Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

July 2009 Blog Posts (129)

14 weeks, and 6 weeks in!

Been having a bit of a guilt trip this week...after years with our cats being the center of our attention, bringing Penny into the family has altered their life substantially. They are no longer free to be wherever they want in the house, and to do what they please without having a big dopey puppy in their face, and I kinda feel sorry for them. However, they are moving about a lot more now, taking advantage of when Penny is asleep or in the yard. But they do get caught out every now and then,… Continue

Added by Kevin Poole, Penny & Ozzy on July 24, 2009 at 9:29am — 10 Comments

Funny looking dog

LD has doggy friends, which one is this? Or is it two?

Added by Jeri on July 24, 2009 at 6:23am — 4 Comments

A Little Prank!

Many people have commented how mischievious my whole family is. I pulled a prank on DH without even thinking twice and then forgot I had done it until he brought it up and blamed Cody.

For those of you who saw my freaky picture of the hand over DH's back, you will understand how funny this was. After I posted the picture, I showed it to DH. He was a little freaked out and said that someone must be watching over him. Of course, I showed him just before he went to bed so it was fresh… Continue

Added by Linda,Yankee & Finn on July 23, 2009 at 7:20pm — 4 Comments

Mommy made me outside bells!

I've been digesting all the information here at DK & have seen numerous compliments on Poochie Bells. So...being the wanna be crafter that I am, I decided to try and make my own. I went scavenging through my closet and found this old belt that I hadn't worn in years! I had some pink ribbon on hand too, so the only thing I needed to buy were the bells! A whopping $2 was spent to make my very own outside bells! Now, let's… Continue

Added by Jeanie on July 23, 2009 at 11:39am — 6 Comments

Frustration Mounts--or Growls...

I am one frustrated doodle owner right now. Phoebe, I suppose well into her tweens at 6.5 months and exercising all 'tween rights', is driving me insane with the growling and the biting of her leash on her harness--not to mention all the barking in the house that she has started to do. Our fun walks have turned into power struggles as least until I re-establish Alpha with her as we round the corner. This morning, with three of four children in tow (boy, would I like to be the one at camp to… Continue

Added by Phoebe's Mom on July 23, 2009 at 10:20am — 7 Comments

It's All a Matter of Perception

Most days I feel like Toby does "all right", but is not yet a beautifully trained dog. In the last week I've been given some compliments, which makes me feel like I am, just maybe, being too hard on myself.

First off - we have a girl coming to stay for half a day with Toby while we are at our son's wedding. She and her Mom came to meet Toby, and I felt he was not behaving well. He got a 2 minute time out in his crate, and I just felt overall they wouldn't have gotten a good… Continue

Added by Sandy on July 23, 2009 at 5:31am — 2 Comments

Lucy, the horse, went to the vets today............

Lucy went for her yearly check up today, and yes, she is becoming a horse. Last July she weighed 59# and today she weighed 70.6#. She does not mind going, BUT hesitates going into the exam room. AND God forbid someone sticks a thermometer up her butt, she goes bulistic. No temp taking though today. She was OK, they did have to back her up into a corner though to just look into her eyes and ears. She is sooooo funny, she just kept looking at me like, "mommy, get me, they'r going to hurt me". I… Continue

Added by Karen & Lucy on July 22, 2009 at 5:39pm — 6 Comments

Remington visits Rhoton Retreat!

Remington trying to drowned his dad!

That's Better!

Boat Ride!

Yes, I must admit, I have been a bit neglectful on my blogging... but I have returned from vacation and am back on board!

We left for Columbus, Ohio Tuesday morning of last week bright and early. Around July we… Continue

Added by Kendra K. Rhoton on July 22, 2009 at 11:30am — 4 Comments


6 weeks and a few days to go. Does "DH" stand for doodle-husband?? I really hope so because that is what I've been assuming, LOL! If it is, then my DH is slowly moving away from being hesitant about our doodle puppy. He says small dogs are yappy... Ours will be a large-mini. I think he's wrong but I don't know much about dogs. I think he'll fall in love with her as soon as he sees her. I must admit, the biggest hurdle to overcome in his mind is the cost. Where as for me, it could've been twice… Continue

Added by Nancy Sunderland on July 22, 2009 at 5:00am — 19 Comments

Window, Door, Nanny will let us in anyway!

Playing at my cousin Baileys, we decided to be lazy and just have Nanny let us in through the window. Too bad we didn't realize we are too big!!

Added by Sean McCarthy on July 21, 2009 at 8:28pm — 6 Comments

Harper the escape artist...

