Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Donna K & Quincy's Blog (65)

WTD? Now You Swim!

OK, so now that summer is almost over, my darling Quincy who all summer wouldn't go in the water past his belly decided today would be the day that he learned how to swim. We were at our favorite ball playing place, a lovely meadow near a pond, it had rained earlier in the day so I ended up with a somewhat dirty doodle. I was planning on giving him a bath anyway, so I was just going to give him a quick dip in the pond to get the dirt off before getting in the car. We were just ready to leave… Continue

Added by Donna K & Quincy on September 10, 2010 at 7:30pm — 10 Comments Side Effects

Many of us are not ashamed to stand up and say" My Name is ________ and I'm a doodle addict, however there are some side effects of being addicted to doodles and DK. Some are good, some not so much. I'll start with the good ones first.

I learn tons of stuff that is necessary to be a good doodle mom

I get to meet and chat with lots of new friends.

I get to share and feel good about all the doodles in need that find their forever families because of DK.

I get lots…


Added by Donna K & Quincy on August 28, 2010 at 10:03am — 32 Comments

Theme Song

Recently there was a post about dogs being rescued and in return becoming a friend, companion and an unconditional giver of love. I was just listening to a song by the Eagles called " Love Will Keep us Alive". The lyrics struck me as being the perfect theme song for a rescue organizion. I'm sure it wasn't written with animals in mind but, if it works great. You can listen to the song on my page.This time when I was listening my mind kept seeing the pictures of Matthew when he was rescued. If… Continue

Added by Donna K & Quincy on August 21, 2010 at 3:54pm — 7 Comments

I'm Liking This Thing Called "Vacation"

For the last week now Mom and Dad have been on vacation. I think it's great because I'm never alone and I like having Mom and Dad around all the time. We've been hiking, whale watching, gone on picnics and swimming. My Mom laughs at me because I only like going in the water up to my… Continue

Added by Donna K & Quincy on August 17, 2010 at 6:31pm — 13 Comments

Quincy's Mini Vacation

We went on a weekend trip to visit my Grandma and Grampa and for Mom and Dad to attend a family wedding. It was a long car ride, almost 6 hours but we stopped often and Mom made me really comfortable in the back seat. She even gave me a pillow to lay on because I like to lay up against the door and Mom didn't think I looked very comfortable. We didn't have a lot of time but Mom managed to get me to pose for a few pictures. I was a really good boy and met a lot of new people. I even met…


Added by Donna K & Quincy on August 2, 2010 at 10:03am — 13 Comments

What a Difference a Year Makes

You sometimes forget how much your doodles have grown, so to put it into perspective here are pics of Quincy taken at same location about a year apart. Of course this year he had to climb up himself, he's not so easy to lift… Continue

Added by Donna K & Quincy on July 18, 2010 at 12:37pm — 13 Comments

Thanks from Donna and Quincy

Just want to say a big thank you to DK and it's members. I have gotten so much good information, lots of entertainment and more than a few good laughs. If not for DK I would be moving along blissfully unaware of all the things I was doing wrong for Quincy. He'd probably be eating crappy dog food and be a matted mess. I look forward to checking in every day to see what's new and to see what's happening to everyone the good and sometimes not so good.I love the way I get to meet people that I… Continue

Added by Donna K & Quincy on July 14, 2010 at 7:36pm — 9 Comments

Why We Love Children

Just added this to Warped Humor Group but thought we could all use a smile.


I was driving…


Added by Donna K & Quincy on July 11, 2010 at 4:07pm — 5 Comments

Who Turned up the Heat?

My mom has been complaining for ages now about our lousy summer. She was very happy today the temperature finally reached 80 degrees. I don't think I like it much. We went for a walk and had to stop half way for me to cool off a little in the lake. I liked that part, but what I really liked was getting to play in my new pool when we got home. It was really fun trying to get that silly ball from the bottom of the pool. The ball had a hole in it and sank to the bottom.…


Added by Donna K & Quincy on July 9, 2010 at 7:18pm — 12 Comments

Quincy's Walk for the Animals

Yesterday Quincy did his very first Walk-A-Thon in aid of our local no kill shelter,

Heavenly Creatures. We couldn't have ordered a nicer day. There were lots and lots of dogs of all shapes and sizes. He was absolutely well behaved and met many different dogs. He also had his first exposure to small puppies. We…


Added by Donna K & Quincy on June 27, 2010 at 6:17pm — 11 Comments

I Had A Fun Day!

