Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

November 2012 Blog Posts (74)

"Thank you" after walk

To start off, like most dogs, Ollie loves walks. Now that it is cooler out (under 100 degrees) Ollie and I have been enjoying our (admitedly, almost) daily walks. I live in a valley in the middle of Texas, so the pollen count is ALWAYS high. If it is too hot I have a hard time breathing, but lately it has been pretty awesome outside. Since it gets dark so early now, to avoid mosquitos (yes i know, it is crazy that mosquitos are still active in November. As an Indiana girl, I'm completely…


Added by Rachel and Ollie on November 21, 2012 at 4:18pm — 18 Comments

Comiskey is 5!

Today Comiskey turns 5 years old.  Although at times she was a challenge...she has brought us such joy. We love you our "little sweetie girl"....Happy Birthday

Added by Penny, Comiskey & Beemer on November 21, 2012 at 8:31am — 19 Comments

Bayley's Bow Wow Birthday Bash

Bayley the Goldendoodle turned 1 year old over the weekend. A couple of our best friends were staying the weekend, so we decided to throw a party.

This is an interesting photo, as the short dog on the right looks like a long haired basset…


Added by Donna P. on November 20, 2012 at 5:16am — 17 Comments

A Slight Hiccup...

Recently, I received the inevitable phone call from Jeff.

         "Heidi, I just picked Milton up from daycare, and they say he needs to be neutered by the end of the month or else he cannot return."

        <Radio Silence> on my end.    

I don't think my husband realized it, but I had been dreading that day for quite sometime.  I suppose my main opposition to neutering comes from the fact that we never neutered our chocolate Lab, Brutus, when I was…


Added by Heidi & Milton on November 20, 2012 at 4:19am — 15 Comments

How to deal with a destructive dog

It had been 10 years since I had a puppy in my house, but who can ever forget the incredible and widespread destruction that a tiny ball of freaking-adorable can wreak on your house and personal accoutrements?  Replacing the linoleum in our brand new house because there was a 3 foot mangled section 'removed' for us in a matter of minutes, teeth shaped holes in the drywall, carpet, shoes, underwear, purses, belts, very hazardous electrical cords...  Ahh. memories.  My sweet doodle didn't do…


Added by Jen and Annie on November 19, 2012 at 7:30pm — 17 Comments

Another Haircut...

This is a bit late, but I thought I'd post a before and after of Darwin's latest haircut. He got really long this time, longer than we usually let him get. I kept him thoroughly brushed thanks to the LP brush, but I knew we'd have to cut him because of snowballs, plus he was starting to look.. not like Darwin. he he. 

Before, outrageously fluffy, at least for him.…


Added by Camilla and Darwin on November 19, 2012 at 1:42pm — 22 Comments

Tigger's Tale

Hi to all my doodle friends - I finally get to tell a story.  You know Roo has Addison's disease.  I love him and am glad that he is just fine, but Roo gets to go all by himself to the vet - lots.  The stories he tells when he gets home!  We love going to the vet, there are always kitties in a cage, wonderful intense smells, treats and of course all the girls know us and love us.   

Every time Roo comes home he goes on and on about the new cat Chester, who likes dogs, and…


Added by Maryann,Roo and Tigger on November 19, 2012 at 9:32am — 12 Comments


It’s the most wonderful time of the year.

With the dogs taking pictures,

and pet parents smiling,

The air full of “Holiday Cheer,”

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…”

The Holiday Pet Portrait Party at Olde Towne Pet Resort was an absolute “doodle-blast.” Photographic pups everywhere, posing like professional models. Once I receive the boys proofs, I…


Added by Cathy C. Bennett on November 19, 2012 at 8:20am — 5 Comments

Puppy Photo of the Week

Milton's Momma (me) likes to exercise everyday if possible, whether it be yoga or a walk/run.  Sometimes Milton gets in the way of this when he asks to go potty, play ball, or take a walk for his own daily constitutional.

Last week, he certainly interrupted my workout routine by pulling this little stunt:…


Added by Heidi & Milton on November 19, 2012 at 3:25am — 3 Comments

Who Will Be The Winner of Our Contest??

I like contests.  We all know how competitive I am.  We are now having our own contest called, “Which Doodle is More Annoying?”  Let me assure you, it is a very close race and we may have to have a third party tally the votes.  Could the winner be Vern who got me up three times last night to go out?  Or could it be Fudge who got up with Vern each of those times and then came back to bed with me swinging her paws in the air repeatedly to let John know she was waiting for her belly rubs?  In…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on November 18, 2012 at 10:00am — 33 Comments

Rescue Event In Rancho Mirage, California

Judy attended a two day SUPER PET ADOPTION rescue event in Rancho Mirage (near Palm Springs, CA).  There were a total of seven Maltese and Maltese mixes from our Maltese Rescue, three from our house and four from other fosters.  Judy came home tonight.  She had run out of dogs...  Six of the seven dogs were adopted (and the seventh has two people coming to see him tomorrow).


