Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

January 2012 Blog Posts (96)

The things people send me!

This mad me chuckle.

Added by F, Calla & Luca on January 31, 2012 at 5:30pm — 20 Comments

Doodle Days... A New Hobby

I've always loved taking pictures, and then trying to improve them and share them with friends and family.  I also have always loved my pets.  Currently, Zach is our canine family member, and Peeps is our long time feline kid.  And so, after my two human kids grew up and moved away, I began combining my love for pictures and animals.  

Here's a backdrop on me...once my husband and I became empty-nesters back in 2006, I decided to try to find a job.  Now back in the early 80's…


Added by PJ and Zach on January 31, 2012 at 12:58pm — 16 Comments

Just feeling thankful

It's bedtime.  Hubby, kids and Kylie are all tucked in.  Pippin is asleep at my feet as I type.  Just feeling so thankful for friends, family and furry dogs.  Nite all!

Added by Jess and Pippin on January 30, 2012 at 10:16pm — 13 Comments

I am about to bust..............

I am so excited.  Several months ago I found out that Bailey had a sister here in town.  We even used the same vet for when the girls were spayed ..and on the same day no doubt.. Anywho...  I finally contacted her today and she is as excited as I am...we both just giggled with excitement to talk to each other.


We have a play date set for next week and we both were wondering...


Do you think they will know that they are sisters?  Will they remember each other…


Added by Elizabeth, Bailey & Bruin on January 30, 2012 at 10:41am — 26 Comments


My son graduated as a computer science major and then went on to do a master's in the Interactive Telecommunications Program at NYU. He now does freelance work, including being one of the creators of Lumarca, which is currently being shown in a large format at Eyebeam in NY. He also creates games and one was just at an event at the Museum of Natural History. I am, needless to say but I'll say it anyway, very proud of him.…


Added by F, Calla & Luca on January 29, 2012 at 9:18pm — 18 Comments

If Big Brother Can Do It ...

Declan, as many of you know, hasn't been with me for very long. He's four months old and has had absolutely no socialization. He's afraid of everything new and different because he has no frame of reference for anything at all, so my job is to help him learn and grow and experience life so that he can meet new experiences with interest and curiosity instead of fear. His saving grace is that he's an extremely good-natured and naturally social little fella, so if I do my job he'll be…


Added by Jen, Lachlan, and Declan on January 29, 2012 at 6:05pm — 19 Comments

Heated Discussions, Puppy Mills, Loving Our Dogs, and Bad Feelings! PLEASE READ!

I live in Pennsylvania, which happens to be a state that has some bad laws when it comes to animals.  I have a neighbor that chains his dogs up 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  You can do that in Pennsylvania as long as you provide food and shelter.  How do I know this?  Because I have called to report my neighbor a couple of times and nothing is ever done. The last time I called was because he chained up a very small dog that shouldn’t be living out in the elements. No dog should. This week,…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on January 29, 2012 at 8:15am — 75 Comments

Harper My New Foster!!! (DRC Cross Post)

Harper is not even 4 months old and in need of a new home.  A BYB was going to take her to a kill shelter because she supposedly has a leak issue.  She wouldn't of had a chance there.  Harper' leak issue is more than likely due to the terrible UTI she is suffering with.  Which in turn caused urine burn and yellowing of the fur on her hind legs, butt and tail.  I can only…


Added by Tina, Clover, Plus 5 More on January 28, 2012 at 3:48pm — 23 Comments

Rusty celebrated his two year ampuversary!

January 25th was Rusty’s 2nd anniversary of his amputation! Every day that we have with him is a blessing. Two years ago we had almost no hope that he would still be with us; that he is, is a testament to the fight that he has put up against this terrible disease, two outstanding Dr.’s and the love and support from dozens of his supporters. He thrives on the love of his human friends as much as seeing his doggie friends. He has maintained a great attitude throughout his ordeal; even on the…


Added by Chuck Holliman on January 28, 2012 at 12:19pm — 16 Comments

Pity I didn't have the camera.

There are many times during my life when I say to myself, 'darn, I should have brought the camera' or video with me.  Those incidents which stand out as ones I would like to share but which I have to store in my memory.  Sometimes when one of these moments occurs I make a mental note to concentrate and make sure I keep it stored on the front of my memory shelf.

