Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

March 2009 Blog Posts (151)

Rosco's airhead mother's near-miss evening...

Tonight was almost a disastrous flop since it took me 45 minutes to make it to a restaurant that was probably 10 minutes away since I left 5 minutes before my 'date' with Tante because I screwed up my google map by NOT putting in the address and NOT realizing it and wondering WHY "Curry Corner" was NOT on the corner my map said it was on and why it wasn't taking only "1 minute" as the map said. LUCKILY Tante found a nice young man at the restaurant who talked me back onto the correct roads and… Continue

Added by Adina P on March 18, 2009 at 9:00pm — 2 Comments

Finally - some socialization...

Abby just turned 6 months on the 14th of March. She has lived such a sheltered life - poor thing. She had never been out of our yard with the exception of the car. She was a fraidy cat of a lot of things outside. Well, Elizabeth, (Sophies Mom) and I were talking here in DK one evening and decided to meet at an area dog park. The dogs had a blast. Abby was sopping wet and dirty and loved every minute of it. She is a social butterfly - and maybe too much so when it came to the people. She… Continue

Added by Denise, Winnie, and AngelAbby on March 18, 2009 at 8:44pm — 3 Comments

Resolving boundary Issues

My mind has been in conflict trying to construct my emotional state. I have set boundaries for my fear and boundaries for my hope. This conflict has resulted in such stress on my body that I trust a trip to a cardiologist can sort me out. I have done the stress test before. This is where you get to walk or run half naked on a treadmill while a young pimply faced technician gets to look at your boobs, wired of course. This test will take place after a morning at Mayo. Do you think I have a shot… Continue

Added by The Kleins, Tempe, AZ on March 18, 2009 at 8:31pm — 8 Comments

ooops table on it's side.....

I thought it was hysterical so I thought I would share...

A couple of nights ago, my dh and I took Cali for a walk. It was a nice night about 60 degrees (heat wave in Ohio) and we decided to sit on the deck outside. Now keep in mind we haven't had any opportunities since we brought Cali home to just sit outside and enjoy the nice weather. Well in my infinite wisdom, I had Cali on the retractable leash still and I thought I will just put the handle end under one of the table legs,… Continue

Added by Deena Womack on March 18, 2009 at 8:17pm — 6 Comments

Puppy K

This week of puppy kindergarten was so much better than last week. We had to work with the dogs this time as opposed to it being a more relaxed orientation and play time. Phoebe was on her game tonight and the instructor was so impressed that she has already mastered 'sit' and 'down' and that we had begun working on 'heel' by ourselves. Since the classes are held at our vet's office, we had the opportunity to put Phoebe on the scale--she is a whopping 16.2# at 10 weeks old. It will be fun to… Continue

Added by Phoebe's Mom on March 18, 2009 at 7:17pm — 3 Comments

Groomer in Atlanta Area

I am really unhappy with my groomer! Help! Does anyone know a groomer for a Labradoodle in the North Atlanta area? Alpharetta or C****** would be great!

Added by Pam Padgett on March 18, 2009 at 9:23am — 1 Comment

It's Spring in Wisconsin

It's spring in Wisconsin. It was 71 degrees yesterday and the ground is still froze. The sump pump is pumping all over and making a mess. Fergie thought was great fun. Good Morning to all.…


Added by fergie11 on March 18, 2009 at 8:00am — 5 Comments

We're HERE!

We pulled in to our hotel parking lot close to 7pm and immediately we went for a jog/walk. As I said before I HATE HATE HATE driving long distances and my thigh was sooo sore! (Clarkipoo is typically the driver of this family and at most I drive 1-2 hours on ANY length trip). Go ahead, laugh at my wimpy self :-p (though I only stopped ONCE when I missed an exit).

So we walked the neighborhood for 10 minutes or so for Rosco to shake out all his potty needs and then while we checked in… Continue

Added by Adina P on March 17, 2009 at 8:30pm — 11 Comments

Heart beats and a green suede pump...

Today was supposed to be a day of rest. I needed to follow up with my high blood pressure stress issues and knew I needed to switch doctors. So my appointment with my new doctor was today. As I was leaving for my appointment I called the hospital to learn that Jess was scheduled for another surgery -- about 1:00 PM again (which means 3:00, that much I've learned). Reason? The nurse told me that the doc swung by and needed to make a decision on another device. I am aware of the bridge to… Continue

Added by The Kleins, Tempe, AZ on March 17, 2009 at 7:30pm — 14 Comments

Return of the Abominable Snowdoodle!

