Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

May 2010 Blog Posts (112)

Quincy the Toy Destroyer

I posted this a few days ago but accidently deleted it so I am posting again. My darling Quincy doodle has yet to meet a toy he can't destroy in seconds flat. Stuffed toys are his favorite things to dissect. Unfortunately he also tends to eat them which could lead to a big problem. To try and teach him not to do this I came up with a great idea or so I thought. Enter Froggy. Froggy is a cute little pink and green small stuffed toy. My…


Added by Donna K & Quincy on May 31, 2010 at 7:32am — 11 Comments

Summer -- Yuck

Lucy here ........ why has everyone been waiting on Summer? That's all I've heard from Mom, I can't wait till Summer. Well, I gotta tell you, it is HOT and I don't like HOT! You see, I'm a black dog and that Sun just is too much for me! I was in heaven today though, Mom got the Pool out! Sophie still wanted to run and play, but me ..... no, I'm just gonna lay in the pool!…


Added by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on May 31, 2010 at 5:00am — 17 Comments

I'm 7 Months old... and had to go to the Vet!

Hi there. Last time I posted, I mentioned that I was feeling well and was throwing up - That was Friday, I was really tired that day too. I didn't eat or drink much on Friday. Saturday I felt a little better, drank more water than I did the day before... but still wouldn't eat. Mom even made me some chicken (which I love), but I just backed away... that was my way of telling her - I better not! This brings us to today. When I woke up - I seemed to have more energy than the last two days... I…


Added by Christine & Shelby on May 30, 2010 at 8:31pm — 10 Comments

Doodle Rescue

For any of you who wonder what happened to the Doodle rescue collective, it's still out there. It just has a new name ; Go there and reconnect. If you have any questions as to why the site went down, contact any member of the Board of Directors and they will be more than happy to clarify any rumors you may have heard. AND, let's keep rescuing those "Doodle Bugs"!!!!!

Added by Linda Lynch on May 30, 2010 at 9:15am — 5 Comments

Farewell to our precious princess Abbey aka Ol' Mother Hen

It is with great sadness that we share our loss of our precious Abbey, Charlie and Teddi's little big sister. She passed quietly cuddled with me in bed last night, after a courageous and lengthy battle with cancer and heart failure. She was active to the last day. This picture was taken last week, and when she tired from the trail blazing we've been doing in the country, we always had a make…


Added by Debbie Penny on May 29, 2010 at 8:42pm — 23 Comments

rescue shelters

I am sorry for all the questions. I am trying to get as much info as possible.

How do you feel about doodle rescues? Good/bad....

I am not sure how I feel about it because I have young children. If I didn't have young children this is something I would totally do.

Thanks in advance for your advice! :)

Added by Samantha Yagnisis on May 29, 2010 at 8:37pm — 15 Comments

Justice For Dublin!!!!!!!

Crafton police make an arrest in Labradoodle's hit-and-run
Saturday, May 29, 2010

There is…


Added by Adrianne Matzkin on May 29, 2010 at 10:30am — 14 Comments

Sad to report another doodle with cancer - message from THE DOODLE MESSENGER

From the board of Doodle Messenger:

This family and their Bailey need Doodle owners to step up with donations, no matter how small, to the Primary Oncologist. Bailey's chemotherapy treatments for Lymphoma began the evening of the day the owners were told by their Veterinarian the diagnosis.

Below Bailey's story, submitted by a friend of the family and added to when we contacted the owner, is general information on Lymphoma, and links to other sources of information on the… Continue

Added by Karan Johnson on May 29, 2010 at 9:26am — 1 Comment


So I finally have the guts to come on here and share w/ everyone that I had to find Twinkie (Kava) a new home. At the time the schedules that my husband and I had to work just weren't giving her the time and attention she needed. Twinkie is now w/ her new people Jammie and Emerson in Portland OR. I couldn't have found better parents for her. They did change her name to Kava, and it suits her well. We keep in touch and Jammie forwarded me pictures of Kava. She is in Montana for the summer w/…


Added by Katie and Twinkie! on May 28, 2010 at 9:15pm — 9 Comments

Ugh.... what a morning...

Hi Doods... it's Shelby!

