I am so excited!!! I love my doodle babies & Momma Gracie!!! Arn't they beautiful???
Added by Jill @ Walk A Doodle on January 27, 2009 at 6:24pm —
Just got Hokie back from the groomer, he now looks like a poodle. I think he may be okay with it.
Added by Linda Hanson on January 27, 2009 at 5:10pm —
Toby is growing up fast, keeping us all busy, and has really gotten the hang of the bell to go out. We are amazed at how smart he is and how quick he learns. The one thing that we are having trouble with is his interest in socks and mittens. He has an unusual taste, not just to chew but to swallow the sock whole. As hard as we try to keep everything up and in hampers, he has also shown his talents in detective work as he finds them anyway. So far, they usually are returned in the same way they…
Added by Jenn&Greg on January 27, 2009 at 2:48pm —
Definite NO on rawhide...........My Doodle Lexi will tear them to little pieces. I give her CET Chews. http://www.virbacvet.com/cet/ I get them on line or my vet also sells them. They are natural, can be digested and my Vet swears by them. Much better then rawhide.
As far as Nyla bones , there have been numerous lawsuits against them because dogs are breaking their teeth on them and pieces breaking off have resulted in dogs choking and developing intestinal blockages. My daughter has…
Added by Lee Seidman on January 27, 2009 at 11:00am —
After all the searching I finally have decided on Riley as his name. Thanks to all of you for your suggestions.
Now the fun begins of teaching him his name, and my kids not to call him puppy.
Added by Yvonne, Riley, Murphy and Luca on January 27, 2009 at 5:00am —
So I guess this is like an online journal of sorts? Okay - what's up with Jan today?
Guilt - I need to exercise my dogs more. It's difficult to go on walks in my neighborhood. I live outside city limits where there is no leash law and my next door neighbors have 3 big labs, my down the street neighbor has 3 large mixed breeds and the house next to them also has large dogs (only 2!) and none of these dogs are confined EVER. They're basically friendly but I don't like having to deal…
Added by Jan Porterfield on January 26, 2009 at 5:07pm —
Tucker is my first dog. He is the sweetest, kindest, gentlest, funniest, most adorable dog I have ever met. That being said, he is bad. Really bad. (think Marley) And, I STINK at doing anything about it. He is so endearing, he is getting away with murder. Where do I begin? Come when called? Nope. Greets guests politely? Nope - exuberantly, yes, politely, no. Loose leash? Not even close and if he gets any bigger I will have to look into getting my shoulder reset. I used to have a lovely back…
Added by Becky on January 26, 2009 at 12:32pm —
Hi Everyone,
I wanted to thank all of you for the birthday wishes! I was floored by all the mail I got! It was so nice to have people remember me. I have finally got my doodle back. As you may remember, he had to stay with my in-laws for a while. We have moved to Spanish Fort, Alabama recently and we really love it so far. I don't know if anyone else is from here but I would love to find out. Anyway, I do not have internet set up at the house yet, so it may take a while for me to…
Added by Jena and Marina on January 26, 2009 at 12:08pm —
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Hi all, this is my first attmept at blogging. We are also new to having a dog as both my husband and myself did not have any pets growing up ourselves or during raising our children. So we are REALLY Dog Virgins!!!!!!
