I used the advice that someone gave me about every time Ozzie pulls me when I am walking him to stop. I noticed when I stop if I wait for his body to relax then he will walk normally until the next light pole, stop sign etc and then we start over. He was a great boy today! Then I took him for a car ride and he loved it, as usual.
Am I causing a problem by loving him so much that every time I leave him in the car he barks and barks and then hopefully stops when I get in store? Is this… Continue
Met with Jackie Yorke today and it was very nice unexpected meeting. Went in search of a doodle who is in Indiana so this might be a tough one. Since meeting Jackie I am confident that we will find a very suitable doodle. Any leads would be appreciated.
Yankee went back to the vet on Thursday to have his foot checked out to see if it was healed. She took the bandage off and we walked him a bit. His foot started to bleed again so she re-bandaged it and said to keep it on a little longer. Their office is closed Sat & Mon so she said if the bandage got wet, to take it off and put a sock or something over his foot. We are to go back on Tuesday.
After 3 days, for some reason Yankee decided to chew the bandage off last night. I didn't… Continue
Well most won't think this to exciting, but got up early this morning to let Riley out. It was raining hard, and he was kinda scared as it hasn't rained that much since he has been with us. I had to hold him as he took in the environment and conditions in under our gazebo. It was like a baby trying to figure out what the heck is going on. Didn't take him long to figure out that if he stayed under the eaves of the garage, he was sheltered and a good place to do his thing. I mean I was out with… Continue
Brittany and I arrived at the airport 10 min. late due to a GPS snafu, and ran full speed towards the Continental ticket desk, stopping only to snap a few pictures. When we got there, the clerk lifted up the crate and said I could take her out(so I did of course!) She seemed a little nervous, but let me hold and snuggle her. Once out of the airport we pulled over and gave her some water, and she peed. Then, it was home we go, almost strait home...(I simply haaaaaad to stop at the Outlet Center… Continue
I just have to brag a bit; she has had NO accidents in the house, pottys on command outside, and slept through the night; 11:00pm-6:30am! Today she woke up a "new puppy" ; 10 times more playful and energetic. We also took her with us to Beltrami Studios; http://www.beltramistudios.com/site3/ (we had a pre-scheduled photo shoot for me and my 4 girls), Sable came along with, and she even posed! I can't wait to see the pictures! We thought she'd just play in the background or something, so… Continue
Took a tumble off ladder at eave level, on my back and head. My wife, came running out of the house after hearing the noise. I was in pretty bad shape. But, after she saw I was sorta OK made the comment "You could of smashed the Dog, lucky he was in the house!". I will be fine, as long as a don't run out of pain pills.
I am so proud of our Harlow. Yesterday our ‘Edward Jones’ guy (I can never remember his name) stopped past the house to deliver some financial information for us. This was the first time he has dropped by the house since we brought Harlow home. He was very fascinated by Harlow; asking all sorts of questions and ooing and awing over her as she stood behind the glass storm door. Because our beagles are overly exuberant greeters I usually step outside to chat with passersbys. Edward Jones guy… Continue
As many of you know, I'm not a big fan of dog parks because of a bad experience that Dan and I had there with Remington a while back. However, Dan still insists that we go because he says it's good for Remington and you can tell Remington loves it. Well, every time we go I always enter the fence with a bad feeling in my stomach that something is going to happen. Anyways, we went in the middle of the week this week and I found myself quite at ease while I watched my dog and his big personality… Continue
As most of you know, I walk both my GIRLS a lot on a county trail by me -- both always off leash. It's a 1 1/2 mile stretch with no roads to worry about. Anyway today they had the most self-control ever!
Picture this --
3 gorgeous fit men came jogging past for there morning run. I said "girls - stay". They sat and watched as these three young men ran on there way. NOW I HAD A MUCH HARDER TIME but my heart wouldn't have taken the run. LOL-LOL.
Also, a lady passed with two… Continue
Ozzie ran for the umpteenth time this year. My hubbie thought I had him on the leash and I didn't. He came in using his wheelchair and Ozzie bolted. Thank God we have great neighbors. Even the ones we never met before. People drive slow by our house to see if Ozzie is in the driveway and yell "Ozzie".
I just saw on Its the Dog or Me that you have to teach him the space around the door is my space, face him and keep your hand out like a stop sign. Any other ideas??? I know he needs exercise… Continue
I took Hudson to the vet today because I had a feeling he had a ear infection, he does=( Anyway when I got there the parking lot was full. I got my daughter and Hudson out of the car and started for the office door. There was a man just coming out of the door holding a puppy ( I think ) and another dog on a leash. All of a sudden his dog was running towards us and he was yelling his name! This dog was not listening to him, my heart started to beat pretty fast, all I could think of was the 4… Continue
Penny has been with us for 12 weeks already? Sheesh! Doesn’t seem that long, although sometimes it feels like she’s been part of the family forever, a contradiction I know, but hey you know what I mean. Last week I mentioned that in puppy obedience class we learned a new way (well new to me) of training your dog to walk on the leash without pulling, by letting the leash out and when she starts to pull, you stop until the leash slackens then walk on...kinda works, but kinda doesn’t too. It’s… Continue
Edie, the West Coast Coordinator for the American Maltese Asociation Rescue. has indicated to Judy, my wife, that she is interested in learning about the avilability of a rescue Doodle in Northern California. We have been sending her pictures of our Goldendoodle, Holly. interacting with Sweetie's puppies. Sweetie is the Rescue Maltese we have been fostering for the American Maltese Rescue. Edie is very impressed with Holly's personality and the way she gets along with the four Maltese, plus two… Continue