Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

June 2009 Blog Posts (135)

Antibiotic Woes

My poor Phoebe is sick again--the culture sent out after the last UTI came back showing crystallizations. She is now on yet another round of antibiotics and, this morning, vomited 6 times. I took her in to the vet immediately and it seems she might be allergic to the Clavamax. She is on another restricted diet for a day and we will start another antibiotic tomorrow night and see how that goes ( hopefully the new one will not have any ill side effects). She turns 5 months today and I swear she… Continue

Added by Phoebe's Mom on June 3, 2009 at 8:12am — 11 Comments

Rosco has lost his breakfast privelages...again!

Consistently setting an alarm to help me remember to feed Rosco breakfast paid off and a few months ago I actually started remembering on my own. My other two doggies only get fed supper. But I switched Rosco to two meals because he's big, deep chested, and wolfs down his food---risk factors for bloat.

However for the past 2 weeks he's been waking up earlier than usual in anticipation of breakfast. He went from not opening his eyes until I left the bedroom to waking up and… Continue

Added by Adina P on June 3, 2009 at 7:54am — 8 Comments

Riley Graduated Basic Obiedience Last Night

I am so proud of Riley he graduated basic obiedience 101 last night. He also got the go ahead from our trainer to enroll him in the next class up, which is Advanced obiedience 202. He did almost everything perfectly which is a HUGE surprise from 5 weeks ago when we started and he barked, dug at the dirt floor, pulled on the leash, barked some more and tried to play with everyone and every dog he saw the entire hour and a half. II was so embarassed, but now he is like a new dog, sitting there… Continue

Added by Yvonne, Riley, Murphy and Luca on June 3, 2009 at 6:19am — 4 Comments

Fenway was a MONSTAH yesterday!

We took my oldest daughter to camp yesterday (she's 21 and will be a camp counselor all summer). My son went to grandma's house while we were gone. My other daughter left home at 10:30 to go to her lifeguarding job. When she left, she put the boys in their crates. We got home from our drive to camp at about 3:00. So they were crated from 10:30-3:00. I think Fenway was not happy about being left home alone most of the day....he was in all kinds of trouble last night. We had the peeing on the bed… Continue

Added by Tricia, Shiloh, Fenway & Tessie on June 3, 2009 at 5:34am — 6 Comments

Last day of school tomorrow.....SIGH

Everyday the bus stops in front of our house and picks up about 4 grade school kids who live on our street. Every morning at about the same time, I am getting ready to leave for work. I take Cali out right before I leave for that one last potty break before DH comes home. The kids are out there every morning waiting on the bus, Cali watches them get on the bus and is never really bothered by them. Today for the first time, she started barking at them, for no apparent reason. I was trying to get… Continue

Added by Deena Womack on June 2, 2009 at 7:30pm — 7 Comments

Yabby is home!


Yabby is home!
He is such a joy, so lovely, cute, smart and...well everything we hoped for!!
I wll post some more pictures of our beauty!

Added by Debby on June 2, 2009 at 3:16pm — 10 Comments

Charley is back!

Yankee's best friend Charley has been under house arrest after contracting a contagious disease. They finally got back together today at the dog park after 6 weeks apart. They have been playing together for a year, 3 or 4 times a week.

What a blast they had. Charley found the first mud puddle he could and laid down flat on his belly. Yankee usually stays out of the mud but the excitement of seeing Charley was too much and he went in after him to wrestle. We had the happiest muddiest… Continue

Added by Linda,Yankee & Finn on June 2, 2009 at 9:49am — 6 Comments

Bocker Represents Labradoodles for Animal Planet's DOGS 101

I was lucky enough to represent labradoodles in Animal Planet's DOGS 101. We filmed in NYC a few weeks ago. It was a segment on hybrids. Was a lot of fun and a lot of work posing under the hot lights for so long. They said it should air sometime in October.. Then this past weekend, they wanted to film lots of doodles we had a meet up at Best Friends in Norwalk, CT. Was lots of fun with lots of doodles. I was happy to learn that a few… Continue

Added by Marie Shelto on June 2, 2009 at 5:59am — 16 Comments

Lyme Disease. Time for me to vent.

Lyme disease. Who knew!

Since January, I have been paranoid about her eating. Jan/Feb we had some difficulty getting her to eat ENOUGH.. or so I thought. I was really nervous she was loosing weight. Everyone told me it was all of the adjusting to a new home and new eyesight after eye surgery. When I brought her into the vet in March her weight was close to what was listed in some of her previous health records. That helped to ease my mind. The vet thought that all of the changes and… Continue

Added by Elizabeth on June 1, 2009 at 8:30pm — 17 Comments

Never In My Life!!

Flipping channels - stopped at Animal Planet. What do I see? A grooming show that takes gorgeous dogs and turns them into 'living works of art' by using food coloring and clipping and blowdrying,
They turn mostly standard poodles into a Transformer, cowgirl, dinosaurs, a jungle theme who won competition and $2500.
They use wigs, decorations, hair spray and gel.
Checked the site and the show is Animal Planet's Most Outrageous Animal Competitions and is it ever!

Added by Adrianne Matzkin on June 1, 2009 at 6:00pm — 12 Comments

19 weeks old

Weighed Pongo on Saturday when he was 19 weeks old and he weighed 18lbs

Added by Suzanne & Pongo on June 1, 2009 at 3:16pm — 3 Comments

New Puppy

This will make 3, yes 3. Jaeger the eldest at 5(ausie shep mix), my beloved DK Sam 1 & 1/2 y/o and now by my DK hubbies choice and suggestion a German Shepherd pup in 2 weeks. She will 8 weeks when we get her and her name is Mandy. He thinks we need one because we live in the woods. She is adorable. She met her new family last week and was accepted without any problems. So here goes again with puppy training. Sams puppy training seems like forever… Continue

Added by Jeri on June 1, 2009 at 11:28am — 10 Comments

Completely and Utterly Non-Doodle Related but Hilarious!

Someone posted this on Facebook and I found it so amusing I had to share.

I wonder if Clark can handle it if we have a girl this vocal!? ROFL...I've heard from my mom I was quite the talker!

Added by Adina P on June 1, 2009 at 10:30am — 13 Comments

Long lost BLOGGER! Yikes!

Wow! I feel so badly that I have not written on here for so long. It isn't that nothing has happened... I guess things have just been busy lately. School started up again, I'm teaching cheerleading part time again for the summer (as well and working my full time job), doing things to prepare for the wedding, and working on the house. There just seems like there never is enough time for all the things that I want to do! UHHGGG! The fact of the matter is, I can't even remember the last time that… Continue

Added by Kendra K. Rhoton on June 1, 2009 at 8:07am — 4 Comments

feeling bettter

Mater seems to be feeling better. It seems that every time we check his heartbeat it is around 60-64 bpm, so hopefully that is just his normal rate. The vet hasn't suggested any further testing for now, so we'll just continue to keep an eye on him. I'm not sure why, but he does seem to be eating better the past week or so and more like his goofy old self. I almost wonder if all the rain was causing depression! (Talk about anthropomorphizing..) There doesn't seem to be much explaination for the… Continue

Added by Kathy Janes on June 1, 2009 at 2:53am — 5 Comments

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