Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

March 2010 Blog Posts (158)

The killing fields

Our backyard has turned into the killing fields of the neighborhood. Last week, the dogs caught a good sized rabbit while I was out. When I came home I could not find Lilo, so went looking for her in the woods. She was hiding behind some shrubs and was licking a very dead rabbit that showed clear signs of dog molestation. Of course she did not want to let go of it, but proudly paraded around just out of my reach. I finally tricked her into dropping the remains so I could dispose of them in a…


Added by Eva (Lilo and Rocky) on March 23, 2010 at 8:38pm — 13 Comments

tests,tests,and more tests......

During the first week that we had the pups,Scrappy,the 10 week old started showing weakness in his hind legs. Within a couple of hrs he would not try to walk on them. My DH took him to the Vet the next day since I was out of town. She thought that it was something like the flu,so she put him on Antibiotics, drops for his ears,because of spots in them......the following Sunday he was getting worse so we took him to the Vet Emergency and they thought it might be puppy strangels,or an immunity… Continue

Added by sherrie west on March 23, 2010 at 10:25am — 13 Comments

Rose Update

Every afternoon Gaston-Cramer comes with me to pick our son up from school. It's a routine that I've had with him from day one. I was a bit concerned about how it would be in the car now that we have Rose in our family and my fears were completely unfounded. I thought perhaps they'd want to play and it would be too much. Oh my goodness! She was as good as gold! The two of them sat in…


Added by Carole (*Koda*Monty*Bindi) on March 22, 2010 at 4:36pm — 17 Comments

'Dear Sweet Brandy' our GSD a sad day and found helpful forum.

Sad today, it has been a 'down day' for you sweet Brandy even though you seem unaware. Your spirit is always so bright my girl, and you are the bravest dog I have ever known......always getting to where you want to go. Maybe I am seeing things today. But, never would I not know your loyalty, love, and spirit for life and for your family, we will never forget either. Never would I miss a sign from you telling us it is time, please let me go :( I could only be hopeful that this terrible dx…


Added by Debbie, Brianna and Duncan on March 22, 2010 at 4:00pm — 18 Comments

Worms for Breakfast!

No, I have not posted a blog for a looonnnggg time. It isn't that there hasn't been stuff going on... just the opposite, there has been way too much stuff going on! However, today I had to take a moment to write about what happen with Remington this morning!

Well, I think that the whole Rhoton family is stir crazy from being stuck inside most of the winter. Especially our Remi Bear! It has been so nice out lately and he has been loving going on walks with his Mom and Dad again :)… Continue

Added by Kendra K. Rhoton on March 22, 2010 at 9:10am — 10 Comments

Brogan's first couple days...

Brogan has been with our pack for 1 day and he is already settling in. Based upon how awful he smelled and how matted he was I doubt he ever spent a single day indoors until he joined our pack. But they have been teaching him the potty rules. We have had no accidents. Brogan is very shy around people and tries to avoid them.

We basically let him have his space Saturday and let just sniff and explore. Both Saturday and Sunday nights

he slept…


Added by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on March 22, 2010 at 9:00am — 10 Comments

TWO new puppies!! Are we crazy????

Hi, I have posted most of this on "my post",not realizing that I should have posted here.. We are empty nesters for the most part now after being married for 33 yrs. It took alot of soul searching to decide to get another dog since it has been 6 yrs since our Chow has passed, and finally being free to go when and where we want and not worrying about a pet. To make a long story short, we decided to add a puppy to our family. I have been doing research on the goldendoodle and decided on one.… Continue

Added by sherrie west on March 22, 2010 at 7:42am — 19 Comments

My rescue boy proves he is *full* of surprises!

I recently adopted Poe from DRC. *Thank you, DRC!* He is 10 1/2 months old and simply the most joyous being I've ever met. He wags his tail wiggles his rear from the moment he wakes until the moment he collapses in an exhausted heap. Despite his deep mistrust of humans (what happened to you in your Other Life, Poe?), he escorts me from room to room and follows me around the yard as I do my chores. His training lessons prove that he is a… Continue

Added by Patty on March 22, 2010 at 7:30am — 15 Comments

Easter Is Just Around The Corner...

Holidays are a big deal in my family. A BIG deal. I have grown up celebrating every holiday to it's fullest. A few examples of the holidays we go all out for:

-St Patrick's day, we have always had a big "gold" hunt at our local park. We had visits from leprochauns, and my mom even died our milk and eggs green. (I know, gross. But it was cool when I was a kid.)