I haven't posted in a few days, but thought I would today because it might make me feel better hearing from you all. Feel better?!? you say... yes, it's true - I am feeling icky this morning! I am not sure what happened and neither is my human mom, but I woke up early 4:30am and have thrown up several times today. My mom is taking good care of me... she even called work and is working from home so she can watch me... I guess that is one of the nice…


Added by Christine & Shelby on May 28, 2010 at 9:25am — 14 Comments

Dog Pack Attacks Gator In Florida

Dog Pack Attacks Gator In Florida

See the remarkable photograph below courtesy of Nature…


Added by Denise & Hunter!!! on May 28, 2010 at 5:50am — 10 Comments

The Disaster

I take pride in staying on top of Darwin's grooming. Every single night, without fail, I do a complete line brushing. This has allowed him to be mostly matt free as he is going through his coat change. Whether or not we had hit the "bad stage" I don't know. I just know that I made a goal to not have to shave him because of grooming negligence.

Well, I kept that promise to myself. He WAS matt free...But I shaved him anyways. Two reasons.

1: He was…

Added by Camilla and Darwin on May 27, 2010 at 7:09pm — 44 Comments

I Guess I Must Be Crazy!

They say when you keep doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different result, you're probably "crazy". Well, I think I fall into that category. We're celebrating another holiday, and what do I do whenever there's a holiday....yup, "dress up" the Doods. And how has that been working for me? You're right....NOT. So, here we are at Memorial Day Weekend. I kept the "pinking scissors" in the bag this bandannas. I decided on a different approach. Old Navy had some… Continue

Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on May 27, 2010 at 6:24am — 20 Comments


Due to poor weather conditions last fall, our pumpkin harvest was smaller than we expected. This is why you may be having difficulty finding Libby’s Pumpkin (pure pumpkin NOT pie filling). Unfortunately, we will continue to be in short supply until our next harvest in the fall.

Early in the harvest last year, it looked like we would have plenty of pumpkin, but Mother Nature had other plans for us. The heavy rains throughout the harvest have made it nearly impossible to pick…


Added by Yvonne N on May 26, 2010 at 7:15am — 10 Comments

Another Rusty Update!

I did not realize that it has been a couple of months since I have updated Rusty's cancer. Here are my chronicle posts for the past couple of months.

Thursday, March 25th

Our lives have returned to some normalcy over the past few weeks; we are adjusting to Rusty’s treatment schedule and needs while catching up on all of the things that we pushed off the first four weeks of Rusty’s ordeal. Rusty continues to improve daily and amazes everyone how well he gets along on three legs.… Continue

Added by Chuck Holliman on May 25, 2010 at 9:00pm — 17 Comments

A sad track

A friend of mine called and said her kitten had gone missing. I offered to bring Lilo over to see if she could track down the cat - after all her training, here was finally a worthy and real life mission (her 2nd only - the first one involved tracking a missing person on our mountain, which led to nothing). We arrived at my friend's house and I put Lilo's tracking harness on. She sniffed some cat toys and went straight to work. Out the door, down the street, across a neighbor's yard, back and… Continue

Added by Eva (Lilo and Rocky) on May 25, 2010 at 8:56pm — 17 Comments

Long Weekend - Cottage Puppy Madness

Gavin weathered his first long weekend at the cottage. He shall sleep for the next three days I am sure! A continuous parade of new people, dogs, woodland animals, birds, new rules and of course the water! We had a couple of mishaps: he was tethered on the back deck and broke his collar in order to visit a Shepard mix puppy that was next door; he also broke through his electronic…


Added by BG and Gavin on May 25, 2010 at 4:30pm — 8 Comments


Last night, Callie had a play date with her yellow lab bestie, Maisy. They had a wonderful time but went through a bunch of underbrush in search of the perfect stick (turns out that there is more than one perfect stick). Once we got home, I got out the brush to try to restore some order to Callie's coat and to remove the grass and debris and approximately nine billion burrs (ok, maybe not nine billion...I stopped counting after I got to 200). While I was brushing, petting, and just loving on… Continue

Added by Frannie & Callie on May 25, 2010 at 7:40am — 11 Comments


I found the attachments that allow you to convert a soda bottle for dogs to "lick" from the bottle at bed and bath today for just under $7. I haven't tried it yet but it should work I think and then you wouldn't need to carry a bowl.

Added by F, Calla & Luca on May 24, 2010 at 9:30pm — 10 Comments

It's official - Cooper is a Canine Good Citizen and we have the certificate to prove it!

Cooper's Canine Good Citizen Certificate came today! We were so excited we had to share! He is one proud pooch!

Added by Christina and Cooper plus Benny on May 24, 2010 at 8:55pm — 16 Comments

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