Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

November 2010 Blog Posts (103)

Guess Who Turned One This Week?

It's hard to believe but Miss Natalie turned ONE this Monday! Since a few of you wished her a Happy Birthday I thought I'd post a blog with some recent pics of the littlest love of my life.

This is her last week. She discovered this tray holder is a GREAT little toy but you'll see she doesn't really need it:

We had a little Birthday party with Mommy, Daddy, and Grandma and had a wonderful time last night.

The Birthday Girl all dressed up and… Continue

Added by Adina P on November 30, 2010 at 8:30pm — 31 Comments


Hey doods! About a week ago, dad took me to daycare (as they call it - it's just my favorite place in the world with lots and lots of my friends). When mom said goodbye that morning, she looked sad. I was thinking "what the dood? I know dad's takin' me to my friends!"

Anyway, dad dropped me off and gave my human friends a bag with my food and blanket and treats and yummy oily treats they call EPO?? WTD?

I just ran off to play with friends and had a grand 'ole…


Added by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on November 30, 2010 at 12:39pm — 9 Comments

The Potty Crisis!

Darwin has always been good about going potty quickly. He even does it on command most of the time. But he does not like this snow one bit. I honestly don't remember having this big of a problem last winter. When we take him out it will be 20 minutes of standing there (It's always been less than 5 minutes in the past) and he won't even go! He doesn't seem nervous, just continuously sniffs around and circles but never goes.

We can't go to his regular spot because it's under…

Added by Camilla and Darwin on November 30, 2010 at 12:06pm — 17 Comments

Ultrasound today!!!

Lyric had an ultrasound today and........we found four puppies right away! They were all close together so there could easily be more "in the wings"--the vet does not do ultrasounds of pregnant dogs too often, so she really didn't look around too much. She just wanted to confirm that the dog was pregnant, since she has been so off kilter for these last few weeks. Now we know that all is normal--she is just having a rough pregnancy.
Today, she grew tired of the chicken we have been making…

Added by Ginny Nightingale on November 29, 2010 at 6:10pm — 5 Comments

A boy and his his aunt's dog

Callie and I spent all of last week in Memphis with my family. While Callie has visited several times before, this was just a special trip. This is where my nephew Benjamin fell in love with Callie. Now Benj and his (fraternal) twin Drew have always loved Callie...they play with her (Callie Tag being the favorite), talk to her, etc, but this trip something just clicked. Benj wanted to be with her all the time. He's always been a dog lover (and at the age of 8…


Added by Frannie & Callie on November 29, 2010 at 2:00pm — 14 Comments

What Is A Good Breeder

A Breeder (with a Capital B) is one who thirsts for knowledge and never knows it all,

one who wrestles with decisions of conscience, convenience, and Commitment.

A labradoodle Breeder is one who sacrifices personal interests, finances, time, friendships,

fancy furniture, and deep pile carpeting!

She gives up the dreams of a long,…

Added by Bree Arnett on November 29, 2010 at 12:30pm — 1 Comment

Rooney Doodle - World Traveler

Wow - what a week it has been! I have been to the North Pole to a place more cold than I have ever been. Mom calls it Michigan, aka Frozen Tundra of the North, and home. I just kept looking for Santa and those elves, I never found them.

I first knew something was up when my mom started making piles of her clothes and stuff and then my stuff. She started putting it all in this big red box that had wheels. I kept pulling stuff back out to chew on so mom moved the box on top of…


Added by Jane, Rooney & Stuart on November 29, 2010 at 8:58am — 10 Comments

The National Dog Show

As many of you know on Thanksgiving, the National Dog Show airs. I always enjoy watching dog shows, as I just love all dog breeds! It's a good time to brush up on your dog breed knowledge and fun to see all of the variety. Well, I re-watched it with Darwin tonight and he loved it! He sat and watched many of the dogs. He usually loses interest in the t.v. pretty quick so I thought it was funny. His ears were perked and he looked over to me occasionally, as if to make sure I was watching all of… Continue

Added by Camilla and Darwin on November 28, 2010 at 7:30pm — 10 Comments

Letters to Santa

I went to see the Santa Claus parade today with my mom and dad, all the little kids were giving letters to Santa and I think we need to do the same. So all of you good little boy and girl doodles it's time to write those letters and tell Santa what you would like for christmas this year. Be sure and tell Santa a little about yourself and your most favorite things. I don't know what I would like besides lots of tennis balls so I am looking for some…


Added by Donna K & Quincy on November 28, 2010 at 6:42pm — 10 Comments

Humble joy.... Charile got 2 Q's and the big yellow ribon - first Rally trial

Charlie had her very first Rally trial today. I am very humble and proud of how she did. You know, I started this Rally classes, because of her fear, anxiety and aggressive behavior. All I wanted was for her to build some self- confidence, so that she does not have to act like a maniac. Before we got there, my main concern for her was other dogs and new people, new place, etc..., and her fear & anxiety. So, the first round was pretty messed up. She just could not focus on me, looked…


Added by Kyoko on November 28, 2010 at 5:30pm — 14 Comments

Stompin' out the snakes...

