Friday night between rain storms we took the opportunity to let the dogs out one last time before going to bed. About 5 minutes later one of the boys let out that distinctive beagle bay that lets you know they have found something. My first thought was ‘Oh Sh#*!, what have they found now’. I grabbed a leash and the flashlight. The flashlight revealed that all 3 dogs were standing over something and barking madly. When I got to the dogs I discovered a young opossum laying scarily still. Harlow…
Added by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on September 21, 2009 at 4:25pm —
We had an awesome time at the end of season pool closing this year. It was a little hot, but that saved us from having dripping dogs in the car :) My boy Bud took two years to warm up to the idea of stepping into water on his own. Now I can't keep him out of puddles......
Little miss Kona has not yet warmed up to the idea of swimming. She still keeps more to the edges, but started to move more and more into the water as her friends…
Added by GBK on September 21, 2009 at 3:00pm —
Holly is going to start a six week Therapy Dog Prep School on October Sixth. She has graduated from basic puppy obedience when she was seven months old and from a three week resident course (which she completed in two weeks) in July of this year when she was twenty months old. The resident course was designed to make Holly more comfortable around children and reduce or eliminate her fear of large dogs. It worked very well in both cases.
The Therapy Dog Prep School is designed to…
Added by Richard Crowe on September 21, 2009 at 1:00pm —
You know it's weeks like this that make me wonder how Mrs. Noah ever kept the Arc clean with so many animals and so much rain! I just have Angel, and it's only been raining off and on for about a week but constantly for the past three days, yet my house is so NASTY despite my best efforts to keep it clean! Honestly, how did that woman do it?! I've been vaccuuming and steam-mopping daily, and yet my house still smells like wet dog and constantly has paw prints.
I'm about ready to…
Added by Krista, Angel, and Toby on September 21, 2009 at 12:00pm —
Western Pa. held their Spring Doodle RAW at the Howlabaloo Dog Park in Edinboro, 1/2 hr. south of Erie, last May. It is a great dog park and the owners are #1 in my book. They were so helpful accomadating AND donated all of the entrance fees to IDOG. Well, Ta Da - Ta Da......... Howlabaloo was named "The Best Pay For Play" park in America's Best Dog Parks for 2009. Also, was rated one of the top 10 dog parks in America for 2009. How exciting ! Way to go Howlabaloo. AND, if you are on Facebook,…
Added by Karen & Lucy on September 19, 2009 at 3:49pm —
Sophie is 6 months - I've been feeding her 3 times a day. When do I switch to twice a day?
Added by Susan and Sophie on September 19, 2009 at 4:31am —
I don't know why, but I rarely seem to have an uneventful day. They are usually not good things that happen either. I wonder if I bring these things on myself. You decide.
Yankee is my angel and has been since 8 weeks old. Finn is full of mischief. I thought Yankee would lead Finn to good behaviour. Of course not. I let the dogs out in the yard and came back awhile later and couldn't see them. I walked around to the side of the house and here comes Yankee covered in mud. It seems…
Added by Linda,Yankee & Finn on September 18, 2009 at 7:36pm —
I don't know which one told it, but it must of been really funny :)
Added by Kathy Spyker on September 18, 2009 at 1:24pm —
Well, today is the big day. I dropped Peri off at the vet this morning before I came in to work. She is getting spayed today! I know it is a routine surgery, but I am still a bit nervous. The car ride this morning was funny...I bought a harness and seatbelt thingy for her to ride in the back. Well, she wants to be up near me. So, she was stretched out with her butt on the back seat and face on the console. So sweet. Then she got carsick and threw up! Then we arrived and she went nutty because…
Added by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on September 18, 2009 at 8:00am —
Ok folks, I am embarrassed, I don't have a super puppy, my doodle does not sit, stay, come on command, or stop jumping when told, "Off!". Sable is sweet and cuddly, energetic and fluffy, but the pooping in the house business is driving me buggy... She even will pee and poop on my front porch if I don't go out IN the grass WITH her.... I guess I'm just having one of those days............ Oh, I gave her paws a bath last night (they were the only dirty part), and woke up this morning to a…
Added by Nancy Sunderland on September 18, 2009 at 6:12am —
Guinness is 6 months now and still only weighs 13.5 pounds. He is supposed to be a small/medium ALD. Sometimes I worry about him, especially when I read about how big others in this category are. He isn't a huge eater, but he does eat well. The last time he was at the vet (4wks ago for shots) she said he was healthy. At this rate, I don't think he'll ever even get to 20 pounds. His mom was a small medium and his dad was a medium...both larger than Guinness.
Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on September 18, 2009 at 5:40am —
So I ventured back to the dog park yesterday - mid-afternoon, with my son there as support, and we actually had a pretty good time. Toby met a lovely collie, and the two of them ran very well together. Lots of fun play. Of course, we haven't had much rain lately, so Toby picked up a lot of dry dirt, and needed a bath when we got home. No biggie - he loves to have a bath!
Anyway - there was a four month old pup there, whose owner felt the appropriate use of a dog park was to sit on a…
Added by Sandy on September 18, 2009 at 4:51am —
I'm happy for fall. Fergie and Lucy are back to school and I love it. Lucy started "pre-novice" and she has just tons to learn. #1 being self-control. She just hasn't learned how to move her body yet. She really looks like a crazy cartoon character. Fergie started Novice and doing great. This is the class she should be in. Lesson to learn if you don't like a class you take, do it and finish it for practice and move on. Go to more classes and you'll find a place you like. This teacher realized…
Added by fergie11 on September 18, 2009 at 4:29am —
1 Comment
Almost two weeks with a puppy in the house, yahoo! Sable came with me today to run some errands in town and then to soccer practice. She's a big hit with the kids of course, but really wanted to run on the field and chase all those balls with all the kids. I think she was also curious as to why I kept blowing that horribly loud whistle...
After dinner it was time for more soccer in the yard with big brothers' Cody and Toby and Brittany and I! She likes to chase her big lab brothers…
Added by Nancy Sunderland on September 17, 2009 at 3:04pm —
It's that time of the week again folks!
Penny has had her surgery for the spaying and removal of her dew claws, and she is very well. No trauma whatsoever!
On Monday, I decided it would be a good idea to give Penny a bath as I knew it would be a couple of weeks before we could give her one, see below:
She actually enjoys a bath, the expression on her face is a ruse for all you onlookers, in fact while I was running the bath, Penny…
Added by Kevin Poole, Penny & Ozzy on September 17, 2009 at 10:00am —
Well, we've entered the terrible stage of jumping on the kiddos! Mostly the baby (Laila), but also anyone else who sits or lays down on the floor. She, for some reason, takes sitting or laying down as her cue to go bananas and jump and play, and search for cute little ears to tug on! Bob, my DH, said I should use the word command "Off!" So that's what I've started doing. I may have to find myself a couple "Doodle Bonkers" like another DK member mentioned! (Paper Towel rolls).
Also of…
Added by Nancy Sunderland on September 17, 2009 at 5:18am —
I have found that Bandit can stop traffic and gather a crowd so I make good use of him in front of our rescue's tent. We have been to many "festivals" in the last 20 months ranging from a couple of hundred people to thousands of people. Last weekend was interesting to say the least. Since it was our first Pirate's Day I had no idea they had a REAL cannon firing blanks every half hour. ( and neither did many others) When the first BOOM occurred several…
Added by Geoff on September 16, 2009 at 4:23am —
What an exciting and amazing day - and exhausting! On Monday the film crew and producer came buy, along with people from the publicity company and Purina. They played with Mater and took some video while they filled us in on the plan. Then yesterday they arrived at 8 am, along with Lighting and Grip, the animal humane observer and the marketing company (about 20 people in all), and started the day. Mater worked like a pro for them. It was really fun to watch. Since Tom is Mater's obedience…
Added by Kathy Janes on September 16, 2009 at 2:42am —
Back in March on a business road trip to Western WA I got to have dinner with Jordan's mom, Tante and although I took a few pics, it was only tonite that I managed to remember AND find my camera cord (since I had forgotten to put a memory card in my camera--my brain was just totally missing that night) so I could extract the photos. Here's a link to the original blog about the evening:…
Added by Adina P on September 15, 2009 at 9:52pm —
oo7dessYesterday we took a walk with an elderly neighbor and her two papillon dogs in the field, it was so much fun! Vanessa and Sable were both chasing butterflies in the field, I felt like I was watching a Hallmark card photo shoot! Also yesterday, I put out the kiddie pool and plopped Sable in there, she was NOT impressed and swiftly got out, oh well, we'll wait till next year for swimming lessons.
Today: Today there were quite a few accidents in the house... Sable has become a…
Added by Nancy Sunderland on September 15, 2009 at 4:00pm —