Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

July 2010 Blog Posts (65)

Grooming Day

I took Oliver in for his bath today and "tiding up". today...We get to the groomer, and Ollie walks right in, and jumps up onto the grooming table. He sits there, in that butterfly position, and grabs the thingy that they use to hod them on the table in his mouth...The whole place cracked up, they were hysterical that he did that. I was shocked, there he was my big galoot of a doodle sitting all prim and proper waiting to get groomed...Too bad he didn't know it was bath time first...Anyway he… Continue

Added by cheryl & oliver on July 29, 2010 at 2:02pm — 11 Comments

Helping Mom!

Lucy and Sophie here! It's been a really busy, HOT summer and Mom was behind with her yard work. Can you believe that it is almost the end of July and she still hasn't brought in new Mulch for around the trees. We don't care so much about how it looks, but we do love to get a mouth full and spread it around all over the yard (hummmm, could be why she needs to remulch). Anyway, there are weeds, and some were getting pretty big, so we thought maybe, since it was probably our fault anyway that we… Continue

Added by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on July 29, 2010 at 6:11am — 20 Comments

I'm Officially "One Of Those People"

I took the plunge and made Darwin a facebook profile today.

I know some people think it is crazy, or embarrassing, but I just couldn't resist! I now can upload as many photos as I want without looking totally crazy on my own profile. :-) Plus, I get friend requests at least 3 or 4 times a month from some random person saying "I like your dog" Now they can just add him as a friend! DH tried to council me against it... but I ignored him. It's just too much fun.…

Added by Camilla and Darwin on July 27, 2010 at 11:20pm — 22 Comments

Well, our Maltese Rescue website is finished...

I really don't like the quality of the imagery but, it's just not worth arguing with my wife about.

Added by Richard Crowe on July 27, 2010 at 8:46am — 12 Comments

Boca's First Week

This Boca-girl is just the best little puppy ever! All my fears about getting a puppy with a baby seem like a big joke. She's so great! We've only gone on two walks because it's so darn hot, and she pulls like a banshee, but since we have a training plan for the near future it's not at all a concern. I just tie her leash to the stroller handle, hold Rosco's leash in hand, and stroll away with all my kids :-)

Today I got farther in desensitizing her to the nail dremel and I'm pretty… Continue

Added by Adina P on July 26, 2010 at 8:00pm — 26 Comments

Funny Dog Sign we Found in Ireland!

DH and I recently went to Ireland for a dream adventure vacation! The dood and chi stayed home with mimi and pops and had a grand time.

We found this sign posted in many places. Apparently the Irish are pretty strict when it comes to picking up after your pooch:

That is one hefty fine! I for one always pick up after my dogs, so I wish they would do this everywhere. People have a bad habit of not picking…


Added by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on July 26, 2010 at 12:31pm — 14 Comments

How could somebody do this?????

My brother's dog, Layla, was hit and killed by a car last night. He had left Layla in the back yard for the first time. All week he has been sitting outside with her in the backyard and even sitting with her in the dog house that he built for her so she could get comfortable and know that this was her place. She is a real people dog so he knew this would be hard for her (she usually stays inside in a crate when he is not home, but because of some schedule changes he and his girlfriend are…


Added by Kelli, Fenway, & Dustin Pedroia on July 25, 2010 at 7:59pm — 15 Comments

Oh my Doodle.... It's been to long since I've blogged!

Hi Doods... Shelby here! It has been so long since I have blogged, mom's been keeping me busy, but today - I told her.... I have to blog - so much has happened since I last wrote.

My mom had to travel to a conference for work and I got to go to "the doggie hotel" as she calls it. It was the nearby boarding facility. I had been there a few times for puppy socialization classes and then for a one night stay when mom went to an out of town wedding. I stayed for four nights, I did…


Added by Christine & Shelby on July 24, 2010 at 4:25pm — 10 Comments

The Bed - UPDATE

You've all been hearing that our Murph is getting to be a BIG boy. Well he could no longer fit in any of our dog beds without either his head or his "fanny" hanging off the side. So, when we were in Newport last week we headed for the Black Dog store. They had just what we needed....a huge bed for Murph that actually matched the bedroom. We brought it home thinking he would love it...NOPE, not so much. Here it… Continue

Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on July 24, 2010 at 12:30pm — 37 Comments

WTD is in the Tree?

For the first time in his life--DH is laid off from work. I encourage him to enjoy his time and get creative. He says he is going crazy. What do you think? Among many other things, here is what he did today. Just for laughs :)

He lined them all up on the work bench and drilled holes. The dogs were stealing them and running away. They barked. Even Doodles Say, " WTD?… Continue

Added by Joanne ~ Spud* on July 23, 2010 at 5:50pm — 22 Comments

Back Up Your Data....

