Well, it was a bumpy road at the end, this little boy was sideways (not head down, or even a butt down) until 39 weeks and 5 days. FINALLY he turned and I was induced before he turned back sideways. There was marconium present when they broke my water, so the day had its ups and down - but in the end we were holding a healthy baby boy. He was a little jaundiced - we've been doing a light treatment for that, but other then that life is…
Added by HeatherA on November 14, 2010 at 1:53am —
This past month has been a very quiet period for Rusty; the most significant event, other than his big night, was his nine month Ampuversary on October 25th! He went in for his monthly checkup with Dr. Macy on November 5th; the best news was that his blood platelets have not dropped any further since the previous visit. The liver readings showed some degradation, but were still within acceptable limits. His reaction to the oral Lomustine chemo…
Added by Chuck Holliman on November 13, 2010 at 7:54pm —
Owen has a hot spot! He's 11 weeks old. He has been scratching some so I put some peppermint oil on my hands and rubbed it over him hoping to chase the fleas away. I don't want to use a chemical agent anymore. DoodleKisses has me rethinking all my dog parenting! I feed Kona and Owen Orijen grain-free dog food. I won't use chemicals on them. Anyway, it clearly didn't do the trick so now he has a hot spot. We had a golden who was allergic to fleas so we've dealt with lots of hot spots over the…
Added by Bonnie and Kona on November 13, 2010 at 11:58am —
Little scare! Riley charging downstairs, and piled up at the bottom. He goes to living room, and holds his front leg up. I panic! and rub it: expecting the worst. He is fine and as good as new. Wondering why I notice every little thing that is a concern to him? Really wondering if I was that observant, with my daughters?
Added by Charles Rocheville on November 13, 2010 at 11:41am —
Got home from work lastnight and they were in the mail. Opened them to check out the colors (beautiful) laid them on my bed, changed my cloths then went in to cook Gus his dinner. While I was cooking his dinner I noticed he wasn't at my feet, off I went to look for him. Found him in my room with his nose in the bandannas sniffing and snorting then he ran to the other side of the bed got down on the floor and tried to get under the bed WTD! So down I went thinking he was after his ball, no…
Added by Deirdre on November 13, 2010 at 10:30am —
Hello my new friends, had a lovely Saturday morning, mum got up early and said we were going to the beach!! Yippee,I love the beach. On the way we stopped at the park and I played ball with my friend Poppy,shes a Springer, but I can run alot faster. After my game we then went to the beach, what a lovely morning, we walked for miles and I ran in and out of the water. On the way back from the beach we stopped off at another park and I had lovely games with two other doodles, Maggie and Winston…
Added by Belinda Jones on November 13, 2010 at 6:10am —
I'm not sure how to take this.... my dad just called me while I was reading through the forum posts (which I haven't been able to do in weeks!) -
ironic - to tell me to watch the 11 o'clock news in New York (ABC). He just watched the 5:00 o'clock news, and said a dog was on who ate a cell phone charger and then some glue... he said eating the glue probably saved the dog's life. My dad then said he wanted me to go on their website and post the things
my… Continue
Added by shelly on November 12, 2010 at 2:50pm —
Well as our week together comes to a close, I though I would share one last story about the adventures of Mylie and Gavin. I learned this week that two dogs are twice the work, twice the expense and 10 times the laughs! Still not ready for a second one, but it was a positive experience (save and except Mylie’s frequent “vocalizations”).…
Added by BG and Gavin on November 12, 2010 at 12:50pm —
Clifford has been a little "off" since last weekend. I took him to the vet on Tuesday because he seemed to be dripping occasionally, an uncommon occurrence for boy dogs unless they have stones (which he is pretty young to have). Vet ran a catheter in and didn't find any stones and his urinalysis came back fine so she said to watch him and give him some meds if it continued. Of course it seemed to stop immediately after I brought him home but then he developed a runny nose so we thought maybe he…
Added by Clifford, Cloud, Jake..and Kim on November 12, 2010 at 12:27pm —
I just dropped Guinness at the Vet, and they decided to admit him at least for the day to run some tests. I feel like these guys are always sick, and it's making me crazy. I try so hard to do everything I can to keep them healthy, but it doesn't seem to be working. Guinness had an upset stomach on Tuesday, some vomiting and refusing food. I thought it was an IBS flare up, so I didn't worry to much. On Wednesday he seemed fine and wanted to eat again, so I gave him plain chicken and rice, and he…
Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on November 12, 2010 at 7:17am —
Thank you all SO much for your comments on my last blog post. I realized pretty quickly that you were all right on the money. I think I was shocked when I saw him because he looked fluffy and groomed and I wasn't used to it. But the more I look at him the more I see how good the cut was. She cut his face to the length I requested but still managed to keep his shaggy look. His cut is extremely even and he feels very soft. I am feeling much better about it now. Perhaps I was just sad to see all…
Added by Camilla and Darwin on November 11, 2010 at 4:00pm —
Murphy here,
Tuesday I got to go doggy daycare at my vet's. I love doggy daycare. I played and played, got covered in dirt and mud, and I got a bath before my mom picked me up. (They never let my mom see me like that.)
