Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

June 2009 Blog Posts (135)

I Can't See You----so that means I'm hiding

Yesterday little Maggie was chasing around the yard and randomly dropping down on her belly---laying as flat as she could in the grass just tall enough to reach her "eyebrows".

She would raise her head just a smidge to look around the yard and see who might be tracking her.

I just had the sense that she felt invisible when she pressed her head down and her eyes dropped into the tall grass.

It reminded me of our golden retriever Bonnie. She was a big girl. Even if she… Continue

Added by Steve Drury on June 17, 2009 at 12:29am — 7 Comments

Article about Bocker the Labradoodle in PeoplePets

Meet a Member: Bocker the Dog Helps Kids Learn to ReadHeart-Warming

Bocker the Labradoodle has many roles: He's a model, therapy dog and tutor. And owner Marie Shelto (Bocker) says he understands how to behave when doing all of them. When the pup visits a local elementary school, he gives kisses to his students and settles… Continue

Added by Marie Shelto on June 16, 2009 at 7:11pm — 7 Comments

I have to share with all of you how wonderful my sweet Beau was for my Mom in the ICU

Mom was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance yesterday, with severe chest pains. In the emergency room, the heart monitor was jumping all over the place, UNTIL we placed Beau on the gurney with her. He cuddled up to her legs, and her heartbeats immediately evened out! AMAZING!! The doctor said he has no medicine to compare with that.

Added by Ellen aka BeauBeau's Mom on June 16, 2009 at 6:41pm — 12 Comments

Those needle like puppy teeth!

My wife and I haven't had a puppy in the house for over 15 years, and we're now the proud owners of a 9 week old Goldendoodle, she's been with us for only one week. Does anyone have any advice on how to discourage the constant biting with those sharp little teeth? Fingers, toes, ankles, knees, noses, nothing is safe. I'm not into smacking animals, but when she goes into one of her really snappy phases, usually just before she collapses to sleep, I have been tempted. I've tried the Cesar Milan… Continue

Added by Kevin Poole, Penny & Ozzy on June 16, 2009 at 4:23pm — 9 Comments

Sam the babysitter

Oh my goodness. Day 2 with Mandi, 8 week old German Shepherd. Sam LD has been great. Right now they are both sleeping. We started crate training today. How can a puppy make so much noise? She is a howler. Sam is very tolerant and I think was thinking "What a crazy girl"!!!!

Added by Jeri on June 16, 2009 at 3:54pm — No Comments

Now She Wont go outside??????

Yesterday we had one of our 2 adapted Labradoodle sisters Shirley groomed. She had great tight curls that were beginning to possibly become matted. The groomer did a nice job and shaved her down dramatically. Since her return home, she seems a bit skittish and now will not go outdoors on the wet morning grass to do her business. Walking on paved areas seems fine but I am curious to understand why the avoidance to grass. Before this, one whistle and she would charge down the stairs and couldn't… Continue

Added by steve sklon on June 16, 2009 at 5:39am — 3 Comments

Cuz That's What Big Sisters Do !

The Drurys have a reputation for embellishing stories for the sake of making them more entertaining. This is a personality defect that goes back many generations. It is particularly prevalent in males.

But you have my word that this doodle tale is the truth---every word of it.

The cast of characters is small: Daisy, the 11 month old golden doodle; Maggie, the 10 week old golden doodle who had only been with us 48 hours; mom--napping in the guest bedroom at 4 PM;… Continue

Added by Steve Drury on June 16, 2009 at 12:18am — 13 Comments

We have been practicing 'Watch Me' and 'Take It'

K, you have to remember that I was old school obedience when I trained our other dogs. I am not use to treat training, so this is novel for me. Being the proud parent that I am I must brag about my smart little doodle. In our first class in PK we learned 'Watch Me'. This is where you take a treat, show it to your puppy to get their attention then hold the treat between your eyes while you say ‘Watch Me’. When your dog makes eye contact you immediately give the dog the treat and say ‘Take It’.… Continue

Added by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on June 15, 2009 at 6:33pm — 4 Comments



Added by theresa wood on June 15, 2009 at 3:08pm — 3 Comments

Sam trying to fly

Pictures speak a thousand words.

Added by Jeri on June 15, 2009 at 6:26am — 6 Comments

Dog Parks... Friend or Foe???

Well, it was an interesting weekend... my parents came down to help me with some stuff around the new house... putting up shelves, etc. They did a fantastic job! Before they came we discovered that Remington had finally started to lose those baby teeth of his and we ended up finding 4 of them in just a few days! And lastly... we went to the Dog Park on Sunday evening....

