Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

November 2011 Blog Posts (77)

Murphy and Bella are so patient!

I hurt my leg last week and it's been a horrible week of pain and laying around with ice packs. Not a lot of ball throwing, walks, brushing or home cooking going on here. Normally I feel so bad when I don't have the time to play with my guys and they let me know they don't like it! Murphy usually brings all his balls, one by one and drops them at my feet. Then sits and stares at me till I get up. Bella usually goes from trash can to trash can finding little forbidden tidbits then prances in… Continue

Added by Sue, Murphy and Bella ()*o*() on November 12, 2011 at 5:15pm — 13 Comments

I Saluted the American Flag Yesterday - WOW!

I put my uniform away in 1989 after 32 years in the U.S. Navy.  Since that time, I have honored the American Flag by placing my right hand or my hat over my heart which was the correct way to show respect when a person was in civilian clothes.  


Yesterday at the start of a local Veterans Day  ceremony, the Master of Ceremonies shared some information that I did not know.  Military veterans as well as active duty military are now authorized to honor the flag by presenting the…


Added by Richard Crowe on November 12, 2011 at 7:58am — 20 Comments

Kona Passed her Therapy Dog Incorporated testing today :)

It's official, Kona is a Therapy Dog, she passed her last supervised visit today! Now she can say she is just as good as her big brother :) She really loved the Nursing Home residents, very sweet with lot's of kisses for…


Added by GBK on November 11, 2011 at 4:14pm — 31 Comments

Road Trips & Computer Virus = MIA

You know you've been off of DK for a while when you start getting emails from people asking "where are you", "are you and the doods O.K.".  It gives me comfort to know that some of you realized we had gone MIA - and might have notified the authorities so that I was not left here molding on the floor - lol.  I've missed SO much on here - all the funny blogs, posts, pics and videos.  I totally missed the whole Snap contest this time around - not that I'm funny but I always try to give it a…


Added by Jane, Rooney & Stuart on November 11, 2011 at 1:35pm — 17 Comments

The Making of a Holiday Card!


For many years, when our girls were young, we would take an annual Christmas picture and mail it with our Holiday card. I was the mom who, when they were growing up, never took a picture or had a camera at any important event. I have always been technologically challenged and I guess I did not want to miss out on something that was happening right before my eyes, because I was fiddling with the stupid camera. Once or twice, I did try and take a picture…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on November 11, 2011 at 2:30am — 27 Comments

Trust Your Instincts! A Dog's Tail...

Hi all,

It has been a while since I've posted but thought I'd share our situation so that others may gain some insight...back in September, Simba was hit by a car.  Fortunately it was a slow moving vehicle where we live and Simba ran back up 59 stairs to my husband.  There were no visible signs of damage aside from that he would not sit and after a couple visits to an animal hospital, our regular vet, and a surgical consult, we were told that in time all would heal and that it was…


Added by Lindsey, Lee, Whopper and Simba on November 10, 2011 at 8:52am — 25 Comments

Cry Baby

Every day I learn something new about Riley and today was no exception.  As I sat on the couch relaxing after Supper I decided I would like a Doodle cuddle.  Riley was lying on the floor and I invited him to come up onto the couch but he decided he preferred the floor.  So I pretended to cry.  I put my head in my hands and did a very good interpretation of a sobbing woman.  It only took seconds and he was up and on my lap, all 45l bs of him smothering me in licks and wrapping his paws around…


Added by Nicky, Riley & Boris on November 9, 2011 at 1:00pm — 18 Comments


Hey, guys, it's November, my favorite month of the year! Let me tell you why!

I was not having the best summer to begin with.  First, my mom signed me up for some kind of crazy classes where I had to keep walking around a big room in circles making turns for no reason, and stand still while a strange lady threw things on the floor or looked at my teeth and my feet. It made no sense, but I guess I did a good job, because my mom got a paper saying that I am a good citizen (like she…


Added by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle on November 8, 2011 at 10:30am — 53 Comments

American Maltese Rescue Web Site

We at the American Maltese Association Rescue have finally got our web site up and running.  We are going to add a page of links and link Doodle Rescue Collective, Inc.  Please visit us at and give us some feedback regarding our new site...

Added by Richard Crowe on November 8, 2011 at 6:55am — 12 Comments

Vern Versus the Leaf Blower!

On Sunday, my husband decided to try and get the 5 million leaves we have all over our property blown into the neighbor's yard. Not really, but wouldn't we have the best neighbors if they told us that would be fine. Since I had stuff to do inside the house, Fudge came in with me to take her nap. Fudge loves to catch up on her beauty sleep in the afternoon and usually takes her naps back on our bed with two fans blowing on her. Let's just say for the purposes of this blog that she turns them…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on November 8, 2011 at 4:30am — 32 Comments

The Adventures of Darwin & Wes Continued... (Another Photo Book)

Some of you may remember The book I made my nephew last year. Well, he likes it so much that I decided to make a second book. Since he's older and has a more developed personality now, I decided to theme the book after his greatest love: sports.