When mom picked me up, Dr. Chris told her "Murphy is a little too fluffy."
What does that mean? I know I looked really great after my bath and blow dry allover. (I love that.) But too fluffy?
Added by Linda and Murphy on November 11, 2010 at 11:36am —
Amazon has a daily deal on organic canned pumpkin. $20.40 for 12 cans 15oz. If you sign up for subscribe and save you can get it for
$17.34! (It's really easy to cancel the subscription,…
Added by HeatherA on November 11, 2010 at 10:57am —
1 Comment
Last night, Vern had his last Basic Obedience class. The instructor had three games to play for prizes and Vern won two. I have been very busy lately and have not been as diligent as I should with his training, but still he did great. We had to put him in a sit/stay, go out of the room, behind a door, and see if he could maintain it for 60 seconds with no corrections. HE DID IT! You would have thought he won the Nobel Peace Prize and not a pack of poop bags, I was so excited. I told him I knew…
Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on November 11, 2010 at 7:59am —
Well,its absolutely pouring here today and the wind is whipping round the house. At least it might keep those blessed fireworks from being let off. My mum says she hates it when it rains as she has to put on so much wet weather clothes. Not sure why, she'd dry off when we got back !! It never worries me. I love the water, whether its from the sky or not....
Thanks for the offer of socks to put in my ears, I borrowed my dads. He didn't seem too happy about that though. I…
Added by Belinda Jones on November 11, 2010 at 7:06am —
I previously blogged about the Halloween party we took Darwin to. Well, while we were there we won a free grooming, full service. Of course, this doesn't mean hand scissoring, just a shave.This is pretty awesome, considering that most groomers charge 65 plus dollars for a dog of Darwin's size! I always groom him myself, because I want to save money, I have been quoted over 40 dollars for a simple bath and brush! Anyways, I also hear a lot of sad stories about doodles coming back looking like…
Added by Camilla and Darwin on November 10, 2010 at 3:05pm —
When oh when will the fireworks be over, my mum says everything will be alright, but they really hurt my ears and all that whizzing and whooshing frightens the life out of me. I tried to take mum for a walk this evening but got half way down the road and ...... whoosh, they'd started again. Oh my hurting ears !!
Added by Belinda Jones on November 10, 2010 at 1:35pm —
OMG, how long has it been??????????? I have not been on here for soooooo long, I am ashamed of myself. So many things have been going on in our lives I just got away from all of our friends here on DK. I am sorry. We lost my MIL in May, I fell on July 18 and broke my foot and have not worked since. I was on crutches with an air cast boot on up until about 3 weeks ago and now am off the crutches, still have the boot on though and using a bone stimulator now 2x's / day. The bone is not… Continue
Added by Karen & Lucy on November 9, 2010 at 9:45pm —
Fantastic blog entries.....Amos would be pleased to hear everyone is looking at his activities, good or bad depending on your viewpoint...lol...Thanks all for sharing your thoughts..
Added by Roger Skougard on November 9, 2010 at 5:41pm —
Okay all you doodle friends, I am getting a lot of bad press out there and I just want to tell my side of the story.
Mom and Dad were gone. Sisters were here. It was raining all the time. Roo and I had not been in the pool in a least a century - month - a day - I'm not that good on time. I had introduced the Sisters to the fun game of chase. It goes like this - I find something fun to carry in my mouth - a sock, a pillow, the toilet paper - that one is really fun.…
Added by Maryann,Roo and Tigger on November 9, 2010 at 4:56pm —