Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

July 2010 Blog Posts (65)

Morning Panic!

When I woke up this morning I was surprised that Bodi wasn't in bed with us. I figured he was sleeping with my sons on the second floor. I showered, dressed and ate breakfast and still no Bodi! This had NEVER happened before. To add to my anxiety, Bodi has been sick with a stomach bug. He has had several accidents in the house over the last few days. I worried where he was and what I would find! I went upstairs to the boys' room and found one empty bed and no dog. I was still only worried about… Continue

Added by Doris on July 13, 2010 at 10:15am — 11 Comments

Working on Agility

Well, I found my memory card, and promptly took Darwin down to the dog park for a photo shoot. If any of you didn't read my first post, I moved and our new apartment has a dog park. I've been working on agility with him, because the park has the equipment for it. I was hoping for some great action shots... but my point and shoot can only do so much. Darwin is getting so great at all of the obstacles, I'm so proud!

Darwin likes laying in the tubes more than…

Added by Camilla and Darwin on July 12, 2010 at 9:37pm — 11 Comments

Beemer's Buns of Steel-Final Update

Well we are at the end of June and half way through told to us by the surgeon...Beemer has now completely recovered from his surgery and it is like all of this never happened...He runs like the wind and jumps on Comiskey, like a dive bomber. His coat is back to normal and he acts more like a puppy than ever before...He is still very attached to his "Daddy" and we still spend most of our time sitting on the floor...because both dogs like it that way!...He loves his… Continue

Added by Penny, Comiskey & Beemer on July 12, 2010 at 9:23am — 20 Comments

The Puppy Conclusion...

Thank you all for taking the time to respond to my question last week. We really appreciated your thoughts! I said I wouldn't post any photos of puppies/litters until we came to a conclusion. After pondering the answer to this question, we decided it was either NOW or never (at least the 'never' that is equivalent to 4+… Continue

Added by Adina P on July 11, 2010 at 9:00pm — 83 Comments

Why We Love Children

Just added this to Warped Humor Group but thought we could all use a smile.


I was driving…


Added by Donna K & Quincy on July 11, 2010 at 4:07pm — 5 Comments

Vern and Fudge

Vern is now bigger than Fudge. He outweighs her by about 20 pounds. He gets neutered on Wednesday, so I will get his weight then. I know he is heavy, because I pulled something in my back lifting him down from our very high bed. He likes to catapult himself into your arms from the bed and I guess I was not prepared for his dismount. He can't jump onto the bed just yet, but he jumps up excitedly and puts his two front paws on the bed and then dances around until someone can hoist him up. Vern… Continue

Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on July 11, 2010 at 6:30am — 9 Comments

It seems that FTBDITW is now also, FTLDITW following his encounter with a skunky.

I thought people needed to know about Finn's Lucky Escape.

Finn is indeed a dog blessed with the most wonderful disposition. He is gentle and kind and oozes energy that communicates - Don't be afraid of me - I am... friend. And indeed this aura drew a soft, fluffy, bubble of protection around Finny when he yesterday came face to face with his first skunk.

I had always imagined that when the…


Added by Jessica on July 10, 2010 at 6:00pm — 19 Comments

Ned and Clancy met Kona and Buddy for lunch and shopping

Dear People,

Clancy and I met Kona and Buddy for a day of shopping and lunch in the little central California tourist town of Solvang. Here is an album of our day taken by our moms, Gina and Nancy. Everyone was so friendly. We had a nice time because we got cookies and water at the stores. And the tourists kept taking our pictures because we are sooooo beautiful and cute and smiley. Buddy and I got to go into a big Christmas store 'cause we know how to behave (especially Buddy) but Kona… Continue

Added by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on July 10, 2010 at 5:36pm — 12 Comments

Who Turned up the Heat?

My mom has been complaining for ages now about our lousy summer. She was very happy today the temperature finally reached 80 degrees. I don't think I like it much. We went for a walk and had to stop half way for me to cool off a little in the lake. I liked that part, but what I really liked was getting to play in my new pool when we got home. It was really fun trying to get that silly ball from the bottom of the pool. The ball had a hole in it and sank to the bottom.…


Added by Donna K & Quincy on July 9, 2010 at 7:18pm — 12 Comments

spending too much time on DK?

So, last night I had a dream that I was at the doctor's office at the end of my appointment, and the doc was writing up my prescription, which was that I needed 4 dogs and 1 cat. He wrote the numbers of the animals I was to take home and sent me off to a warehouse to get them. My family and I spent ages rummaging around through this awful, dusty warehouse, full of pets in cages and dusty bags of food, looking for my "prescription" animals. We found #14, and two others, then gave up for the day.… Continue

Added by Wendy and Eddie on July 9, 2010 at 5:10pm — 5 Comments

Murphy....The Naughtier He Is, The Cuter He Gets...Why Is That?

