Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

October 2009 Blog Posts (100)

Big Dog Bark

I am not sure when it happened, but I definitely heard it today. Harlow has gotten her ‘big girl’ bark. She is still using her puppy bark when she is trying to convince the boys to play so it surprised me when she was in the backyard doing her business when she suddenly rang out with a very deep, very adult ‘WOOF, WOOF, WOOF’.

We have lots of large dogs in our neighborhood. Every evening around 7 the ‘doggy chat room’ opens for happy hour. You can hear the chocolate lab down the… Continue

Added by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on October 23, 2009 at 7:08pm — 4 Comments

Bark at the Moon...

at least one I have heard of. My darling Phoebe is driving me nuts today as she is barking at the snow/sleet/rain we have falling here in MN. She is pacing near the door and windows like a cat about to pounce and then sprinting between the front and the rear windows--it is hilarious and yet somehow unsettling. I am praying she calms down soon--I took her out in an effort to help her 'realize' what the white stuff was--or else I am in for a very long winter (as if I do not have enough winter… Continue

Added by Phoebe's Mom on October 23, 2009 at 10:01am — 2 Comments

Sable is 4 months old!

Sable is cute as a button and slowly but surely learning some manners in Obediance classes. She was 10.5 pounds last time I weighed her and she is fully vacinated. We have a nice, long lead set up for her so she can run aroubd SAFELY when we can't go with her. She loves to play with our big labs! Yesterday while we were outside I tethered Sable to Cody! It was so cute! The big Yellow Lab acted as somewhat of an anchor to the wild and crazy puppy, classic!

Added by Nancy Sunderland on October 23, 2009 at 7:43am — 1 Comment

The last day of "summer"?

Yesterday was most likely the last day to don a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. After taking a vote it was decided to head to the Delaware River and spend some quality time digging holes in the sand and romping!

Added by Geoff on October 23, 2009 at 5:05am — 8 Comments

Gibson Has 5 Days to Live

Check out this Doodle. Gibson is in a High Kill Shelter in Ohio. Due to the lack of space, if he is not adopted by October 25th he will be euthanized. Not because he is vicious, it is just because there is a lack of space.

This is what the volunteers at The DRC do. We search the web looking for doodles who may be euthanzied and in need of forever homes. We… Continue

Added by Adrianne Matzkin on October 22, 2009 at 8:10pm — 32 Comments

Slide Show

I just have to say this is my favorite slide show....This one always make me matter how I am feeling. It also makes the things Ozzy and Zoey do look more normal...anyone enjoy this one as much as I do?

Added by Marianne *OZZY & ZOEY on October 22, 2009 at 4:49pm — 3 Comments

27 weeks old, and 19 weeks in!

27 weeks? That means that Penny is now six months and one week old! I always thought that six months was a milestone in a dog and owner’s relationship, but it came and went virtually unnoticed. For those of you who read my last post a couple of weeks ago, you may remember that I said Penny is so much calmer now and generally well behaved, almost as if she has grown up...BOY WAS I WRONG!

Apparently she was lulling me into a false sense of security since her spaying, which she took in… Continue

Added by Kevin Poole, Penny & Ozzy on October 22, 2009 at 3:11pm — 7 Comments


The other evening at training, I noticed a poodle that had been taught the "Focus!" command. When that command was given, the poodle would stop what he was doing and look directly into his owner's eyes. This was a neat command that would distract the poodle from any unwanted activity and would also serve as a prelude to any other command because the owner had the dog's complete attention, no matter what was distracting the poodle.

I am now working with Holly on the "Focus!" command.… Continue

Added by Richard Crowe on October 22, 2009 at 8:44am — 5 Comments

First Boarding

Well tonight we have our second week of puppy school..hopefully goes as well as last week..then we are off on vacation for my birthday. We're leaving early in the morning, and my mom's taking Bentley in to get his stitches from his neutering out, and then he's getting boarded for the night/next morning at the place he goes to puppy school. He hopefully will love it there...they get 6 hours of playtime with their buddies in one of 3 areas..his own 40 sq foot room, a bed, his own fleece blanket,… Continue

Added by Libby & Bentley on October 22, 2009 at 8:18am — 2 Comments


It is awesome how well Holly is reacting to these training sessions and how well she is accepting the other dogs. Holly was once frightened of big dogs but, through training and exposure like this, we have reduced that fright to almost a non-factor.

The training is completely reward centered and there are no corrections applied. All of the dogs have have had at least basic obedience training and all of the dogs know most of the basic commands such as sit, down and stay! Additionally,… Continue

Added by Richard Crowe on October 21, 2009 at 8:12am — 6 Comments


I was doing stuff outside. Realized after awhile that I hadn't seen Riley for a while. I looked thru the house and no Riley!. I panicked big time, I checked his outside kennel ( he has access from his room). No Riley, he wasn't anywhere!. I thought he somehow got outside when I was going outside to fix my truck cover. Found him in the bathroom, with the door closed after I had been in there. He doesn't bark, so don't know how long he would of stayed in there before voicing his confinement. My… Continue

Added by Charles Rocheville on October 20, 2009 at 9:30pm — 7 Comments

LabraMuts is Starting to Sound Good

Spud and I took a different route on our walk the other day and I want to say we met a ( I don't know what to politely call him ) man who was painting a garage--(in 37 degree temperature, yeah right, that paint will stick?? ).

