Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

April 2012 Blog Posts (75)

Lessons from my dog - Part 1

Every morning I wake up to the buzz and alarm of my cell phone clear across the room. I get up to turn off my first alarm, grab my phone and plop back on my bed until alarms 2 and 3 force me to face the reality that I must get up. 

I am not a morning person. 

I never feel well in the mornings. It's as if all the pollen in my apartment has made its way over to my bed and nested in my pillow. If life followed my wishes, I would not start the day until at least 9:00am...for some…


Added by Rachel and Ollie on April 30, 2012 at 8:00pm — 17 Comments



April 30, 2012

Harleo's Adventures

Saturday, I had plans that didn’t involve the boys – imagine that? My daughter was out with friends for the weekend, my husband and son were together doing “manly” things and I had plans to do something…


Added by Cathy C. Bennett on April 30, 2012 at 7:10am — 5 Comments

A Dream Come True! A Pontoon Boat for Fudge and Vern!

My husband and I are not extravagant people.  Our vacations consist mostly of driving home to Indiana to see family or to North Carolina to see family.  The people I used to work with always teased me about our vacations, but I didn’t care. “To each his own,” I would say and mean it.  I drive a beat up van with over 200,000 miles on it and enough dog nose prints to make it almost virtually impossible to see clearly out the back window.  In fact, it appears as if a jar of Vaseline went…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on April 30, 2012 at 7:00am — 48 Comments

Thanks to Joanne for fostering Sweetie

I am so grateful to Joanne and her family for giving Sweetie such a wonderful foster home.  We are so happy we were given the opportunity to adopt Sweetie - we renamed her Lily.  Lily has adapted very well to our home and her doodle Sister, Marcey, loves having a playmate.  They are often found lounging on the big chair with us in the evening all curled up keeping us warm.  The cats are still adjusting and making progress daily.  We have taken Lily and Marcey to Middle Bass Island two times…


Added by Kyle Klawitter & Gordon Barr on April 29, 2012 at 7:26pm — 20 Comments

Cooper - before during and after grooming

Cooper got brushed one day, bathed the next day, then groomed today. I did the groom myself (its the second time Ive tried it) and I used scissors for it all. I used the videos from Royal Diamond Labradoodles as a guide for a puppy cut. Her front legs look a bit choppy, and I dont like her ears so short, but overall im quite pleased. She is about 1 1/2 inches long on the body and 2 inches long on the legs. It took me about an hour



Added by Kaytlin and Cooper on April 29, 2012 at 10:00am — 20 Comments

We made it through week 1!

Wow, so much can change in a week!  Some for the better and others, well, less than better.  Sprocket is finally responding to her name and she'll come bounding towards you when you say "Sprocket, come!'  It's pretty adorable seeing as most of the time, when she runs, she…


Added by Allison and Sprocket on April 28, 2012 at 5:47am — 8 Comments

Owen, again


We have regrouped and now Owen is under new management.

1.  He is no longer allowed on the step as pictured below. We figured out he uses it to enforce his dominance... he wouldn't move for people or Kona to go up or down the steps. I don't know why we never figured that out before... guess it has to do with cuteness. 



Added by Bonnie and Kona on April 27, 2012 at 3:30pm — 26 Comments

My Reputation is Not Improving

Well, the neighborhood Crazy Puppy Lady is only getting crazier. At least, I'm pretty sure that's the word on the street.  

It was a beautiful day today and I was perhaps feeling just a bit too spunky with my return to good health.  This newfound zest for life gave me the ambitious idea to take Rooney down to the playfield near our house, with a long lead, to play a little fetch and do some some general running around.  I figured he'd love the extra room to exercise his legs and the…


Added by Lori, Rooney & Zuzu on April 27, 2012 at 2:38pm — 28 Comments


I have just been infected by a malware program which disguises itself as: S.M.A.R.T Repair.  It pretends that the hard drive is failing through a virus and that you must purchase their S.M.A.R.T. Repair program to salvage the computer!  Then it hides all of the iformation contained on the hard drive so the hard drive owner thinks that the hard drive has failed.


I did not buy into their scam and would not let my computer install…


Added by Richard Crowe on April 27, 2012 at 11:36am — 10 Comments

Anal Sacculectomy - One Year Later

It's hard to believe it has been almost a year ago since we had this surgery done on Remington. Over that past year I have been contacted by people all over the world (seriously) about giving them advice on what they should do concerning their own dogs. I have also been overwhelmed with responses from people on DoodleKisses wondering how Remington is doing now, telling me they think of us often, and wondering what life is like for us now. It is so nice to feel so loved by people you have…


Added by Kendra K. Rhoton on April 27, 2012 at 6:00am — 18 Comments

Baxter Can Finally Give Me His Paw!

