Here are some pics of Sophie's new haircut.. It's brand new.. still extremely fluffy.. Beautiful pink bows if I do say so myself.. I usually have her cut a bit short and let her grow out really long between cuts. She'd look a bit more doodle like if I sprayed…
Added by Elizabeth on March 26, 2009 at 10:00am —
Both Robert and I (Sandie) love to laugh. We hope you have a smile on your face after reading this. Wags & Licks
1. The later you are, the more excited your dogs are to see you.
2. Dogs don’t notice if you call them by another dog’s name.
3. Dogs like it if you leave a lot of things on the floor.
4. A dog’s parents never visit.
5. Dogs agree that you have to raise your voice to get your point…
Added by Sandie & Matilda on March 26, 2009 at 8:44am —
Benny stepped the other day into something (probably glass) and cut the skin between his toes on one of his webbed feet.
The wound got infected and he kept licking on it, so the vet decided that he needs to wear a shoe to protect the wound.
As I am working for the company with the swoosh all my colleagues started making jokes that Benny is the only one in the family who has to wear "no name" brand shoes and that it is not fair.
Therefore I decided to pimp Benny's shoe and get him…
Added by Zoe, Benny and Tyler on March 26, 2009 at 3:07am —
The morning dawned with a doodle muzzle nested in the curve of my neck.
I remember that was how the evening began. Phoebe wanted to snuggle. It wasn’t very comfortable for me, but the reality that she had made herself cozy made me smile. I believe we fell asleep that way.
For the first time in four weeks and two days I did not call the night nurse. An extra phone ring or voices would keep Jess awake. My morning call was only to learn that Jess had another night of no…
Added by The Kleins, Tempe, AZ on March 25, 2009 at 8:21pm —
Okay. I know better. I do. I have a soft crate for Rusty (the 4 month old) in my bedroom and his regular crate in the living room. He's outgrowing the soft crate and can't really stretch out like he likes too. Last night he finally figured out how to unzip it. After putting him back in 3 times - I finally just said forget it (yes, I should have though about safety pinning the zipper thingee but it was 2am!!!).. Anyhoo, I left him out.. with Lucy. He came over to the side of the bed and laid…
Added by LeAnn, Lucy & Rusty!! on March 25, 2009 at 3:38pm —
If any of you took time out from doodlekisses to watch the president's speech last night, the town outside of Pitts. that he talked about was Vandergrift. That is where Lucy and I live. HaHaHa. We are famous, NOT !!!!!!!!! He referred to a small window factory that just closed and laid all of it's workers off and then was able to reopen because of the "President's stimulus" package. WHOOOOOHOOOOO
Added by Karen & Lucy on March 25, 2009 at 10:07am —
I was so relieved to start obedience classes with Dex last night. There are only 3 other pups in our class, so it's a nice size for plenty of attention from our instructor. It's funny, I felt myself "judging" the other dogs and trying to decide WHO I would allow Dex to play with....(Tank the Mastiff that is already 27lbs, Shelby the playful Boxer, or Brad the psycho idiot pup that is a lab mix of some kind). Definitely did our best to stay away from the Lab. He kept biting Dex's ears and the…
Added by Jodie on March 25, 2009 at 7:25am —
This morning I was both nervous and excited to go see Jesse. He had not slept yet another night, so I wasn’t sure what I would find this morning.
It felt like a first date. I put on a colorful sweater and some make-up. I couldn’t wait to see his bright beautiful eyes looking at me.
When I arrived a family friend and (brother) Jody met me in the waiting area. We walked back to see Jess, when he saw me he mouthed “I love you” from beneath his tubes. I’m always relieved that he…
Added by The Kleins, Tempe, AZ on March 24, 2009 at 8:57pm —
Jill had 10 beautiful mini Goldendoodle puppies yesterday! Quite a surprise. She was only 57 days along but she and all the pups are doing fantastic! We have 5 boys and 5 girls in varying shade of cream and red. We are really excited about this litter - it is gorgeous!
Added by Susan Linko on March 24, 2009 at 7:48pm —
Fergie and I went to our 4th obedience class today. She is 13 months but we've never gone to obedience, I've just done a lot of reading and bought a few video's. I think Fergie is doing great. The teacher snuck over to me and whispered in my ear that I've got a "wonder dog". She just loves her (Not as much as me). I just want to encourage anyone who has a doodle to take them to class. It's so much fun because they respond so well. She loves it. We certainly are going to go further with these…
Added by fergie11 on March 24, 2009 at 10:30am —
1 Comment
Thank you for the very friendly welcome! I was excited to find this site and look forward to spending time reading and learning.
