Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Joanne ~ Spud*
  • Female
  • Akron, OH
  • United States
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Joanne ~ Spud*'s Friends

  • Sam&Bella
  • David Sands
  • KD Nick
  • Brinadee
  • Kaitlin and Ludo
  • Rollo's Mama
  • Erin and Wrigley
  • Jessica, Loki and Moose
  • Holly
  • Laura and Angus
  • Kaitee and Orwell
  • Janet Shields
  • Melissa and Bearpaw
  • Duffy 'n Max
  • Evelyn Song

Joanne ~ Spud*'s Discussions

Hints of the 2015 Doodle Calender

Started this discussion. Last reply by Camilla and Darwin Nov 23, 2014. 569 Replies

Tonight-Shoot the Moon. The SuperMoon

Started this discussion. Last reply by Pat and Traveler May 10, 2012. 260 Replies

Rambling Notes to My Starlit

Started this discussion. Last reply by Holly Paterniti Mar 26, 2012. 246 Replies

The Brain-Edited from F. Parker and posted by Me

Started this discussion. Last reply by F, Calla & Luca Feb 14, 2012. 197 Replies

Parade Your Halloween Costumes Here

Started this discussion. Last reply by Ricki and Tara (doodle) Nov 4, 2011. 183 Replies

Let's See Those Doodle Eyes

Started this discussion. Last reply by Kelli, Fenway, & Dustin Pedroia Oct 31, 2010. 161 Replies

UPDATE Final result : Hoarse

Started this discussion. Last reply by BG and Gavin Oct 21, 2015. 160 Replies

GAME- Make Up A Doggie Olympic

Started this discussion. Last reply by Maryann,Roo and Tigger Aug 2, 2012. 154 Replies


Started this discussion. Last reply by F, Calla & Luca Apr 2, 2012. 148 Replies

UPDATE: Look at Spud's Toe, Please

Started this discussion. Last reply by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie Apr 12, 2013. 140 Replies


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At 8:40am on March 8, 2018, Lynda Kamrath said…

I saw your comment on another page and wanted to connect again.  Is Spud still around?  I will never forget his white on white experiment for our art share a couple of years ago.  It was such a great experience working with his photo.  We are now in Oregon and the first Oregon Art Share is later this month.

At 6:38pm on August 25, 2017, Anne & Mr. Haley said…
Good to see you again. You have been missed
At 8:26pm on March 16, 2016, Lynda Kamrath said…

I was thinking of you today.  We have a project in our Photoshop class that is working on a photo that is mostly white and making some changes.  I thought of Spud's photo running in the snow and how much fun I had working on that one.  Our Art Share is also coming up in a couple of weeks and this year I am doing stencils on ceramics.  There is always so much to do in arts and crafts, but dogs still tend to dominate with me.  I am using stencils of wolves this time that I painted with Corel Painter.

At 7:34pm on October 28, 2015, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

And how and where is your son right now?

At 10:46pm on October 27, 2015, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

I love the new batch of photos you just posted.  Spud is such a joyful dog, especially with his shoe. Your leaves are beautiful, especially when flying around.

At 10:18am on September 23, 2015, Charles Rocheville said…

Hard to believe Riley is 6 1/2 years old.  Was at the vets the other day, told me he was 6,  I said no he is 4.   They where right.  Gee, wouldn't you know it:  College football time again, your favorite time of the year.  Riley goes in for his first teeth cleaning Friday, costs more than a hospital stay for me.  He got his haircut a week or so ago, feels alot better as still hot here.

At 9:11pm on September 22, 2015, Charles Rocheville said…
Hello! You remember Riley and I?
At 8:57pm on September 14, 2015, Brinadee said…
Thanks for the message and for your concern. We are very careful with the way our child and pup interact :)
At 8:43pm on September 14, 2015, Brinadee said…
I added you :) thanks
At 6:26pm on September 4, 2015, Kaitlin and Ludo said…

Hi Joanne! Spud is adorable!  Thanks for the comment on my page and the well-wishes about the pup!  I can't wait to bring him/her (I should find out next week!) home.  I will look up Ann :)  And I was actually thinking about making some trips up to northern Ohio next spring/summer and find a dog friendly beach on Lake Eerie.  If it's not too far from you, maybe we can plan a romp!  I'd love to find some pup friends for my dog :)

