a few (in no particular order):

  • A leisure weekend with my husband and the boys
  • A hot cup of coffee and interesting conversation from my favorite Starbucks
  • Time at the beach with the two legged kids
  • A great pedicure
  • Chilled red…

Added by Cathy C. Bennett on May 30, 2012 at 8:31pm — 16 Comments

Happy Birthday, Blaze!

Just wanted to wish a very happy 4th birthday to my beautiful boy, Blaze!

I love you, bug! :-)


Added by Rose on May 30, 2012 at 7:54am — 18 Comments

RIP to an irreplaceable woman...

I know last summer I had mentioned that my mother was ill and many people here supported me with comments and prayers.

My mother passed away this past Saturday, May 26th after suffering for over 2 years. I know she is in peace now but it is still difficult for me to think of her not being here. I just keep thinking about all the things she will miss, like my sister's wedding...meeting any grandchildren...etc. 

She had started to go more downhill right before my wedding on May…


Added by Katie, John & Parker pup on May 28, 2012 at 4:14pm — 46 Comments

Libby and I have done it again!! Look what we're fostering... SEE NEW PICS AT THE END OF BLOG!!


Before any of you think we're totally crazy, we know that there's no such thing as a "Snicker-doodle" but we think this classification fits him…


Added by Doris, Knox & Flash on May 28, 2012 at 10:44am — 122 Comments

Another summer hair cut

So, after giving Cooper a substantial hair cut a month ago, I decided to give her another one. I had not realized just how hot the summer here in Ontario will be (im used to cool Vancouver and British summers). its not even June and we are having plus 30 degrees C weather...

I have got used to Cooper being shorter (I do love her long fur) and have seem so many cute photos of very short doodles, so thought id go for it! I still cant bring myself to shave her, but she is 1 inch…


Added by Kaytlin and Cooper on May 26, 2012 at 11:30am — 17 Comments

Blame it on Rooney

The teenagers are home today.

Somehow that always puts me in mind of Paul Revere's Ride and want to shout, "The Teenagers are Coming! The Teenagers are Coming!" While generally they are pleasant lads... they do come with some baggage...mainly in the way of noisiness, large quantities of food consumption and messes.

Truthfully though, I enjoy having my kids home and actually look forward to their days off from school.  I am as excited about the countdown to summer vacation as…


Added by Lori, Rooney & Zuzu on May 25, 2012 at 1:35pm — 23 Comments

Is it a Teddy Bear or a Doodle?

I dropped Winston off at the groomer's today ... he was gettin a little overgrown...

BUT, when I went to pick him up, he was nowhere to be seen!

So they gave me this…


Added by Sherri, Sophie, Winston, & Kitty on May 24, 2012 at 6:00pm — 34 Comments

Well, I Spoke Too Soon!

My husband and I look bad this week, almost like we have been in a catfight.  We are sore and cranky and putting all the blame on one Chocolate Labradoodle named Fudge. 

It started on Saturday morning.  I got up with the dogs and went out and plopped down on the sofa.  When my daughter woke up, the dogs got very excited and started wrestling.  Vern jumped up on the…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on May 24, 2012 at 6:30am — 66 Comments

Bailey's new do

Had a new groomer recommended to me by a friend with a doodle...  I think she did a great job.  I really needed to have Bailey short for the Florida summer heat.  Other than her face being a little shorter than I would have liked, I think she looks great..I'm not worried though, it will be long again before I know it!!



Added by Elizabeth, Bailey & Bruin on May 23, 2012 at 12:22pm — 25 Comments

Happy 1st Birthday Jack!!!

Jack turns 1 today! He makes us smile every moment! He is such a joy in our lives! We love you Jack!!!

Added by Janie, Jackson and Jilly on May 23, 2012 at 6:04am — 25 Comments

Pleasant morning in the park...

Nothing dramatic or really note-worthy, just fun.  There was a soft, misty rain, and we got to the nearby park by about 7 a.m.  First, Trav spotted Kaye, the cookie lady, who keeps the park neat and clean, and always has a pocket full of home-made dog treats.  Trav adores her, and recognizes her from all the way across the park.  I let him go, and he raced across the park to say hello and get his treat.  He knows he’s supposed to sit before he gets his treat, so he starts sitting when he’s…


Added by Pat and Traveler on May 21, 2012 at 9:48am — 17 Comments


March was an important month for our household with both Ned and Clancy celebrating their 4th birthdays AND the second anniversary of Clancy's adoption. 

Ned and I got our first glimpse of Clancy when we participated in our local no-kill shelter's fundraiser Walk-Around-The-Park.

It was love at first sight for us, but since we really were not looking to add a 4th…


Added by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on May 19, 2012 at 11:30pm — 34 Comments

We Hit the High Seas on our Pontoon Boat! Boating with Fudge and Vern!

Finally, after two weeks of waiting, the boat people called on Friday (5/11) and said our pontoon was going into the water and we could meet with them that night and get our first instructions with Tim, the boat guy.  Tim was going to go over everything and take us out on the water for our main lesson….how to operate a pontoon boat.  One of the hold ups the past two weeks was the mechanic had to figure out a way to secure the dog ramp to the boat and make it feel secure enough for two big…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on May 19, 2012 at 7:00pm — 43 Comments


To say it’s the boy’s who are excited about “hosting” their very first social event is a big fat FIB! I am somewhat embarrassed to admit... IT IS REALLY ME!…


Added by Cathy C. Bennett on May 17, 2012 at 5:30pm — 4 Comments

Sorta funny!

Been retired now for awhile. Wife, has had all kinds of suggestions as to what I could do around the house.  Not happening fast enought for her.  Told me the out side door was not latching when shut, and popping open.  Said, Riley could go out un-noticed if we not there.  She went into the shower, I fixed the problem.  I was in the kitchen, and she attempted to show me how the door came open.  But to no avail, she could not make it pop open as before.  She, tried and tried.  Said, can't…


Added by Charles Rocheville on May 17, 2012 at 3:47pm — 9 Comments

Peri & Taquito's Human Sibling is a....

GIRL!!!!  We are so thrilled!!!  I had this deep-down feeling, call it mother's intuition I guess, that it would be a girl.  I had vivid dreams seeing her and they turned out to be correct!


Best of all, she looks to be healthy.  All vital organs, brain, blood flow, etc..looks great.  And tech said she is stubborn because she refused to move much.  All DH said to that was "just like her mother!" - I laughed it off because thankfully, he caught me while I was on a high…


Added by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on May 15, 2012 at 7:17am — 44 Comments

Seamus turns 3!!

Happy birthday to my big doodle, Seamus.  He turns 3 today!!!  I can't believe how time flies and that now Seamus is a big brother to not only Stella, but Patrick.  =)  

As I'm typing this, Seamus is trying to lick Patrick's hands and still doesn't listen when I say "No" like a 3 year old dog we love him anyway  ;)  …


Added by L.M. on May 15, 2012 at 6:19am — 17 Comments

Patience is a Virtue (DRC cross-post)


As a child, there was nothing quite as exciting as being handed a wrapped present.  Christmas or Birthday, it didn’t matter.  The gift was for you and there was something special inside.  You couldn’t open that box fast enough.


Adopting a doodle has been a similarly exciting experience but I have learned that you have to be patient to…


Added by Amy, Cubbie & Ollie on May 14, 2012 at 5:19pm — 24 Comments

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