Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

January 2010 Blog Posts (114)


The house is quiet tonight. It is full of happy, exhausted dogs just snoozing away. We spent a couple hours at the dog park today. It was a clear, crisp, beautiful day so there were lots of dogs at the park. Harlow and the boys had a blast playing ‘fox & hound’ with the other dogs. Harlow participated in an impromptu fetching contest. She did pretty well for a novice, but didn’t hold a candle to the Border collie that looks like she is ready to ‘go professional’. We met a couple of other… Continue

Added by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on January 31, 2010 at 7:03pm — 6 Comments

VALENTINES ANYONE...............

I love to see how everyone decorates their pages. I did a little with mine for Valentine's Day. Did not spend nearly as much time as I usually do. AND, remember last year, for those of you that were here, the Valentine Day page contest that Adina had........... I WAS THE WINNER and still cherish my gift. WELL, I would love to see all of the different Valentine pages that a lot of you have done, but I do not have the time to go through over 5,000 pages to see them. IF you have decorated your… Continue

Added by Karen & Lucy on January 31, 2010 at 6:28pm — 13 Comments

There are doodle folks out there that still don't know about DK.

This week I met 2 different doodle parents that did not know about DK. The first one was while I was in Petsmart. She told me about her 2 mini GDs and asked me about Harlow. Later in our conversation I asked if she was a member of Doodle Kisses and she replied “what’s that?”. The second one I met today in the dog park. He had 2 beautiful medium LDs, one black and one caramel trending towards red. He too replied “what’s that?” when I asked him if was a DK member. Silly me, I did not have DK… Continue

Added by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on January 31, 2010 at 3:18pm — 12 Comments

Good advice

I appreciate the comments and suggestions on Mater's itching. We give him a special oil supplement with breakfast and salmon oil with dinner, so I don't think there is much more we can do with those additives. However, I've never tried the primrose oil so will get some and see how that works. He is bathed only every 10 weeks and they are aware of his itching so use appropriate shampoos and conditioners. Poor dog has torn out so much coat now in the winter, and it will all be back in time for a… Continue

Added by Kathy Janes on January 31, 2010 at 10:56am — No Comments

Need Transport Help for Rescued Doodle!!

Need help from Cleveland Miss. to Alabama/Georgia Border

Nina will transport to Charlotte NC

Please let me know if you can help a doodle in need.

Added by Adrianne Matzkin on January 31, 2010 at 6:00am — 2 Comments


I was at Costco yesterday and overheard an older woman talking about a wonderful type of dog that doesn't shed, is super cute, has poodle in its line etc. I asked if she was talking about a labradoodle. And then, in total seriousness, she said, yes! I have a S*** POO at home and we just LOVE her! It took all my control not to bust out laughing!!! I don't know that was a mispronunciation or what, but HELLO, that is just funny! :o)

Added by Chelsea and her doodle Piper on January 30, 2010 at 4:00pm — 13 Comments

Bad Dog Park Experience

I decided today was the day that I was going to take Chewie to his first indoor dog park. He has been to doggie daycare a couple of times and loved it. So I thought we were ready for the next social outing. I was wrong. Chewie is 5 months old and weighs 25 lbs. So really he was too little for the big dog room. All of the dogs were German Shepard size or larger !! So we went to the small dog room. Well there was this little Shitz Zu (sp?) that he would not leave alone. He was just playing but… Continue

Added by Karen P on January 30, 2010 at 1:46pm — 5 Comments

Our first play in the snow :)

My Vegas desert dogs finally got a chance to play in real snow! We drove up to Mt Charleston and had a ball. We were supposed to go as a little group, but somehow got seperated. We had a great time anyways, we will have to try the group thing again :) I need to play a little with the camera, as some pics of the dogs themselves were a little dark, maybe due to the reflection of the snow. Buddy also had a habit of plopping down in the shade......… Continue

Added by GBK on January 29, 2010 at 6:18pm — 16 Comments

OCDD At Its Worst!

So now I'm thinking I have really finally crossed the line. I know I've been suffering with OCDD for a while, but it has reached a new level. Guinness is never really comfortable riding in the car. He used to drool and throw up even on really short trips. Lately he's "okay" under 20 - 30 minutes - no actual vomiting, but clearly nervous. So, we got him a prescription for the long trips...but what to do about making him more comfortable on the shorter rides. I saw an ad for a CD of dog "therapy… Continue

Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on January 29, 2010 at 4:32pm — 6 Comments

Tough Week

Boy I am glad this week is almost over. Monday I got to spend 'quality time' with my dentist getting a crown. Tuesday I found out I was 'downsized' at work. Then Wednesday my PC 'caught' a virus that eventually caused me to just rebuild it. Just got back up and running about 30 minutes ago. Thank goodness I have Harlow to give me plenty of doodle hugs and kisses.

Added by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on January 29, 2010 at 11:13am — 9 Comments

If there's water in the tub......

