Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

March 2013 Blog Posts (71)

Bella's lymphoma battle

It has been an emotional evening.  Just found out at Bella's appointment today that she has lost remission.  Her submandibular and prescapular lymph nodes are again enlarged.  We did not rush into a rescue protocol.  However, instead of Vincristine, Bella received Doxyrubicin, the most potent drug in her current protocol.  Please pray that my furgirl responds to this well.  I'm so very scared for her.  I have also asked to be referred for a second opinion at another veterinary hospital in…


Added by Shari & Bella M. on March 22, 2013 at 10:06pm — 33 Comments

The Dogs Ate My Homework! Part Two!

Wednesday night we had our second Photography class and it was the first time we got to see the other student’s work and get a feel for our competition.  If you are thinking to yourself that a Photography class should be all about improving your own work and not how your work compares to others, then I have to be honest and say you lost me.  If I had a 90-year-old grandma beside me in class who was due for cataract surgery in a week and had to operate the computer with gnarled hands, I would…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on March 22, 2013 at 7:00am — 46 Comments

Little sister


Luna would like to announce that she will be a big sister in August…to a little sister of the 2-legged variety! 

My husband and I are expecting our first (human) child in August.


We had our anatomy ultrasound yesterday.   The little lady is officially “half-baked” at 20 weeks gestation and is a healthy 10 oz. – about the size of a skinny…


Added by J and Riley (and Luna) on March 22, 2013 at 6:21am — 30 Comments

Happy Belated St. Patrick's Day!

First and foremost, to all of you who have read about Anny and/or donated to Anny, thank you SO much!  It really warms our hearts that everyone has been so generous and kind.  The PayPal account that we created will remain open, so please know that you can still give if you like.  For those of you who missed reading about the Milt this week, I…


Added by Heidi & Milton on March 21, 2013 at 4:34am — 3 Comments

Mommy's Girl is going to the Dr. without her today!

Daisy is going to the Ophthalmologist today, her Daddy will be taking her. I am at a loss on how to feel about this. I am always the caregiver, always the one my girls come to when in need. Daddy is the playmate.

DH is feeling a little unsure as well. He always comes along but is not the questioner. He has been drilled on what to ask, not to make the appointment for surgery without conferring with me and lots of notes.

The good thing is DH took the entire day off so the 2nd…


Added by Lisa, Daisy & Dexter on March 21, 2013 at 12:25am — 17 Comments

Bella, our Goldendoodle, 4 months past diagnosis of multicentric lymphoma


Bella is currently having a good day.  She has received 10 chemotherapy treatments (on the Madison Wisconsin protocol).  She has had many ups and downs with GI side effects post treatments including vomiting and days of not eating.  She will receive her 11th treatment (Vincristine) this Friday (3/21/13).

Added by Shari & Bella M. on March 20, 2013 at 7:18pm — 19 Comments


Time really does fly when you’re having fun…

A couple of years ago, I blogged about an adorable little boy named “Alex” whose first encounter with Harley was in Home Depot of all places…


Harley was larger than what Alex wanted to deal with at that…


Added by Cathy C. Bennett on March 20, 2013 at 7:15pm — 9 Comments

Celebrating 5 Years!

On March 7th I Celebrated my 5 year Cancerversary.

it was a Major Milestone...More important to me then my Big Birthday last November.

(I got Trixie as a gift to me to Celebrate my 3 year Cancerversary 2 years ago)

Trixie means Bringer of Joy...And she has lived up to her name.

Here is a song that I love & helped me relax,

I think others will love…


Added by Pam & Trixie on March 20, 2013 at 7:33am — 27 Comments

The First Day of Spring

Leaving work yesterday I hopped enthusiastically into my gas-guzzling SUV, buckled up, and rolled down the windows.  It was a balmy 80 degrees and I was excited that Spring had arrived.  I slid Sting into the CD player and sped out of the parking lot like a member of the mass exodus of the Great Plains in 1933. …


Added by Marnie, Stanlee's Mom on March 20, 2013 at 6:39am — 10 Comments

Such a good doggy day

Today was such a good day with Holmes :) He had no accidents, which is huge for me! As much as I love him already, I sure was tired of cleaning up after him inside the house. Plus I was getting frustrated as well, thinking 'when is this dog gonna be potty trained already!?'