This one was much more challenging because of the sports theme. I basically had to just Photoshop their heads onto sports figures, where…


Added by Camilla and Darwin on November 7, 2011 at 8:31pm — 33 Comments

Southern hospitality and the Scottish Terrorist

Its been a very long week here. We had 2 dog visitors and someone is severely lacking in southern hospitality.


First, my sister's female field spaniel spent the week with us. Casey is a little grumpy and Finn decided he was in love with her.  He spent every free minute trying to win her affection. It was exhausting. Her growl sounds like she's possessed. I don't know if there are exorcists for dogs, but we sure could have used one.


#2 DS and his girlfriend and…


Added by Linda and Murphy on November 7, 2011 at 4:50pm — 13 Comments

walking his dog's


Added by Ron Carnes on November 7, 2011 at 4:39pm — 15 Comments

Dogs and cats

I wonder what it is about our little black cat!  He was friends with our Tibetian Terrier when we first found him outside of Bradley University in 1995.  He loved to curl up and snooze inside her curled up body.  She was white and it looked a little like the black and white symbol for Tao, balance.  


When we got Mater he fell in love with Bradley (we named the cat for the school) too.  They would rough house under the dining room table until the chairs fell over, wrestling…


Added by Kathy Janes on November 7, 2011 at 6:01am — 5 Comments

Packing - Doodle Style

Business travel is never fun and is almost always a hassle especially when I am leaving 2 doodles at home with DH.  There are certain things that I always take care of and tend to do on a regular schedule and when that schedule gets altered due to business travel it is a little bit frustrating.  Before I can think about leaving I have to make sure that both doodles are thoroughly brushed and 100% dematted.  Ears must be cleaned, nails have to be trimmed, and teeth have to be brushed.  I…


Added by Amy, Cubbie & Ollie on November 6, 2011 at 5:51pm — 20 Comments

Just how many dogs live here?

Okay, I just have one dog, but to look at the “leashing station” inside my back door, you would think I have 10 dogs!

From left to right: a Christmas collar, old leash for rainy days, leather leash for “good,” every day tag collar, prong collar, light weight long line, carabineer, reflective leash and arm bands for night time, car harness, bandana, every day…


Added by BG and Gavin on November 6, 2011 at 3:18pm — 19 Comments

Sunday ramblings

Here I am merrily preparing for work this week... and Luna is whining her head off at me for the last 30 minutes.

I finally realized why - it was daylight savings time as of today, and she thinks it's about dinnertime!  I guess I had better make her wait, or she will be starving tomorrow morning.


This reminds me of our visit to the vet Friday, and how the vet was very impressed with Luna's body condition and overall health.  She wrinkled her nose a bit when we said we…


Added by J and Riley (and Luna) on November 6, 2011 at 12:42pm — 6 Comments

The Adventures of Guinness and Murphy

Well I finally have my power back.  The past two weeks have been a true adventure for our family.  It started out with my DH's Dad having a serious heart DH left for Maine and was fortunate enough to be with his father when he passed away.  Then he drove back to CT to get DS and I to go up for the services.  I boarded the boys at their Daycare, so I knew they'd be okay, but I was still concerned.  We left on a Thursday and planned to be back Sunday morning to pick them up. …


Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on November 6, 2011 at 11:53am — 25 Comments

Gracie Doodle's First Hotel Stay! (Video too)

Gracie Doodle is having the time of her life.  We drove for 8 hours from San Diego up to San Jose to visit our 5 month pregnant daughter, her husband and of course Luna Paw who is Gracie's cousin and a Rhodesian Ridgeback.  We left San Diego on Wednesday and then Friday drove up here to Santa Rosa to stay in the Hilton Hotel which is a dog friendly hotel.  Now I do have my input to what they say is a dog friendly hotel and what I think a dog friendly hotel SHOULD be.  The only thing friendly…


Added by Nancie & Gracie Doodle on November 5, 2011 at 9:59pm — 17 Comments

People are Good

About six weeks ago a little poodle mix named Molly went missing.  She was spooked at the groomer’s when a fire truck went by and somehow got away, with no collar on.  The skittish three year old was rescued by her current owner Joanne, two years ago.  An army of volunteers responded to her owner’s plea to help find Molly.  A facebook page was formed with 1450 members.  People were searching in organized teams day and night.  Feeding stations were set up complete with surveillance in areas…


Added by BG and Gavin on November 5, 2011 at 5:00pm — 23 Comments

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