......there's a doodle in the tub. Last night I finally had Luna in her crate eating her dinner and then sleeping. I wasn't feeling too good so I decided to take a bath and go to bed early. So I started the bath water and went in the other room to feed the cat. When I returned to the bathroom to check the water I found something in there that I wasn't expecting...a 60 pound Doodle. Miss Maggie had climbed in the tub and was standing in my warm bath water and drinking it. What a dork. She loves… Continue

Added by Sofie, Maggie, and Luna on January 29, 2010 at 6:20am — 6 Comments

What do the neighbours hear?

Have you ever stopped to wonder, just what do the neighbours hear?

While standing on the front porch yelling JAZZY NEELY. I stopped to ponder? The neighbours must think the lady next door has lost her marbles and started yelling random phrases. Just think of what we sound like when we call our pets in. Where there is more than one in the household. The compinations we yell. Just think of your pets names and how it sounds in a phrase to passers by. Mocha Neely Tiny for… Continue

Added by Lorraine Bromley on January 28, 2010 at 7:24am — 21 Comments

Mini Labradoodle Therapy Story

I work at Vanderbilt - this is a story I received via email today about this beautiful dood doing therapy work at Vandy Medical Center. I hope I can one day do this with Peri (if she ever calms down LOL)! These doodles are the greatest :)

Check it out on the link below:…


Added by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on January 28, 2010 at 6:30am — 6 Comments

Duncan on TV:)

First Duncan got to appear in the NY Daily News with his Fetch! Petcare "mom".

And now he got to appear in a small segment on PBS's Nightly Business Report with her again.

Here's the link. You have to fast forward to about 18:45 once the gray bar moves all the way from left to right to actually see his 10 seconds of fame.…


Added by Sally on January 27, 2010 at 7:13pm — 7 Comments

Interesting day!

Building Riley a couple of jump hurdles for agility. Had to go into Mollala today to pick up some pieces that just are not stocked locally. I miss timed our adventure, and was 15 min late to our half hour class. Today, was the introduction to the teeter board. I knew this would be a situation for him. He is sooo darn careful and cautious of everything he does. Also did the table, he is good at that as we have done similar at home.

He is so funny, when I let him out of his overnight… Continue

Added by Charles Rocheville on January 27, 2010 at 6:28pm — 4 Comments

Growing up loosing his teethers

So Piper is growing up! He lost his first tooth on Sunday and has lost 5 more since then! At this rate, he will have to be on a liquid diet soon! It is a little gross, I have to say. Even Piper doesn't want to play tug as much with his toys because he must have some wiggly teeth in there that feel weird! I felt like a proud mother when he lost the first one. I guess that makes me a crazy dog lady...but that's ok! :o)

Added by Chelsea and her doodle Piper on January 27, 2010 at 2:10pm — 8 Comments

No Jumping Class

Okay friends I'm going to try and put this into words. Astro and I attended a no jumping class last night. It was good! This is use no words/commands/hand signals. Our trainer explained that dogs learn best when they make the decision to do something on their own and are rewarded for "it". No pushing down their bottom, no yelling out a command, no bullying them.

To work on this you need your dog, lots of very small (think tic tac) sized treats, a leash, another… Continue

Added by Yvonne N on January 27, 2010 at 12:49pm — 16 Comments

Little Miss Barks a Lot!

Phoebe has decided that she loves the sound of he own voice so much that she wants to share it with us throughout the day. Sometimes the reason for her barking is obvious--like the garage door opening across the street or the big black lab behind us is playing outside. Other times, I am clueless as to why she starts but I am certain she has a reason in her little doodley head. I have tried spraying her with water but, true to doodle form, she loves water and has made a game of it. I have tried… Continue

Added by Phoebe's Mom on January 27, 2010 at 10:30am — 5 Comments

Rusty Needs Our Prayers

Rusty developed a small growth on the inner thigh of his left leg around Thanksgiving; we took him to our Vet in mid December and she did a biopsy and Ultrasound and said she thought that it was a hernia or muscle tear and to check it again in 30 days. The growth began to expand rapidly over the next 30 days and she did another biopsy last week. It came back 50-50 that it was malignant; she referred us to an Oncologist Surgeon who did a more extensive biopsy Monday. The results came back on… Continue

Added by Chuck Holliman on January 27, 2010 at 10:14am — 85 Comments

Gaston-Cramer gets a "little sister."

Many of you have watched our Rose grow up on DK. I have posted about her sock eating and T.P. shredding incidences and have shared numerous pictures and videos (most recently her birthday party) of her growing up.

Rose was our pick of the litter and has brought us so much joy. We have adored her and enjoyed her antics. She is amazingly sweet and well socialized. We had high hopes of adding her to our breeding program, but unfortunately it wasn't meant to be. She would have been an… Continue

Added by April Cliber on January 27, 2010 at 9:00am — 8 Comments

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