Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

November 2009 Blog Posts (95)

The passing of the Official Hopeless Doodle Addict Trophy

I had the privilege of meeting with Adrianne at the Pittsburgh Thanksgiving Doodle Romp where she passed off the Hopeless Doodle Addict Trophy to me.

Here is a picture of Lucy, my F1 Goldendoodle, and myself with the coveted "Trophy".

Yes, I am a HOPELESS DOODLE ADDICT and belong to DoodleKisses, the HDA club.

I do not want help................... I love it here and ALL… Continue

Added by Karen & Lucy on November 30, 2009 at 6:47pm — 17 Comments


I think my doodle just totally forgot I was at the other end of the leash and I almost killed myself!! I took Samson out to go pee. He thinks he saw a bird and shot out, I slipped in the mud (it's raining, otherwise, I would not have fallen) and he dragged me a few feet before he stopped.

I must have looked like an idiot!!! I was full of mud.

I was NOT happy. But, everything went into the wash.

What do I do to stop this behavior? He has done this the past week,… Continue

Added by Ann on November 30, 2009 at 12:00pm — 7 Comments

No Personality = No Doodle In My Book

Okay I'm sorry, but really! If you (as an owner/human) don't have a personality....PLEASE don't get a Doodle. My daughter and I were at the pet store yesterday and we encountered a couple with two dogs - - one looking very much like a Doodle. With a BIG smile I ask, "Is that a Doodle?" Response....a very cold "yes" and the lady just keeps on walking. My daughter and I stare at each other in disbelief. Did that really just happen? No smile!? No extra "stuff"!? She just kept on walking. So, we… Continue

Added by Yvonne N on November 30, 2009 at 10:54am — 20 Comments

Not what we were hoping to hear...

We were suppose to have an all healed puppy by thanksgiving day. One that was going to be able to run and jump and play without the club that had been adorning her right leg for the three weeks prior. Well, we got not so great news at UPenn last week. Apparently, Chianti's radius bone healed perfectly, so perfectly that it continued to grow forcing Chianti's ulna further apart than the original green line fracture. One bone healed & one to go!!!!! She is sans cast and we are playing a wait… Continue

Added by Jenna B. & Chianti on November 30, 2009 at 6:30am — 6 Comments

Natalie Carlise Pearson PICTURES!

OK... a few. :-)

More later...

Added by Adina P on November 29, 2009 at 7:59pm — 82 Comments

11-28-09 Pittsburgh Thanksgiving Doodle Romp

Thanksgiving Pittsburgh Doodle Romp 11-28-09
Lucy and I would like to thank Marissa and Mickey for having us at their Thanksgiving Doodle Romp at DogLogic. We had and great time as you can see in the pics and it was so nice to see Mickey and meet Charli and all of the other doodles. Also, thank you Ann for the gorgeous picture of Lucy that you took above. I love it.

Lucy does not get…

Added by Karen & Lucy on November 29, 2009 at 6:39pm — 17 Comments

Wiggle Worm Gets Her Real Girl's Name :)

Natalie Carlise entered the world today at 10:55 am weighing in at 8 lbs 12 oz and is 21.5 inches long.
She's PERFECT and I will up post pix when time allows.

Clark, Adina, and Natalie

Added by Adina P on November 29, 2009 at 12:02pm — 70 Comments

Doodles and Cold Weather :)

Today we had our first really good overnight frost. Oh boy - Toby is pumped! He was racing around the yard at high speeds (zooming!) over, and over, and over. He was rolling and rolling on the frosty grass. He has already been on a walk and played ball. There's nothing quite like seeing a happy dog zooming around the yard to put a smile on your face first thing in the morning! So....lots more frost, but no snow. Sound like a good winter plan? :) Unfortunately, living where I do, snow will be… Continue

Added by Sandy on November 29, 2009 at 6:37am — 4 Comments

Callie and Maisy

I spend Thanksgiving with my family in Memphis. This year, "family" is inclusive of Callie, who I adopted in April, 2009. I always stay with my sister, my brother in law (BIL moving forward), and their 7 year old twin sons (my much beloved "nephs"). Sis and BIL have a new addition as well...Maisy, the miniature schnauzer, who is now 7 months old and is tipping the scales at 11 lbs. That's just pretty darn miniature. They also have another dog, Scoobie, a 12 year old blind-ish, deaf-ish, and… Continue

Added by Frannie & Callie on November 28, 2009 at 7:20pm — 4 Comments

Animal Planet tonight at 6PM Pacific Time

Just a quick reminder to all doodle-lovers that Animal Planet is doing an episode on designer dogs tonight covering our beloved labradoodles and golderndoodles.

