Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

June 2016 Blog Posts (18)


Before we went to Florida on vacation, we had 3 dogs who adored us. Now we have 3 strangers living with us.

Suzy is still sort of lovable towards us but she barked so much at the kennel that she's hoarse and her howling sounds like something similar to a diesel train. I'm like, "Where is that sound coming from? OMD, it's from our Suzy!".

Lexi is hoarse also but the way she's treating us is the most surprising. She's always been extremely devoted to dog. Now she's… Continue

Added by Sally M on June 29, 2016 at 6:00pm — 9 Comments

New puppy

I love my 9 wk old Australian Labradoodle. I was not expecting to have to go out of state but my niece just passed away and funeral is in 2 wks. Dear puppy will be 11 wks old. I can board her over 1 or 2 nights at my vets and will talk to my trainer. (Will update with her cute pic when I get to my computer at won't let me.) She is learning quickly and going potty outside w older brother our sweet Golden and actually slept through the night last night in her crate next to me (11pm… Continue

Added by Carol Cornwell on June 29, 2016 at 9:04am — 5 Comments

Five! When did they get to be five?

Seems like yesterday that I was reading all about bringing home a puppy and how to train them.  Just like with my kids, they turned out well even if I didn't know what I was doing. They jump on company and bark in greeting. They sleep with us and will do anything for a cookie .

 Do not hesitate to get a second doodle. The best thing we did besides getting the first. They are best friends and have to touch when they sleep.

We are semi…


Added by Mimi Linna, Lilly and Lolly on June 29, 2016 at 7:37am — 5 Comments

The nr 1 way to brush your Doodle comfortably and effectively

How do you feel when you're grooming your Doodle?

Do you feel at all rushed? Trying to get it over with pronto?

Or do you instead regard it as some quality alone time with your Doodle. Nice and easy?

And how is your Doodle behaving?

Does he trust you blindly?

Does he use his whole bag of tricks to get away from your brush?


Labradoodle brushing


Or does he feel playful, trying to snatch that brush (and your hand) whenever he…


Added by Wanda Klomp on June 28, 2016 at 4:51am — 2 Comments

Zeus with a Poodle-Do

Zeus is five years old now, but still a messy eater. So, I took him to the groomer for a Poodle-Do. Ok, so it's not as becoming as I thought it'd be (maybe I should've painted his toenails sky blue). Anyway, it'll grow back.

Added by Barbie on June 27, 2016 at 1:35am — 5 Comments

They are Born!

I have been researching dogs for a long time now, and for the past year I focused on goldendoodles. This year my family decided it was time to get our dog. I searched for a semi local breeder who fit the criteria and found one only 5 hours away. I clicked with the breeder immediately and put my family on the waiting list. That was a month ago in May.

One of my brothers expressed interest in getting a goldendoodle as well, so we decided to get litter mates and have the special…


Added by Beth & Cheddar on June 23, 2016 at 9:00pm — 6 Comments

Squirrels = Fleas?

We have never been bothered by fleas.  Once or twice a year Judy would find a flea on one of our dogs but, we figured that the flea got a ride on the dog someplace other than our home.  We got pretty complacent and weren't ready for this years flea infestation.

We have had an influx of squirrels on our property and we think that the fleas came from them!

We have never seen fleas like this.  Our poor barn cat had so many fleas that she has become anemic.  She is…


Added by Richard Crowe on June 18, 2016 at 8:32pm — 5 Comments

The Unwelcome Visitor!

We have a snake on our property.  The first time we saw it I didn’t actually see it, but John asked me if I noticed it by the gate when I got home.  I had arrived home moments before he did and must have stepped right over it.  Usually, I am on high alert on hikes for snakes, but I didn’t think one would have the audacity to show up at our house.  My neighbor in Pennsylvania always told me that I didn’t have to worry about snakes because they shy away from yards with dogs.  My neighbor was…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on June 17, 2016 at 5:39am — 24 Comments

Why does my doodle have to pee every 30 min. ONLY AT NIGHT

My Doodle is 5 months old and she usually will hold her pee all day while I'm at work for 8 hours. But during the night she is barking at me every 30 to an hour becuase she wants to go outside. She usually pees everytime I take her out but I have to get up around 5 to 6 times at night to let her out. This is getting exhausting but I can't ignore her bc she won't stop barking at me. This just started within the past two weeks bc she use to sleep through the entire night. 