We travel and live in a 40' RV Motor Home as of now and won't have a permanent home anytime soon as we love the lifestyle we live. My questions are about having a new little goldendoodle puppy, which we are recieving Feb 12th. (8weeks old), and having to be super diligent…
Added by Sue, Murphy and Bella ()*o*() on January 26, 2009 at 7:26am —
Phoebe will be the first puppy we have ever gotten from a breeder and I cannot say enough wonderful things about her. Phoebe will be coming from Skinner Doodles in AR and I cannot believe the amount of time Lindsie Taylor--the owner's daughter--has spent with me going over my questions and concerns. It is so hard being so far away but Lindsie has sent numerous photos and updates and has answered all my questions fully. I could not be more pleased--now if only we could race through the next 5…
Added by Phoebe's Mom on January 26, 2009 at 7:22am —
This is a link for watching part of Malibu's therapy sessions last week. By the end of the hour or so, there were a dozen people playing with her. This was the only video I could upload, but I do have better ones, but you'll have to be patient as we get this process figured out. Thanks for watching, Eva
Added by Eva on January 25, 2009 at 10:51pm —
Well today I went to the dog show at the Cow Palace. I know there aren’t any doodles there but I love dogs. And the show allows you to see and talk to owners of all the dogs. It’s another way to get a dog fix without actually getting a dog. I’m sure we picked out a dozen while we were there. I also picked up some really cute leashes and a new toy for the dogs to destroy. It has a toughness rating of 9. Let’s hope it lasts. So my doodle equivalent of a dog show would be a doodle romp. Not sure…
Added by Sue C on January 25, 2009 at 8:07pm —
Hi all,
After everything that happened this week with the first female puppy I was supposed to bring home. The breeder called me back today and I went out to see all the puppies she had left in the liter. With the problem with the first puppies lymph node I was a little worried about her health.
As it turns out when I met all the puppies she actually did not fit my personality after all. I ended up FALLING completely in love with this little guy.
I need a name…
Added by Yvonne, Riley, Murphy and Luca on January 25, 2009 at 6:12pm —
Thank you for all the lovely greetings, I've been caught up with my kids this week and haven't been able to do much with my page.... I will add details soon!
Added by Melinda Radus - Sunset Hills Australian Labradoodles on January 25, 2009 at 1:57pm —
1 Comment
Lucy is officially a Canine Good Citizen!! It was touch and go... the week before the test we took the "mock" test and she did PERFECTLY... except for jumping in the greet parts... I guess that means it wasn't exactly perfect. The instructor said if we can get that under control in a week - she'll pass no problem. So, we spent 4 hours total in Petsmart and Petco over the weekend - greeting strangers and other dogs. Person after person. Dog after dog. By the end of the time, I was exhausted and…
Added by LeAnn, Lucy & Rusty!! on January 25, 2009 at 1:00pm —
Yesterday afternoon we noticed what looks like someone took a pair of scissors to Mater's ear! The hair is cut off to just below his ear tip and on side of his head! I't so bizarre. Tom was with him all day and has no idea how it could have happend. I might have to trim his other ear just so he doesn't look so lopsided. Strangest thing. They were only at the park and at Agility class, then ran a few errands. We looked all over the yard to see if there was anything sharp enough to cut it if he…
Added by Kathy Janes on January 25, 2009 at 4:42am —
I am disappointed that I was not able to pick up Shelby today. I had my whole Birthday planned out to spend the day with my new puppy, and now I am sitting on the couch watching TV.
I started out this morning taking the kids to Bob Evans and then we headed out to pick up Shelby. That is when the breeder called me and let me know that when she was bathing Shelby for me to pick her up she noticed that one of her lymph nodes was swollen.
The breeder said she was going to…
Added by Yvonne, Riley, Murphy and Luca on January 24, 2009 at 2:00pm —
Samantha and I had such a wonderful time meeting, playing and chatting with GRAD Doodles and their parents!! I was thrilled that so many (I think I counted 16) Doodles came to visit - with just a couple of days notice - with the distant cousin from New Jersey.
It just proves that Doodle families are so special.
Adrianne and 'Samantha'
Carson (my friend's son), too. He has never seen dogs play together and he learned lots.
Added by Adrianne Matzkin on January 24, 2009 at 1:30pm —
I came home yesterday and felt like the kids in the Dr. Seuss book who were visited by Thing 1 and Thing 2. My basket of books had been devoured by two rambunctious doodles. Just the basket- thank goodness, not the books!
It appeared to me a few weeks ago that these doodles had really out grown their crate. The crates are supposed to hold a dog up to 70 pounds, and can accommodate the Labrador breed. The problem with my doodles is that while they weigh just 35 pounds each, they have…
Added by 2SCdoodles on January 24, 2009 at 6:36am —
Tomorrow is the "big day" I am going to pick up my little bundle of joy from the breeder. I can hardly wait. I have everything set up, the crate, toys, blankets, leash, collar, dishes,food etc.... Yeah!
Added by Yvonne, Riley, Murphy and Luca on January 23, 2009 at 3:19pm —