Jess has been home one month today.
We have hit a record of so many consecutive 100 plus degree days with a promise of a “cool-down” in 90’s. This should be refreshing. My car thermostat registered 111 degrees for the outside temp yesterday afternoon. Phoebe pokes her head out the doggie door and decides to stay in. Smart dog. It's just too soon to be this hot.
Jess has been good to not go past his 48 oz liquid intake limit. This includes anything that could melt at room temp,…
Added by The Kleins, Tempe, AZ on May 19, 2009 at 6:48am —
While in walmart tonight I spotted a labradoodle on the Zyrtec stand in the main isle! So....I did what any good doodle nut would do and pulled out my phone to take pictures. My poor daughter was embarrassed, but she'll survive. I love spotting a doodle in public, even when it's on a sign. :o)…
Added by April Cliber on May 18, 2009 at 6:55pm —
I don't have long to stay on here as we're giving Atty his first bath tonight, but I wanted to come back to DK to tell you what a joy having our young Atticus is! We love every inch of his little puppy body! Sweet, smart, playful, smart, stinky, smart...Did I already say smart? ;-)
Here is a photo of him on our way home from Old Mill Doodles in Staunton, VA. :-)
We took him to the vet today and he was immediately fallen in…
Added by Leslie du Mont on May 18, 2009 at 3:38pm —
Well, since Fozzy it was time for Fozzy Bear to get neutered, I decided it was also time for him to cut his first haircut. I had to drop him off before work before the groomers' was technically open. So since I was going to be late for work, I made a few instructions on a piece of paper for the groomer. I was so nervous about how he would act since he is afraid of strangers. I hoped he would be ok, because I took him there 3-4 times to meet the…
Added by Chris & Boys on May 18, 2009 at 9:29am —
We had our Grade One Graduation on Friday night. It was a regular class, except they were marking every exercise that we did. Toby did quite well. He only got one "keep practising" and that was in the Look at Me part - he's too nosy, and didn't maintain eye contact. :)
The things we got marked on were - Meet and Greet (stay seated and calm as someone walks up to say hello, and then approach…
Added by Sandy on May 17, 2009 at 11:09am —
Buddy passed his TDI and CGC cerification last week. I am so proud of him. Now I will be able to take him visiting in the hospital I work at and hopefully help make people feel better and happier. Congratulations Buddy!!!.
Added by Rachel Weaver on May 17, 2009 at 9:18am —
Lilly had a great day for a birthday..We spent most of the day outside. I had made her a cake, so my grandaughter and I put party hats on and sang Happy Birthday to her. My DH did not join in, he mumbled something about us both being "NUTS" and went to the barn to feed..Oh well, He can't sing that good anyway. :-)
Added by Kathy Spyker on May 15, 2009 at 9:17pm —
So here's our story about Fenway and our processs of him adopting us as his family.
This is definitely a story of "caveat emptor" (buyer beware).
We began our hunt for our little guy about 5-6 weeks ago. We have had 2 Shih-Tzu's name Menuki and Sambuca for 13 and 12 years respectively. We had to put Menuki down about a month and a half ago. He was healthy but had 3 seizures w/in 14 hours and each one took him down more. We made the difficult decision to put him down as even if we…
Added by Eric, Paulette and Fenway on May 15, 2009 at 2:30pm —
This has not been a good week for Yankee and I. I'll be glad when it's over.
We just came back from the dog park. We met another owner with a doodle and talked and walked together while the dogs played on and off. The sun is shining and it is a beautiful day. We are reaching the end of our walk when a lady with two akitas or huskies (not sure) passed us going the other way. One of her dogs jumped Yankee, had him down on the ground growling and all I could hear was Yankee yelping. I…
Added by Linda,Yankee & Finn on May 15, 2009 at 12:33pm —
I am looking to get an F1 Goldendoodle pup. I have put down a deposit on one that should be coming home in late June, however with all of the information I'm reading I realize that he does not have the 2 yr health warranty or any of the other health certificates from his parents. I would much rather lose my deposit and get a healthy pup. Does anyone know of a good breeder where I can get a pup with a good health background? Please help if you can..Thank you..
Added by Susan Crespo on May 15, 2009 at 10:28am —
I dropped Yankee off at the groomer this morning. I said I wanted his tail trimmed as well so she asked if I wanted a fox tail cut. I don't know what that is but I think I said yes. Should be interesting.
Added by Linda,Yankee & Finn on May 14, 2009 at 9:37am —
First I would like to say thank you for all the well wishes upon my recent neutering....The stay at the hospital was not so bad...the staff just loved me and threatened to keep me...but my folks finally came to spring me on Tuesday morning....good thing to cause the WiFi connections were not that great....I am not sure what this whole neutering thing is, but I now have what looks like thread attached to my body in a spot I am not to fond of…
Added by Penny, Comiskey & Beemer on May 14, 2009 at 4:54am —
Our puppy is 5 weeks old! He will be home in just 4 weeks!! We have a very busy six weeks ahead of us. Move, prom party at the new house, puppy home, Mom coming for a visit, house party, more visitors.
Packing is going pretty well. Move in date is set in stone at June 1st. It will be good to get in and get settled before our puppy arrives on the 12th.
The good news is that I am…
Added by Kai Doodle (Kathy & Keith) on May 13, 2009 at 1:51pm —
Puppy. Puppy. Puppy! It seems to be the chant around here as the countdown continues. We're so nervous. We're so excited. We're just so.... SO! :-) What is he going to look like? Is he going to look just like his photo or is he going to be different somehow? Fluffier? More shaggy? What is he going to be like? Inquisitive? Or hesitant? Is he going to be happy with us? I hope we make him comfortable. I hope he has a good ride to his new home. I hope he loves us half as much as we already love…
Added by Leslie du Mont on May 13, 2009 at 8:22am —
Just a very small post just to record Pongo's weight at 16 weeks. I have just weighed him and he weighs in at 15lbs!
Added by Suzanne & Pongo on May 13, 2009 at 8:01am —
Thank you so much for your warm thoughts and the love you are sending my way. I appreciate it so much.
I'm still in shock mostly with moments of disbelief and sadness. I have been most concerned about his wife and two kids. My father's wife and their young boys are in Oregon, where he died (if any of you near Portland read the articles about a man crashing into an ODT truck...that was my father). My brother, sister and Mom are in Southern California. His youngest son doesn't quite…
Added by Adina P on May 13, 2009 at 7:30am —
No Comments
Well last evening Dan brought Remington to the University so he could run around at Smith Mall. This is a big open area where students can play Frisbee and things such as that. He really liked it. He was very curious and sniffing around like crazy greeting everyone that walked by :) While we were there some friends of Dan's (Tim and Stephanie) called and we told them we were close by so they invited us over to meet their 1 year old Labradoodle, Max!
I really was not worried in the…
Added by Kendra K. Rhoton on May 13, 2009 at 5:30am —
1 Comment
My father was killed in a collision today. Please pray for my family and his family. My youngest sister and his two sons will need a lot of comforting.
Added by Adina P on May 11, 2009 at 10:28pm —
Added by Lori on May 11, 2009 at 2:54pm —
Well, this morning the folks woke me up to go out for a ride. We ended up at the vet's office. I have had shots before so I got some of those...and then the doc started talking about shaving....I have seen Daddy shaving before so I though that look might be okay for summer...clean water dripping off my beard.....HOLD IT!!!!...turns out they're shaving a few other parts and never went near my arm now looks like I should be…
Added by Penny, Comiskey & Beemer on May 11, 2009 at 11:07am —