Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

July 2013 Blog Posts (59)

Milt's New Haunt!

The Milt Dog and I are regulars at our local White Rock Lake Dog Park.  Even in this supreme heat, we like to stop by two -- three times per week to chase down balls both in and out of the water.  Recently though, a new dog park AND human park was built in Dallas -- Klyde Warren Park ( While this park was being created, Jeff and I, along with friends, attended a comedy show, The Second…


Added by Heidi & Milton on July 10, 2013 at 3:17pm — 8 Comments

Life's A Beach, Part Two! (Grab a Cup of Coffee...This is a Long One)

Our beach vacation is over and we are sad.  I always love to come home to my dogs, but our family time has become less and less over the years and the changes in all of the kids were just amazing.  One of the nephews grew eight inches in one year and now has a much deeper voice than I remember. …


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on July 9, 2013 at 6:00am — 44 Comments

The puppy should be 6 weeks now. Two more weeks.

This is the guy waiting on his new big brother or sister.  We are starting to get things ready.  I do have a question?  Do you have insurance?  I am considering insurance so if there are any suggestions on what to get.  I am also planning on getting this dog microchipped.  We saw a mini doodle at the vet today it was so cute.  …


Added by L stover on July 8, 2013 at 7:38pm — 7 Comments

My Labradoodle Was Interviewed on a Blog: Pets and Their Authors

After "Poodle And Doodle" came out, Mayra Calvani interviewed me for her fun blog "Pets and Their Authors", but not as me, but as Sadie, my labradoodle. It was fun to answer the questions that way! Here a link to the interview:…


Added by Donna Shepherd on July 8, 2013 at 7:13pm — No Comments


Hi, it’s me “Harley!”  – and it’s my fault this weeks post is a little tardy.

I asked DM (Doodle Mom) if I could tell my own doodle version about this past holiday weekend, She said “sure Harls” (she calls me “Harls” when I’m acting cute and irresistible). I’m somewhat slow on the keyboard, that’s why this edition of the “Doodle Daily” is so late……


Added by Cathy C. Bennett on July 8, 2013 at 5:26pm — 2 Comments

lovely coincidence

Yesterday I took Jagger to a park that we visit very often and almost at the end of our visit, we run into 2 very similar looking doodles, yeah..we doodle parents can see differences =) The owner asked "how old is your dog" I said "8 months today" and he said so are mine!...then I asked what breeder and he said so and so...turns…


Added by Jagger & BobCat on July 8, 2013 at 4:35pm — 19 Comments

Fourth of July at Our House!

This past week a whirlwind of two adults, four children, and three Jack Russell terriers descended on our house, flew around for three days of madness, and then swept out of here with a flourish.  It was a flurry of excitement, pandemonium, and controlled chaos but most of all a heck of a good time.  Milt, of course, was right in the midst of it all and loving it!

Jeff's brother, Joel, and sister-in-law, Chris, are a military family, so they are driving…


Added by Heidi & Milton on July 8, 2013 at 6:28am — 3 Comments

Beat the Heat

Sunday morning at our house...…


Added by Heidi & Milton on July 7, 2013 at 11:03am — 2 Comments

I believe I can fly.

Added by laurie Wells on July 7, 2013 at 10:27am — 11 Comments

Visit with Lynda!! ( Groucho & Harpo's mom )

Lynda ( Lynda Kamrath, Groucho and Harpo's mom )came to Pittsburgh for her family reunion!! I had a pleasure of meeting with her today!!

I had wonderful conversation with her in regard to her involvement with school children and gardening, and the passion for Art!!! I work for the public school, and I love various art ( used to work as a textile designer in NYC ), so the conversation was great!! She shared her books she made of her late doodle Hondo, family and current doodles Groucho…


Added by Kyoko on July 5, 2013 at 8:30pm — 13 Comments

Life's A Beach, Part One

This is the week we go down to the beach for our annual vacation with John’s family.  Since his parents have died, it has become our gathering place for siblings, in-laws, out-laws, our children, nieces and nephews, and just to make us feel really old, newborns and grand children, great nieces and nephews.  We have expanded so much as a…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on July 5, 2013 at 3:26am — 38 Comments

I'd like to take a moment to whine about Duncan's eating habits...

I know there is a ton of great advice about this topic in the forum and food group (which I have read and am putting into practice), but this is less about seeking advice and more about just venting.

Duncan is in one of his "picky" phases right now, and it has me bummed out. He was a great eater until he was about my months old, and now he goes through periods of time where he wants nothing to do with his kibble. I am fairly certain that there is nothing actually wrong with him,… Continue

Added by Theresa & Duncan on July 4, 2013 at 12:24pm — 18 Comments


I finally brought myself to watch the actual video from the tragedy in Hawthorne, California.  For anyone who may not know what I am talking about, here is the link to the news story talking about that video:

As far as the video itself ... disturbing…


Added by Jay, Lola and Colonel Esau on July 3, 2013 at 10:30pm — 34 Comments


Our June Bark Box came the other week. Much to our dismay, we didn’t have a “Gold Bone”inside, therefore we aren’t traveling to NYC compliments of Scout and the Bark Box team. None the less, we had a blast making the video and sharing our humorous moments with you!

The Boys however, were super excited with the aroma coming from the box because it held all the trimmings and fixings for a great 4th of July pupnic……


Added by Cathy C. Bennett on July 3, 2013 at 9:18am — 4 Comments

We get him/her this month

We had a close call, we almost lost our number in the pack.  We were number 9 out of 9.  We were informed that the runt got sick and was not developing and passed away.  So sad!!!  Well another person moved to a different litter so now we are 8 of 8.  I hope they all stay healthy and growing.  We were suppose to get pics on the weekend and we have not really been getting them on time.  I know they are busy but I am checking my email all the time.  The chances are good I will get a boy.  I…


Added by L stover on July 2, 2013 at 10:53pm — 10 Comments

Shaggy + Skunk = EEEWWWWW

UGH...I have the cleanest smelliest doodle in Michigan, I think!:( Shaggy had his first and hopefully his LAST encounter with a skunk last Friday. Right away I soaked him in Nature's Miracle Skunk Order Remover, had to let it dry then bathed him in a mix of peroxide, baking soda, & dawn dish soap. He smelled better but still had a skunky smell to him. Today I bathed him again first in feminine wash (an old timers country remedy), then in the peroxide soap mix. Shaggy is beautifully clean,… Continue

Added by Cathy, Fozzie & Shaggy on July 2, 2013 at 8:05pm — 10 Comments


After the disaster on Saturday (see “Agility Training – Going Backwards”), I took the advice of the instructor and made arrangements to bring Leo back to the outdoor training area on Tuesday to run through some of the equipment he was introduced to on his first day of training.

Karen (the instructor) thought it might be helpful if Harley joined us. The concept being, with Harley tagging along, Leo might be a tad more…


Added by Cathy C. Bennett on July 2, 2013 at 4:21pm — 2 Comments

Just like Boca...

Clark was discussing with our 3 y.o. how kids often grow up to look like their parents.  That her brother might grow up to look like Daddy.  Then our daughter added:

"And when I grow up. I'll look like Mommy. And when I'm really old, I'll look like...Boca!  But with no fur."

Added by Adina P on July 2, 2013 at 4:04pm — 20 Comments

Coming home...

It was absolutely wonderful to be greeted by our darling Holly and all her Maltese buddies when Judy and I arrived home from our vacation.  We have only left Holly twice in the five years we have shared our life with her.  We both enjoyed our vacation but really missed our canine life partners...

Added by Richard Crowe on July 2, 2013 at 8:00am — 14 Comments

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