Latest Activity

Stella replied to Joanne ~ Spud*'s discussion Laser Treatments to Speed Wound Healing ?
"Low level laser is used very effectively for wound healing - surgical incisions, ulcers etc etc. But, it would be contraindicated in there was still any active infection. "
Aug 19, 2019
Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle replied to Joanne ~ Spud*'s discussion Laser Treatments to Speed Wound Healing ?
"This is great advice, Maryann."
Aug 19, 2019
Andrea, Belle and Honey replied to Joanne ~ Spud*'s discussion Laser Treatments to Speed Wound Healing ?
"Poor Spud. Sometimes cellulitis only responds to intravenous antibiotics. This may be something to discuss with your veterinarian? "
Aug 19, 2019
Maryann,Roo and Tigger replied to Joanne ~ Spud*'s discussion Laser Treatments to Speed Wound Healing ?
"Totally what you did not ask, but...I would look for a veterinary dermatologist.  Veterinarians tend to be the equivalent of internists and surgeons together.    There is so much information, new treatments etc available for animal…"
Aug 19, 2019
Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle replied to Joanne ~ Spud*'s discussion Laser Treatments to Speed Wound Healing ?
"Maybe, but hot spots alone are a female bitch to treat; when it's progressed to cellulitis, that means there's staph and strep bacteria present, and you know how hard it can be to get rid of that.  I'm guessing they did do a…"
Aug 19, 2019
Stacy replied to Joanne ~ Spud*'s discussion Laser Treatments to Speed Wound Healing ?
"My point was just that if there is a fungal component, none of the antibiotics would help. Joanne didn't mention a wound culture. But of course I don't know. I just feel like if there is a wound that heals and then recurs for no other…"
Aug 19, 2019
Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle replied to Joanne ~ Spud*'s discussion Laser Treatments to Speed Wound Healing ?
"Hot spots are usually round, too. Totally OT, but when I was in college, I got a rash called pityriasis rosea, which is caused by wearing new cotton & linen clothing without washing it first. I went to the college clinic, and the doctor…"
Aug 19, 2019
Stacy replied to Joanne ~ Spud*'s discussion Laser Treatments to Speed Wound Healing ?
"This isn't what you asked, so please feel free to ignore unwanted internet advice, but is there any chance he could have a secondary fungal infection that is keeping it from healing? The reason I ask is the wound is so round. It reminds me a…"
Aug 19, 2019
Kim P. replied to Joanne ~ Spud*'s discussion Laser Treatments to Speed Wound Healing ?
"I paid for additional laser treatments after Scout's spay surgery (one was included in the price). Not sure if it helped speed the healing but she didn't have any setbacks and she seemed pretty pain free so I don't think it hurt. I…"
Aug 19, 2019
J and Riley (and Luna) replied to Joanne ~ Spud*'s discussion Laser Treatments to Speed Wound Healing ?
"Super different but my mom had her gums lasered to help heal an infection, it's been very effective and things cleared right up.  The gum doc said it kills the bacteria so that the wound can close up."
Aug 19, 2019
Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie replied to Joanne ~ Spud*'s discussion Laser Treatments to Speed Wound Healing ?
"Poor Spud.  I've looked at the home light treatments and I don't think they really do anything.  I think one needs a professional  set up and real laser, but they must do something helpful. I would tend to try it for him but…"
Aug 18, 2019
Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle replied to Joanne ~ Spud*'s discussion Laser Treatments to Speed Wound Healing ?
"Poor Spud! "
Aug 18, 2019

Profile Information

What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
SPUD: Born 12-05-2008, is now seven. A medium or small -large Goldendoodle F1b
A true thinking dog he seems to contemplate complex and deep thought. He understands a profound amount of the English language and learns words and commands quickly. A photographic memory and a Peter Pan attitude this ornery dog will be a puppy for the rest of his life. Silly, smart, and playful

STARLIT: (Pronounced Star Let ) Labradoodle F2, born 10-29-09 and passed away January 2012.
A DRC Rescue. She was a quiet old couch potato, no nonsense girl and an old soul even at her young age. Starlit spoke and sparkled with her expressive eyes and her wiggly wiggly butt.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Breeder, Rescue
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
No reason. We just wanted a dog
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
You have to groom them?
Favorite Doodle Products?
Doodles Make Products?
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