Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

October 2010 Blog Posts (83)

Baby Brooke is here!

Our newest addition has arrived and her name is Brooke. We were a bit nervous and unsure of how Sophie would take to her, but everything is going great!! We had a feeling things would go alright because her original owner had her daughter and grandkids living with her, plus Sophie had been around our friend's kids and our nice and did well.

At first she was jelous from time to time when we would pay lots of attention to Brooke and talk to her, but now it doesn't even phase her…


Added by Elizabeth on October 25, 2010 at 3:23pm — 33 Comments

Talking back...kind of.

Time to vent! Poor Bern, I guess I should also vent when he's being adorable but we're entering what we believe may be his 'teenage phase' so he's more piss & vinegar than sugar & spice lately.

Fortunately for him he still has the same charming face, no matter how naughty he's being.

Lately though Bernie has been talking back. He's not a big barker in regards to outside distractions, but he's taken to barking at my husband and I incessantly. When my husband and I hug,… Continue

Added by Amy & Bernie on October 25, 2010 at 11:51am — 8 Comments

Ollie boy's night-time adventures!

First of all, Ollie and I thank all of you for extending such a warm welcome.

Ollie's first night was quite an adventure after a fairly uneventful day. We decided to use the airline type crate even though we have the wire crate set up, just because it was easier to carry it to our bedroom. And boy-oh-boy, our little fella did not appreciate it. He would sleep for about 40 minuted and start whining. We must've taken him outside, a million times, thinking he wanted to go potty. But he would… Continue

Added by Smita, Ollie and Juno on October 25, 2010 at 10:55am — 15 Comments


It's hard to believe our once little guy Guinness two turns two today.




Added by The Berry Oaks Doodle Ranch on October 25, 2010 at 4:04am — 20 Comments

Z upchucked "it"...**This post contains some gross descriptions**

For the past two mornings, she woke up from her sleep and wretched, but nothing came up. We thought maybe she was hungry, probably some stomach acid making her nauseous ,

so we fed her kibble with Manuka honey drizzled over it.

This morning (3rd morning in a row), again she got up from bed and started

wretching. This time, she upchucked something that resembled a turd (sorry,

this is gross!). DH was totally freaked out, cos "it" was on…


Added by ej on October 24, 2010 at 11:00pm — 5 Comments

The Further Adventures of Rua

Rua here! The Vikings are playing the Green Bay Packers right now so the computer is free and I thought I would up you on what's happening in my life.

I really love water. Eating ice cubes, taking baths, drinking out of a water bottle or jumping in the shower with Momma. I can just walk into the shower, they forgot to put a door on it when they built it apparently. So, as soon as Momma goes into the shower, I give Papa the slip and join her. I asked Papa to take of picture of…


Added by Dori & Rua on October 24, 2010 at 6:29pm — 10 Comments

Brother subs?

Murphy misses his brothers. Today when I threw him the frisbee, he took it over to a group of young guys (his brothers' ages) throwing a football. They didn't quite get it, so he sat right in front of the quarterback with his frisbee. He eventually threw it for him.

Added by Linda and Murphy on October 24, 2010 at 12:19pm — 10 Comments

Roo Reports

Hi all Roo here! Boy have we had an interesting few weeks. Our sisters came to stay with us while Mom and Dad took the large box things somewhere. Whenever they put clothes in those things Tigger and I get left at home. This last time I put my very best rubber bone in, but Mom took it out. Next time I am putting myself in the box when it is open on the bed and I won't get out. Then I will get to see what they do.

Anyway, Tigger and I like having our…


Added by Maryann,Roo and Tigger on October 23, 2010 at 7:01pm — 16 Comments

Oliver is home!

Finally after waiting for months and months, our little Ollie is home. We are ecstatic. He is the most affectionate little fella. Lots of kisses and great eye contact. He has the most gorgeous chocolate coat with gray green eyes. The breeder lives a good hour away so I was wondering how he would do on the ride home. After a couple of little whines and a lot of sniffing at my face and the car cup holder, he settled down and had a nice long snooze. Occasionally he would wake up and stand on my… Continue

Added by Smita, Ollie and Juno on October 23, 2010 at 4:23pm — 15 Comments

OPERATION "THREE AMIGOS" - Mission Accomplished! (cross post from DRC)

It is hard to believe that it has been 5 weeks since Operation Three Amigos started with rescue of 3 young male doodles from a North Carolina shelter. Well I am happy to say MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!! Duke was adopted first by a lovely family in NC. Yesterday Harvey joined his forever mom and today F Scott Fitzdoodle, the last of the Three Amigos, found his forever family.

