Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

July 2009 Blog Posts (129)

Venting. Read at your own risk.


Good lord, I am pissed. I walk everyday with Angel. Every now and then a neighbor pops out to play with Angel because she adores her. Anyway, today said neighbor was playing with Angel when she pops in with the questions: "So where'd you get her again?" "How much was she?" (I lied about the price. She's hard on her luck at the moment, so I knew she wasn't interested in getting a doodle herself, so I told her $600.00 Who cares.)

She then tells me I am a horrible person,… Continue

Added by Krista, Angel, and Toby on July 31, 2009 at 5:58pm — 16 Comments

Fish, fish and more fish!!!

It all started when I got married a little over a year ago. My son, Mark, and I moved into my husband's house. My husband built a pond with a waterfall several years ago. I had always commented that it would be perfect for fish. He told me that Mark and I were welcome to fill it with fish. Did he have a clue that that was going to be the understatement of the year? So right after the honeymoon, Mark and I went to our local Petsmart and inquired about… Continue

Added by Leigh & Allie on July 31, 2009 at 10:00am — 8 Comments

Mater is a WINNER!

A HUGE thank you to everyone who voted for Mater! He is one of the three Grand Prize Winners in the Mighty Dog Nation video contest! I'll update everyone with news and events as I learn more. We are very excited and proud of our handsome doodle!

Added by Kathy Janes on July 30, 2009 at 6:48pm — 8 Comments

Where do we say "Goodbye"?

It seems that Boomer is getting more frail everyday, but he is still smiling when we luv him up! A while ago, I asked my vet if she could come to our home when it was time. She said she would. She said she has a friend who put down her dog and home, and now regrets it because every time she goes into that room, all she can think about is losing him there. I am wondering what other people's experiences have been?

Added by Chris & Boys on July 30, 2009 at 7:26am — 23 Comments

i hate puppy mills...

I just read an article about puppy mills.... It made me want to cry! I found myself browsing petfinder looking for "evacuees". Why do people do this? From what I've learned thus far in the doodle community, it would be tricky to pass off a puppy mill as an in-home breeder. I wish the industry was regulated somehow or something... I fell in love with this girl, I don't know anything about the breed, but boy is she a little cutie! I'm already in hot water for spending so much on my doodle pup,… Continue

Added by Nancy Sunderland on July 29, 2009 at 9:16pm — 7 Comments

I would appreciate any suggestions

I am having trouble training my puppy not to jump up on me and everyone else as well. That is a habilt I want to break--or not allow to continue and I don't seem to be making any progress. Can anyone out there help me with some suggestions?

Added by Carol Morain on July 29, 2009 at 5:48pm — 5 Comments

WHEW, we are back from a great & WET weekend.............

We went on a long weekend camping trip in the motorhome. It rained EVERY day, but still we had a great time. This was a great place with beautiful big level sites. It was Christmas in July and the owners had a big turkey dinner for everyone and gave away ALOT of gifts. It was really nice. AND Lucy, what can I say. She was great and everyone loved her. There were lots of bunnies all over the place that… Continue

Added by Karen & Lucy on July 29, 2009 at 4:00pm — 6 Comments

15 weeks old, and 7 weeks in!

What a week! I promised that I'd be taking some action shots of Penny this week....wrong, wrong, wrong! We're currently experiencing record temperatures here in the Pacific North West, 106 yesterday, with a forecast of 107 today....Phoenix we're not! Penny hates the hot weather, and subsequently hasn't done a lot of moving about, thank goodness for air conditioning, and I pity the so many folks up here who don't have it....Sheesh! It was even 100 degrees at 7.00pm last night....freakin'… Continue

Added by Kevin Poole, Penny & Ozzy on July 29, 2009 at 9:59am — 15 Comments

crates that are plane worthy.

I really don't need a crate on a day to day basis.
Our family is flying to quebec and want to take Neely. We need a flight okd crate. This isn't going to be used often at all. I just think spending that money to sit in the garage after one flight is alot to do. I wish I could find one that someone could rent to us for the week. Good business idea. Anyone near Toronto, Stratford London Kitchener with one for a big doodle to travel in for a week? I would appreciate it immensely.

Added by Lorraine Bromley on July 28, 2009 at 9:11pm — 2 Comments

Mike B.....and "Henry"


I have a wonderful Australian Labradoodle who is coming up for 6 months old. He is a very smart dog who is with me 24/7. We have had the very same routine each and every day since his arrival at 9 weeks old. He was very quick to learn how to use the litter tray on the terrace (we live in a condominium) and seemed to be house trained completely until one week ago.

EVERY day .... usually multiple times each day, Henry is peeing inside on the living room floor. This… Continue

Added by Mike B on July 28, 2009 at 4:51pm — 6 Comments

Lady Peri is an Official Dog and Taquito's Kidney Infection is MUCH Better!