We got Remington a Dog Park pass so that he could be with other dogs and have fun and learn to socialize better...… Continue

Added by Kendra K. Rhoton on June 15, 2009 at 6:18am — 13 Comments

She Said, He Did.

Why is it that I feel my way is the right way, my husbands way is the wrong way, yet he gets the results and I dont?

Just getting back from a camping trip and weeding through the posts for Chris & Boys biting issues it just got me thinking...

If I were a dog I would probably be a chihuahua. A lot of bark but no bite. When I am really really mad I would probably be akin to a rabid chihuahua - with no teeth -, foaming at the mouth, yipping, acting all crazy… Continue

Added by LuvMyAbby&Kaela on June 14, 2009 at 10:02pm — 6 Comments

Tough Day at the Dog Show

We probably shouldn't have entered, but I pushed it, like moms sometimes do. It was my 4H Club's Show. We were hosting it. It was in honor of my Standard Poodle who died very suddenly of Lyme Disease only 6 short months ago. They put a beautiful picture and a poem in our show booklet in her memory. She was a special part of our family and my daughter's 4H dog. My daughter worked with her for 8 years and won more ribbons than I can count. She even won Best in Show, Best in Obedience, and Best in… Continue

Added by elyse on June 14, 2009 at 6:02pm — 4 Comments

Who In The World Are These Muddy Wet Doodles????

Can you tell who we are? One of us was a DK calendar star...

Well, here we are just before we went swimming, meeting for the very first time, with our moms:

And back at the ranch, after drying off a bit:

Jackdoodle and Halas met yesterday at The Paw Pad Doodle Romp in Lake… Continue

Added by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle on June 14, 2009 at 4:30pm — 8 Comments

New Puppy has been christened. And her name is..........................


(Magnolia, mag-o-licious, mag dog, mag-nanimous....)

The short list for names had been whittled down to Iris, Rhoda.......oh yeah.....and Maggie----a previous front-runner now slipped from the spotlight.

We spent the first day together and in my mind I was trying to decide between Iris and Rhoda. My wife was as well.

Neither one was feeling right. But it was just day one; not a normal day. Daisy was being a freak and the little one barely slept all… Continue

Added by Steve Drury on June 14, 2009 at 2:50pm — 8 Comments

Harlow Started Puppy Class Today

Today was our first day of Puppy Class at our local PetSmart. . She is still drooling like crazy during car rides, so we got to PetSmart early for her to settle a bit. There was a dog adoption event at the store and Harlow wasn’t too sure about all the noise at first, but after 5 minutes walking around the store she was pretty comfortable. There was 1 other puppy there, a Sheppard mix that is about the same age and size of Harlow. Both dogs were so mellow that the trainer stated the class… Continue

Added by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on June 14, 2009 at 11:42am — 4 Comments

The first few days home

So the first few days have passed, and sometimes it feels like those days have flown by and other times it feels as if they have dragged on. They've been highly eventful.

Right away Angel attached herself to me and wouldn't leave my side the first day home. To begin with I held her in the car as she watched her old life at the breeders grow further and further away. But she was an awesome puppy in the car. She just slept and snuggled into me. And when it was time to go potty, she… Continue

Added by Krista, Angel, and Toby on June 13, 2009 at 6:45pm — 4 Comments

My Little Cone Head

Spay day was yesterday and I think Phoebe did way better than I did. I was a nervous wreck waiting for the phone call that she was awake and resting. When I picked her up at night, she was groggier than I had anticipated and the incision was larger than I had thought it would be. She made it through the night beautifully but she seems so sad. While I undertand that this was a major surgery, I am dying to see her running and jumping around again--this whole thing is killing me. She is on pain… Continue

Added by Phoebe's Mom on June 13, 2009 at 3:17pm — 13 Comments

Hide A Squirrel toy arrive in the mail on Thursday.

OMG!!! This toy is wonderful! Thanks to everyone who posted comments on its product review. I bought one from Amazon and it arrived Thursday. All 3 dogs are having a blast with the squirrels. There is at least one squirrel squeaking at any given time. Sometimes it is quite it is quite a cacophony when all 3 are squeaking, but it is so funny watching the dogs sticking their snoots in the tree looking for the squirrels. The squirrels have turned out to be a good indoor retrieving toy as well.… Continue

Added by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on June 13, 2009 at 8:46am — 4 Comments

Watch Teddy Hilton's (Mini Goldendoodle of blogger Perez Hilton) new photo gallery

Here is the link to the photo gallery of Teddy Hilton. He is a gorgeous mini goldendoodle and is owned by blogger Perez Hilton. The pictures are too cute

Added by Zoe, Benny and Tyler on June 13, 2009 at 4:38am — 1 Comment

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