I just had a scare which could heve turned into a catastrophe. Luckily the catastrophe was adverted by the timely intervention of my loyal computer technician.

I bought a new computer and had the hard drive from my old computer installed as an "E" drive. Well, the old hard drive failed and froze up the entire computer system.

I had myimages backed up on an external hard drive but, not the rest of my data. It is amazing how much "IMPORTANT STUFF" is on a hard…


Added by Richard Crowe on July 23, 2010 at 5:08pm — 4 Comments

Pet Insurance Recommendation

If there is anybody out there looking for some excellent pet insurance, I highly recommend Trupanion. This is my first experience with pet insurance and I am so happy to get on board with Trupanion. I've had several UTI claims and a few other minor issues. Trupanion pays 90% and I have no deductible for $33 a month! Within a few days my claim is opened, closed and within a week I have a check. I recently heard some very negative things about VPI due to the fact they decide how much is a… Continue

Added by Nikki Milonas on July 22, 2010 at 8:25pm — 3 Comments

So scary...

So my boyfriend and our two curly doodle girls recently (as in exactly one week ago) moved 500 miles to the opposite side of the state. We now live in Missoula, MT which is a HUGE Dog-Lover town with numerous areas for hiking that are off-leash areas. Maggie (almost 2 years old) does great off-leash and I really don't worry about her running away. Luna (8 months old) actually does very well off leash too, generally always coming when called and she sticks very close when hiking. So on Tuesday… Continue

Added by Sofie, Maggie, and Luna on July 22, 2010 at 2:58pm — 21 Comments

Hey Guinness, Can I Borrow Murph?

Dear Guinness,

I was wondering if I could borrow your baby brother for a few days. I know it will be hard for you to part with him for even that long, but we have a problem at our house and I need Murphy to help us fix it.

Guinness, we have bugs!!!!! Lots of these shiny buzzy bugs that fly all over the place- they're even called "flies" 'cause they fly around so much, and they land everywhere! Mom says they are filthy and she is going crazy trying to get rid of…


Added by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle on July 22, 2010 at 2:54pm — 19 Comments

My 8-year-old daughter was BIT by a dog!!!

I just need to vent. This actually happened last week when we were on vacation for 10 days camping but I just cannot let it go.

We were camping at East Harbor State Park on Lake Erie where we always camp. NEVER have we had a problem with people, other dogs, kids, anything. My daughters (8 & 11) were playing with a little girl they met at the playground at a campsite one row over from us. They were gone about 10 minutes and Ava (11) came screaming that Kelsey (8) got bit by a dog.… Continue

Added by Denise & Hunter!!! on July 22, 2010 at 12:55pm — 14 Comments

Another Milestone

I feel like a mom who just took the training wheels off her child's bicycle.... In recent weeks I have noticed that Tori no longer rings her bells by the door to go out. (Sniff, sniff) She must think she's too big now for such immature communication - lol.… Continue

Added by shelly on July 22, 2010 at 10:20am — 8 Comments

Meet my first foster Toby!! He is a doll :-)

I wanted to introduce my first foster Toby! What a incredible journey we are having......He is going to be a wonderful guy!! He is settling in nicely. I read so many touching stories of fostering so I took the leap and I am so glad I did. Just thinking about letting him go gets me very emotional already.

Added by Tonya Hopkins on July 22, 2010 at 9:00am — 17 Comments

What does your dood do during the day???

So, over the past few weeks, we have pretty much abandoned the crate for Peri. She has been doing great having almost-full reign of the house (we close our bedroom doors and some bathroom doors). We come home every day during lunch to take Taquito and Peri on a walk. Every day, Peri is waiting at the door for us, usually yawning like she has been asleep. We inspect the house every time and have yet to find any remnants of chewing.....(knock on wood!).

I am very proud of my…


Added by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on July 21, 2010 at 11:00am — 11 Comments

Boca's First Day

First Full Day

Boca was super feisty in the morning...apparently she thinks my PJ's are lacking in puppy paw prints.

Not ONE accident since her arrival (KNOCK ON WOOD...please don't let my bragging jinx me). But that's because so far she's been always completely confined in the house: crated or in ex-pen near our kitchen, or tethered to a couch. She's done great with it and only occasionally whines/cries (like when I wanted to take a nap and… Continue

Added by Adina P on July 21, 2010 at 8:30am — 22 Comments

Can doods catch a sparrow??

I had a "what the???" moment this morning. I was busy in the house while the dogs played and went in and out of the house (ahh, summer) when I spotted something weird on the living room floor. It was a very dead sparrow. I have no idea how it got there--Neither dog seemed too interested in it and one of my doodles usually eats anything she catches. (Luckily, she doesn't catch much because eating an animal does not really agree with her digestive system...) The other doodle, Lyric, is… Continue

Added by Ginny Nightingale on July 20, 2010 at 5:59pm — 11 Comments

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