Yesterday was not a good day- he was SO mouthy and I felt like he had regressed on that. He drew blood, just a tiny, tiny bit, but it was from my husband who is just starting to like him. So that wasn't good.…


Added by BettyAnn, Holmes & Lucy on March 19, 2013 at 8:00pm — 6 Comments

New grandson

Our DS and DDIL had baby number three on Friday. Here is Evan Michael. We are smitten! Our granddaughter is 6 and seems to believe this baby is all hers. No one gets to hold him if she is around. It's so cute! Their 4 year old is sweet and gentle but not obsessed. Just had to show off our new baby...…


Added by Bonnie and Kona on March 18, 2013 at 8:18pm — 47 Comments

Photo of the Week

Wait a second!  Did I forget to write "Puppy" Photo of the Week?!  No, I am not mistaken.  Milton is getting bumped today for a higher cause.  Today's photo is of a very good friend of mine, Anny.  Anny and I grew up together in upstate New York, and we have always been very close.  She and I met way back in kindergarten when we rode the same school bus, and our big brothers introduced us.  Throughout the many years we have known each other, 23 years now, we have…


Added by Heidi & Milton on March 18, 2013 at 3:27am — 2 Comments

Only one

I feel so out of place with only one doodle so many of you have more than one... If our home was bigger (its only 950 square feet not including our finished basement) I'd love to get another. Daisy might be jealous though ... So that's a factor too. But I imagine the more doodles the more fun! She's hilarious and is always keeping us on our toes ;) I never thought I could love an animal this much!!!!

Added by Heather & Daisy on March 17, 2013 at 8:13pm — 10 Comments

Some puppy portraits! Lyric's pups are 5.5 weeks old Updated pics!!

Hi all--the pups have been keeping me very busy and no time for blogging! I have had a LOT of company as everyone wants to come see the puppies now that they have reached that cute as a button stage--and of course, the socializing is great for them. Also my son has come home for Spring break so I want to spend some time with him too!

But I have some new pics that were taken by me and by a new friend--some of you may know Madeline who owned Mowgli, a giant GD that was an…


Added by Ginny Nightingale on March 17, 2013 at 6:00pm — 50 Comments


Talk about a fab*dood*lous day…

  • Hundreds of pets and anipals!
  • The weather was perfect!


  • The boys, on their best behavior, had a great time!

Okay, okay, let me share. I’ve been waiting to go to this for months. When I found out (the same week) that DH (doodle husband) had a meeting and couldn’t join me. You’d been proud, I didn’t panic – I asked the two legged off springs to join…


Added by Cathy C. Bennett on March 17, 2013 at 5:58pm — 3 Comments

A late St. Paddy's Day share and a personal inspirational share

First, A Happy St. Paddy's Day to you all from me and Duncan O'Doodles.

Also, I wanted to share something very dear to me....I was filmed recently for a video series that Dicks Sporting Goods is doing called "Every Runner Has A Reason". They are featuring 13 stories of runners who have different reasons for why they run. Anyway, mine is up and i'd love for you all to…


Added by Sally on March 17, 2013 at 5:42pm — 11 Comments

The Dogs Ate My Homework!

Recently, I signed my husband and me up for some local classes in Photography and Photoshop.  I haven’t taken a class since college and have been perfectly happy filling my head with entertainment news and mindless trivia in the meantime.  My quest for knowledge consists of figuring out the plots on Person of Interest and what’s the maximum dose of Advil I can take after a trip to the gym.  Well, class started Wednesday and it brought back memories of our high school days when John…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on March 17, 2013 at 9:30am — 30 Comments

Lap dog

It's funny how much Daisy wants to be always right on us (literally) she's not content unless she is snuggled up on one of our laps. I have never known a more cuddly breed. She HAS to be with us all the time. Unconditional love is such an amazing thing!

Added by Heather & Daisy on March 15, 2013 at 5:14pm — 10 Comments

Not Only A Talented Blogger But Has A Heart of Gold!

As I sat at my desk this morning reading over all of the e-mails we have received this week from so many of Sophie's friends, I was reading one from one of our very own, most popular ladies here on DK.  It was at that very moment that someone knocked (very firmly I might ad) on the front door and I about fell off my chair.  The reason for the knock is one that will change me forever.  The Fed Ex man had left a package at our door.  Inside the box was the softest, warmest, most cuddly…


Added by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on March 15, 2013 at 1:46pm — 49 Comments

Our Southern Utah Trip, and Reunion with Darwin

This past week we were SO lucky to be able to head to St. George for our spring break! It was a much needed vacation, and it was SO amazing to pull into town and have it be above 60 degrees!

When we left Salt Lake it was in the 40's so it was awesome to feel warm! We immediately changed into shorts when we got into our hotel room, which had palm trees out the…


Added by Camilla and Darwin on March 14, 2013 at 7:14pm — 28 Comments

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