Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

December 2008 Blog Posts (55)

8 Months!

Beckett is just about 8 months old now. I can't believe it. He is such an amazing pup. I can't believe how smart goldendoodles are. He has quite his own personality. I'm so happy we have him. He was neutered last week and is on the mend. I think we're spoiling him! (but that's fine by me) I'd love to get another one in the future but I'd have to talk my hubby into it. But I don't think it would take too much. I had to convince him we should get Beckett and now he loves him! I can't believe how… Continue

Added by Jackie on December 6, 2008 at 8:06pm — 3 Comments

Lola brought my shoe to me!!

So the other day, I was putting on one of my tennis shoes to take Lola outside. While I was putting one on, Lola brought me my other shoe from the door to where I was sitting and set it down next to my foot. I was so happy, because I did not teach her to do this or anything. Doodles are so smart. The she went about her normal behavior of rubbing up on me and making a whining/howling noise, it is her way of speaking in the mornings, when we are going outside, and when we are going "bye-bye". I… Continue

Added by Ali on December 6, 2008 at 5:52pm — 2 Comments

Medical Pet Shirts

I would like to praise a very useful invention: The medical petshirts!!!

Benny had a castration on Thursday and I was fearing already the collar he had to wear afterwards. Both our cats got a castration too and they really hated the collar.

Actually I do think a collar can cause even more fear and traumatize your pet.

Therefore I am really happy that the doctor gave me choice between a collar and a medical pet shirt when I picked Benny up. Of course the petshirt costs a bit more… Continue

Added by Zoe, Benny and Tyler on December 6, 2008 at 10:26am — 1 Comment

Holiday Greetings

I know this is not a doodle doing this but it is too cute not to share. Someone sent me a link to an entry on of a dog romping in the snow. His name is Bailey and the video is titled Merry Christmas from Bailey the Unknown Reindeer. Go to and search for Bailey. Check it out, it will make you laugh.

Added by Debbie & Cotton Clegg on December 6, 2008 at 9:11am — 7 Comments

An update on Sophie.. "She can't wait until Monday"

Today marks the day we have had Sophie for four weeks. She has her next follow up appointment on Monday. Hopefully, she will recieve a bill of good health, and freedom from the cone and "rest". She's pretty sick of being lazy. See, after cataract surgery, dogs must "lay low" for a week. No chew toys. No toys at all! No running. No leash around the neck. Minimal public places. We have been instructed to thread the leash under the tummy and around one front leg to maintain control of her while… Continue

Added by Elizabeth on December 6, 2008 at 8:30am — 8 Comments


Beware, beware, beware. I just noticed that Dave Nikkel from Manitoba is still advertising on this site. He is using pictures of a dog(s) that are not his and have in fact stolen them from another breeders site. He stole $300 from me under completely false pretenses. He tried to sell me the dog shown in the photo for his site and after much research I found out this dog does not even exist. It is just a photo he is using to try and fool others (like he fooled me) to take deposits from multiple… Continue

Added by Mike B on December 5, 2008 at 5:59pm — 10 Comments

12 weeks

Oliver is growing like a weed! Not much new to report on this week...I can't believe we've had him for 4 weeks already! I have to say he is pretty much reliably potty trained with no accidents in the house for the past 2.5 weeks. He is constantly running to nudge his bells at the door and then goes right to his potty spot! In fact, he's MUCH faster than his "big" sister Chloe when it comes to pottying! hahaha Right now we're working on stay and sitting (and staying) at the door until I tell him… Continue

Added by Oliver on December 5, 2008 at 11:30am — No Comments

The Elusive Christmas Card Photo Op

Christmas's past, we have looked with an envy that isn't exactly appropriate to the holiday season, as greetings poured in from far flung friends and family that prominently featured the family pet. This year was to be the year we would document stylishly our first Christmas as proud dog owners. By now I was sure utterly adorable Christmas cards featuring Holly and Meg and Labradoodle Lily would be ready to go. Heartfelt personal notes would have been scribbled in the leisurely hours after… Continue

Added by Margo on December 5, 2008 at 9:00am — 4 Comments

11 more points...

I admit that I'm only writing this blog post to get the 11 points I need to bump my ranking up from "Socialite" status to "Frequent Doodler". I have a ways to go before I'm labeled a "Hopeless Addict", which is probably a good thing, or I never would have time to do actual money-making work, walk the dogs, be a mom to my human child, or - uhhhh... be a wife too... Talk about getting priorities straight !

DoodleKisses is SERIOUSLY addictive, but in a really… Continue

Added by Eva (Lilo and Rocky) on December 4, 2008 at 6:30pm — 3 Comments

The Great Hot Dog

So let me preface this by saying that Yoda's favorite toy is a hot dog. Awhile back I bought him a stuffed hot dog. He promptly proceeded to tear the hot dog out of the bun and rip half of the stuffing out of it. From then on he has carried the half-stuffed hot dog around whenever his humans are otherwise occupied and won't play with him. He prances around the house like he is carrying a trophy, throws it up in the air and catches it, and occasionally just lays down and chews lightly on… Continue

Added by Christy and Yoda on December 4, 2008 at 2:35pm — 1 Comment

2009 Calendar of Doodles?!

My parents were surfing around on and noticed somewhere there was a contest of pictures to be submitted of people's doodles to go into a 2009 Calendar, any body heard about that? I would like to submit a few possible photos of Reilly. :)

Let me know!

Hope everyone's holiday was wonderful and everyone is getting ready for the Christmas cheers!

Kind regards.

Added by Reilly on December 4, 2008 at 9:16am — 3 Comments

Happy Birthday!

12/2/08 marks the birthday of my new puppy! She and her 8 litter mates were born yesterday evening. And I think they are the cutest 1-day old puppies ever! (Not that I am biased or anything!)

I have announced it to the entire extended family and hospital, since I found out while at work. Now begins the shopping and puppy-proofing.

I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!! 8 weeks seems like forever!!


I'm too excited to write a logical blog post, sorry.

Added by Missi on December 3, 2008 at 3:28pm — 4 Comments

She's "Unadoptable". . . NO. Your wrong.

As many of you know, my husband and I decided to foster Sophie for Second Chance Rescue. She is our first foster dog. Last night, my husband and I talked for hours about this wonderful experience we have had.

See, she has been through alot, escpecially taking in to account the fact she could not see much. She had lived for her whole life in one home and was well taken care of there to my knowledge. Due to difficult life circumstances, the owner had to surrender her to a humaine… Continue

Added by Elizabeth on December 3, 2008 at 5:30am — 18 Comments

11 weeks

Oliver is getting so big! Or really, it's his legs that are getting much longer! I know I say it all the time, but he is SUCH a good boy! It's like I'm waiting for the terrible, puppy stage to kick in! He is constantly looking directly in my eyes to see what he should be doing. It's like he's having a conversation with me but only with his eyes! Whenever he's not sure what to do, I swear I can see his brain working. Usually during our eye contact during these times he will sit very… Continue

Added by Oliver on December 1, 2008 at 6:44am — 1 Comment

Let it Snow and Snow and Snow

Does anyone else have a doodle like mine that would rather just go outside and eat the snow???
We have 4 - 5 inches on the ground this morning and Willson just wants to go out on the deck to eat the snow, he just likes being out their its cute but . . . . sort of drives me nuts early in the morning

LOL Have a great day everyone

Added by Sue & Willy Babe on December 1, 2008 at 4:38am — 1 Comment

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