Added by Terri on March 24, 2009 at 5:00am —
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The weather's warming up and that means one thing....
We needed to buy a new one, and we got a great tip from Debbie V. (Thanks Debbie!)
Petsmart has kiddie pools for dogs!
See, it has doggie bones on the bottom! How cute is that?!
Cricket loves it!
"C'mon Boo, hop in!"…
Added by Sharon, Boo & Cricket on March 24, 2009 at 1:00am —
Yes. Everyone wants to feel at peace about Jess.
He had a party of visitors to witness the awakening. The stream of well-wishers created too much stimulation after a night of no sleep, causing him to hyperventilate.
It appears that Jess does not want to fall asleep – his eyes are darting all around the room, he is twisting his head to see what is around him. I’m sure he has figured out by now that his heart attack was severe since he is reminded he has been at Mayo for one…
Added by The Kleins, Tempe, AZ on March 23, 2009 at 5:57pm —
After a long weekend and a lot of travel Puppy #2 is finally home.
OK her name was going to be Lilly but then last week I saw the neighbor lady (she lives right next door) after a long cold winter and she just got a new puppy and named it Lilly! Goodness. Back to square one. So, I brought her home and took puppy #2 to a little bar by my house and all my friends named her LUCY. OK, so it's Lucy. I know there are a lot of Lucy's but I do like it. Fergie is having a good time with…
Added by fergie11 on March 23, 2009 at 12:23pm —
Every time I take a day off from work Benny seems to become sick.
First time I took a day off he got high fever and I went to see my vet and it turned out that he had hackles infection and needed to stay in ICU for 2 days.
Next day I took off from work he got an UTI and after seeing the vet I spent the day with going potty with him.
Next day I took off his ears were dark red and he had a two sided ear infection, so again time to visit my vet.
It goes on like that until…
Added by Zoe, Benny and Tyler on March 23, 2009 at 11:40am —
Ok, My dog loves to eat horse poop. Anyone else out there with this problem? I was told it is a sweet treat for them. I don't know. My husband just gets disgusted and calls her *#&8%mouth. Is this a harmful treat? Will she get parasites? I'm going to take her to the vet next week and ask, but I thought I would share.
Added by Joan and Rags on March 23, 2009 at 8:47am —
We just returned from our vet with Lexi, our 35 pound eight month sweetheart Goldendoodle. She does not like to eat. She was tested, and x rayed, blood test, stool test, and is in perfect health. She will not eat Kibble at all. I tried at least a dozen different brands from Orijen to Whole foods. She is active, affectionate and a perfect little gal. The Vet gave her Purina EN in a can and in Kibble form. She gobbled the canned food and will not touch the remaining kibble. We tried her on raw…
Added by Lee Seidman on March 23, 2009 at 7:00am —
It is a beautiful day here in Arizona.
Jesse’s best friend and wife arrived to Mayo in the morning. Frank called with happy tears -- his friend seemed alert and his expressions were tell-tale that he comprehends. Frank had told Jess about Obama’s “Special Olympic” comment and Jess’s face registered like, “Oh, did he screw up!” Frank was so thrilled because it showed that Jess did not need further explanation, he realized what a faux pa the pres made which meant Jess did not need to…
Added by The Kleins, Tempe, AZ on March 22, 2009 at 7:20pm —
Well, the class that "never gets rained out" - got rained out. I was disappointed but turned back and got the dogs from the dog sitter in Harrison and we were off to find some trails to hike in the rain! There is no smell quite like the smell of two doodles in a jeep!
Add to that that NONE of the trails in the Buffalo River State Parks allow dogs... and you get a fairly frustrating weekend. LOL Although, we didn't let a few roadblocks stop…
Added by LeAnn, Lucy & Rusty!! on March 22, 2009 at 3:49pm —
Mater started itching last fall and hasn't stopped yet! Pounds of Benadryl and a shot of cortisone haven't done more than slow him down a bit. He itches mostly behind his front lets and on his ears. I believe these are standard allergy locations. We started with changing his food and we are on our 4th or 5th try now with Taste of the Wild High Prairie. We've dried Premium Edge Skin and Coat and also their Lamb and Rice, as well as Blue Buffalo's lamb and rice, and still he itches. Now I'm not…
Added by Kathy Janes on March 22, 2009 at 10:12am —