He approaches me at the end of the drive.

I have shorted the conversation, but you truly don't want to hear it all and it took me a while to run like hell out of there:

Man: What type of dog is that?

Me: A… Continue

Added by Joanne ~ Spud* on October 20, 2009 at 7:00pm — 29 Comments


Recently while on the trip to the mountains our dogs fell off a cliff. They went down about a hundred feet down a steep incline, rolling part of the way. Suprising they were fine. They got back up and came back up. The next week somehow Jasper got hurt and had to have emergency surgery but the vet said it wasn't the fall.

So now after that Jedi our other doodle starts chewing on his leg. It's bleeding and scabbed and the hair is off. We gauzed/taped it up and put a cone around his… Continue

Added by Jojo on October 20, 2009 at 6:35pm — 8 Comments

Fox is developing a half hour sitcom based on the Dog Whisperer "HACK" Cesar Milan

Good Lord! Now the hack Ceasar Milan has ANOTHER show?!

From Perez Hilton's daily celeb gossip!!

Never underestimate the "power of the pack" of development execs because this is REALLY happening!!!

Fox is developing a half hour sitcom based on the Dog Whisperer Cesar Milan and backed by the one-note mediocrity star power of Wilmer Valderamma.

Although the plot points have not be solidified, Wilmer will… Continue

Added by Denise & Hunter!!! on October 20, 2009 at 7:52am — 11 Comments

"Touch" Command

We had a very successful obedience class last night. Last week, DH and I spent oodles of time training Peri to be better at staying in a down position, responding to name, etc... It finally seemed to have paid off, because for once, Peri listened and stayed for quite a while with the trainer in front of the whole class. Usually she is so excited because she loves our trainer and cannot contain herself :)

Last night we learned a new command: TOUCH. This is new to me and seems very… Continue

Added by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on October 20, 2009 at 7:32am — 11 Comments

Never Been So Happy To Be Home!

Last night we returned from our wedding/honeymoon. We had a great and wonderful time... the only thing that wasn't so great and wonderful was Remington. Well, I guess everything ended up okay, but they sure didn't start out that way.

As most of you know, we were leaving Remington with a friend of ours who has 3 other dogs. We dropped him off on Wednesday evening. I took it pretty well... only a few tears shed, but other than that he seemed pretty happy. That evening she text us… Continue

Added by Kendra K. Rhoton on October 19, 2009 at 7:05am — 14 Comments

Doggie Massage and Yoga.....

This weekend, Eva, Willow, Kona and I joined a class at the University, it was for dog yoga. I didn't know it was going to be yoga :o I thought it was going to be like the class I took a couple of years ago with Buddy that taught us how to relieve stress, arthritic joint pain, and develop bonding with our dogs. We had a couple of play breaks as you can see in the pics, and then Kona and Willow decided halfway through the 3 1/2 hour class that… Continue

Added by GBK on October 18, 2009 at 10:06pm — 8 Comments

I thought this was funny!

Top Ten Reasons Why It Costs More to Get Your Pet Groomed

Than Your Own Hair Cut:

10. Your hairdresser doesn't wash and clean your rear end.

9. You don't go for eight weeks without washing or brushing your hair.

8. Your hairdresser doesn't have to give you a sanitary trim.

7. Your hairdresser doesn't have to clean your ears.

6. Your hairdresser doesn't have to remove the boogies from your eyes.

5. You sit still for your hairdresser.

4. Your… Continue

Added by Linda,Yankee & Finn on October 18, 2009 at 4:46pm — 9 Comments

Maintance today!

My sister in law came over today, and worked on Riley. He got his pads, face, and ears done. Told her she better stay around for as long as Riley does as I could not afford all the maintenance I am getting for a little bar-b-que and smoked meat/chicken otherwise. Everyone with a doodle needs a groomer in the family.! I am so blessed.

Added by Charles Rocheville on October 18, 2009 at 3:56pm — 5 Comments

Tigger and Roo self medicate

Okay - I am finally calm enough that I can write about it. Last week I had my mentally handicapped nephew for a week while his parents were on vacation. He (nephew M) is on a lot of medication, including heavy duty seizure meds. He and his mom had it all sorted out in one of those multi compartment pill keepers.

All was going well from Monday until Thursday, Tigger and Roo were doing very well around M and M was doing well with them. No freak outs, melt downs, forgotten pills, etc. I… Continue

Added by Maryann,Roo and Tigger on October 17, 2009 at 9:20pm — 15 Comments

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