Linda (a… Continue

Added by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on October 21, 2010 at 1:10pm — 18 Comments

Sadie's thoughts on human babies~

As far as these human children go-I am not sure I understand all the hubbub, they don’t do very much at first which is fine with me, you know where they are; and they are strapped in- WHEW. Once they start moving and grasping it is all over. I walked past my 9 month old nephew one time and had to turn around quickly to look to see…


Added by LG & Sadie on October 21, 2010 at 7:00am — 6 Comments

Routine Update for Rusty

October 19th

I was waiting until after our monthly appointment with Dr. Macy before updating Rusty’s blog and then our temperatures finally dropped into a comfortable level and I got busy on some deferred projects. Also, it has been a pretty routine time period for Rusty since my last update and I did not have much to write about, but we are not complaining! Rusty celebrated his 8th month Ampuversary on September 25th without any fanfare and is still doing well, although his energy levels… Continue

Added by Chuck Holliman on October 20, 2010 at 7:54pm — 13 Comments

Are we normal???

So DH and I were getting ready for work this morning, just chatting away with Taquito and Peri (seriously talking to them) and he asks me "Are we crazy? Do you think we talk to our dogs too much? Do other people do this?". I just laughed and said I am sure other people do and he agreed.

But really, how often do you talk to your dogs? Are we over the top because we don't have human children yet? Will this all change?

A typical morning convo with Lady Peri &…


Added by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on October 20, 2010 at 11:40am — 33 Comments

Personalized Doodle Nose Necklace??!! I know we all love Doodle noses!!

I saw this in my recent Dog Fancy magazine - or maybe it was Modern Dog - I forget. Anyways, how stinking cute is this? It is a personalized dog nose necklace - you use their mold kit and they make it into a necklace for you. This paticularly reminded me of Frannie (Callie) and her love of noses :-)…


Added by Denise & Hunter!!! on October 20, 2010 at 9:51am — 23 Comments

HELP! Where's my brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey Doods I don't know what to do, help me. All last weekend my brother got chicken and rice for dinner and my mom kept telling me "Bear's sick" Monday morning my brother had a hard time getting up and mom helped him, once he was outside I tried to play but he wouldn't. Mom went to work then came home and took my brother and left me I howled and barked 1 1/12 hrs until she got back. Mom made her lunch but she seemed distant then she said "have to go back to work" and I ran into my crate, I…


Added by Deirdre on October 20, 2010 at 12:07am — 37 Comments

Ready For Halloween

These are a few pictures of Quincy in his Halloween costume. You can tell by the last picture what he thought of the whole thing. We are thinking about Trick or Treating for our local food bank if it is a nice day on Halloween. How could anybody say no to that face? Quincy's costume cost a total of $3.75 at the dollar store, now we just have to come up with a costume for mom and a wagon to carry our loot.…


Added by Donna K & Quincy on October 19, 2010 at 12:23pm — 26 Comments

Harvey's Getting Adopted!!! (cross-post from DRC)

Wednesday evening Harvey will be going to his forever home! Kim came and met Harvey last night and it was love at first sight! Kim is an experienced dog owner and understands that while Harvey is still a bit of a diamond in the rough, he IS a diamond!

Harvey was equally smitten, and by the end of the evening was snuggling with his head on Kim's lap. I let her see calm, snuggly indoors Harvey and goofy, energetic dog-park Harvey. She loved both.

Not only will…


Added by Frannie & Callie on October 19, 2010 at 9:28am — 13 Comments

My house guest...kind of.

A friend of mine from college is visiting for the week and Bernie immediately assumed she's here for his entertainment! He loves people, which we appreciate, but he won't leave her alone!

He brings all his toys to her, he wants to sit on her on the couch, he chews his bone while draped over her legs. He even sat outside our guestroom door until she got up this morning!

Do any of you experience this with your Doodles? I'm genuinely convinced he thinks she's his. …


Added by Amy & Bernie on October 19, 2010 at 9:20am — 9 Comments

First Home Clipper Cut!!!

Some of you may remember Tara and my adventures when I attempted to scissor cut her awhile ago. The cut turned out pretty well but it took me 8 days. Yes, eight!! And that was just her body!!

Following the sage advice of my DK friends, I have since invested in a pair of Andis Clippers and combs. DH and I clipper cut Tara's body this Saturday and I trimmed her face and legs yesterday and today with scissors. This was INCREDIBLY…


Added by Ricki and Tara (doodle) on October 18, 2010 at 3:56pm — 33 Comments

Busy Bees

Well, I found a bee costume I bought last year on the clearance rack for Fudge. I did not have Vern yet, so I just bought one. Unfortunately, Vern has already outgrown a XL. I am going to have to start shopping at the Big and Tall Dog shop for him. Both Dogs were good sports. …


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on October 17, 2010 at 8:24am — 18 Comments

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