Added by Frances Pendrous (Horan) on November 28, 2009 at 3:30pm — 3 Comments

A Survey For Doodles

(Please copy and give us your answers)

1. Do you drink from the toilet? I would never, that is totally disgusting!

2. Do you squat or lift a leg to tinkle? I am a lady, what do you think.

3. Can or dry dog food? Dry mostly.

4. What kind of dog food? Purina One.

5. Favorite toy? A fuzzy bone stuffy. (The only toy that hasn't been disassembled.)

6. Do you own a cat or other animal? Yes, a Calico… Continue

Added by Zoey's Inspirations on November 27, 2009 at 4:34pm — 18 Comments

For Adina

When my conservative mother used to tell her three daughters to hurry up, she phrased it by saying, " Come on Girls, Lets Get a Wiggle On"

Added by Joanne ~ Spud* on November 27, 2009 at 7:30am — 9 Comments

Taking Christmas Card Pictures

DH and I spent Thanksgiving afternoon trying to get pictures for our Christmas card for DK card exchange. To say the least, it was easier said than done. Harlow and our foster boy Jax were pretty well behaved.

But we really wanted to get a picture with The boys in it too... The boys were much more interested in our cat that was sitting right out of camera range.…


Added by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on November 26, 2009 at 5:00pm — 10 Comments


I am thankful for this fuzzy muppet that entered my life this year. He has made me laugh more than i could ever imagine, given me unconditional love when i needed it most and given me reason to get outside more and to make some great new friends at the dog park and online too! He is my family! And he is pretty darn cute:)

To the entire DoodleKisses family, have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and don't forget to thank-ur-doodles!…


Added by Sally on November 26, 2009 at 5:44am — 3 Comments

Today is Mater's TV debut

After all this time, the 30 second spot featuring Mater and the two other winners of the Might Dog Nation video contest seems almost anti-climactic. He's shown shaking off water from being soaking wet, and then happily wagging his tail. It will be interesting to see the entire dog-umentary, as it seems that all of the filming will be edited down to about 5 minutes! The "commercial" - which airs twice during the National Dog Show on NBC following the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade - is really a… Continue

Added by Kathy Janes on November 26, 2009 at 2:11am — 9 Comments

Happy Thanksgiving & Mariner Update

Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

Mariner has had a rough time this past week. Last Wednesday night we gave all of our doodles their Heartguard and Frontline. The next couple of days Mariner was very lethargic. Sunday Mariner had a bad seizure. He hasn't returned to himself. It seems as though he is having more difficulty with his sight than usual and he is very clingy to Sharon. Yesterday we went to vet. Although he could not see anything obviously wrong, Mariner's blood… Continue

Added by AndySharon BoomerShaynaMariner on November 25, 2009 at 8:23pm — 10 Comments

Tiger Woods

I came across this picture today and thought that everyone on here would enjoy it. This is Tiger Woods with his family and their two Labradoodles! They look so happy! :-) **I think someone on here has posted this before, but I still think it is so precious!

Added by Dan, Judi, & Timbow on November 25, 2009 at 4:30pm — 14 Comments

Big visiting day!

Have had this week off (Thanksgiving) from work. Promised a lot of my accounts that if I gave Riley a bath, I would bring him by on my day off. I use this as incentive to actually do what I plan to do; instead of procrastinating and not doing anything. Well, bath day yesterday, and we went a calling today. I used this opportunity as a training time also, not having Riley jumping up on people. It went well, at first a lot of correction. After awhile, meeting so many different people he kinda… Continue

Added by Charles Rocheville on November 25, 2009 at 12:17pm — 3 Comments

I was so angry last night!

I was at training with Fozzy last night. There is a couple that has pissed me off since day one. They have this adorable border collie that is an absolute head case. She goes after other dogs, nips at the owners barks like crazy. From the first class it was clear that the owners are abusive with this dog. I have seen both owners swat this dog, scream at this dog and just treat this dog badly. The trainer is visibly struggling with this couple, biting her tongue and show them the proper way to… Continue

Added by Chris & Boys on November 24, 2009 at 11:51am — 17 Comments

The Little Things

Yesterday, I bought Angel one toy: an over-sized squeaky tennis ball. It cost me less than two dollars, but you would thing I had just given Angel the best thing on the face of the planet. No joke, she played with that ball for FOUR hours straight, either by herself or with the occasional toss from me. And I am convinced the only reason she stopped is because she wore herself out.

She found her new best friend in that ball, and I think it even holds the importance to her as a blankie… Continue

Added by Krista, Angel, and Toby on November 24, 2009 at 3:54am — 13 Comments

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