While snowshoeing in Mt Shasta this weekend we had sightings of the infamous Abominable Snowdoodle. This rare & goofy creature sneaks up on your from behind, clips a knee or two, then does his patented snow zoomies around trees, snowy lumps, or even hapless clunky humans on plodding snowshoes. Fortunately for us, we were able to appease the arctic beast with salmon treats & belly… Continue

Added by Cam & Oski on March 17, 2009 at 12:50pm — 13 Comments

Rosco and I are Taking a Road Trip!!!

I'm heading West for training and JUST booked the hotel and off we go in a couple hours.

I HATE HATE HATE driving for longer than 1 hour in any direction and we're going for 5 ... ugh.

But with Rosco on board it will be much more nice =) plus I won't be lonely in the hotel and Rosco will get the royal treatment hanging out with me on the normally-off-limits human furniture!

We may even get to meet Tante from Doodle Kisses!

But don't ya worry...I'll be checking in every… Continue

Added by Adina P on March 17, 2009 at 11:26am — 9 Comments

10 Reasons it's great to be a dog!

1. If it itches, you can reach it. And no matter where it itches, no one will be offended if you scratch it in public.

2. No one notices if you have hair growing in weird places as you get older.

3. Personal hygiene is a blast: No one expects you to take a bath every day, and you don't even have to comb your own hair.

4. Having a wet nose is considered a sign of good health.

5. No one thinks less of you for passing gas. Some people might actually… Continue

Added by Sandie & Matilda on March 17, 2009 at 7:13am — 2 Comments

Vote for Cooper

We have entered our "mini" Cooper in the Bissell contest and would love for you to vote for him. Simply just click the link and it's so easy to vote. Thanks in advance. Terri and Cooper.

Added by Terri V & "mini" Cooper on March 17, 2009 at 6:45am — No Comments

Cautiously optimistic with some surprises along the way...

Yesterday was a hard day for me. It was the three week anniversary I did not want to remember. Filled with fear, I came across card after card that Jess had written me over the years and felt how much this man loves me and how we need to continue our story. Phoebe must have sensed it as she crawled into bed with me for the night and stayed close. (Maybe it is because she is shaved, but I am going for the compassion angle)

I was getting ready to leave this morning and my friend called… Continue

Added by The Kleins, Tempe, AZ on March 16, 2009 at 8:32pm — 11 Comments

Worth the Wait!

We were lucky enough to get six of the pups together. It was great! They seemed to gravitate to eachother, I really think they knew eachother! They really stuck with eachother. There were at least 6-8 other dogs besides ours at the play party and our guys really played mostly with eachother. It was so much fun. There was a white GD that was 14 mos, and it was huge! The owner said he weighed 100 lbs. I think… Continue

Added by Chris & Boys on March 16, 2009 at 8:13pm — 7 Comments

Lizzie gets the OFFICIAL "healthy" title!

Lizzie went to the vet today for her 10 day follow up after being released, and she is doing phenomenal! The vet staff were AMAZED at how much bigger she looked and how happy she is. She is up to 13.7 pounds! (Trust me, we have worked for every ounce of that too.) She was wiggly and happy to see everyone, she actually ran into the office to say hi! I'm so used to dogs running OUT of the vet office, but they are so wonderful. The entire staff came up to see her and visit with her. Dr. Skaer (See… Continue

Added by Missi on March 16, 2009 at 5:30pm — 9 Comments

Hello Shea NY

Hello, we are new to this forum. We have just adopted our little "Shea" and are curious as to what he will look like as he grows up. Here is a photo of him at 8 weeks. Father is a pure white, 75 lb. royal standard poodle and mother is a 50 lb. Golden Retriever. His coat seems rather straight a fluffy with a little waive on the body compared to the rest of the litter which had very waivy - curly coats… Continue

Added by NY "Shea" on March 16, 2009 at 3:20pm — 5 Comments

Potty Frustration

Yesterday, Phoebe had no accidents inside and I was so thrilled thinking that we had turned a corner BUT...I suppose not. So far today, she has had three accidents including peeing down my a/c register in the floor by the front door. I suppose I should be happy that she went to the front door but I am still grappling with the sight of her and my inability to catch her fast enough. That is the other frustration. We watch her like a hawk but she gives us no warning--no sniffing or wandering or… Continue

Added by Phoebe's Mom on March 16, 2009 at 2:41pm — 4 Comments


Iam leavning for Michigan for 2 weeks iam going to miss alley also Iam worried she will forget me she is 6months old.Iguess iam just a worried mother. I hope she eats and drinks ok. I will let you know how she did when I get back on March 30th. See you doodle lovers later. marcia and alley.

Added by marcia hill on March 16, 2009 at 5:03am — 1 Comment

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