-We were/are that annoying family that started listening to Christmas music the day after Halloween. (no joke) We had… Continue

Added by Camilla and Darwin on March 21, 2010 at 6:52pm — 16 Comments

Doodles in Need

I know that a lot of you read the updates on Doodles that are in foster homes - from Joanne, Krista, Lucy & Sophies Mom, Nina and others.
There are just too many doodles in kill shelters that could be saved if they had a temporary home to go to. You have to understand that they may have forgotten their potty manners, if they ever had them; they may be scared due to being in so many different places to live in such a short time; may be so under weight that they need fattening…

Added by Adrianne Matzkin on March 21, 2010 at 6:26pm — 14 Comments

My New Forever Home! -- UPDATED

Our little Topper left us this morning with his new daddy for his forever home in New York. He was such a big boy, behaving very well while we stood and talked, he laid at his new daddy's feet. Then once all set up in his new car harness he jumped right in the car and sat down to get buckled in. As they were pulling out of the driveway his tail was just wagging and he was standing between the seats giving his new daddy kisses.

He is going to have 2 new human sisters and 1 human… Continue

Added by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on March 21, 2010 at 10:00am — 21 Comments

Meet our new foster Brogan, the digging doodle from Dothan.

Yesterday DH and I took a road trip to Columbus, about 2.5 hours southeast from north side of Atlanta (where we live) to meet a wonderful volunteer from the Dothan Animal Shelter and our new foster boy Brogan. Brogan was owner surrendered because the owner said he digs. Poor guy was a big black smelly mass of mats. Fortunately, the shelter HW tested him and wonders of wonders the test came back negative. After 2 hours of riding with the back windows partially down to counteract the stench we…


Added by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on March 21, 2010 at 7:30am — 29 Comments

I started a group today... Dixie's Doodles Alumni!

I thought it would be fun to start a group of alumni from Dixie's Doodles in Georgetown, TX! I have only been a member of DoodleKisses for a few days, so I don't have names or e-mails to send invites. I decided to try a blog post to drum up some interest and hopefully have some people join the group. I wonder how far some of the pups traveled to get to their forever homes! Please pass the word and if your Labradoodle is an alum... please join and tell us all about your…


Added by Christine & Shelby on March 21, 2010 at 7:04am — 2 Comments

picked up Duncan 1 year ago today

I drove 9 hours total that day to pick up my 11 week old pup Duncan. I am still in the "honeymoon stage". This dog is my life.
Here is a pic of him only minutes after I picked him up. and a pic of him this morning.

It's been a great year my Dunca-licious! Here's to many more.…

Added by Sally on March 21, 2010 at 6:21am — 13 Comments

Get together

Looking to getting a group together with Goldendoodles to meet in Midlothian, Va

Added by Debbie Sledz on March 20, 2010 at 8:10pm — 1 Comment

Don't Forget your Sr. Citizen's Friends!

Today was finally a nice day here in SD! So I loaded up my "Super Dooper Pooper Scooper" and a bucket and garbage bags..and dropped in (unannounced) to my 2 sr. citizen friends who are dog owners. They were surprised to see me with all my "equipment". When I told them I had come to rake up their winters worth of dog pooh..they couldn't believe it! "You would do that for me?" was their response. Not a problem..didn't take long..and its been a loooong winter here with over 5 feet of snow this… Continue

Added by Joyce & Wilson on March 20, 2010 at 5:57pm — 13 Comments

Memories of my "Puppy-Girl"

Well... it's official... I say that with a sigh in my voice (well fingers)....Tori is now no longer considered a PUPPY. I can't believe she is already two years old! When I think back on her beginnings with us my emotions are varied... I can still remember the anticipation of awaiting the news of her… Continue

Added by shelly on March 19, 2010 at 9:40pm — 24 Comments

Reminder Danger Group

There is a lot of information on dangerous substances, food and situations in the danger group. A review once in a while on things like the recent posts on mulch and chocolate is great. In the group you'll find information on grapes, onions and all manner of things. Looking at the listings occasionally, and adding any information, will help us all stay on top of things.

Added by F, Calla & Luca on March 19, 2010 at 6:57pm — 6 Comments

Rose is here!

Gaston-Cramer's little sister Rose is here! (she's 3 months younger than him! LOL) She's fitting in absolutely beautifully and we wanted to share some photos with you! She is as sweet as can be and today has been absolutely wonderful! Rose, Gaston-Cramer and our little maltese Bindi have been like Winkin' Blinkin' and Nod all day! Never apart from each other! It's so adorable to…


Added by Carole (*Koda*Monty*Bindi) on March 19, 2010 at 3:21pm — 21 Comments

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