When Traveler wants to lie down on the bed, he does that doggie getting-ready-for-bed thing, turning round and round, nose down, butting the covers with his head, sometimes pouncing a couple of times on some suspect spot. Then he just sort of drops, and curls. My daughter was watching him do this and said he was ‘stompin’ out the snakes.’ I had to laugh. Not only was that a funny description, it sounded like an even more reasonable explanation for the behavior that just making the bed-place…


Added by Pat and Traveler on November 28, 2010 at 5:09pm — 4 Comments

Halas Joins the Rabbit Killer Club

My Mom wanted to keep Halas Friday night when we got back into town, so she took him to her house. At about 11:00, she let him out for his last potty before bedtime. As she opened the door, she saw some rabbits scatter, but Halas was already out the door. Most of them went one direction and escaped under the fence. But one went the opposite direction and wasn't so lucky. We think maybe he tried to get under the fence on the other side of the yard, but it slowed him down too much, and Halas was… Continue

Added by Leslie and Halas on November 28, 2010 at 11:53am — 4 Comments


Hi guys, hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving.

I've had a great weekend, it has been really, really cold, but still none of that snow stuff. What are "Zoomies"? Do we have them here in the UK? Will I be frightened, do they make a noise?

Mum has taken me for lots of walks this weekend, I saw lots of my friends yesterday and had a great game at the park. I went to the beach as well and found a great ball to play with, mum wouldn't let me take it home though, she put it on the…


Added by Belinda Jones on November 28, 2010 at 11:27am — 3 Comments

Does your doodle put himself to bed or wait up with you?

Our Murphy always waited for us to go to bed and even if only one of us went to bed, he's stay up and "protect" the awake one. Just recently he started going to bed with the earlier retiring parent and just last week he went to bed all by himself, leaving both of us up and watching TV. We had to go look for him!!!

Makes me wonder what changes to cause this? He has done it once before but he got up when he realized we weren't going to join him anytime soon, so I don't think it's the…


Added by Sue, Murphy and Bella ()*o*() on November 28, 2010 at 10:01am — 12 Comments


Hey Jack, Murphy and I wanted to wish you a really happy birthday today! I can't believe you're SIX years old now....Mom says that's like 40 or 50 in "people years". I think that's why you're so much smarter than most of us here on DK. We're just kids....but you've "been around"...and you know "stuff". You're kind of our hero, Jack. Mom always tells us how good you's "Jack does....", "Jack's such a good boy", "Jack wouldn't do that", "Why can't you be more like Jack", "I'm going to… Continue

Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on November 28, 2010 at 5:43am — 35 Comments

Pumpkin hoarding - UPDATE

I have been waiting anxiously for the pumpkin season to resume due to the shortages we all felt last year. I guess I have never been so aware of pumpkin in the stores as I have over this past year. It always seemed readily available whenever I needed it for the holidays, and otherwise,I never gave it any thought.

I don't even know if pumpkin is carried in the stores year round! Never noticed! So with the shortage of 2010 fresh in my mind, and the memories of going store to…


Added by Sue, Murphy and Bella ()*o*() on November 27, 2010 at 7:00am — 23 Comments

Week five of Lyric's pregnancy begins

Hi all--not much new to report--except that Lyric has become a very fussy eater! She can't really deal with any of the kibble I have on hand (I happen to have a few flavors in the house at the moment), so she is getting boiled chicken with broth. She eats that, but slowly. She is more tired and so much more laid back than usual. They say that you should see no difference in the energy level or behavior of the dog in the fist few weeks, but she has really changed dramatically. She has a few… Continue

Added by Ginny Nightingale on November 26, 2010 at 3:43pm — 3 Comments

Pocket & Pancakes - Pocket's first dig

My first blog post! I just had to share . . .

I was just sitting on the couch and noticed Pocket going into the fireplace, acting sort of strangely. I asked him, "what are you doing?" and he promptly ran to the other room, so I thought nothing of it. Then a few minutes later, he jumps on the couch where his blanket is, and starts digging into to it. I tell him to stop, he flings a corner of it over and runs away. I then went to re-adjust his blanket and find a buried pancake! He had… Continue

Added by Pocket & Beth on November 26, 2010 at 11:00am — 17 Comments

Do You Ever Wish?

I think I love my doodle too much! Is that even possible? I don't think Cesar would be very happy with me, I do think of Quincy as a little person more than a dog. A few days ago when I was cuddling with Quincy the thought crossed my mind that I would love a whole house full of little Quincys, no I am not advocating for indiscriminate breeding I just wish I could clone him and have a whole bunch just like him. Do you ever wish that you could have a houseful of doodles just like the one you… Continue

Added by Donna K & Quincy on November 26, 2010 at 10:01am — 13 Comments

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