Hi, It's me Quincy, I want to tell you about my fun day and how I made my mom and dad proud. Today we went to a Pet Expo, it was a fundraiser for our local shelters that help the animals. Yipeee! Dogs were allowed inside. There are not many places in our town that allow pets inside. First we watched the agility demo outside and I thought that looked like a lot of fun to try but the lady said they have a really long waiting list. It started to rain a little and my mom said she didn't want me…


Added by Donna K & Quincy on June 12, 2010 at 6:02pm — 6 Comments

Quincy the Toy Destroyer

I posted this a few days ago but accidently deleted it so I am posting again. My darling Quincy doodle has yet to meet a toy he can't destroy in seconds flat. Stuffed toys are his favorite things to dissect. Unfortunately he also tends to eat them which could lead to a big problem. To try and teach him not to do this I came up with a great idea or so I thought. Enter Froggy. Froggy is a cute little pink and green small stuffed toy. My…


Added by Donna K & Quincy on May 31, 2010 at 7:32am — 11 Comments

Dog Show

Just watching and enjoying the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. Some very interesting looking dogs. I have come to the conclusion that like our doodles after a bad groomer visit, some of these dogs must be very embarassed by their cuts. I believe Quincy is thinking "please don't ever do that to me".

Added by Donna K & Quincy on May 1, 2010 at 6:59pm — 6 Comments

Out in Left Field

Today DH, Quincy and I went for our sunday walk and game of fetch. We remembered to bring the ball but not the launcher. I throw like a girl and my DH can't throw far enough to make it enough of a challenge for Quincy. We found a broken branch that would work as a bat and started our own baseball team. My husband was the pitcher, I was at bat and Quincy played the outfield. Apparently I not only throw like a girl, I bat like a girl too and soon lost my turn at bat. I am a better pitcher than…


Added by Donna K & Quincy on April 25, 2010 at 7:44pm — 8 Comments


I just noticed that Matthew has an adoption pending. That is really great news, hope everthing works out and he does well with his treatment. Good Luck Matthew, you deserve a great life.

Added by Donna K & Quincy on April 25, 2010 at 5:30pm — 12 Comments

Dog Collar Prophecy!

A little while ago I was in the kitchen cleaning up the dinner dishes and Quincy was helping me as he always does. I keep telling him he doesn't need to help, that the dishwasher will do the work, but he is such a good boy he insists on helping any way. I was at the sink when the next thing I know one freaked out doodle and the whole bottom tray of dishes from the dishwasher are flying across the kitchen. Quincy had somehow managed to get the tags on… Continue

Added by Donna K & Quincy on April 19, 2010 at 3:57pm — 15 Comments


For all you guys who are sitting around in your shorts and flipflops just thought I'd let you know I have a wee bit of envy. Just came in from outside where Quincy was doing the zoomies in our nice fresh snowfall. The calendar says it spring, I think it lies.

Added by Donna K & Quincy on April 15, 2010 at 4:45pm — 9 Comments

Doodle Love

This may be a bit of a ramble but here goes. It does my heart good to see all the beautiful doodles getting new forever homes and great foster moms. That's a lot of happiness being spread around. I know why we love our doodles but is amazing the affect they have on others. I have noticed that when Quincy and I are out walking he makes people smile just by seeing him. When people drive by you can see them point and smile. We are constantly stopped and folks tell Quincy how beautiful he is and…


Added by Donna K & Quincy on March 26, 2010 at 12:31pm — 12 Comments


Happy St. Patricks Day from Donna and Quincy. Here's an old Irish saying we would like to share with you. "AS YOU SLIDE DOWN THE BANISTER OF LIFE, MAY THE SPLINTERS NEVER FACE IN THE WRONG DIRECTION." Happy Paddys Day everyone.

Added by Donna K & Quincy on March 16, 2010 at 5:07pm — 9 Comments

Unplanned Doodle Romp

It is a beautiful sunny day today so we decided to take advantage of the weather and go to our local park. Seems it was family fun day at the park there were dogs and people everywhere. Quincy was wearing his boots to keep those feet from getting too dirty and for some reason everyone thought this was really amusing. We decided to sneak off to the tennis court for a little off leash time and a game of fetch. We were soon joined by two other dogs, a… Continue

Added by Donna K & Quincy on March 14, 2010 at 1:46pm — 3 Comments


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