We had extra people there to help with filling out applications and to make home inspections.  It was…


Added by Richard Crowe on November 17, 2012 at 6:24pm — 9 Comments

As the holidays approach & the year comes to a close...

I realized the other day that I have not blogged here is quite awhile.  Just logged in to look this up...HOLY MOLY...its been almost a YEAR!  Wow...2012 sure must have been keeping us very busy with work and play.  

Zoey is doing great, which is a BIG improvement from this time last year.  Right after the holidays I'd had her fixed and getting through the recovery from that, I literally cried for a week as NOTHING would keep this dog from pulling/licking at her stitches.  Frustration…


Added by Kerri B. & Zoey on November 17, 2012 at 12:39pm — 7 Comments

Grooming Drama

Daisy had a grooming appointment on Thursday. Nothing special just the same old drop off and pick up, bath, trim, brush. However this time we were changing the person that was doing the grooming as her regular Sarah had left the business.

I was a bit nervous (I know you all know the feeling with new groomers) but I really like the place, they don't crate, it's in an actual home, on my way to work and close enough to run and get her when they are done.Daisy always seems to do okay…


Added by Lisa, Daisy & Dexter on November 17, 2012 at 8:56am — 24 Comments

Only Natural Pet Store treasures!!

Trav and I were the lucky winners of a $50 gift card credit from Only Natural Pet Store, thanks to the Doodle Kisses calendar drawing.  And did we score some great stuff! 

First, I agonized for what seemed like hours over the vast array of items I could order, but finally managed to make my selections.  Then I lost the screen, and the selections!  Despair.  The selection process began again, and was eventually completed.  We've been waiting …


Added by Pat and Traveler on November 16, 2012 at 3:30pm — 14 Comments

Kramer is 8 years old today!!!

8 GREAT years with a super sweet dog!! Who knew back in January of 2005,on a frigid day what I was getting into. He has brought so many wonderful people into my life! I can't imagine a world without him!

Added by Sue on November 16, 2012 at 9:46am — 28 Comments

The Princess and the Pea!

My dogs need to be groomed.  They have an appointment next week and if I thought my groomer had a drop box I would have left them there last night.   I leave my car at the mechanic’s the night before an appointment with a note stating what needs to be done, so why can’t my groomer be as accommodating.  I have thought about tying them up outside her grooming salon so she finds them in the morning with a note around their necks that reads, “Mom says we can’t come home until we are clean.” The…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on November 15, 2012 at 5:30pm — 40 Comments

Lotsa Doodles Calendar Giveaway!

10,000.  Does this number mean anything to you?  It means an awful lot to me because last week I hit 10,000 PAGE VIEWS on my blog,!

Since I began blogging on May 28th, the week prior to bringing the Milt home, I have garnered 10,000 viewings of my blog (plus lots and lots of views here), and I am positively thrilled.  To all of my loyal readers, thank you for reading multiple times a day (Mom), checking in weekly, or occasionally…


Added by Heidi & Milton on November 15, 2012 at 4:23am — 6 Comments

Borrow a Doodle - they are chick magnets...

A person wrote in to one of my photography forums asking how he should shoot pictures of his friend who wants to post them on a dating site.  I recommended that he borrow a doodle and shoot his friend with the dood!  I explained that Holly is an amazing chick magnet and I have heard from other doodle owners that their dogs also attract gals.


It's amazing, how Holly will attract gals.  Of course, men like Holly but, gals from eight to eighty just fall all over…


Added by Richard Crowe on November 14, 2012 at 8:50pm — 15 Comments


For the last few years (well, for as long as we’ve had Doodles), I’ve struggled with the whole holiday card thing. I dream about sending out those cute “Tis the Season To Be Jolly” holiday photo cards but it always becomes this nightmarish saga – of “epic” proportion.

The problem, or should I say “my” problem is that I wait too “doodle” long and before you know it, the holiday season is hovering over me, and I end up making excuses, chewing myself…


Added by Cathy C. Bennett on November 14, 2012 at 8:36pm — 1 Comment

Fifty degree swing in temperature...

Last night it went down to 33 degrees F. in Ramona which is in the hills of San Diego County.  Today it hit 83 degrees;  a shift of fifty degrees!  That's why they dress in layers...

Added by Richard Crowe on November 13, 2012 at 9:40pm — 6 Comments

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