Anybody on this site got their Doodle from the above named breeder? If so, please contact us, would be nice to keep in touch with our Penny's sisters and brothers!
Added by Kevin Poole, Penny & Ozzy on June 20, 2009 at 9:39am —
So this girl (9-10?) walks by our house with a very strong, pulling pit (intact male). I've seen her once or twice of those times she was holding a leash and looking for her dog.
Just now as she passes the corner of our fence her dog pulls like a monster because ours are in the yard and barking. Clark is in the front yard mowing and stops to watch cautiously. The dog runs around the corner to seek out our dogs -- who have a hole they stick their noses through to see out.…
Added by Adina P on June 19, 2009 at 8:00pm —
Well, Atty is now 14 weeks old. We love him SOOOO much!
{{{Our boy!}}} He's the star of his puppy class. His two instructors fight over who loves him most and call him their star student! He's mastered sit, down, leave it, take it, and walks on a loose leash and sits when we stop. :-) He "gets" potty training, but still doesn't really let us know he needs to go so I just bought Poochie Bells to help with that. I've got my fingers crossed that he gets the hang of it.
Added by Leslie du Mont on June 19, 2009 at 5:59pm —
Hi all, this is my very first blog post. My husband Mike took this picture from our front porch, and I just wanted to share it with you. I think it's a great shot! On another off-topic topic, the other day I witnessed two baby spiders playing with each other. I'm scared of spiders, but when I saw this it gave me a whole new perspective on the little critters. They were on a rock and were going round and round in a circle and bopping each other…
Added by Michele Barton on June 19, 2009 at 2:39pm —
Sam our LD plays well with Mandi our GS puppy, but draws the line at nyla bones. Wish I had captured it on video, but did get some still shots. Look at the…
Added by Jeri on June 19, 2009 at 6:15am —
I feel like I have been adding discussions and blog posts like crazy lately. You all are probably getting so tired of me. But I had to add this one. It was just too cute not too!
Last night was the first evening that the lightening bugs had been out that I have noticed. So around 10ish I took Remington outside before we went to bed. Right away he noticed the lightening bugs. He was so amazed by them. After he did his business I could tell he did not want to come inside because he…
Added by Kendra K. Rhoton on June 19, 2009 at 6:04am —
It's been raining non-stop for days in CT, and we are expecting it will be another six days before we see any sun. Indoor play is now getting really boring for our puppy. Any thoughts out there on fun things for them to do inside to blow off steam when it's pouring out?
Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on June 19, 2009 at 4:51am —
I decided that Yankee needed more training before new puppy comes. He is (I thought) a pretty well behaved dog. I can walk him around the neighborhood without a leash and he listens very well. He just doesn't walk well ON the leash. The class is called Street Smarts and keeps your dog from being easily distracted in public.
Yankee's best friend Charlie Doodle is also in the same class. I was a little concerned that this might be distracting but we could work through…
Added by Linda,Yankee & Finn on June 18, 2009 at 7:42pm —
It has been a month since Harlow joined our pack. When she arrived, she weighed 21 pounds and stood the same height as our beagles; approximately 16” at the shoulder. I weighed and measured her today. She now weighs 29 pounds and stands 19” at the shoulder. Cleo our indoor cat has finally come out from under the bed and is helping reinforce the “Leave It” command by smacking Harlow if she gets too rambunctious.
Added by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on June 18, 2009 at 6:00pm —
check out the xray!!!
Added by Adrianne Matzkin on June 18, 2009 at 4:10pm —
Only one week in with our Goldendoodle pup Penny and this is where we are so far:
I'm taking her for 2-3 short walks round the block a day, apart from the grabbing the leash occasionally, she's doing pretty damn good. I don't let her lead the way, and she already sits at the curb to cross roads when I say "Sit for the curb!". I've decided that when she stops grabbing the leash and being shy of other dogs barking at her from behind their fences, we'll be good to go a little further. I…
Added by Kevin Poole, Penny & Ozzy on June 18, 2009 at 10:20am —
Added by Debbie, Brianna and Duncan on June 18, 2009 at 9:10am —
Poor Maggie has been so distracted by Daisy that she hasn't had too many opportunities to seek out and test what is acceptable and not acceptable in her new enviroment. She's still in survival mode. It has come to the point where we keep them separated for much of the day and evening. One comes in; the other goes out.
But I remember an instance when Daisy trying to discover what she could or couldn't do.
It was probably her first week home. She was all of 5 lbs. We were…
Added by Steve Drury on June 17, 2009 at 10:25pm —
Thanks everyone for all your welcome home wishes for Kai!
Kai has been home since Friday. We are having the best time with him! He has a playmate next door, our neighbors teacup poodle Daisy. They have a great time together.
He has two speeds go and sleep. There doesn't seem to be an in between. He is knocking on the doors and or his bells when he needs to go out. He is sleeping very peacefully in his crate with his Snuggle Puppy. He lays on his bed when we eat dinner and…
Added by Kai Doodle (Kathy & Keith) on June 17, 2009 at 3:30pm —
Thank you everyone for the comments you left on the discussion and blog that I posted about wanting to get a second doodle. We have decided against it... unfortunately. We canceled the appointment we had with the breeder as well because we knew if we even went to see those puppies we would want one.
So I pretty much felt that at this point in our lives we were not financially ready to have another dog. I want to be able to care for Remington and another dog the best that I can. I…
Added by Kendra K. Rhoton on June 17, 2009 at 11:52am —
Hello everyone, so we just got Remington about 3 months ago. He is my dream dog and so wonderful in every way I can imagine. However, we have been wanting another dog ever since we got him. I have always regretted not getting his sister because they were so bonded. We found some puppies for sale near us from a breeder and are planning on going to see them Thursday at 6:00. However I need ADVICE!
I'm an the one in our relationship that thinks about all the negative things when doing…
Added by Kendra K. Rhoton on June 17, 2009 at 5:30am —
Yesterday little Maggie was chasing around the yard and randomly dropping down on her belly---laying as flat as she could in the grass just tall enough to reach her "eyebrows".
She would raise her head just a smidge to look around the yard and see who might be tracking her.
I just had the sense that she felt invisible when she pressed her head down and her eyes dropped into the tall grass.
It reminded me of our golden retriever Bonnie. She was a big girl. Even if she…
Added by Steve Drury on June 17, 2009 at 12:29am —
Meet a Member: Bocker the Dog Helps Kids Learn to ReadHeart-Warming
Bocker the Labradoodle has many roles: He's a model, therapy dog and tutor. And owner Marie Shelto (Bocker) says he understands how to behave when doing all of them. When the pup visits a local elementary school, he gives kisses to his students and settles…
Added by Marie Shelto on June 16, 2009 at 7:11pm —
Mom was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance yesterday, with severe chest pains. In the emergency room, the heart monitor was jumping all over the place, UNTIL we placed Beau on the gurney with her. He cuddled up to her legs, and her heartbeats immediately evened out! AMAZING!! The doctor said he has no medicine to compare with that.
Added by Ellen aka BeauBeau's Mom on June 16, 2009 at 6:41pm —
My wife and I haven't had a puppy in the house for over 15 years, and we're now the proud owners of a 9 week old Goldendoodle, she's been with us for only one week. Does anyone have any advice on how to discourage the constant biting with those sharp little teeth? Fingers, toes, ankles, knees, noses, nothing is safe. I'm not into smacking animals, but when she goes into one of her really snappy phases, usually just before she collapses to sleep, I have been tempted. I've tried the Cesar Milan…
Added by Kevin Poole, Penny & Ozzy on June 16, 2009 at 4:23pm —