Toby was one this month. He has been house trained for quite some time. And yet - occasionally he pees on the rec room carpet. Stupid dog. Why? I have no idea. There is no rhyme or reason - no pattern - no nothing. It's just once in a while. He may have been outside recently even. It is just so darn frustrating. I'm almost at the point where he is going to be banned. That would be a shame, as we are currently re-doing the basement, and will do most of our t.v. watching down there. But the re-do…
Added by Sandy on August 20, 2009 at 7:10pm —
There is a Sandra Boynton board book that we have called, "Snuggle Puppy". My kids (and husband) all know that Mommy loves to snuggle. But....They get to a certain age, and start (the nerve!) refusing to snuggle with me! My baby Laila has reached that age, at 13 months unbelievabley... My puppy, Sable, a large mini, chocolate ALD; comes home in two weeks and one day... Two nights ago I wanted to cuddle so bad I went and got my 13 months old out of her crib, (she was soulnd asleep, curled up in…
Added by Nancy Sunderland on August 20, 2009 at 9:00am —
the first week of september sophie and my sons will be hosting the flyway highway just a little duck hunting in arkansas times and dates will be at the sportmans channel .com
Added by sophie on August 20, 2009 at 7:32am —
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This was our first time on TV! We learned quite a bit, so if we get another opportunity we'll do better! Thanks again to all our friends who voted for Mater!
click here…
Added by Kathy Janes on August 20, 2009 at 5:00am —
Just realized the Doodle is a high maintenance dog. I can hardly keep up with his eye boogers in the morning. I think I have his eyes clean, and then I realize I just moved them down to his whiskers. I am glad I have my sister in law, the ex groomer to help me with nails, ears and the like. I am thinking I should offer to pay her, for all the work. I may have to rethink that. It has been so hot here the last few days, Riley does his thing and wants right back into the air conditioned house. As…
Added by Charles Rocheville on August 19, 2009 at 9:52pm —
Today I was speaking with an associate. He was complaining how he has been so busy trying to find a doodle for his kids. I told him I hoped that he would consider getting a rescue, as I know there is one available in Fargo (which is a 3 hour drive, and within his territory). Well, me and my big mouth! That just opened the floodgates to his little brain. It went something like this:
Are you kidding? I'm not paying $300 for a "rescue" dog! blah, blah, blah! Then I tried to explain that…
Added by Chris & Boys on August 19, 2009 at 4:00pm —
Hi everyone, and a special "Hi" to all Penny's fans who were dismayed at my announcement to discontinue the weekly blogs. So as I like to make people happy (to quote an American phrase: "I'm such a suck up"), I will continue as long as I can come up with enough subject matter to entertain you all...."Yay!" I hear you all cry...I hope so anyway!
Penny is a little over 4 months old now and we visited the vets on Tuesday for her last kennel cough shot, she weighed in at 32lbs, so from…
Added by Kevin Poole, Penny & Ozzy on August 19, 2009 at 12:30pm —
I heard this on the radio this morning. This purposed bill would allow pet owners to deduct up to $3500 from their taxable income expenses they occurred in providing adequate pet care.
Added by Marissa and 'Mickey' on August 19, 2009 at 6:24am —
This photo of Oliver enjoying the lake shore in Michigan was featured on our local NBC news this morning in Columbus, Ohio.
Oliver was chosen as today's "Pet of the Day!"
Thank you to NBC Channel 4 News - Columbus, Ohio.
Yay Oliver!!
Added by Kemp Rader on August 19, 2009 at 5:14am —
Oh, the thrill of working in IT. Here it is, almost 1:00 AM EST and I have been sitting on the phone for over an hour facilitating a production outage call. We are at the point in the call where the only sound is that of mad tapping of fingers on keyboards and muttered expletives of frustrated programmers
So I thought I would use the opportunity to surf DK. =)
Harlow and I have signed up for an intermediate obedience class that starts on 9/20. And joy of joys, the…
Added by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on August 18, 2009 at 10:00pm —
Even thougth Charlie will comply with grooming as long as she has her Kong with favorite stuffing, she was never a fond of being groomed. I always have to hurry up and rush through while the supplies ( Kong stuffing ) lasted.
Now she is 8 months old, matting stage has started... I even thought about sending her to Roxanne - groomer - since she is really good with her. But that will not be good for my finance!
During this dilema, my son told me this....
" Ma, you just don't…
Added by Kyoko on August 18, 2009 at 9:30pm —
I will be away for 5 days and am going to really miss checking in on all of my doodle friends and my Lucy. I know she will be taken really good care of while I am gone by my family. She is staying here at home and my one grandson is spending the nights and evenings with her, he starts school tomorrow also. I have other family checking on her while he is gone. So she will be in good hands. You all take care and will be back Sun.
Added by Karen & Lucy on August 18, 2009 at 7:20pm —
Added by Marissa and 'Mickey' on August 18, 2009 at 9:09am —
I think you'll get a few chuckles out of a project me and some friends worked on with Lorenzo Borghese (The Bachelor) and his dog Bond. The first episode was released Monday, August 17..Hope you will all check it out.. Click on watch and meet the cast under America's Next Princess
or here is a direct link to the video on You…
Added by Marie Shelto on August 18, 2009 at 5:48am —
In case you missed it on 60 Minutes, this is what Andy Rooney thinks
about women over 50
As I grow in age, I value women over 50 most of all. Here are just a
few reasons why:
A woman over 50 will never wake you in the middle of the night and
ask, 'What are you thinking?' She doesn't care what you think.
If a woman over 50 doesn't want to watch the game, she doesn't sit
around whining about it. She does something she wants to do, and…
Added by Adrianne Matzkin on August 18, 2009 at 3:48am —
Now that Riley, seems to be potty trained we let him out longer of periods of time. Take him to the store in the car, good traveler. I put him in his room earlier last night. Not a peep out of him, normally hits his door or scratches and barks to let you know he wants out. My wife gets up a 5 am, an hour before I do, asked her if she heard Riley stirring? Nope, you better check on him. Will I did and woke him up from a deep sleep. He just was so wore out from his travels and being left out all…
Added by Charles Rocheville on August 17, 2009 at 9:35pm —
Well actually not me but Giselle is having puppies right now!! Three boys and three girls so far!!!!!! UPDATE.....Four girls. I wanted a girl so we definitely have my girl.
I am so excited I had to let everyone know now!!!!
Giselle-Chester 8-17-09… Continue
Added by Leigh & Allie on August 17, 2009 at 7:00pm —
I went to the vet today and Finn weighed in at 25 lbs. He may end up being bigger than I thought. He parents were only 45 and 50 lbs so I figured he would be about the same. At the rate he is growing, looks like he will be as big as Yankee after all. I am definitely pleased.
Added by Linda,Yankee & Finn on August 17, 2009 at 6:42pm —
I received the following in an email. Lessons on how to live....
"When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.
Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure
Take naps.
Stretch before rising.
Run, romp, and play daily.
Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
Avoid biting when a simple growl will…
Added by Michele Barton on August 17, 2009 at 2:15pm —
Well, never a dull moment at our house. Last week we were on vacation with a friend of mine from Michigan and we had a great time. I was actually more relaxed than I had been in months. Yesterday I was getting a bunch of paperwork together for the boys returning to school that I needed to work on. I left the room, started organizing the papers in order of importance and noticed that the bowl of grapes that the boys were eating during lunch were gone. Wow, I couldn't believe they finished the…
Added by Chris & Boys on August 17, 2009 at 9:36am —