It really is true...Murph has had a bit of a "naughty day", but he is just so darn cute all I can do is laugh. What's up with that? I think it's a "second dog" thing. Why do I always have such high expectations of Guinness, but not Murph. It's just WRONG! Murph just has this way of looking at me with a goofy "cocked head" and I melt. I can't get upset with this dog. Soon he'll be walking me on a leash. Today's examples (in addition to eating the tick)....

I went to pick up some things… Continue

Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on July 9, 2010 at 5:00pm — 10 Comments

Moving To A New Place

First off, I have to apologize if this post isn't very interesting. I hate doing a post without photos... but we lost our memory card when we moved, unfortunately.... so I haven't been able to take any photos.

We moved a couple of weeks ago. Our old apartment wanted to raise our rent, and since it wasn't too great in the first place, we decided to look elsewhere. It is VERY hard to find an apartment that allows a 70+ lb dog, but we found our new place, and it's great. It is…

Added by Camilla and Darwin on July 9, 2010 at 1:40pm — 5 Comments

Roo Writes and Tigger Talks

Roo here! Mom said you all laughed a lot at my last post. I like the sound of humans laughing it makes me wag my tale and spin in circles. This is Tiggerrrrrrr - well not really the gerrrrrrrrrr, it was just so fun to hold my paw on the key. i'm really very friendly and cuddly. When Mom laughs I jump straight up, all four paws at once cause sometimes her laugh means treats are a comin'.

We both earned our CGC tonight. It was sooooo…


Added by Maryann,Roo and Tigger on July 8, 2010 at 11:49pm — 8 Comments

OHHH......I've missed DK

Life has been so.........busy. Helping parents, living at the finally having one evening alone with my bud's (Bear and Gus) Just spent the last 4 hours reading what I misssed. Oh also playing lots of ball. It's so wonderful Gus is the ball "Monster" yet he will "sit and stay" to let his tired brother go get it (only a 5 ft throw) Bear's so happy when he gets his ball. Everyday I still think about Luca. Now that Bear's getting more tired Gus is sitting on the… Continue

Added by Deirdre on July 8, 2010 at 10:17pm — 2 Comments

On the Road to Becoming a Therapy Dog: Week One of CGC class

Molly's mom is lucky enough to teach in a very dog friendly hospital. My students are patients in an locked adolescent psychiatry program. The two fantastic therapy dogs (labs) in our program provide a sense of normalcy of having a pet, plus are calming to everyone who comes in contact with them. Molly can't wait to join them! However, the caveat is that Molly needs to become a certified therapy dog to come to school every day. (Shh... she's already visited "in training" and LOVED it!) So...… Continue

Added by Heather and Molly Doodle on July 7, 2010 at 9:23pm — 4 Comments

Dog Ball Obsession

From the Kid-Free Living Humor Blog by Amy Vansant

(Hm. Maybe I should rephrase…


Added by Amy Vansant Brunell on July 7, 2010 at 5:41am — 21 Comments

Mad Dog

It looks like the heat wave that's hit the northeast has finally taken it's toll on Banjo. He's a pretty tolerant, laid back kinda guy but finding an empty water bowl this morning was apparently more than he could take. Ordinarily on finding his water bowl empty he'll gently tap it til someone comes along and fills it. If we're busy or delayed in responding he'll start rolling it to where ever we are. But this morning he took one look at it and started growling and whacking at it. Whoa!!! Guess… Continue

Added by Carol and Banjo on July 6, 2010 at 3:27pm — 6 Comments

Hot Paws

Really, it is 98 degrees at the annual Ridgewood parade. Great parade, great town great bands etc... I look over my shoulder and someone standing watching the parade has her dog. Don't get me wrong, I love when dogs are out among people. But not today. It was toooo hot for any of us. I feel sorry for this pup. She does not have him in the shade. I look back over and he is taking turns lifting his feet. Oh My God, the ground is probably twice as hot! I could not help myself, I had to say… Continue

Added by Anna and Achilles on July 5, 2010 at 7:57pm — 6 Comments

So many doodles at the parade!

Every fourth or July, we participate in a small parade in a tiny town nearby. Anyone who wants to march or have a "float' (usually a wagon that is decorated with flags) can march down the road and be a part of it all. It is really fun and a great place to have some social time with your dog. There are always great dogs there. Today, my two doodles and I were marching along and from the sidelines, people with doodles on leashes were asking me if my two dogs were doodles! This happened 5 or 6… Continue

Added by Ginny Nightingale on July 4, 2010 at 8:49pm — 8 Comments

Not A Happy Camper

So last night our family decided to have a camp out in our backyard. We set out the tent and had a beautiful fire going in the fire pit. We sat around roasting marshmallows and lighting sparklers, as we watched the pre 4th of July fireworks. When it was time to get ready for bed we all went in the tent. Sonny joined us and wasn't quite sure what to make of the tent. Being almost 10:00 and past his bedtime,Sonny was tired. He tried various spots on the floor of the tent and he finally after 10… Continue

Added by Ali & Sonny D. on July 4, 2010 at 7:38pm — 9 Comments

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