Today was a big day at the vet. A few weeks ago I posted a blog freaking out about Taquito getting a teeth cleaning. The teeth cleaning was delayed due to a kidney infection - glad I did the blood work and we caught it early!

Today I took both pups to the vet, which was quite a task! Taquito's white blood cell count in the kidneys was way down, so the medicine is working! And Peri received her 16 week shots. So...she is officially ready to take on the world! We already took a short… Continue

Added by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on July 28, 2009 at 4:28pm — 6 Comments

Michael Vick...Grrrr!

Even though I'm a Brit, I'm a big fan of what you Americans mistakenly call Football. I hear today that Michael Vick has been reinstated by the NFL. I'm just hoping that no team picks up that bastard, what he did is unforgivable, and the punishment, as usual for animal abuse, wasn't nearly enough!....Those poor Pit Bulls!...I say again...UNFORGIVABLE!

Added by Kevin Poole, Penny & Ozzy on July 28, 2009 at 7:34am — 21 Comments

Weekly Weigh In...

Just keeping a log of Gidgets weight...

8 weeks: 6 lbs. 14 oz.
9 weeks: 7 lbs. 13 oz.
10 weeks: 9 lbs.

Added by Jeanie on July 27, 2009 at 6:39pm — 2 Comments

Poems by Nancy, Volume 1

Bathing my Labs, By Nancy F. Sunderland (Copyrighted-Please do not copy or share)

Oh what a joy, what fun it will be

When my labs, my daughters and me

Decide that the time is now

For our stinky labs to be "wow".

So we chase and we plead,

We push drag and lead.

We tighten the collar

Pull the leash, and then holler.

Finally they're here, tethered though,

Nervous, and really wanting to go.

Far from the porch they'd… Continue

Added by Nancy Sunderland on July 26, 2009 at 3:30pm — 2 Comments

Twinkie thus far...

So, Twinkie is 14.5 weeks and I have had her for 5.5 weeks. She has came a long way! She really is such a great dog. She listens really well, and learns tricks pretty fast. She potty trained so fast, which I still can't believe, she even barks at the door when she has to go! Recently we started going on morning walks/ jogs. Twinkie is a bit lazy, rambunctious, but lazy! lol. She will jog and keep up w/ me at first but then she just slooooows down, and refuses to speed back up. It is really… Continue

Added by Katie and Twinkie! on July 26, 2009 at 8:45am — 7 Comments

Rules for the Dog

Things I Must Remember As A Dog

(In order to keep my present living arrangements)

The garbage collector is not stealing our stuff.

I do not need to suddenly stand straight up when I'm lying under the coffee table.

I will not roll my toys behind the fridge, behind the sofa or under the bed

I must shake the rainwater out of my fur before entering the house.

I will not eat the cats' food, before they eat it or after they throw it up.

I will stop… Continue

Added by Linda,Yankee & Finn on July 25, 2009 at 7:44pm — 15 Comments

.... And so, the Mats Begin

Chase is now seven months old and just in the last week has suddenly begin to mat. We usually brush him once or twice a week. But, he was only brushed two days ago and this morning it took me over an hour to brush and comb him out. I am thinking that maybe his coat is begining to change from puppy to adult and this is why the sudden matting. I think we need to get a better brush and begin brushing every day. At the moment we have been using a… Continue

Added by Stella on July 25, 2009 at 9:02am — 11 Comments

Professional Photos

So about a week or so ago, I took Angel with me to the pet store and then to lunch. Well, in the pet store, they were having photos made of your pet, the proceeds of which would go to a rescue organization. Well, Angel looked too cute for words that day (as she always does) so I took her in, paid to have her photographed, and left that day feeling vaguely disappointed. It's never easy to tell at the photoshoot what the photos will look like, but it seemed that Angel just wouldn't cooperate and… Continue

Added by Krista, Angel, and Toby on July 24, 2009 at 8:00pm — 11 Comments

Therapy Dogs of Vermont

Greetings fellow doodle lovers! I just showed the newest pictures of the doodle puppies to my husband, he said, "is it gonna be a fluffy dog?" We'll just have to wait and see! Today I discovered a new website, and a calling! I hope that someday Sable and I will be a therapy dog team and be able to do volunteer work in our local hospitals and nursing homes! This organization offers a puppy-starter class that I fully intend to take part in at our first opportunity! I'm… Continue

Added by Nancy Sunderland on July 24, 2009 at 6:28pm — 3 Comments

What's up Rosco? Is Timmy in the Wall?

This week for two nights in a row Rosco developed an obsession with the top of our bookshelf which is right next to the couch we sit on to watch TV. I don't know what he thought was up there but he kept staring and whining, occasionally a little bark.

I looked and there were NO toys up there (I have in the past put a ball or squeaky toy on top when I was sick of him making noise or bugging me by losing it under the couch, but not recently). NOTHING on top that would have interested… Continue

Added by Adina P on July 24, 2009 at 11:00am — 10 Comments

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