I don't give…


Added by Veronica Torres on June 16, 2016 at 8:18am — 7 Comments

Nancy, Ned, and Clancy Plus One

Our beloved English Springer Spaniel, Gordie, passed away suddenly from bloat last summer.  I have been missing him more than ever lately and have taken to haunting websites and looking longingly at every 'Springer looking' doodle I see, either in real life or on-line.  I began showing my husband these pictures - just once in a while, I swear  :-}   He reminded me that…


Added by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on June 15, 2016 at 11:01pm — 38 Comments

Am I losing my bond?

I have what probably seems like a weird dilemma.

My 7 mo old doodle is being trained, both by us and by a dog trainer, to be a support and service dog for me. Prior to school being out, I am home with him the most by far. Due to my medical issues, my husband has to be the one to walk him outside and to so service training in the stores etc.

The problem is... all this "special" time with dad is making the dog bond more closely with him. He is, of course, a family dog and we all…


Added by Theresa Nieman on June 12, 2016 at 11:23am — 8 Comments

Bogey's progress

Bogey is 11 months old. We started seeing a private trainer in April because he's leash reactive. He would lunge and bark at people and other dogs when walking him. Two trainers told me it wasn't out of aggression (although if I was the person on the other end of the leash I wouldn't believe it), but out of frustration. We started our training very slowly with sessions at my home/neighborhood so there would be less distractions. Recently, we started meeting at a local park. The first week he…


Added by Jenn and Bogey on June 10, 2016 at 2:31pm — 3 Comments

Oh, how fast the time goes by!

Two weeks ago Auggie turned 4! It's so hard to believe!

My "trouble" child, my itty-bitty-buddy-boo (well, not really itty-bitty) is an adult doodle. At least physically, LOL.

So what has he been up to in the last year?

Since his older brother Monty was out of commission most of 2015 thanks to his knee surgeries and rehab, I got to spend a lot of time with Auggie alone. Those of you with multiple doodles know how hard it is to have a dedicated one on one time…


Added by Jarka, Monty & Auggie on June 7, 2016 at 11:42am — 12 Comments

3's a Crowd

Last week, we took our 3 dogs to the vet for their yearly checkups. For some unknown reason, my husband made an appointment for all 3 of them at the same time. Bad idea. He even thought he could handle all 3 dogs by himself.

Ah, nope!

Two humans and 3 dogs cannot fit comfortably into 1 car. So we had to take 2 cars to the vet. I took Penny because my car is newer and I didn't want dog hair all over it. With Lexi and Suzy in a car, their shedded hair just floats in the air. You… Continue

Added by Sally M on June 7, 2016 at 7:26am — 9 Comments

My Dood Gus

I haven''t been on the website in quite some time. Im glad its still going strong. Doodles are the best dogs!!! I wanted to share that I lost my Gus last July. He was 10 yrs old and had gotten a rare tick disease and mustve had an underlying illness because he became anemic. It was also immediately after having a Rabies shot and the Vet said that only progressed things. So it was the hardest day for me as I couldnt bare to see him suffer so we had to let him go. He was my soulmate and I miss…


Added by Julie Casciano on June 5, 2016 at 4:48pm — 5 Comments

The Terrible Six and Sevens!!

I recently reunited with a “step” niece after twenty-six years apart.  The separation was through no fault of our own and we were only able to find each other after she finally joined Facebook, for which I will be forever thankful.  The fact that fate moved us within a couple of hours of each other just sealed the deal.  In preparation for her trip to our house, I wrote her and asked what kinds of things she liked to eat.  I burst out laughing when she wrote back that she loved breakfast…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on June 5, 2016 at 10:30am — 22 Comments

Our Adventures with Molly

Well, it has been an eventful few months on our puppy journey.  Molly is 5 months now and I wanted to update things from my last blog post to hopefully encourage those of you still in the puppy stage.  About a month and a half ago I was so worried about the mouthing  and biting.  She would jump and bite my kids' clothes and me as well at times.  I tried my best to follow Doggy Dan's advice and it did help.  However, I realized when my son came home from his first baseball game and she tore a…


Added by Dawn and Molly on June 5, 2016 at 5:50am — 5 Comments

I've decided to continue Paz's legacy and am getting a new doodle

Hi all,

As most of you know, this past Tuesday, my beloved Paz lost his courageous 6 month  battle with lymphoma.  I can't begin to describe the emotional pain I am experiencing, as Paz was such an important part of my life.; my apartment feels absolutely empty without his presence and I keep looking for his face everytime I open my door.  I've decided that I want to honor Paz's memory by continuing his legacy of helping the youngest victims of violent crime and towards that end, I've…


Added by charlotte bednarsh on June 4, 2016 at 4:34pm — 18 Comments

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