Hi!  I have Baxter, a Teddybear Goldendoodle who just turned one last month.  Almost from the time he came home at 8 weeks, we've been trying to teach him how to give us his paw to shake or high 5, to no avail!  It made no sense!  He was super intelligent, always wants to please, saw our lab shake paw a zillion times, seemed so advanced in so many ways, yet this one simple command was just never understood!  Recently a friend told me that dogs can have a dominant paw the way a person can…


Added by Patti Livanos on April 26, 2012 at 10:30pm — 13 Comments

Roo Reports

Hi all -Roo here.  Mom has a new job (editor's note: volunteer) and she is always at the computer.  I can't get a paw in edgewise.  But finally.... Big news is that I am fine.  I have Addison's disease.  I felt awful for about a week.  Couldn't even eat!! Now that is really feeling foul.

 You still guarded your bowl though, you could have shared with me. 

  Tigger, you had your own food and I needed to let Mom know how horrible I felt!Whatever...

Anyway, every…


Added by Maryann,Roo and Tigger on April 26, 2012 at 10:25pm — 8 Comments


Thanks for coming back for part 2….

So last week in “part 1″, I focused on the boys eating so much grass! They aren’t sick (at least not to my knowledge) when they ingest the “green blades of yum”, yet they continue to nibble when we’re outside. As I surfed the net looking for information, I began to think about all the other “bad things” they could get into to include inside our own home.

In my internet travels I stumbled upon a phone app (right now…


Added by Cathy C. Bennett on April 26, 2012 at 2:09pm — 5 Comments

Doodle Play Time

Remington may be 3 years old and 80 lbs... but he's still a puppy to us and shows this side of himself during play time. We usually take him to the school by our house to play in the big open area over there. We bring his kong Frisbee and all is right with the world :)…


Added by Kendra K. Rhoton on April 26, 2012 at 10:58am — 9 Comments

Small miracle???

Some of you may know that my DH had surgery to have a spot on his thyroid removed two weeks ago.  We were told there was a 20% chance of cancer and well, 20% to me is pretty darn big, so he decided to go through with removing his left thyroid.  No risk in chancing that, especially with Baby S coming in October!


Let me rewind to August 2011.  It was a Monday night and we were relaxing after dinner, as usual.  All of a sudden, Conor tells me he cannot see and had lost most of…


Added by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on April 25, 2012 at 11:38am — 30 Comments

The Doodle Stare and Celery!

This morning I called my mother like I do almost every day and got her just before she had to leave to go exercise.  The times you can call her are very specific because she is either leaving to play Bridge, watching Matlock, watching The Price is Right, or out the door for some other reason.  I could be in the middle of telling her I was having chest palpitations and could she hang up and call 911 for me and I can assure you I would be screwed if it happened during one of her…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on April 25, 2012 at 7:30am — 27 Comments

Happy 3rd Birthday Cooper

Today (or maybe tomorrow) is Coopers 3rd birthday. Her Mom Amber went into labour on the evening of the 25th. Some puppies were born naturally, some were delivered by C-section in the early hours of the 26th. It was a weekend so the paperwork was done on the 27th... different documents have different dates, so Cooper kind of has 3 birthdays! But we celebrate the 25th

Every birthday, each of our pets get a can of yummy food all to themselves. Cooper usually gets some Merrick…


Added by Kaytlin and Cooper on April 25, 2012 at 4:54am — 16 Comments

Boundaries and Puppy Love

As stated in my previous blog post, I am crazy about my little Labradoodle, Rooney.  And, as I also mentioned, this has come as a bit of a surprise to people who know me well.  Not the fact that I like my puppy.  I have always been a "Dog-Liker".  It's the fact that I love my puppy and have not generally been known as a "Dog-Lover".  But in fact, my deep affection for my Rooney has actually increased by interest and attachment to all dogs.…


Added by Lori, Rooney & Zuzu on April 23, 2012 at 1:00pm — 18 Comments


If every command worked as well as “sit” – what a wonderful world this would be! Puppies must be “wired” in some form or fashion right before birth to understand and obey the word “sit.” Think about it, just about every dog ever born knows to put his backside down on the floor when he hears that word.

It’s the command that makes us all feel like “Dr. Doolittle.” I remember when Harley first “sat” down for me. I  was so excited – think I…


Added by Cathy C. Bennett on April 23, 2012 at 6:51am — 5 Comments

Cooper gets a new house!

For the past 7 months we have been living with my inlaws, after we moved half way round the country. Time has come to get our own place. We have paid off our credit cards, and saved $3000 for rent, deposit, bits of furniture, and emergencies.

For the past 2 months we have been hoping to move into the ground floor of a house DH's best friends Grandparents own and are renovating. Unfortunately it still is not ready. They say they are now hoping for mid may. But DHs brother is…


Added by Kaytlin and Cooper on April 23, 2012 at 6:25am — 17 Comments

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