So Zach and I ran to the store tonight around 8. We just had to grab a couple things for the house and print off some pictures, so we were only gone for about 45 minutes. Before leaving, Zach put Harper into her collapsible portable carrier. I had taken her to work with me today and her blankie and and piggy were still in there, so it was easier to just plop her in there than to transfer everything into the metal crate...

45 minutes later....

Zach and I walk in the front… Continue

Added by s a r a h&h a r p e r on July 21, 2009 at 8:00pm — 6 Comments

Fozzy ate chocolate cake

Fozzy ate a pc of chocolate cake, no chocolate frosing, but it had 2 small oreo cookies (are they really chocolate?) Do I need to worry? I don't think there was real "chocolate, or how much cocoa was in it. It had like a cool whip icing with oreo crumbs. Or can I continue being mad at him?? For my birthday, after I made my bed this a.m. he peed on it, then when I came home and then left again for dinner, he got into a bag of treats, and ate a hole in the bag, eating it entirely. Then he got… Continue

Added by Chris & Boys on July 21, 2009 at 8:00pm — 12 Comments

Harlow is Six Months Old Today

Boy time flies when you are having fun. It is hard to believe we have had Harlow for a little over 2 months and she is now 6 months old. When we first brought her home she only wieghed 21 pounds and was as tall as the boys. When I weighed her on Sunday she was up to 38 pounds and she now towers over the boys. The breeder thought Harlow would reach an adult weight around 50 pounds and stand around 21" at shoulder. I am thinking she may go a bit bigger as she still has a lot of room to grow into… Continue

Added by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on July 21, 2009 at 7:43pm — 4 Comments

.... and Cali does not like swimming either...

I haven't been here in awhile, computer issues and I am back in school but wanted to share Cali's latest antics. She went to the vet at the end of June and we were told she could stand to lose about 6 lbs, we weren't exercising her enough according to the vet. HMMM!! We take her for walks and let her run in the yard and take her to the dog park and here I am being… Continue

Added by Deena Womack on July 21, 2009 at 7:00pm — 5 Comments

What kind of an investment will it take?

I am considering trying to groom Fozzy myself.....not everything at first, but the little stuff, like the beard, the sanitary areas, etc. Would I have to buy a table??? If so, how much are they? I have a hard time getting Fozzy to sit still long enough to trim his eyebrows. And how much would a good clipper and scissors run me?

Added by Chris & Boys on July 21, 2009 at 8:37am — 4 Comments


Chipmunk hunting in the hosta bushes is now Divot's favorite activity. Squirrels have taken second place. He even pulled off the drain spout trying to get the chipmunk out. We don't think he would know what to do if he ever caught one.
We can't even whisper the word, chipmunk. They are called CM's.

Added by Missy & Bob Putnam on July 21, 2009 at 6:41am — 3 Comments

Mommy made me a tag for my collar!

I just recently started hand stamping jewelry as a hobby so I thought I'd make Gidget a tag for her cute little pink polka dot collar! I smudged the last 4 digits of our phone number for privacy's not REALLY smudged ;)

And here she is wearing her new tag! I LOVE to hear it jingle around the house!

Next up...a knitted… Continue

Added by Jeanie on July 21, 2009 at 6:30am — 11 Comments

Dog Birthday Wrap

Thank you all for your wonderful birthday wishes. It was a typical day--no not really, I went to work, we ate leftovers, I had my first hangover in many years, and my son was in a horrible car crash, my dog decided it was time to blow his puppy coat and mat beyond repair --I turned 50! I loved my 30's and 40's. Please keep me suspended in time.

Back to the birthday. My Spud will not leave my clothes alone. I have 2 pairs of underwear left. I chase my bra every morning, Tell that to… Continue

Added by Joanne ~ Spud* on July 21, 2009 at 4:00am — 15 Comments

Rosco, Thule, and Cass Have a House Guest

We're dog sitting my good friend's Moodle (Mutt + Poodle), named Amaya:

She looks very much like a full standard poodle...or at least an F1b. We know the mom was NOT a poodle and possibly was an F1 labradoodle, but she was found with a litter and ended up with a local rescue (who has no knowledge of her background). We assume the father was a poodle.

She started off sooo tiny:…


Added by Adina P on July 20, 2009 at 9:00pm — 10 Comments

My daily plea for a vote for Eddie................. He has dropped to 3rd. place This is the link to go to and click on contests to vote for my grandson's senior picture. He has dropped to 3rd. place......... :>( He has been in 1st. and 2nd. the whole time, what has happened. :'>( WE CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Thank you Thank you

Added by Karen & Lucy on July 20, 2009 at 8:00pm — 12 Comments

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