This is the only place that I could possible share yesterdays memory moment.  If you have any that you think of do share it…


Added by Nicky, Riley & Boris on January 28, 2012 at 11:32am — 13 Comments

Izzie is 3!

Happy Birthday to our sweet Izzie!  You have blessed us with your sweet disposition and many many many kisses for three wonderful years.  We wish you many more birthdays.  She is happy girl who loves to run.  We are so glad we found you. 

Happy Birthday Izzie and WE LOVE YOU!!!


It is also my third anniversary of joining Doodlekisses.  I have learned so much and met so many wonderful people.  I don't know how I got along without you.  Thank you Doodlekisses!

Added by Julie, Izzie & Max on January 28, 2012 at 8:25am — 11 Comments

Morning routines - Does your doodle know it's a weekend?

Luna absolutely knows when it's a weekend.  Dogs seem to have pretty strict routines and Luna is no exception!

Weekdays we're up at about 6 AM - Luna lies on the bath mat while I brush my teeth etc. She then has her morning food + time outside before we go.

Weekends - sometimes she sleeps in until 8:30 (if I do), but sometimes I wake up earlier (7:30).  If she wakes up too early, we just say "go to sleep" and she does a big sigh…


Added by J and Riley (and Luna) on January 28, 2012 at 6:00am — 12 Comments

My new t-shirts came today...

Just wanted to share my 2 doodle shirts I ordered-they were half price so I couldn't resist getting 2!…


Added by Jennifer,Chloe & Myla on January 27, 2012 at 9:31am — 16 Comments


Jake is two years old now.Jake has transformed into a wonderful polite male labradoolde.When he was younger he did all the bad things,jumped on our guests,pulled while being walked,play biting us,terrible at staying still while being groomed.Of course we trained him but he always had this wild side that we could not settle down.But as I watch him sometimes I can't believe its my same Jake.He still has his excited moments but have to remember he still is only two.So all you people with young…


Added by Shelly Gouvas on January 27, 2012 at 3:41am — 8 Comments

I have a swimmer!!

Bailey had a blast at the dog park today!  She usually goes into the water up to her belly...but not today.  She was not about to let a ball get away...So proud of my baby girl!!!

Added by Elizabeth, Bailey & Bruin on January 26, 2012 at 7:30pm — 13 Comments

Rosco has quite the presence.

Quick micro-blog

1) A couple weeks ago when I picked up Rosco from the groomer, she told me that he is the ONLY dog her dog (who practically lives at the doggy daycare there) hasn't growled at.  Yeah Rosco the doggy dog-whisperer!

2) For a while now it seems when I get frustrated with Boca for not coming in when called (I don't bother with her actual recall word because for a number of logistical reasons I can't keep a line on her 24/7) from outside and start…


Added by Adina P on January 26, 2012 at 2:34pm — 24 Comments


I always like to stay active and do some sort of workout. Today when I was doing sit ups, every time I pulled up, Jack was sitting right beside me and gave me a kiss.. e v e r y time! I did an extra 10 to see how long he'd keep this up and I have to say he outlasted me! What a good workout partner! 

Added by Janie, Jackson and Jilly on January 26, 2012 at 12:34pm — 18 Comments


I have officially gone Doodle-Crazy.  We brought home Sugar Doodle on Christmas Eve and I am obsessed with her.  My latest doodle daydreams have started me thinking that Sugar needs a red-headed sissy.  I already have a name - Scarlet Doodle.  Isn't that presh - Sugar & Scarlet.

Well today i clicked on our breeder's website and just like i had put an order in she has a batch of new doodles and there is one red female.

My husband and kids are going to kill me!  Since Sugar…


Added by Sugar Mama on January 26, 2012 at 8:38am — 11 Comments



My other sock is GONE! And I mean gone FOREVER!!

My family doesn’t believe me (this always happens), but I know what I saw. You be the judge, here’s my story and I’m sticking to it:

Harley has grown up  creating “odd” toys to amuse himself with. He has always loved to “snatch” the warm dryer sheets out of the dryer as I fold clothes and take them to his area and tear them to…


Added by Cathy C. Bennett on January 26, 2012 at 6:29am — 11 Comments

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